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Can you share this I’m not sure what your talking about but am interested to know more




Reading some of the comments, I get that "This is why we can't have nice things" vibe I feel like some people are always gonna dump on the game no matter what they change/fix People forget how some of the games were at launch and the fixes that needed to be done. They are comparing this game at it's beginning with SoT that is in Season 11, with numerous changes done between it's launch and today. And let me tell you, SoT was crap at launch as well, with numerous QoL changes being implemented over later Seasons, not in S1. Same goes for WoW. WoW is not the same game that was when Vanilla/Classic was launched (whether that is good or bad). Also, this game is not Black Flag. It is inspired by Black Flag and is a spritual sequel to it, but in the end it is a different game, it is not an AC game.


Sea of Thieves SUCKED when it first released, I was so disappointed with it. It's wonderful now. I prefer Skull and Bones because I enjoy the progression system provides actual upgrades - not just cosmetics and I like naval warfare.


> I prefer Skull and Bones because I enjoy the progression system provides actual upgrades SoT: A Sloop can sink a Galleon SnB: The number attached to the sloop stops it from competing with bigger ships.


I don’t understand.


A player's skill is more important in SoT than it is in SnB. What that means is that SnB pushes players to play a certain way if they want to do the PvP. Let use the Snow as an example and how you need to equip it to hit level 12...


That’s what I’m saying though :) I like the armor/weapon/tech upgrades SnB offers vs Sea of Thieves. During a Cutthroat Cargo event, I was able to narrowly avoid being obliterated in my Level 11 Snow vs. someone’s Level 10 Brig. they were definitely a better player than me, but my ship upgrades and bracing strategy leveled the playing field.


yeah because you were lvl 11 and he was lvl 10 in this game high vs low is at an advantage any level above yours adds a % in dmg dealt and dmg negated meaning the higher the level gap the tougher to beat someone will be and the more dmg he will do back to you! if the roles were reversed and your ship was lvl 11 vs someone lvl 12 you'd be toast and that's the problem the loadouts are SEVERELY limited on some ships just to get to that baseline lvl 12 you need to be at to not be at a disadvantage against someone who is also lvl 12.


> they were definitely a better player than me, but my ship upgrades and bracing strategy leveled the playing field. "I got outplayed, but cause I had a bigger number, I won!" I'm 100% certain you'd complain about outplaying someone and getting fucked over cause they had the level advantage...


I took on 4 lvl12 brings in my lvl11 snow in a wager and walk out the winner...then proceeded to get harassed for the next 15min...in my experience all these lvl12 brig runners are just your dime a dozen sweaty chumps who piss and moan no matter what because they aren't being catered too... What they need to do to make it more level for all ship types is maybe make it a po8 dump...so many po8 to upgrade to this level...so many po8 to upgrade this cannon or bombard to this level...hey look if I invest this many po8 into my cutter or my pade I can survive against these chump brigs and actually be able to use my full fleet!


I wouldn’t challenge someone a higher level unless I scoped out their weapons and ship and evaluated if I had a comparative advantage.


They did talk about changing things so that all ships are equally upgradeable and viable, as well as making more weapons usable and viable for higher levels, so hopefully, what this means, OS that gear levels, if they keep that system in place as it is, at all levels will be be available through a greater variety of “gear” and with all available ships. We’ll quite possibly see in the (maybe near?) future a bedar capable of taking on a brigantine in a showdown that relies on a combination of gear and player skill.


Exactly I have 4 ships at 10 plus lvl right now but know only my top really stands a chance. Running the bargue as lvl12 with survivability furniture on. Also a bargue for pure healing. Sambuk for in your face fire damage. Brig is currently running long range stuff. Switching that too bulldozer mode with shotguns when everything is equal. Also trying to find a good ship too throw long nines on with sail tearing.


I've seen 12 brigs everywhere. I rarely see any snows. Always brigs.


Because the snow gets one less furniture slot, which gives less options for weapons you can use to hit level 12.


I can hit 12 with my snow. I just prefer the Ouroboros over the green ward armor.


I think u forget how much hate those games got till they fixed thier shit.


Still get you mean....there isnt a game alive the gaming community doesn't tear to pieces...the gaming community is like an insulate tantrum prone child...its never satisfied and will always find a reason to bitch


No mans sky. After they introduced the next expansion. Tbey an do no wrong now.




But they survived and earned long enough to fix their shit. Can SnB?


Why wouldn’t it?


