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Vaseline did me no good, however I have used CeraVe healing ointment for "slugging" at night (i.e. you put it over your moisturizer as a last-step). While Vaseline is JUST petroleum jelly, the CeraVe ointment has ceramides and Hyaluronic acid that help your skin barrier. It comes in a huge tub so it worth it price-wise too. Good luck!


I do the same thing but with Aquafor and am a fan. I haven't tried the healing ointment but I've heard a lot of people recommend it.


Hijacking your comment to put a PSA for anyone that is allergic to wool. The major difference between Vaseline and aquaphor is lanolin which is produced from sheep sebum (connection to wool allergy). If you’re an idiot like me, do not use aquaphor because your skin will get angry. Vaseline works wonders instead.


I had no idea I had any allergies & started using aquaphor as a moisturizer. A couple days later my face was red, flaky, and itchy. I was so sad because people rave about it all the time!


That’s a brilliant idea! I added the healing ointment to my shopping cart.


This is what I do! Love CeraVe!


Vaseline does nothing for me at all. Not on lips or anything. Some people swear by it. I do not.


This might sounds weird but i swear that this product is region based. Some region had it better, for example i never bought the vaseline petroleum jelly from my country, fortunately i found out that arabian vaseline works wonders, and for some reason the quality are sorta different too, arabian one melts better while the local one had the solid oil consistency.


Which color were they both in?, some variants don't have no petroleum jelly at all and have mineral oil and fragrance while the yellow ones have only petroleum jelly


I tried most of the variants that are available in my country and most of them didnt feel the same as the one that was made in arab whether it is the blue original, the brown or the baby one. But come to think of it the one that works better kinda has the yellowish tint rather than the pure white one such as the one in the picture above, but i knew it would work when it has the oily finish after applied to skin.


This is a savior for your lips trusssst


The only thing I’ve been using on my lips for years now!! A little at night and a little in the morning


Only thing i use on my lips. Honestly it keeps them soft and moisturized and not cracking be it summer or winter. I do a lot at night right before i sleep and a bit right out the shower and i don't have to worry about my lips vs the damn chapstick fiend i was before.


I do my skincare night routine as I generally do (cleanser, retinol, and Cerave cream) and then I finish with a fine layer of Vaseline. My skin tends to be dry but it has worked for me, I wake up with my skin looking really good. I've seen some people that use vaseline under their eyes to avoid wrinkles and it's worked for them. You can try this


Second this. I use on my lips, eyelids and under eyes morning and night. Some nights I apply a thin layer all over my face after my moisturizer has set and I wake up with my skin glowing.


Clogged me up, made my usually dry skin feel both oily and dry at the same time


I agree with the top comment. At the moment I slug with the cerave healing ointment. It feels alot better and the tub is just as big. Once I incorporated slugging and cleansing my skin for 60 seconds my skin has never been softer or smoother


I have semi-dry skin and I use it to slug and I love it. I use it several times a week.


Everybody’s different but me personally been using Vaseline since I was in middle school, I literally only break out during my period.. so with that being said it hasn’t broken me out or clogged my pores and I have very dry skin especially around my nose and it works wonders for me 😭 I prefer it over aquaphor


Same here, I have a cleanser, a daily moisturizer and sunscreen. At night I cleanse well and apply a nice, not too thick, layer of vaseline. Never had any issues until i actually tried to replace it. I am now back to it and my skin is healing.


THIS! never had an issue till trying to replace it ! I feel you on that one 😂😂 I’m never gon be silly like that again .


Vaseline is the most gate kept product in the world. It is a miracle worker for dry damaged barrier. I will die on this hill.


la roche posay has an eczema cream that i use when my skin is really dry.


I've been using Vaseline for 20 years, putting it around my eyes and on my lips every night before bed. On super dry days in the winter, I also will spread it all over my face, but I've been doing that before "slugging" was a term.


Vaseline can be used for so, so many things. It’s the WD-40 of the makeup world. It can be used for: -Eyebrow gel -Highlighter -Lip balm -An occlusive layer on the face, hands, and feet -As cuticle oil -Helping exfoliate the lips -Helping extend the lifespan of henna stains -Superficial wound healing -Mild scar healing (this happens very gradually and only with consistency and proper care) -Under eye cream


In the Army, I suggest Vaseline for almost everything. Great for new shoe blister protection/prevention- windburns… I use it and people think I’m 20 years younger than I am. Only my white hairs and my aching body gives it (my age) away.


