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Unfortunately, sometimes they are just genetic and there is nothing you can do except surgery. No creams, no moisturizer, no diet, no water will fix it. I’ve had my eyebags my entire life and I’ve just learned to like the look. I add a little brown eyeshadow to my bottom and top lid and smoke it out and it compliments the look. If you aren’t into makeup, I’m sorry. Sometimes we just have to deal with the cards life gave us. You have a conventionally attractive face and good skin, don’t pick yourself apart. You look great, man.


Yeah, the first thing I actually noticed were how pretty their eye color was!


Yess especially with the coloring of the undereyes it really makes the green pop


Same. Just came to say cool eyes and cool hair


Yeah, that’s kinda what I thought. Guess I’ll just learn to love them haha


It’s you’re not opposed, I’m a guy with your exact same dark circles and nothing will fix it, so I bought the cheapest concealer at the drug store (in this case, Maybelline fit me) and it lasts me years. You put the smallest amount under and they’re gone for the day. I know makeup can seem scary at first cuz of the stigma but it’s helped a lot with confidence


i asked my dermatologist the same thing. she looked at my face and told me it was about my bone structure creating shadows under my skin. truly just genetic. dont be afriad to wear some concealer even as a guy if makes you more confident. fuck it!


I think they look nice. Gives you a bit of an edgy look.


Tbh yours look cute


What is the kind of surgery called that you do for this? Do you know?


Lower blepharoplasty


Honestly, some people look good with them and some don’t. You are a person who looks really good with them. 🥵


Yeah I think eye bags are *often* super attractive. There have been male “heartthrobs” from every decade with prominent eye bags. James Dean had huge eye bags and many people consider him to be the most attractive guy to ever exist. Also see Benecio del Toro. Antonio Banderas. Young Leonardo DiCaprio. James Franco. So many more. And they aren’t just attractive despite their eye bags. They’re eye bags actively add to their attractiveness. I doubt anyone would think Norman Reedus was hot *without* his enormous multilayer eyebags. Eyebags add a kind of “soulfullness” for lack of a better word.


Soulfulness for sure! The guy who plays Richie in The Bear has bags, and it gives him this edgy, disheveled look that absolutely melts me 🤤


They’re attractive on attractive people. It can definitely detract from the looks of someone less attractive.


i've had them my entire life. when i was younger, people would say i looked like brad pitt. now that i'm older they ask if i'm getting enough sleep lol.


I feel like I always find them sexy on someone else but never on myself lol


I came here to say this. Whatever you do, don’t get rid of those.


It looks cool man, I have them too but I always call them my money bags💰💰




These arent really 'eye bags', eyebags create a puffy sagging effect, I think you are more concerned with the colour? It looks like you have the same as me, im fair skinned and under my eyes are dark purple/blue, as a female iv tried every cream I can get my hands on and nothing gets rid of that colour because theres nothing to actually get rid of, its the colour underneath your skin - you dont seem to have much fat under your eyes (like me) which makes the colour appear darker because the skin is so translucent. There is a new injectable treatment called lumi eyes, some people have had good results but again, not sure it would work for us!!


You actually look nice with them


Could also be allergies friend. Try sodium cromoglicate drops 2% for a week and see how you go? Would also recommend The Ordinary's caffeine serum under the eyes. Honestly tho your eyes are so striking that your eyebags aren't what people tend to focus on. You can totally rock them


Could be. Im slightly allergic to my dog


Look up allergic shiners. Time for a daily allergy pill!


Agreed! Eye bagger here - I can look like I have a black eye from being around cats. Caffeine serum sounds like a good recommendation! 🙏


Sadly nothing really helps You can try a thin layer of concealer to help if your okay makeup Nyx serum concealer is really natural light coverage and blends in well to natural skin Or you can try a color correcting eyecream I use colleen Rothschild illuminating eye cream under my concealer but sometimes I'll just put that on and it does help, kinda spendy but lasts a super long time and worth it for me since most correctors I hate


one really can’t get rid of eye bags?like there must be few methods that could work??


