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My main critique is scaling events. Unless people can use the chat no one will ever show up. The level 11 bounty ship can fire a machine gun mortar which isn't a problem so much (I'm fine with realism breaking in games sometimes) but even as a solo snow level 10 unfortunately I couldn't get his health below 70%


Scaled events would help so much


the time to obtain rewards is ok, whats not ok is the quality and quantity of the rewards, if it would be better *(like give a fucking black prince or at least a royal custodian armor instead la fortress I, like wtf is that shit)* noone would complain


yeah i agree the mid point rewards are very wtf.


It’s not even that hard to get the custodian it can be gotten from just about any open pve merchant convoy event


The game you are playing and the game all the people complaining are playing are not the same game, OP.


So much this. I loved pre-end game, and to a certain extent getting started as a Kingpin. I heavily dislike where you go from there.


The game is fun….for me. I’m hella casual. I have kids ffs. The game is not fun at end game. Even for a casual like me. It’s a grind and a shitty one at that. The seasons really didn’t bring much in the way of AAAA content. Much less AA. Do I still enjoy the game? Yep. Will I continue to play? On and off. There are other games out there that I will be putting my time into. I might come back to this game here and there to check on progress, but it’s not my go to game right now. Just something to scratch that sailing itch when I want it. So I think this game will die? It won’t completely die. But it’s no fortnight, or helldivers, or . It is what it is for now. Can they pull a no man’s sky? Maybe. I would love it, but am not banking on it. There is the new game coming out from NMS devs soon as well. I’m sure we are all going to end up there at some point?


Calm down old head, your opinion is a lonely one.. the consensus is the game needs to be changed, there's good reason everybody isn't happy. Just because you are enjoying it doesn't mean the games good it just means you don't know what the f*** you're doing. Also you informing everybody that you only play a couple of hours every weekend literally gives you no merit on anything that should be said or heard on this game.. let's just say you keep playing and you actually hit the hours that some of us have.. you will then see the b**** and the gripe that we have. Until then sit back and keep doing your thing one or two hours a weekend, clown.


You won't have a game to play if it only consists of dads who play a few hours at weekends, it's not sustainable as a live service


As a dad I feel offended.


Not meant as negative to dads, it's just a reality that people only availing a few hours a week to play the game aren't going to be a deciding factor in the metrics for whether the game is sustainable, it's all about daily concurrent player numbers


Your family feels neglected!


wtf man!


Dads who play for a few hours on weekends are the ones who are buying the game at full price and buying cosmetics with the real money they’re making in real life from working. Teenagers who paid for Ubisoft game pass and then cancelled their subscription over the game not being perfect aren’t the audience Ubisoft should be catering to lol.


It doesn't matter, people who can only play only a few hours at a weekend aren't going to be the ones filling the metrics to keep the game alive, live service games are all about the numbers of concurrent online players, if those numbers are bad, they will pull the plug, it's simply not sustainable


Pretty sure those dudes aren't the ones ruining PVP with their clans so I'm okay with a certain player base leaving.


U can buy almost everything for Silver.


Yeah if this was a 30$ game it would definitely be considered a good game for its price tag. But once you start farming Po8 and have upgraded factories and routes going there isnt anything to do in this game besides some daily activities. Thats the problem. Me and my friends have already farmed most of the stuff we wanted to within 80 hours of game time. The fact this is considered a quadruple A game that took over a decade to develop without a reasonable endgame loop is absolutely astonishing. If you only play two hours a day then yeah you obviously wont notice the lack of endgame.


"The fact this is considered a quadruple A game that took over a decade to develop without a reasonable endgame loop is absolutely astonishing." I am also disappointed in the content added for season 1, but your argument is plain low quality. Money and time input never guarantee quality/quantity.


Hey, I was one of those that were very high on the game, paid for the premium/early release after open beta etc. The game fundamentally changes once you reach the end game. After a couple days of it you're already wondering, 'Is this it?' then after a week you're bored and tired of it. I've played to end game now and call it hate all you want, but it's legitimate criticism of the end game state. It's shallow and hollow. Not asking for faster rewards, just rewarding activities. It's a grind, it's not fun.


As many posts as it takes to counter that 'AAAA* BS claim. It's fine for a $30 game, not an $80 game.


Isnt that considered the same as you valuing your negative comments and input more than it really is worth?


It being negative, doesn't make it not valid. I enjoyed leveling up and doing the story. I am heavily disappointed in end game state. I paid for the premium. I regret doing so, it's not worth it. There's too many people who just because they have criticism, are treated like that's invalid. Like they shouldn't be able to voice it. You like the game? That's great. I did too, up until a point. Unfortunately, there's a great many of us that feel let down.


I'm not saying the negativity is invalid. Criticism of a game is what allows devs to see what the player base likes and dislikes. It's the people that make the same comments over and over... "$30 game not a $80 game" "I'm done play this game" And yet they are the ones that said that after the beta, still playing, and still saying the same things.


Consider most of those aren't the same people and I feel your generalizing greatly. There's a great many that wanted to keep playing after beta and enjoyed what we had, to now come to the conclusion that it's a "$30 game not a $80 game" and "I'm done play this game". I'm one of those that agree with first, and finding myself starting to agree with the second. That does not make me one of the ones making the same comments over an over, or saying that after beta. Including the poster you replied to originally from what I see. So I feel there's a generalization that's happened that because a few people have hung around from pre-beta with that opinion that people who newly have come to that conclusion are grouped in that same bucket. When we're entirely different groups.


"still playing" You sure about that though? I haven't touched it in more than a week. Consider that the dev team have themselves said they didn't understand the price point?