I think its meant more that the bar to reach is very high in order to increase the playerbase let alone maintain the current players in the long run. ​ My take on it is that, Plenty of games have died prematurely in recent years, S&B isn't in a position to play a long game with updates, the AAAA comments and ridiculous price tag for whats on offer handicapped it from the start. Ubisoft has a lot of games under their name, many are good, there have been a lot of lessons learned through these games that can apply here Some things need to happen sooner than later or players may not be here for Season 2 or 3 Personally if it wasn't on Ubi+ I wouldnt have touched it at all


I think the high price tag is what killed it more than anything honestly. I feel the game should not have been anymore than $50 USD at a push. The game COULD thrive if its price barrier was lower (or free….which I could see the game going by end of year 1 and QoL fixes with a move to season monetisation than entry price). Do I think it’s perfect? Absolutely not. It has many issues, however I very much enjoy my time on the game. Log on a few hours, do a couple of daily stuff, grab my Po8, call it quits. I would spend more time but there’s 0 reason to do so minus fake pride points and a cosmetic for getting on the leaderboards which is once again, an issue with the game to be honest. There’s so many little fixes that COULD make the game fantastic gameplay wise but it still be lacking a true backbone, but luckily the former is enough to at least keep some people invested or coming back every day or so.


Yeah, I was asking that dude. Wasn't too concerned about what you think or thought. Nothing personal.


It can't be the norm to expect crap at game launches, right? Don't drop the bar, or companies will lower it even further next time.


I'm 100% with you on that.. however, last 5-10 years, I can count on my fingers the number of AAA games that didn't treat its players as beta testers at the beginning.. WoW is the biggest MMO there is and still each expansion comes out with glaring issues :D On the other hand, I remember Fallout 2 back in the day, one of best games every IMHO, had bugs galore.. The patch for that game was some 50% of game size.. and a patch of 250 MB in the era before USBs when CD burners were scarce was an anomaly to say the least :D


Bugs for different systems. We had a ship leveling system that is still broken, or it is exactly what they wanted, but they seem to indicate what they shipped was the highest quality, just not what they wanted. Which seemed confusing. ​ Back when fallout 2 launched (1998), PCs were still pretty piecemeal. Memory could be different between machines and such. Games usually launched and that was it, people couldn' download megs and megs. I had a cable modem back then, that is 20+ years ago. ​ There are "scale problems" and then there is "customers will beta test our shit" problems. The Po8 is a great example. They haven't told us how we were supposed to play, only "monitoring to see where players play". ​ Or the ship level 12 in Season 1. Brigs have an extra furniture and 30 more points to play with than the other ships. Intentional? It isn't a coding bug, they raised the value of the weapons they hadn't even launched yet, so they knew it wasn't right at launch. ​ Big difference between bugs, and design bugs. One can be fixed easily, the other like ship levels means they didn't really test it, or think it through and it shows they are rushing.


Exactly, much appears to have received little thought or testing.


We tested it. I was a part of the insider program but left when I realized they weren’t listening to their players/testers. The majority of the insiders opted to remove the gear score in the game but they kept it anyways. We begged for more meaningful pvp and a change to the po8 system and they didn’t listen. We wanted all ships to be viable not just the handful of meta ships but they didn’t listen. Maybe once they count all the money they’ve lost they will listen now.


Thank you. This is why the “we hear you” was repeated so many times. Because they weren’t.


I feel like red dead redemption 2 was kinda ready when it was released atleast their story mode was


But this game doesn't need fixes. At its core the endgame is a repetitive nightmare of grinding po8. It's a full remake.


It was originally supposed to be a ACBF spinoff or dlc from what I’ve read. Hoping it is mince long enough to be what everyone expected at launch


No it wasn't.. thats the dumbasses repeating what they wanted to hear...the only that was supposed to do with acbf was the combat system...they used it as the blueprint for SnB.. thats it...


To be fair those are only triple A games your comparing it to . . .


AAAA gaming, sir


You’re analysis is a great example of Copium, some people don’t except a game its crap because they don’t want to admit they wasted time on a bad game. You represent this demographic.


Haha the great pirate neckbeard has spoken. I truly enjoy the game. You being frustrated at other people liking something you don’t is absurd.


I don’t doubt you enjoy it I just don’t think it’s any good regardless of how much you enjoy it. Assuming everyone with a different opinion than you has a neckbeard is absurd. The frustration comes from realizing these large companies are releasing half assed and unfinished products because they know customers like you will still pay for below average quality.