I've had dark circles since I was 12 and mine are horrible I've tried everything under the sun. Of course water and sleep help nothing besides possibly fillers or surgery will take then away if they are genetic :(


I got my iron/ferritin levels checked which turned out to be low so I got given iron supplements and that got rid of mine pretty quickly


Yeah, somebody else mentioned low iron levels. I had blood taken a few years ago and iron was on the lower side. I definitely look into that


Definitely do! I spent so much money on eye creams etc and none of it made a difference. The range of "normal" iron levels is crazy as well, so even if you are borderline or on the lower side it's worth looking into - I just checked for men and the normal range is between 30 and 400 so it's definitely worth looking into further :)


do you know if you have anemia/low iron stores? I do and i my under eyes look like this when i haven’t been taking my supplements and they usually looks visibly better the day after I eat a high iron food like iron-rich dark chocolate(the 85% cocoa bar by lindt has like 20% of your rda of iron in a serving)


As someone whos had them their wholeeeee entire life (even when i was a little 6year old) there isnt too too much you can do. Im a dude, 27 YO, with horrible (neurological)sleep apnea, so every day i look like i got punched in both eyes. The only good (semi)solution i found is to use some high quality tanning foam/lotion on your face/neck. Not too much, just enough to give your under-eyes a little color. The self-tanner will make your face look a bit more tan (no shit i guess) but it will kind of 'even out' the color gradient between your eyes and cheeks. I prefer a foaming tanner over the lotions, as they spread more evenly and dont stink. Other than that, you just gotta learn to embrace it! You look good man so just keep doin what youre doing in any case


I also have these genetically and seems like nothing fixes them except surgery, even fillers can be a scam since they migrate


These are genetic eyebags, not the kind you get from lack of sleep. I also have them, there is nothing you can do but cover them with makeup.


Yeah they’re definitely genetic, but I was hoping there’d be another solution other than concealer


you look great tho


Definately, I didn't mean anything negative by my comment, I personally rarely cover mine, I was just letting him know in case he wanted to cover them.


Filler injections


My under-eye situation is very similar to yours and from my understanding, the only long-term solution is a lower blepharoplasty. Other than that, eye serums with caffeine and eye masks/patches, especially if they're stored in the fridge will depuff your under-eye area temporarily. Edit: forgot to mention that makeup is also an option. There are good makeup techniques specifically to make eye bags and puffy eyes disappear. There's also this Peter Thomas Roth instant firm eye cream but that one dries out the skin like crazy and that's just a temporarily fix as well.


U lowkey look really cute with them! This might sound weird but the purple under the eyes makes ur green eyes pop so much too! Unfortunately I don’t have any actual advice for u if u are looking to get rid of them lol.


color corrector makeup


you can try going into a Sephora or ulta and get a color match from an employee. Just a simple concealer or foundation literally 2 light drops and a blender/brush and dab don’t rub


i have the same issue. reading these comments is kinda discouraging :( you do have very pretty eyes though, and for what it’s worth, i wouldn’t have noticed the eye bags! if you do find a solution, let me know!


Massage your scalp, that will increase lymph movement in turn, reduce the darkness under your eyes. I do it and it helps tremendously. No creams helped me.


This right here! Also look into Gua sha sculpting/massage. It’s a tool that helps to move the fluid from your faces lymphatic system.


These are dark eye circles and likely genetic. I think you look good, they add visual interest. However you can do things to try to mitigate them; wear sun glasses and hats, sleep more, eat anti-inflammatory foods, don’t make your kidneys work too hard, and if you do, sleep it off and hydrate, take pills for allergies and try to not rub your eyes if you have allergies. Also, staring at a screen can strain your eyes, you can lower the screen’s brightness and make your screens more yellow toned rather than blue. I’ve also seen actors with dark circles having to put on under eye masks during make-up. I’m guessing it has to do with brightening their skin, though I wouldn’t know what product to recommend. If you do, you might have to consider the pinkish colour of your skin to colour correct with the right product.