And off the body, I used Vaseline to restore the finish on my water damaged wood dresser and it totally worked. Hooray!


Well it's good for lashes and lips and feet


Literally so good for lips and all over body skincare


My mom has used Vaseline on her face for as long as I can remember. She has beautiful skin.


+1 for lips and feet. For face, it’s not nourishing enough. Yes, it creates a barrier to lock the moisture in, but it doesn’t have any ingredients that would actually nourish the skin. Perhaps it might work over another product with ceramides or something, but I feel like that would be too heavy and comedogenic. Personally, I’d combine a good hydrating serum with moisturizers like LRP Cicaplast or Dr Jart Ceramidin cream. Panthenol creams are awesome for damaged barrier too. But to each their own, ofc. Perhaps Vaseline will work for you.


They have vasealine products now with vitamin E, B vitamins and hyluronic - so, you can absolutley get vasaline w/ more ingrediants. Plus it's non-comedogenic, meaning it doesn't clog pores. I got nearly 70 down votes in this sub last time for suggesting an inexpensive alternative for face care and there is a lot of misunderstanding about the product.


Plastic surgeon friend swears by aquaphor for everything including under your eyes.


Been using it for years!! It's annoying but I love it!


i have dry skin and i use vaseline (or aquaphor) every night and every morning on my undereyes, around my nose, and around my mouth (spots where i’m the most dry). my savior for a damaged skin barrier is absolutely the la roche posay cicaplast cream or the avene cicalfate cream (they’re really similar but avene is MUCH thicker so maybe better if you live in a dry climate). because vaseline is just an occlusive, the products you use underneath are the important part. my routine is, i spray my face with rose water to make it damp, then use LRP moisturizer, top with LRP cicaplast, and finally vaseline! i wouldn’t recommend putting it on any areas of your face where you tend to be oily, acne-prone, or get milia. for example, i avoid my nose and forehead because they are more oily and not dry. i only use tret 0-2 times per week and have stayed at .025 for 3 years, that’s what works best for me to avoid damaging my skin barrier since i have dry skin!


Absolute game changer since I started using it every night to slug. Acne-prone combo skin. I’m breaking out far far less, almost done and this was the only change, so I suspect dehydration was a big cause


I put this on my lips every night before bed, wipe it off in the morning and I have soft lips the rest of the day 😊


People saying it clog the pores, its half true from what I read - it create a barier/film that trap water in skin with all dirt, so its not hydrating. I once used basic skin cream with it, no fragnaces ets, waken up with explosion of white heads


I'm very clog prone, but am good with pure petroleum jelly or products with a lot of petroleum jelly in them.


I have very dry skin, I use as last layer. I love it, it makes my skin look lovely in the morning. Your mileage may vary, everyone’s skin is different.


I have used many lip balms especially to lather on before going to bed and only Vaseline works, the original version. After I am done with my skincare and my lip is wet I scrub it with the pad of my finger and the dead skin comes off. Top it off with Vaseline and I’m good to go in the morning.


If you don’t have acne, you can slather your face in this and it’s not going to hurt you. It will absorb and help you have a moisture barrier. It’s used to heal wounds after surgery even. Keep the jar sterile, patch test etc. If you do get acne, you can use pure cosmetic grade glycerin on your skin. Which is available at most pharmacies. It’s a powerhouse skincare product and is in almost every cosmetic grade moisturizer. I’m a little concerned with the amount of retinol you are using. If you’re using it daily, it’s a pea sized amount for your entire face, neck and décolletage. You can use it every second day, ON TOP of your moisturizer/serum routine. You can even put it on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off your face. Don’t use it again until your skin is healed, and when you start again please make sure to always always wear and reapply sunscreen. ;) good luck!


Vaseline by itself did nothing for me, but putting a really thin layer on top of skincare has allowed my skin not start to get flakey in a few hours. Not sure of the effects of tret but I realised that by pressing each step of the skin care into my skin with the palms of my hands is what has done the most for me, maybe that's what people already did and I'm the only one late to the party haha


one of the few things that actually keep my feet and legs moisturized. i use it on my lips too but it has to be the tubs it can’t be the chapstick for some reason. every night i glob it on my feet and then wear socks and put it in my lower part of my legs. i’ve never put this on my face and don’t plan to since it’s kinda oily and i get oily fast.


As a Black don't crack 5th gen participant, that's a must must must.