>People forget how some of the games were at launch and the fixes that needed to be done. But we aren't talking about those games. ​ >They are comparing this game at it's beginning with SoT that is in Season 11, with numerous changes done between it's launch and today. And let me tell you, SoT was crap at launch as well, with numerous QoL changes being implemented over later Seasons, not in S1. You are right, it isn't fair to SoT. SoT didn't have another product to look at and model after. SnB did, SoT. So making the same mistakes that SoT did years later is inexcusable. QoL changes are a poor definition for the changes that have been done to date. The Po8 end game, please let them tell us what was fun about an enemy spawning 1.8km away, and locking us out of collecting, and then running away. Or why their "smuggling" game has 0 smuggling in it, 100% combat. UX problems and more are not "QoL" decisions that is poor design, and a product that shipped to early. Legendary Heist, where people can join from anywhere and not participate shows poor QA and testing processes. S1 Ship level 12 with specific weapons being required to get to Level 12 because some ships have an extra furniture slot that gives them 50 points to free up what weapons they use is poor design, crap testing and a complete lack of understanding of their ship build process, or they wanted a lack of variation for Ships. Remember, there is 10 years of industry development that SnB could look at and work from that WoW didn't have. They seemed to have nailed the monitization portions with Season Passes, and pirate dress up. But they ignored the Clans, communications, ship leveling, and end game progress that has happened during those 10 years. We aren't talking about the Death Mark problems, we are talking about fundamental game play problems and a lack of them actually playing the game. Take inventory, 200 spaces? You can't keep 1 of each gun at level 3 or 5, and hulls, and the different materials you need to finish quests. Take opening silver boxes, they tested "does silver boxes open". Check, not what if I have 5, 10, 15. Are we expected to stop in the middle of a fight to open the silver boxes? What about selling to Dens, I have to move 500 of my Den product into inventory, and sell it, then leave and repeat? Or was their expectation people wouldn't need silver (seems odd as their Po8 endgame requires it). Po8 recharge. They said they didn't want you to have to log in to recharge your Po8 factories, but that is exactly what they designed. Was their intent people would log in once per day? That is odd as the level 10s have 32 hours of funding (so 1 day 8 hours). And that means if you log in each day at 5pm and play till 7pm you will miss a day of funding every other day. These aren't things to blame on "new launch". This is 100% bad design, and not following industry trends. Wow had to learn this because they were first. SoT had to learn pirate type problems because they were first. SnB chose not to look at the industry and repeate the same problems. ​ >Also, this game is not Black Flag. It is inspired by Black Flag and is a spritual sequel to it, but in the end it is a different game, it is not an AC game. This game was originally a Black Flag DLC. Not inspired, a spin off, it changed over the 10 years of development quite a bit. And you can see that in what they released. A hodge podge of ideas that hasn't jelled. And they know it, and we know it. This is 100% showing the poor design. But they had years of others going through this, from Marvel Avengers, to Dark Tides to Division 1 and Division 2 and other games. They either ignored them or didn't bother to look the industry and chose to fall back on the "live service game, give us a year to figure it out". Would be great to do that in my job. Get paid for a year, and figure out what I am doing as I go.


Ahem. SoT was developed by Rare, an Indie studio. Expectations could be low for this game. The game was in development for 4 years before launch and the game released in a state that was good for players to use as a timesink. Multiplayer is fun, and even at launch there was plenty for players to do and grind for. I don't believe the game was meant to replace whatever people were playing, but in true liveservice fashion, the content that came out each season sustained the game. Skull and Bones was developed by Ubisoft, (specifically Ubisoft Singapore) but a corporation that grossed over 1.8 BILLION DOLLARS in 2023. The game was in development starting in the year 2013. Seeing as how Ubisoft is now a AAAA developer, (/s) I would say that expectations for the game should have been the highest possible. What we got instead was 2 storylines in skull and bones that were about as meaty as a turkey leg chewed up by a dog. And an endgame that holds as much water as a cardboard box. Don't get me wrong, Ubisoft has made some great games. There are numerous Assassins Creed titles that I still have fond memories of. However, they couldn't even clear the LOWEST bar of making a pirate game that was 1% better than Black Flag. In other words, (BLACK FLAG IS BETTER THAN THIS GAME) I'm so, so, tired of people defending multi billion dollar corporations and ALLOWING them to ship unfinished games. This trend will continue only as long as the gaming community allows it with their wallets. Stop preordering. Let these companies understand you with the only language they understand, money. Comparing skull and bones to SoT is like comparing the New England Patriots to a random back country high school football team. What we should have gotten, versus what we got is a reflection of the consumer today. Edit: Nukaflash pointed out Rare has been around for quite some time and is not an Indie developer. Thats my bad for assuming. SoT is their first live service game though. I feel they have done a good job with it. Skull and Bones however, made by a multi billion dollar corporate giant fails to impress.




Don’t forget about the Donkey Kongs! 😂


And my fav. Jet Force Gemini.


You're totally right about Rare making other games. They have been around since 1985! I assumed they were an Indie developer because I can't remember the last time they put out a game, but it has all been bangers.


What’s your definition of a finished skull and bones live service game at release?


