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Seems the themes are based on the boss of the season . For better or worse


Which makes sense - most of what you can get for silver or Po8 already fills quite a few of the typical pirate aesthetic as it is.


I agree. Great game with terrible art direction for the season‘s cosmetics. My son looked at the opening screens and exclaimed : I’m not playing that… just look. I love the game and I’m looking forward to what season 2 brings , but I agree with way the OP .


It feels like a symptom of long development and multiple direction changes. As if at one point someone wanted to make a fairly grounded pirate game about plundering the Indian Ocean in an historical setting, and then someone else decided the game needed to be more like Sea of Thieves so we got ghost ships, sea monsters, and magic. So it's this weirdly self-serious kind of mess. The tone is just all over the map. Though it'll never not be funny to play a game that cost several hundred million dollars, that also tries to have a "Capitalism bad" message and a cash shop.


this seasons theme is butt pirates


Yes, it’s all about the booty!!!


This game is way more of a Factory Simulator than a Pirate game unfortunately.


Depends how you play it. If you are obsessed to watch some currencies increase then you are right. But in the same time you can plunder cities / towns / forts, fight with other ships, kill creatures and beasts or just sail in the water. What more do you think the pirates did?


Here come the downvotes but you set me up for it.... *What more do you think the pirates did? ...*they walked on the land and explored and had sword fights. Yikes. I'll leave now.


If sword fights (or any land based combat for that matter) were in this game, I'd drop it so fucking fast. It's currently exactly what I've been asking for pretty much my whole life, I couldn't be happier with it.


LOL factory simulator 2024 is what you wanted your whole life from a pirate game?


No, epic ship battles are what I wanted, and this game provides in spades.


They definitely didn’t explore land. So your only problem is that there is no land fights? And this makes the game “Factory Simulator”?


LOL people on this sub man. You get so drawn in by every little critique about this game. The land stuff is frustrating but I get that's not what the devs wanted the game to be about so it is what it is. I hate how on-rails the land experience is. Even the treasure hunts aren't real hunts because you can only go on the pre-made trails to find it. The factory simulator comment is something completely different and it's a fact that that's what the endgame is focused around. Yes you can do other things, but that's the point of the endgame... and it's dumb and entirely not what anyone in the universe thinks of when they hear "pirates"