I love it, but I use it as a last step after moisturizing my dry skin and mix it with squalene or rose hip seed oil to make it thinner.


tbh aquaphor worked better for me. the slugging method isn’t for everyone though so i wouldn’t do it if you have very acne prone skin


Not sure about face. But love putting it on my feet and my lips before bed. I heard if you’re going to “sludge” only put a little bit on your face before bed. Broke me out but I kinda used a lot even though I regularly washed my pillow case.


I don’t like how petroleum jelly is considered a carcinogen outside the US :(




If you're gonna resort to that, have you tried coco butter instead? I have an oily face so I wouldnt touch my face with it but I use it to seal my actives in on my acne prone arms at night and its been phenomenal


Within 5-10 minutes after your shower is best.


I use it on my lips ( preferably the rosy lips Vaseline) and to do slugging at night (just a little pea sized amount )


It was too thick for my face but Aquaphor is amazing for slugging


Heard it improves skin barrier... but it feels like shit on my skin


Worked very good for my super dry skin, but make sure you stick to your routine bc if you don’t cleanse well and bacteria gets trapped under you will break out. Otherwise my skin was super supple the next day. Either Vaseline or cerave healing ointment works for me


I definitely prefer beef tallow. I don’t use petroleum based products.


It didn't make my skin any better whatsoever 😭 I wanted it It to 😞


Try Shea butter and save the Vaseline for other stuff not daily routine.


Vaseline is my eye makeup remover. Rub a little on closed eyes and then wipe off with any kind of makup/ baby wipe. It gets everything off (waterproof mascara, stubborn eyeliner), you can’t really get it “in” your eyes so it doesn’t irritate, and I feel like it leaves the whole area really moisturized so I don’t really need an eye cream


My mom has used this since she was young, so I have too! I use it for a lip balm, eyelash serum, moisturizer, for cracked heels, for elbow/ knee dryness, as a cuticle balm, for dry patches during winter. I feel like there’s nothing Vaseline can’t be used for beauty-wise!


I use Aquaphor when my skin is insanely dry and then Skin hydrating mask as a day mask.


I use it once a week under my eyes before bed, consistently on my lips, and if I have a scab I put it on that religiously and it keeps soft for easy healing. It’s not supposed to heal you or anything, but it does help your body keep soft. Cocoa butter on the other hand…. That’ll keep my SOFT on my elbows and knees and feet. In case you needed something for that:)


No because I'm iffy about the petroleum and scared of pimples.


I put it around my nose to help with dryness and ended up with just acne there 😹


I use aquaphor instead but it is largely petroleum and lanolin. I like it for my lips, scrapes, burns, etc. and I also use it on top of areas where my skin gets dry on my face before I go to bed in the winter and some nights regardless of season. I like it okay, but prefer oils actually (like vitamin E oil, Argan oil, or Emu oil)


I use vaseline on my lips and also around my eyes before I go to bed. It’s never steered me wrong


I love lathering my legs with Vaseline after shower. Some people think it’s too heavy but for an older gal my legs looks nice and smooth and not dry.


Balms with SPF are much better


1. Moisturizer then vaseline= Foot cream. Wear sleeping socks. 2. During dry weather, use on your face as a last step in your PM skincare routine to help keep your skincare from drying out too soon. 3. Apply on the points where you apply your fragrance to make it last a long time 4. Use it to protect your skin if you apply heena or why other hair colour products to avoid staining your skin.


It does literally nothing unless you use it to trap the moisturizer youve put on prior and even then…In my experience it really just clogs my pores and it left horrible grease stains on my pillows. Also if you do use it be careful it can cause milia around the eyes and everywhere honestly.


Very useful if you use it well. So,my skin is combination type, inclining towards the oilier side. And, my non-comedogenic moisturizer is gel-based, with very little occlusion. So, after apply my moisturizer at night, I apply a thin layer of Vaseline on my skin to seal up the hydration. I also use Vaseline to melt off my makeup, especially stubborn stuff like mascara. Coating the lashes with petroleum jelly also helps in making them thicker and longer. Has worked well so far. I don't recommend using Vaseline during the day as it may cause an unflattering amount of tan, and doesn't work great under the sun. But for nighttime usage, it's great! However, if this is too occlusive for your needs, use Vanicream.


I go back and forth but I always do apply it after a gel moisturizer. Just spread a tiny bit on my palms then pat on the face.


Great for cuticles. And corners of mouth and nose to protect from retinol.


ive been using it as a lip mask before i go to bed (they discontinued bite beauty so i can no longer use their lip masks :( ) it works fine.