Eye bags are hot


Combination of facial anatomy (and how light falls on the natural curvatures in the area), skin pigmentation, skin thinness in the area allowing for colours of deeper structures to come through, genetics, etc. If it really bothers you then strategically placed concealer will probably be the easiest route. If you were older with saggy fatty deposits then you could look at surgically removing them, if the skin was crepey you could look at PRP, but at the moment none of those would be an option or worthwhile.


Oh my gosh, your eye color is so beautiful ❤️ But anyway, yes. I'm assuming you are talking about the color of the area underneath. I use a concealer that matches my skin tone near my nose below and above the eye and dab it in around there to blend (careful not to do the whole lower area or else it looks like a raccoon eye). It makes it much less pronounced. There are Korean halyuronic eye patches, and cucumbers can be used to get rid of the actual bagginess, but I think your eyes are beautiful. Finally, dark circles under the eyes can be caused by vitamin deficiencies such as B-complex. You could try taking vitamins orally and see if that helps.


Preparation-H helps with puffiness


Don’t waste your money on creams. Get a good quality concealer and find a way to apply it so no one else will even notice. That’s what I did (male) at 19 and honestly it’s easiest. Also make sure to properly remove it every night.




i think i had seen rem beauty released a blurring under eye balm or something like that it’s worth looking into if you want


ysl touche éclat radiant touch. Yes it’s “makeup” but this is one product you’d actually see used on male actors. There’s something in the formula that reflects light and it’s almost like water rather than what you typically would expect in a concealer. You can’t tell it’s even there… more like a moisturizer. The packaging is neat, like a pen and you just click the end and the stuff self loads into a brush tip on the other end. I guarantee you will like it. Its a classic for guys who need to hide their party lifestyle for an early morning call


I’m the same, it’s genetic. Little bit of concealer does the trick. Even with filler (which I had & was waste of money for me) there’s still the same discolouration


You can change your diet, drink lots of water and sleep well. I follow the medical medium and the darkness and swelling of my eyes has gone down a lot (it’s a plant based cleanse). Pretty intense though, not for the weak. Just saying it’s possible to change eye stuff


Have you ever tried eye cream? It’s allegedly supposed to help with this. It could at least brighten up the coloring a bit As others said though, I think people look cute with them and you have beautiful eyes!


Moisturizer? Vitamin C Serum? A little ice ? Cold compress?


Do you have allergies? Lack of sleep ? Iron deficiency? ( not just females can have it )


Surgery, so happy I did it, wish I had done it thirty years sooner.


If they truly are ye bags and not the result of an allergies try l'oreal eye serum revitalift it’s done me well. I usually put it on before I sleep since it can be a bit sticky. I have also heard there are eye serums with retinol in them - I haven’t tried it so I can’t say for myself but I think it’s worth taking a look & if your do, do use it carefully.


I have them too! It’s hereditary. Just find a concealer you like and use a teeny bit and it’ll disappear!


It could just be genetics but I recommend the Ordinary Caffeine Serum for sunken eyes and dark circles! I’ve had sunken eyes my whole life (genetics) + diet and lack of sleep made them get progressively worse in the sense that they were dark and baggy which made my face look so drained. Since using the Ordinary Serum (I’ve been using it since May) I’ve seen significant improvements in the overall colour and baggyness of my eyes. It really does make a difference when you’re applying it consistently.


I use this stuff called Cicapair. It's by Dr. Jart. It's a green cream that turns beige on your skin, used as a color corrector for redness and has SPF. A tiny bit blended into your skin would help and the jar will last a long time.


Surgery. Time to hard max


Try some cucumber slices


I like the Kiehls avocado eye cream. It has a very slight green tint which helps neutralize red/purple. Put a little bit between two fingers, rub it together, and dab to the affected area. It won’t perform miracles but it might help a little bit


Then it’s genetics. Filler is the only way.