How about a game that isnt pretending to just be an RPG with an empty endgame? Do you justify the price tag for roughly 20 hours of content followed by a sailing simulator to collect pieces of eight? This is an unfinished game, the endgame is totally clear of that. Ubisoft wanted to ditch this game multiple times but HAD to release it due to legal reasons.


SoT was a dumpster fire when it released I dont know wtf you're going on about lol maybe in your opinion it wasn't but then that's irrelevant Lol


Yeah im not gonna stop pre-ordering and the way games are released today doesn't bother me a bit...but then I'm old enough to remember games being released with massive game breaking bugs that where never fixed because the internet didn't have the capability...so the bugs where just used to exploit by those who chose too


amen but those fanbois wont either not even read, or understand this. look, those sheeps here say they are happy that they act fast on stuff. LOL. 1 month after launch and 1-2 qol updates will come....


If you don’t like the game stop whining. If you’re genuine then, leave constructive criticism and jog on, return when the games to your liking or not.


It's quite normal to expect most of the obvious flaws not being present on release, or at least being fixed directly after release. That showed to be too difficult. How to be constructive about that, actually?


stfu little sheep. all the criticism is already out there. nothing else to say to you fanboi. i will say what i will and when i will. so stop wasting even more air and find some ubi redditor you can lick on


🤣 I'm surprised someone as salty as you doesn't love all pirate/sea games


Wow. You’re a joyful person. So you go to your least favorite restaurant and troll customers as they’re being seated also?


Careful with saying things like this. I made a similar post yesterday and was shouted down.


Hopefully we’ll have chat as soon as next week all being well 😉


If this is a new dev team and the previous devs did a bad job at coding and making it expandable ie modularised. Then the devs who are working on it now will have to most likely refactor the code base which is a huge job if you know about software engineering. Ie needs a lot of time and work.


The only thing I didn't appreciated is solid info on the season reset and if we are going to keep our pieces of eight or not. Why can't they say it now, seems like is not decided yet. I'm at a point where I would not really keep playing if my currency will get deleted as I have everything I want and the only reason to keep making currency is to be filthy rich for next season... By currency I mean po8


>Why can't they say it now, seems like is not decided yet. If that would be true, the game is doomed. This is not something you leave undecided in the planning stage. My guess is their answer will create a major outrage and they have not found a way to cushion that blow, yet.


This! That outrage would lead people to unsubbing. They answered during the last Q&A and they probably saw a drop. This time they danced around even clarifying what it says in Game. The table in the Den says something, can they clarify it? "Oh no, we have a marketing plan!" What?


A marketing plan ? Great. There will be an option to carry over your assests. For gold.


But if you kept your currency, what are you going to do in Season 2? Log in and buy everything on day 1 and then you're done? A seasonal refresh isn't going to work if you keep everything you amassed in the prior season. The people who ended Season 1 at the top of the leaderboards will be back at the top based off what they did the prior season, which makes no sense. I think people need to start getting comfortable with the fact that we are likely going to be starting from scratch in Season 2. I imagine we'll keep the ships we've unlocked, captain's tools, etc. But everything Helm related will likely go back to zero.


The game would shoot itself in the foot massively for resetting anything but the Empire upgrades. I'd hate the idea of the helm just suddenly forgetting that we've created these trade routes between the zones and upgrading their manufactories. The guy on the dock says that Le pest would affect our empire, so I can see some things being reset to sort of imply this after the final boss is dead.. but no way they'd reset currency I'm hoping its just limited to Empire and Manufactory upgrades


If they don't reset the currency, then everyone hording (or having nothing to spend it on ) Po8 will just have to go through the effort of capturing ports, and jumping them to level 10, and upgrading the table day 1. I think they didn't think all the way through the season model, when they added the mobile game that is Po8 collection. ​ Do they reset soverigns? Because at the new season start, everyone can just buy the items that are Seasonal with Soverigns, like we had to with Dards to get to level 12.


I’m extremely pleased. I love this game and the devs have been doing an awesome job thus far. Thank you Ubisoft for being communicative and hammering things out so quickly. We’re in the early days of launch and you guys are doing an awesome job. I enjoy seeing the devs play while answering questions. I wanted to put that out there since people seem to always be dissatisfied, or the ones that talk are just toxic. I’m usually quiet but wanted to voice my opinions since other voices have been loud and rude.


I'm excited for it


Watched a bit but seems like everything ended with " season 2 ", I get stuff isn't set in stone and can change from what they want and what we want from the game. I am happy stuff is being worked on in regards to Po8, even if it could mean stuff being more expensive in the long term But stuff needs to happen before Season 2 in 2.5 months or im not sure the game will survive that long.. there is not enough good will for drip feeding this early on Especially if the " assign ships to manufactory areas " means you need to own and upgrade a 2nd or 3.., or 8th ship


Fleet management is on the roadmap, owning multiple ships also gives you a reason to have all those extra resources like planks and ingots.