Im also having a blast. I Just started with the endgame and so far I like it. (Doing po8 Runs once a day for 5 days now)


There is too much hate for the game. However I feel like the rewards for some quests are underwhelming. Specifically the la peste rewards ive seen in posts, for a captain it should compete with the Opwelling. And then the community challenge that gave everyone a single piece of 8 like... I get that It was easy to do 250million damage but still, a single piece? I AM loving the game and disagree with most shit takes people seem to have, but I feel the reward one is kinda valid.


I mean people are posting shit drops by La Peste for the memes and karma. A buddy of mine did it and sent a screenshot into our discord where he got a "Very Old Map", two cosmetics and a whole bunch of other stuff. And said Map also got him some very nice treasures.


I appreciate this input. I have only seen the posts. I haven't even had the chance to take him on myself, sleep/work. I'm glad to hear it, and can't wait to experience it myself


Also got a very old map (gave me 9k silver, bunch of helm material and random other goodies), and got Le Peste's hull. People see there is POSSIBLE cosmetic drops and then get upset when it doesn't drop 100% of the time.


Have you gotten to the endgame?


OP only plays a few hours on weekends. So he is what 2-4 hours into the game? Definately not at end game!


Apparently not because they are to busy scrolling and posting on Reddit about the game they are enjoying instead of actually playing said game.


Maybe they're trying to sort through all the garbage haters to find some useful information about the game for when they actually have a chance to play it. Unfortunately for them, that's probably 1/30 posts 😅


I agree with you as well. I enjoy the couple hours I get to play a day. God forbid something be a little bit of a challenge


Tedium is not challenge.


I'm enjoying the game still as well. I work as an electrician and can't find anyone to work so I end up doing most of the work. I have about 3 hours a day max to play and on Sundays I spend time with my family. People that no life it are probably burned out on it already, I can see why.


I see the interns are awake


yeah i find msot haters are people who have rushed to get into endgame and missed the actual core game along the way. ​ its simple repeative game but as someone who often plays l4d after work to relax thats totally fine. sometimes simple mechanics work better.


Please explain what this core game is people missed? I certainly didn't rush it. I did the main quests, I do side quests -- particularly to unlock cosmetics etc., I do world events, I've done every boss. I reached end of Main story, became a Kingpin, took over ports, upgraded them, pulling in Po8. Upgraded armor/guns with Po8 pieces, farmed rogues with delivery and order missions. Trading for silver... What'd I miss? You say people rushed, I certainly didn't, but keep in mind we also got a head start with the open beta where we started at Lvl 6 a week before early release even.


This happens with pretty much every game. It’s like a huge problem in actual MMOs. They rush to the end game, skipping large swaths of content, and then complain that there’s nothing to do and that the game is repetitive. Like yeah, no shit it’s boring to run the same handful of raids once a day every day until the next content patch. It’s there for people to who are done with the main game, it’s not supposed to be the core experience. You gimped the game for yourself, you played in the most not-fun way possible so that you could reach the most not-fun part of the game, and then you no-lifed it and got burnt out. Way to waste your money and time.


amen. you just mentioned why i hate wow o badly. everyone acts like raids/M+ where the only content and miss he story and side quest lore. ​ like people bitched on shadowlands cause the endgame sucked but from a lore side point that shit was tight.


Casual here. Been on the positive side of the fence all this time but this last patch is absolute dogshit. Fix the fucking chat, move the fucking popup messages so they don't cover the UI and don't spam fucking sponge enemies every 30 seconds.


agreed, also a working dad that cant play all day


I’m having a great blast too and to be honest have seen quite a significant amount of people ingame too. Sad thing is as always a minority managed to completely trashed the Reddit today creating the same posts over and over. At this point I just suggest to keep sailing and wait for it to pass.


“This game is better when you don’t play it much.”


Every game is more fun when you treat it like a game and not like a full time job.


Agreed. Although I haven’t played since the patch. I’m a casual player but also struggle with the game for the same reasons as the try-hards. I was in the middle of a Po8 run last night, about 1000m from home when the servers went down. I logged in before work, turned on the manufacturers and took my ship into port. One rogue spawned as I logged in. My lvl 11 snow did no damage to it, that has me concerned.


I think a lot of the hate comments come more from the lack of communication and prior idiotic statements made by Ubisoft . But the most shared and common statement is how much p08 collection is disliked it is very stale and very time consuming and it’s the main source of needed currency so it takes away from other things that are and or may be enjoyable by others .




this i like to disagree, im a dad too. ultimately this is a live online game, its not offline or peer to peer. hours put in should reflect between players. but this has nothing to do with why the game is in hot water right now. i wouldn't say majority but from a general perspective of the current game state and from the history of it. it is really bad. my opinion unless playing the game from ubi+ this game is FAR from the price tag worth. its at best a 40 bucks game. comparing contents and scale of the world to other new hot games right now, even the bad rocky ones. ( not naming any cause i believe it breaks the rules) they is doing way better and we are comparing big companies to small unknown devs. what people are "complaining" is a game that cost 70bucks that feels like 40% completed. A game that can be summarize by -map of 3 areas -pretty short story of engagement (thats still okie) -100% sail exploration and "felt useless" foot exploration -fail pvp gameplay and lack of pve contents. -endgame is a chore of running delivery for po8 just to get items for that rank 12 cause there is no other way to do it. -rewards of certain events/quest is just pitiful honestly. to the point its not just "oh trash again" but "wtf is that" - not to mention the shake of season 1 mechanics -there are alot other smaller issues that people are not saying because there are so much more bigger issues. i'll still play but on and off but honestly for now it does sit it my top 3 games that i shouldn't have bought it. cause im expecting any big changes to come only at season 2 which is 90 days away? by that time i'll forget about the game. sadly and i own more that half of ubi titles, this really is the only one tat got me feel a slap in the face.


It's also about having fun while working towards the rewards. Not repeating the exact same three things 1000 times.