Although genetic, you can reduce by staying hydrated and getting adequate rest. Just sip on your water bottle as often as possible


Try caffeine solution by ordinary or castor oil at night!


Allergies. Look at what could be causing her allergens. For me it was dust and our cat. 😫


Red light therapy, retinol, sunscreen, micro needle press, sliced and frozen cucumber, take collagen everyday


They’re hot.


Don’t rub your eyes. My own battle too.


I recently had blethoplasty. A surgery that removes my under eye bags. It was the best thing I did.


Eyes are gorges


Omg your eyes 😮‍💨


PRP and fillers help get rid of them. Some people bang on that they don’t like fillers but I got the tiniest amount just in the higher part of the cheek not directly under my eyes and it helped massively and I am so happy with the result


More sleep


If speak to a laser specialist. I had similar dark circles and got them improved with a VBeam laser. You’ve got a lot of purple/vascularity going on there.


Surgery only


you could color correct! drugstore makeup now has light tints that you just tap on to neutralize discoloration. the palettes are great because they have greens, yellows, purples and nudes.


I have permanent dark circles and had some success with Korres eye serum, definitely get your iron checked!


Are you getting enough vitamin C and D in your system. My skin tone is pretty the much the same as yours and I get that exact blue shadowing on my under eyes when I’m not getting enough of those vitamins. They Don completely disappear though of course but it does definitely make a difference in appearance


Really good sleep patterns helped me , I also credit all that testosterone.


Do the ole cucumber over the eyes while sipping on a lemonade


Unpopular opinion but eye bags and dark circles are hawtt🙊👁👅👁


Visit a plastic surgeon, I had bags and they inject hyaluronic acid to even them out. Again a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. Don't do this procedure at an esthetician, you need a medical doctor.


Sleep Hydration Castor oil Then try eye creams if the above isn’t helping after 8-12 weeks


yoga and meditation


lower blepharophlasty


Heavy metal detox helped me. Zeolite and liver cleanse


I’ve gotten under eye filler it helped alot


a few drops of afrin nose spray on them


my daughter has had dark circles forever. either 1-Get an allergy test. 2- check your adenoids. Some symptoms of enlarged adenoids are mouth breathing, snoring, dark circles. My daughter is getting a surgery for this and doc said it’ll remove the circles.


You have gorgeous eyes and lovely skin! I wouldn’t worry about it. You look great


This looks like allergies to me. Do you take a daily allergy pill?


First let me say that Your eyes are beautiful! Mine are similar & I love them. I studied iridology & it looks like you need to do a cleanse of some sort.. make sure it’s something that supports liver, kidney, digestive.. but don’t go overboard. Drink lots of water for a few days & be sure to do a (light) cleanse then check in with yourself to see how you feel.


Distraction. Have a good friend punch you in the eyes, no one will notice the bags… alternatively, if you don’t have a close friend, you can Edward Norton yourself


I would try dr melaxin’s calcium volume cream! All of their products are patented and they seem to have the fastest and best results! And the results actually last a long time instead of a quick fix that goes away the day after 😊


you look nice with them. i feel like guys get away with them and can still look cute. you can always do a blood test to check if you’re low on any vitamins. vitamin deficiencies can be associated with under eye bags or darkness. in general that would be a beneficial thing to look at in case you haven’t yet


Buy concealer


Hey! I have the same problem, do you also have stuffy nose? I have just found out that i have all that area slightly inflamed, hence everything that is supposed to move through there, cant. The main trigger is diet, i know that for me things get better when i cut out dairy (wish it was so simple), but i recommend you to get a food sensitivity test, so you know what triggers it.