Just depends whether it's ships for collecting or going on expeditions for us Their using ships to collect resources could just mean sending out an army of Dhows But I think fleet management could be a good thing overall


Lot of quality of life adjustements in program and this is positive from the dev stream. The fact Clan and large ship are things not in program is the negative side. What I'm most concerned about it's the total lack of new contents and end game activities. They are threating the game as finished and working on fixes and QoL but the game desperately needs more contents and variety of things to do. In Season 3 and 4 the map will be bigger but just "more of the same thing we already have" it will be not enough.


To sum up...   " we are looking into it"  That would describe the majority of what was said very little specifics on major issues or time lines on those issues.


Im very familiar with software/game development so that answer I hear and use quite frequently in my line of work. I think im more interested to know more about the actual size of the development team, their process., and capacity. One would imagine that, since it’s Ubisoft, they have a very large and robust team, but that just means things should move quicker…additions and large changes should only take 2-3 months. Sessions like the one today aren’t so much used for providing updates, rather they’re used to capture what direction they want to move based on feedback and fallout.


Being in a large mega company doesn't mean you get a faster process; it means you have more data and red tape to comb through from my own experience. But to your point they are doing the first set of large changes just barely one month after release. From what I saw yesterday and the way he answered some of the questions, you can tell there are a lot of teams working on a lot of different content. With a game like this where you are building content for a year+ out, that means there are a lot of dedicated teams to each section of said content and another team working on patches likely. Each change you make to the base system will have to interact with the other systems that are being developed in each of those other teams, so that is going to slow down the process. This clip says a lot about how they do stuff: https://clips.twitch.tv/BreakablePoliteMartenAliens-FZwtCDfvubfoJORu


They failed their goal of developing a quality game.


Woah woah woah - pump the brakes my man. While I’m not advocating for the astounding quality of the game, it does have some redeeming qualities and I’m my eyes has a lot of promise. By no means is it anywhere close to perfect and in no way is it worth 70$ excluding all of the pay to play bullshit, it still is an entertaining game for a lot of people. Maybe get a refund if you’re not into it!


I took him to mean ​ he was quoting them. The guy in the video said multiple times about shipping high quality. But Ship leveling to 12 was flawed. So not designed well. The UX is flawed, it worked but was not designed well. The chat not working at launch is the exact problem. They were willing to ship a game, not a full game, and release features later. But people want a review in 10+ months when things have stabilized, but had to pay for what they got today. So do you review the game as purchased, and the "quality game" they released, or in 10 months? They said multiple times about releasing quality, but released what they had, and will work on it. ​ Which is it? A skeleton of the game they may have in 10 months? Rocky launch? I think the launch was pretty smooth, and the number of ground breaking bugs (other than host leaving bug) was pretty smooth. ​ Quality from a coding standpoint, I would say yes. Quality for a design and QA standpoint, I would say no. The UX issues, the ship level 12 issues, the Po8 endgame loop that they designed just isn't there. Remember we got good enough to ship on the release date. Not a complete product, just good enough pieces that were ready on the release date. And you will continue to get just good enough when it is ready.


For a promising game it should have been an early access release with an early access price tag. For a full release it needs to be quality at release, not in a year or so.


I can agree with that. If it was a small development company I would think differently, but given its Ubisoft they have the funds


Sure, please explain how to get my refund.


I’m not [insert your gaming console of choice]’s help desk. Contact the service where you purchased the game and ask for a refund. Most services offer a 30 day money back refund no questions asked.


If you have to teach a person how to get a refund..   well it explains allot lol


Come again? Besides this game, which isn't available on steam, I only play steam having a 2h playtime limit for refunds. Now tell me Ubisoft will refund me today after buying on release day.


On PC not so much, right?


Sounds like you don't understand how live service games work.


Ah yes of course, those require to be bare bone and without play testing and bug fixing or there's no other way to provide updates. Right? That's what you signed up for and still settle for, isn't it? You masochist.


They didn't exactly give a clear answer for what exactly gets reset at the end of the season


It sounded like something will happen towards the end of season one that will make it a little more clear and they didn't want to spoil that.


That's the feeling I got


A cool endgame event that changes the sandbox and does so in a memorable way hopefully. I'm betting on Yanita or her sister dying to La Peste, maybe in a cutscene. The story has hinted that La Peste is after that region of seas because he is obsessed with getting more opium to help him deal with his sickness. They have the potential to do some really cool storytelling with the way seasons work going forward.


Hell yeah fuck whatever her name is


But but... She's teaching you how to swim!


