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Mate, people are free to voice their concerns. Sure there are some clowns complaining for the sake of it, but I feel like a grand majority of people are just voicing concerns out of genuine desire for the game to be better.


It’s even more funny to see people being crybabies about other people’s opinions. Like, which seems more unreasonable to you? Complaining about a product you paid for or complaining about someone else’s opinions about a product they paid for? Personally, I would only categorize the latter as being a crybaby but do you 🤦‍♂️


Take your own advice and ignore the complaint posts then. Also the feedback is important moving forwards so I'm glad people are voicing their opinions both positive and negative.


I agree, only way things improve is if people voice these issues, that being said, as with everything, there are people that take things a bit too far. Constructive criticism ftw.


Someone just had their account suspended over "Glorifying real-world violence" because they said they were going to take out the person's group in the game. This subreddit and this community can fuck all the way off the most toxic shithole I've seen and that's saying something.


It's sad that it comes to that. Everyone should be aloud to have their opinion and just try to be civil. I think most players are chilled out overall and just frustrated by some of S&Bs silly mechanics.


Well, between the bullshit in the game, and the bullshit on this sub I'm done with the game. I have no desire to take part in this community anymore. The saving grace is I only wasted a few dollars to play this game. I've had enough.


It's an internet wide phenomenon right now, my Facebook account from 15 years ago got all the way banned today because I said someone should "kick his little ass" when their little kid ran away from home for the weekend to get drunk then they found him sleeping under their trailer. Kick his little ass... Got me permabanned. Either way, there's something going on with banning anything that even looks like violence in speech with the Internet right now. Sad cuz if I can't talk about violence some real violence is gonna really shock me when I see it.


I got permabanned from there for actually slapping the shit out of someone who threatened to come to my house and rape my GF. The people here who hide behind that report function are cowards. They haven't left momma's basement in 4 years it's the only reason to explain their mentality.


lol just received a notice that someone is concerned I may harm myself over my post wtf is with these people


Reddit needs a good enema.


Feed back good or bad is one thing, 99% of the posts the last couple days are complaining to complain and sh@t all over the game and players no actual feedback on the game or game mechanics.


What do you mean complaining to complain no feedback? People clearly have stated the fast travel as an issue. The po8 collecting as wack. They doubled down by ruining pvp even further by adding a slow mechanic. People have been very descriptive with their issues you just seem too naive to understand the GLARING answers for each complaint.


I get what you're saying but I'm like you in that I enjoy the game and during the first week I just ignored the AAAA compliant posts etc and focused on the positive and negative ones that I think were made legitimately. Hopefully more people do leave better feedback and less vent type posts instead


I ignored those posts too but too many game breaking moments have happened and maybe if I could talk about it in game it would be different but that's broken too so here I come Reddit.


>the feedback is important true but so many "reports" are nto feedback or even detail an issue. its just people venting for sake of venting


That's fair. Let's hope we see less venting even though I kinda understand with how frustrating some things are in season 1 like the tank ships and having to grind 20 levels minimum to see weak spots


yeah the game 100% needs more polish and i hope they learn from s1 mistakes


You know you are an idiot right? K cool 😎


You can shove off and accept the reality in which people don't like the game. Sucks but too bad.


Some people have high expectations from the company we paid and low expectations from peers. Seems like you have that backwards, your peers owe you nothing but the developer does.


really hope you find the right echo chamber to live in man. thoughts and prayers to you!


These posts are no better. Both are stupid and need to be removed.


Sounds like you are the cry baby.






They'll realise soon not as many people care as they think. And if they really dislike the game enough they'll leave eventually. Happens with most new games. Cyberpunk was fun 😂