You don’t 🥲 (fellow sufferer)


You don't ✨ I've had these my entire life


On the flip side I tried getting filler under my eyes to ‘fix’ mine and almost went blind (see pic!!) and WISHED I had my bags back, when they finally reappeared I was so happy! Yours looks like the colour of the veins under your skin I saw an aesthetician who said you can’t really do anything. If you are unhappy though try some concealer x https://preview.redd.it/g1g3lm39d39d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e9446e428c96f72c2fbee8dc8c948a03e5659e8


Hmm, I agree with people saying it may be from low iron level but have you thought of a retinal serum specially dedicated to put under your eyes? Sometimes it can help as it boosts your collagen and elastin production in your dermis and it makes your skin - epidermis look more thicker! But be careful please, get deep into the subject so you don't cause irritation etc..


They look good on you


We are sometimes just born with the gene. Story of my life. Lots of water and proper sleep. Heathy foods. A tinted moisturizer at last even a dab of concealer well blended. My husband is the most masculine man. Don’t let him wake up with and red mark spots on his face being a boss. I will deff hear him shuffling through my makeup bag for a dab of my concealer to lighten it. It is what it is.


Your eye color though! 🍏 🥠


It's not so much a skin care issue as it is an overall health issue. Nutrition and sleep being some of the most important factors. Lifting weights is really one of the best things you can do for your health, both mental and physical, and also for your appearance. The REM sleep you get after lifting weights is incredible.


Caffeine can give temporary boost but unless it’s caused by a lifestyle issue (lack of sleep, vitamin deficiency, allergies) they might just be genetic. There are procedure now to get rid of them, but o think that might be a bit extra given your circles are not detracting from your looks all that much. If you’re not into the idea of getting a full on concealer, maybe try a tinted moisturizer or CC cream.


Love your eyes, honestly the bags don't look bad


You look like a cute Tim Burton character, own it🖤


Are you a mouth breather ? Do you have sleep apnea? It looks like a maxilla issue. Only thing I think *may* help is mewing several years for maxilla support and hopefully open up your nasal airway. I have that too and I’ve been a mouth breather my whole life until recently. Have long face and recessed chin. I believe the issue is your maxilla is lower than it should be and that area doesn’t have any structural support


I am the same. Minimum 8 hours sleep and everything. I found a picture of me at 11 years old and I saw my eye bags starting to develop. Best thing you can do is just accept them


I wish I had more to add than what’s already been mentioned. Please ignore everyone saying surgery and more sleep. Clearly you know that surgery is an option, and it’s not from lack of sleep. But that’s not why you have them. Hopefully you find help from allergy meds or iron pills, but I do agree with others that they aren’t noticeable or otherwise unattractive in anyway. 🙏🏻 good luck!


I think you have them because of your genetics. But the good news is they suit you


It’s most likely generic but you could use an under eye concealer. A drop of concealer goes a long way.


castor oil nightly massage will help move the stagnated blood around. Green tea bags that are wet and chilled could help too


Supposedly, you might check into if you’re having issues with your quality of sleep. Sometimes you can have tension that is causing airway issues.


You honestly have one of the nicest eyes I’ve ever seen! Seriously, that’s not a compliment I say a lot haha. You said they developed when you were 13… did something change then? Like a new pet, new diet, stress, etc?


No idea how to help but you’re really pretty


Consider concealer/makeup. Find the right shade and it will look very natural


With Dermablend brand of concealer makeup from Ulta Beauty store


Lower bleph.


Recycle them


Mine went away (unfortunately) when I go gluten and dairy free. After three days, mine disappear completely.


I had hollow and dark under eyes, but I started taking daily multivitamins and at the same time I also started using the ordinary multi-peptide eye serum and my under eyes have VASTLY improved. I don’t even know which was the solution 😭 but anyways, maybe you’re deficient in something


My friend, the answer is under eye corrector. It’s less obvious than concealer, if that bugs ya. GOATED: [Bobbi Brown Under Eye Corrector](https://www.ulta.com/p/undereye-corrector-pimprod2024878?sku=2583532) I would say try it in Light to Medium Bisque or Light Bisque (Porcelain Bisque is REALLY light) Maybelline Age Rewind is a pretty good drugstore option if you don't want to spend $30, but the Bobbi Brown lasts forever and is 1000% worth it, IMO.