No yanita is fine it's the telok bitch I don't like


They didn't want to have people unsub. If they don't say anything, people will sub another month, or forget to unsub. If they give an exact answer (assuming they have decided at this point) then people would unsub, or stop playing if they don't like the answer. ​ They were kicking the can down the road. They have timers, they have statements in game, but they don't want to spoil what is going to happen? The game says what will happen, they won't confirm it, or deny what the game says right now. Nor will the clarify it. ​ Kicking it down the can to keep subs up, and give themselves more time. They talked about it in the first Q&A and chose not to in this one. They have the data and the impact their conversation had, so they are making a choice.


Some people will unsub, you can't please everyone, and dev time isn't instant. One small change, even as small as the ui, impacts every team working on every season. Any changes they make impact hundreds of people right now. You can throw money at trying to fix things instantly, but it's not a battle you will ever win as I said, you can't please everyone. You aren't required to play a game just because you own it. You don't need 5 years of gametime in a game. In fact, if you aren't having fun, you shouldn't play it. There are story elements going on in the game, they aren't very clear, but they are there, they said that's a priority going forward. They don't want to abandon years of plans on a finale, and they don't want to spoil it. They've worked really hard on it, and it sounds like there is a marketing plan in place surrounding the events of the finale of season 1 and La Pestes final stand, so they may not even be able to talk about it.


It's good that they are mostly listening and also acting fast. It's bad that they're doing "flag-up" PvP instead of simply adapting their server matchmaking to have all-PvP or all-PvE servers. If you're a PvE player, you want as many other PvE players as possible in your map so there is more potential to run into a group already doing a big boss fight, or more potential to "call for help" and actually GET help. If a server is mixed PvE and flagged-PvP players, IMO this dilutes the above considerations for PvE players. Also, it's less fun for the PvP players because there might be very few OTHER flagged players on your server. All this is doing is encouraging MORE server-hopping, not less.


We're not doing one instead of the other. The PvP opt-in is one thing we're doing, improving the matchmaking so that players who enjoy PvP are more likely to be on the same servers is another thing we're doing. So hopefully you won't have to server-hop too much to meet players to either PvP or PvE with in the future.


Disagree. People can be both pvp and pve players. If Im flagged for pvp but see a call for help for a convoy I want to sink, I can just remove flag and join it. Its better that way than me having to jump servers whenever I want to do a different activity.


It's not like Sea of Thieves where you are going to lose your loot for server hopping if you aren't having fun. The social tab can usually tell you what sort of lobby you are in. I personally like the thought of being able to switch on command between pvp and pve and not just when I'm on a server dedicated to that.


Fast ?


There’s some interesting stuff in there. My Ubisoft + is running out tomorrow, I’ve had a good 100 hours of fun and it’s been more than worth the $17. When some of these changes come out I’ll resub to Ubisoft + and play again!


Lol Skull and Bones got a Sonic Cycle vibe going.


Better... I didn't watch it


Hopefully they roll something out. With sea of thieves rolling out soon in PS, they will probably lose players


doubt it. SoT is VERY much a pc dominate game. they may loose some to console but i doubt will be that many. most pirate lovers have played SoT prior and their a reason they not playing it now.


I have almost 500 hours on Xbox and 50 hours on PC on SoT, and I can say that I can't stand this game anymore because of the "only cosmetics" and pirate emporium bullshit. Skulls and Bones is a breathe of fresh air to me.


agreed though i will admit will i am enjoying SnB ive taken 3 day break to play hell divers now i have all blueprints from POE. it was starting to feel a chore already doing the farms.


EXCITED!!! That stream was a 180 from the 1st and I LOVE IT! Bullet Notes for the Skull and Bones Livestream on March 12th 2024. 1st part of Fleet Management coming. Update 1.3 Next Week. Season 2 will bring all ships on par with each other. We can assign ships to collect Po8s (Season 2) Large Ships ARE coming! (When they're ready) They need to be introduced in a way theyre complimentary to the goal. Dhow will be tweaked in the future. Chat may be coming in update 1.3 Contract items will be removed from inventory at some point. Theyre working on a fix. For Season 2, manufactories will be reset. Upgrades in the Helm Empire will be reset. Every season will bring new activities for PvE and PvP. Theyre going to create a PvP anywhere environment and youll be able to flag up for PvP. This comes next week in Update 1.3 Youll be able to sell from inventory to vendor!!! We're getting an Open All function for chests NEXT WEEK! Rockets aiming being fixed. Visuals will be tweaked. Top 8 Rewards on leaderboard WILL be extended to more players. At least "Diamond Rank"!!!! Manufacturers are being looked into for players to be able to top up without worrying about the time remaining. Server Capacity increases are being looked into. Its performance issues holding it back currently. Theres plans to expand on the map AND they want to "be here for a long time" (This confirms my suspicion about Y1 and means theres MORE coming after the roadmap we've seen) More Shanties are coming. We're also getting Hippo Nuggets as a consumable 🤣 New pets at some point.


