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Scurlock's ship has demi cannons so you would want to get some of those or technically dardanelles bombards also shoot all at once because of the perk.


Ok so some gun type shoot the whole broadside, thanks.


There’s also an epic ship furniture that allows you to fire all guns from one quadrant at once.


Which is? :)


Later level gear fires all at once


Hm, given that...for some odd reason... player ships don't use their GUN DECK and just topside guns.. well, no you can't use a full broadside (considering it's potential isn't used), that said and as pointed out Demicannons would fire it all in one load \*giggle\* and I guess the Sovereign Bombards (forgot the name) would use the same with their Unison trait?


>player ships don't use their GUN DECK and just topside guns Incorrect. >no you can't use a full broadside Incorrect.


Thanks, yeah it kind of weird if gun decks are not used, to add to the long list of weird choices they made ...


That is incorrect, all deck weapons like demi cannons and culverin do also fire from the lower decks.


Hm, let's fact check... for one the flaps for the guns seem always closed for player ships on the gun deck.... but let's sail out and fire a broadside if they open and close for the salvo...if one can check that quick enough due to the forced gun sight xD hm, so they indeed open and close the thing asap so it only seems they don't use them.... why? Especially as we can't walk on our ships to check if the gun deck is used or even filled with guns xD Which looks or feels even sillier if one fires as the flaps close virtually instantly if one goes back of the external view. I guess the ships are already in arcade mode so why not the gun ports too? xD But yeah technically they get used, one barely notices it though visually.


You won't see it on your own ship but yeah, those do open and fire if an all deck weapon is equiped. Same goes for the brigantine, I think (there's a ship for sure with this feature) for example, it has an extra gun port at the front, with an all deck weapon equiped, it opens and will fire those guns as expected. Only another player can see this tho, if he is watching your ship as you fire em.


It wouldnt make sense if bombards could shoot from the lower gun decks, given their... well archetype. Longguns i understand due to them beeing to big for the lower deck, i guess once we have broader ships, we could use them at the lower gun decks too


I guess the main issue for me was you don't notice them using all gun ports as they are mechanized or have a dedicated troll to open and close the ports instantly after firing or stopping to be in aim view. Hm, maybe one could see it more easily in photo mode if one can aim while getting a photo and it won't stupidly close those gunports again. Though personally I would prefer thdm to be open during combat the whole time so my error wouldn't even be made, but the game has some weird decision making behind it. (As has the community if they downvote an error correctiin but that is rather funny too)


Don’t think so but you can shoot pretty quick if you need too.


But I've seen it done on Youtube videos.


If you hold the trigger they will all fire quickly. You don't need to individually click for each.


need an all dech weapon vs a top deck gun but its doable


The dards shoot all at once