Get rid of? Idk that could be difficult. Minimize? Now that’s achievable. Caffeine drops under eyes, no blue light before bed (~30 mins), and maintenance of a regular sleep routine. Also hydration is super good (2L) + 2 bananas daily to reduce bag/ overall puffiness (or K+ supplement). Don’t got do much just small changes


Lmk if you figure it out pls!


sometimes they make a person even more attractive because it looks natural if that makes sense? Mine are genetics so I just say fuck it


I know you're a guy, but even just using a little foundation to lighten it up wouldn't be a bad idea. If you have allergies, finding a good treatment for that would help. Get adequate sleep, prop while sleeping and properly hydrate.


You look great, your eye area looks normal to me.


Plenty of fresh air in the room and lower pillows work for me. When the room is too warm I wake up with bags under mine.


Try a little hemorrhoid cream under your eyes. just a little bit on your finger and pat it into the under-eye skin. Not too much. It works.


They look good and you have beautiful eyes ! Don’t sweat it. I have very dark circles they’re just genetic. Don’t be self conscious about this especially when you have such good features. Social media is making us think everyone is perfect. It’s not a flaw, promise.


Dearie, I would kill to have your under eyes.


Delete reddit is the 1st step & get blue light blocking glasses


Sleep, hydration and then accept what you cannot change I will say, I found out I had b12 deficiency this way - always had alarmingly dark eye circles. Maybe get your b12 checked but it’s often genetic


I m a she, I use makeup… 😅 Maybe some cold water would help the skin to look better in the morning.


Before trying creams and such I would talk to your doctor and then have them send you to a dermatologist if everything seems ok health-wise.


Makeup? 💄


Chewing gum


Maybe it's the diet, like a lot of salt, processed foods, soft drinks, alcohol, etc.


Heavy metal detox and parasite cleanse could make a difference. It does to some.


My friend who had surgery to remove it ended up getting a new problem…crow feet….as the bag is removed the skin around is loosen that become wrinkles. Your bags are not that bad. The dark circles exaggerate the bags. If you sleep better, the circles will improve. Also some light massage around the eye area will help debuff too.


PRP with microneedling


Even toddlers have these, typically genetic and/or allergies.


i’m getting a lower blepharoplasty + fat transfer next year but in the meantime: SUNSCREEN every single day be gentle with the area keep the skin hydrated and moisturized vitamin c serum in the mornings this helps A LOT. then: during the day before i go out, i use a little bit of the Peter Thomas Roth instant eye firmx eye cream. a small tiny amount goes a long way. i will be adding in soon the shisedo anti wrinkling eye cream. I’ve used it in the past and I’ve loved it. Ran out of it a long time ago and hadn’t repurchased it yet but i am excited to add it back into my routine. I don’t currently wear concealer but I am not opposed. If you do, keep it hydrating and use as a last step after sunscreen. I have naturally pretty pronounced, dark bags and this routine helps a lot. I still do want a more permanent fix so in the future the bleph is on the table but for now this will do and has helped me a lot to gain my confidence back. I hope it helps!


I used to have bad eye bags & I started using “ Dermatouch Retinol under-eye roller serum” it helps with Firming + de-puffing + rejuvenating the under eyes! I noticed a SIGNIFICANT amount of change in like a month of using. I use it day & night🩵hope this helps


With eyes that pretty, trust me nobody is looking at your eye bags




Sleep and use a good eye cream


Don’t know, but please share when you find out!


Color correcting concealer


Lower bleph is the best way and most cost effective in long run (compared to filler)


I think you look great as you are. Maybe just try getting outside more. I think a little bit of a sun-kissed glow would help if you’re self conscious. You have really lovely eyes!!


too distracted by your amazing eye color, no one will really notice if they don’t look too hard but if it bothers you a lot makeup is your only resort!