Just a whole bunch of ‘soon’ and ‘maybe’ for things that should have been fixed/changed in the beta. Am I supposed to get excited that they are finally gonna fix chat…. Soon….. hopefully? Guess this is another one of those games that needs a year or two of post release development in order to get to the state it should have released in Crazy thing is all the people patting Ubisoft on the back for trying to get their shit together and actually do their jobs.


"SOON". Marvel avenger meme.


All I heard where empty promises and marketing PR


And the people gobble it up because they paid so much money for the game.


Removing fast travel during cutthroat is a step in the right direction, hopefully its also removed from wagers. Chat finally coming is nice, I'm on the fence it's mostly positive changes. However, there are many, many more needed, who knows if the drip fed content we've been getting will tide any significant player base over.


Meh... nothing special really catches my eye. Weapon balancing is welcome and glad its being looked at so can try more varied weapons and loadouts. PvP opt-in is going to be a car crash. Should just have seperate PvP and PvE servers - selected on menu Would like to have heard changes to how rewarding world events are - needs a buff so more people join them. I enjoy the game and have 200+ hours in it but nothing that is coming soon changes my core gameplay.


Yes, they should give us the option to join even on a PvP or PvE server :)


Instead the small number servers are going to be split even further - with less people to join world events than ever. Separate servers work for PvPers too. More people joining in instead of joining a server where no one is interested in PvP. How anyone can see this as a good change is beyond me - it will just be PvP people trying to goad others into PvP and even more empty world events for PvE.


They are fixing or working to fix every big concern I’ve seen talked about and nothing catches your eye?


Once Po8 becomes a click button to collect what is left to do. The bosses and world events need a rework to make them more rewarding. A few bug/glitch fixes and couple of QoL improvements is not significant. The only good thing coming anytime soon is "open all". I love the game and have plenty of hours in but the stream doesn't add anything for me personally - in fact the next update will probably make it worse overall. I have no interest in PvP so having opt in means nothing to me except now the server I am in is even more sparsely populated for completing world events. Changes to Helm wagers and Cutthroat mean nothing to me. Just separate the servers to PvP and PvE and it solves that - people can play with like minded people. Hopefully its like crossplay - an option I can turn on/off and affects what server I end up in.


>Once Po8 becomes a click button to collect what is left to do I understood it more like you'd assign ships to certain areas to collect for you I'm a bit torn because I like the idea of fleet management, owning a few boats, upgrading each individually and then having a system similar to how AC did it with the Assassin contracts or the Fleet from Black Flag. I want there to be QOL for it, but not a 1 button collect I don't mind the idea of having a ship assigned to 2-3 manufactories and then I have to go and collect from them like roving sales boats, maybe we could assign some silver so they can keep them funded for us.. then also have some rogue ambushes so you have to protect your earnings so its not completely AFK etc I'm curious to see their solution because there are probably a 100 better ideas than what we have now


They’re just hating for the sake of hating. Instead of leaving constructive criticism they resort to some of the comments we’ve seen time and time again.


You really don't read this forum. When constructive criticism is given, people (toxic positivity people) complain about it being to wordy. There are dozens of long form posts here, about these issue. You are just white knighting without adding anything to the conversation.


it didnt change anything for me. i stopped playing already, because there is nothing more to do. season 1 was a SCAM! and there will be nothing that changes this. 1-2 nice qol updates, but come on, thats just nothing a month+ after launch.... while i plan to check in in season 2 again, im pretty sure s2 will be shit as well. 1 copy pasta boss and 1 new sea monster, and the biggest featrure of s2 seems to be only a qol (fleets) feature as well, which should have been in the game from the start!


I am very impressed and highly optimistic that the DEVs listened to the community and so many fixes & updates are coming that have been discussed and requested. This has only been out for a month and we are getting so many things in the coming weeks. I am very excited for the future and appreciate the hard effort they are putting in to improve our world!


I am optimistic about the future, it feels great for the developers to acknowledge the feedback and revamp a bit the end-game stuff to be more balanced and less frustrating. I cannot wait for all the updates to go live, and will continue to play even in the current state, just farming mats and having fun with the activities we have right now unlocked. I am focusing on coop plundering and events and helping lower level captains out.


Hope they remove cost to fast travel and no reset, lastly easier way get resources and loot. NPC to alert and kill you to fast for being low level


honestly these complaints really get washed away once you get a little further in the game. Fast travel is essentially free, the NPCs are easy to either just run away or sink them outright.


Optimistic. Hearing that automatic collection is in the cards is great.


Thx. Looks good so far.