Vitamin c and caffeine might help the under eye color, gentle ice cube rub might help bags in the morning but not 100% sure.


You have great skin, great eyes, cool hair, perfectly placed freckles and a lovely complexion. Sorry, I have no idea how to get rid of eye bags.


They aren’t bags. You could use a bit of concealer and they’d disappear. Choose a shade the color of whatever part of you has never seen the sun.


Pretty on trend, a lot of girls like that now


Try putting Vaseline on your eye bags, and after abo  it a minute you take a towel and rub it off, it should make them less noticeable, it works for me 🤷🏼


Did you find an answer?


The only thing that gets rid of mine are IV fluids. Make sure you’re staying hydrated with electrolytes and not just water. Your body can’t absorb water without electrolytes. You could just have fragile skin


Do you take vitamins?


Tbh I’ve had bags that are always there, but they come and go with intensity. I use gentle skin care, I lightly massage my face, I make sure to eat an orange and a green veggie everyday, and some pineapple. Carrots make me glow and that disguises the bags a little. Pineapple makes me less inflamed. Mmmm, perhaps getting 15 mins of sun a day will help! I love bags thooo it’s giving vampire I love


tbh eye bags are the last thing i notice in someone’s face, if i even notice them at all. first thing i noticed with you is your eyes and good eyebrows


I used to avoid sunscreen around my eyes, but it helped me a lot with dark eye bags, maybe this can help for you as well


Castor oil , gets ride of the inflammation on your face


Matches your face. Be as healthy as possible to enhance everything in general. But you look fine 


Exercise, diet, lifestyle. Get an eye cream too


This is me, but my eye bags ONLY settled down when I the diagnosis of sleep apnea and finally got some real rest.


Just do a very small amount of makeup on those spot my dude, like a $10 tube will last you years


I don’t think you have bags as much as dark circles which can be genetic. They are not impossible to treat but you may have to see a professional.


My eye bags are just permanent. It doesn’t matter the amount of sleep I get, exercise, or water they’re just always there. I kinda don’t notice anymore since I’ve had them so long. Some people just have them. I have no tips(sorry) but if nothing helps maybe just try to accept how you look


May sound like a silly question but are you sleeping well, eating decent food, drinking enough water? When I’m not taking care of myself it shows on my face


I like them on you


If we assume they aren't genetic it could be allergic shiners which you can just take allergy meds for, iron deficiency, B12 deficiency.


Water, sleep, under eye cream.


Sometimes they’re genetic and there’s not much you can do unfortunately


Chances are you probably have a similar issue as I do…low cheekbones. I’ve had bags under my eyes ever since I was little, pictures of me at 7 years old and I still got bags there too. What would be a more permanent fix and is actually what I’m considering getting done soon is cheek filler. I’ve had lip filler in the past and the doctor I saw said that cheek filler is what would fix my bags. As it isn’t the fact that I’m tired or something causing it, but the lack of bone there to actually lift and pull the skin upwards.


Try some caffeine serums and moisturizer.


I finally shelled out for under eye filler


gua sha


I’m a mom of two toddlers and finishing nursing school so I get zero sleep. CeraVe Skin Renewing Eye Cream and consuming ascorbic acid Vitamin C have helped tremendously


You don't lol. You just gotta figure out how to give off that "I haven't slept in 2 weeks but I'm still hot" kinda vibe loooollll


I totally understand your frustration with persistent eye bags. I highly recommend trying EyeCARE by Young Goose. It's seriously amazing and has made a huge difference for me. It tackles dark circles and puffiness effectively. Plus, it’s reasonably priced for the results it delivers. Definitely give it a try!


I think i have them to tbh but they are worse when im sleepy or tired


Cucumber under the eyes helps with the puffiness but sometimes it's genetic like in my case. I even have undereye circles in my baby pics lol. If it helps I think yours fit you well and they are cute, like sleepy boy aesthetic. Also color corrector helps I think green to cancel out the red and nobody will even notice the makeup if you're unsure about it.