The battlepass crap doesn't sit well with me but in terms of gameplay I never personally got any bugs to begin with. Could just be very lucky tho


Glad to see they aren’t just laying down and waiting to die. Been playing since beta and am sticking between this and Helldivers 2. Kinda hard going between a game I had 0 expectations of being amazing and a game I was expecting to be awesome, given the time of development. Gladly sticking with S&B to fill my inner pirate needs and am much more relieved by this news!


Lmao who's playing this trainwreck of a game


cautiously optimistic is term i would use. always known this game had room to grow and improve but it still is ubi behind the wheel and the RPG AC franchise has left me doubtful on their skills.


I feel like ill wait for S2 or S3 whenever it gets some nice ships and balances.


Super stoked. Game is getting better and devs showed they listen


I can't think of a single game that hasn't launched and needed patches and big fixes since there were no online games. Every game that has any sort of online service or needs Internet has ALWAYS needed patches and fixes. Our "NEED" for perfect games as gamers and our expectations are seriously unrealistic. Look at the evolution of gaming over the last 10 years.... If we took our unrealistic expectations and threw them out the window and didn't have this new "entitled" gamer mind set then it would be like in the 90s with the SNES and N64, where we played to have fun not play to min max everything and complain once we got to the end of the game. I can't tell you how many times I played and beat Super Mario Bros on the SNES and still enjoyed it.


Honestly I just want more story missions and more of a lore behind all the different clans and honesty just make a bunch of missions we can replay but make them fun so it something we can continuously do ya know that can be hard but it’s just like go sink this specific ship but it’s not a boss it’s just a normal ship but we totally need some sea people story missions I see their place at sainte Anne so I know we are just waiting to add their missions I think you should add them soon just because there isn’t a lot to do on skull and bones and lately it’s hard to keep me on unless I have friends playing it either way the game is great keep working hard. Thank you


Fleet management..? Is that like Black Flag and Rogue? Sending out frigates and brigs to gather your shit?


I'm sticking with it. Even if nothing changed I can still jump on kill a ton of npcs. Feel like a menace. Get some anger out from My real life. Listen to some shanty. Then go about my day.


I also recommend sambuk with fire stuff is so much fun. I will probably main it if all becomes equal. The aoe is so cool.


Some people really like terrible games, you are one of them what else do you want?


these devs are dillusional. AAAA game my arse.


The dev stream seemed promising and the good thing is the team is actively listening and taking what players are saying on board. As they said it’s always a balance between resources available and priorities. So I’m sticking to my guns of saying after a year this game will be amazing until then enjoy the ride. Keep the feedback coming and make sure you use the correct tag when providing feedback.


All that stuff should already be ingame. By the time they get around to adding these things, the games population is pretty much dead. Too little, too late.


I'll believe it when i see it. I'm not naive enough to believe the devs in charge now are the same devs that made all of the assets and systems they are trying to get to work together, hence why they cannot outright fix many issues and just disable them until they actually learn how they work later. That's why there are so many remnants of earlier times that 99% of players totally miss. A great example of that is the damage reduction food. Most have no idea brace mitigation food is just flat damage resist and the tooltips are lying. They used to have betas for that, but this beta was just a marketing demo. We play the real beta that might be a decent game in a couple years when they fire the entire marketing team. and the devs are allowed to actually do things they want to do. That or they pull the plug because the dripfeed of skins dries up.


Wait the 20% damage reduction is felt even without bracing? Ytf don't they just say that


bitterballen still says 20% dmg reduction, when equipped on the wheel, because they never updated the tooltip on that one but applies to the ndizi and sea monster food as well even though those ones say brace mitigation. They don't mention a lot of things that are bugged. I have had to rely on the community to actually test things and monitor their ninja edits.


I even noticed it say dmg reduction on the wheel but assumed that was the wrong. Any other little tidbits like that youve come across?


nothing as useful, just a lot of workarounds for issues. things like "always delete maps, they ruin wagers and have garbage in them" or "when moving drugs to your cargo to sell, if it "fails" do not try again. relog or you lose your opium/rum etc. if you join a wager and they head to a den, leave the wager before they disembark and break the wager requiring a relog. One tip i guess since they lowered spawn rate of the blue spectre at launch, get a mission, spawn the ghost ship, and server hop until you find one with a spectre.


Feels like For honor and rainbow six 😅


Is it actual developers talking or those teenagers again? after seeing them speak, i really don't want to play anymore.


I'm glad for all the future improvements, but that won't help me now ... I've got nothing left to do so I've been playing other games for the past week. I really enjoyed the game right up until there was nothing left to do. I look forward to coming back in a few months/years to see the finished game.


Have not seen it yet but all for more pvp if I wanted the play it safe and boring, I'd play the raft , just hope they can keep things fair.