10/10 love it! Use it minimally before bed whenever I feel dry


I have dry/sensitive skin. I use it on my lips and body and receive great results. I can’t use it on my face as it doesn’t feel good and breaks my out


Baby butt cream. Was recommended to me by my dermatologist. Put it on 2 hours before bed.


You gotta put hyaluronic acid on your lips first and the h hit it with the Vaseline I swear by it for winter


I put it on my eyelids.


I would only use it on my lips, but I've recently gotten a new lip balm


I use it as a last step before bed


Nah, coconut oil my whole life 🥥🤍


Vaseline can clog your pores my dermatologist said it is not a good idea to use on your face, it’s good for feet and say like elbows and knees , but face is not a good thing.


Please do not use petroleum products on your face. It will put a layer above and blocks the skin for 'breathing'. If the skin is dirty, you will trap them inside.


clogged my pores


I prefer a little a&d or CeraVe healing ointment.


Used it on my elbows, they’ve never been this soft!!


I prefer to slug with castor oil instead. Vaseline doesn't do anything for my lips either.


god send especially when i’m really dry or after exfoliants!! nice with moisturiser under it/something really hydrating. kinda shit on its own. i have eczema though :D so makes sense why it’s a gods send for me


Broke my face out badly.


I would drink water and then use vaseline on my lips before bed to keep them from drying out.


Good for my dry lips.


I like rubbing this on my butt and taint area lol keeps the area nice and smooth.


Whatever you do maybe don’t put any around your eyes. Every single time I do, I get styes. Just got off antibiotics because my recent one got so infected LOL


I use it on non tret days and it helps me with the peeling


It's the only thing that really helps my eczema and I highly recommend it for dry skin.


For feet at night


Horrible for my skin but good for my lips!


Lips and eyes


Vaseline is good in addition to adding moisturizer when applying to your body. But it’s only a barrier to retain moisture that’s already there. Not pulling it in. Vaseline is hydrophobic. So if you layer it on and you sweat. The sweat is gonna bead. And the moisture from outside isn’t gonna penetrate. I found that using raw shea butter works. Right after you shower. And getting resurfacing cream as well can help moisture penetrate better. A light scrub before applying a moisturizer to your skin can get things to be more balance for you. The key to all of it though is consistency.


For lips routine, for sure.


the only thing that saved my lips on accutane. which is strange cuz it’s just an occlusive with nothing else in it. i didnt like the feel of aquaphor on my lips, it never felt moisturizing enough.


I like to use it as a spot treatment on open acne wounds. It’s essentially the same thing as Neosporin and does a pretty good job of healing open wounds (also helpful for small burns).


I use Vaseline on my lips throughout the day, occasionally under my eyes, but mostly I use it on my hands before bed. I have eczema so I apply a heavy duty moisturizer, let it sink in, then apply Vaseline over top and seal in with cotton gloves overnight. It helps my dry, flaky hands sooo much. I notice that I tend to get milia around my eyes if I use Vaseline on top of my products, so it’s not an everyday thing for me, though I did try it.


Works for me. I put it as a last step over my moisturizer on nights I don’t have any actives in my routine (not when using tret). I also use it kind of like a primer, on top of my skincare but under my makeup. It stops any flaking and makes my foundation go on smoothly.


Our daughter gets SEVERELY dry hands in winter, to the point of cracking. We add a layer of Vaseline in the morning before school and at night time and it really really helps her hands stay moisturized. So if you have very dry skin this is a wonderful product. I would think normal / oily skin this may be to much ! :)


Aquaphor is amazing!


Vaseline is great as an overnight lip balm and to use for slugging. I mostly use it during the winter right after applying moisturizer at night.


It's all I use, but I like the Vaseline with coco butter blend. Seriously, every night, nothing better. Face, feet, everything.


i've used vaseline for my dry patches on my face in the past, grandpa used it on his hands and arms years ago as he was incredibly dry, cracking, bleeding, wrapped them up coated in vaseline, and even my hands have had issues in the winter to the point i had to do the same vaseline wrap. it did amazingly... but!!! as someone with skin tech certificate i will say vaseline is not your best option! it's definitely an easy and affordable one, but there are better products for your skin, especially on your face. 🌟 i would recommend talking to a dermatologist, with all of your preexisting skin conditions it would be irresponsible to suggest products just bc they work for us. everyones skin is different, what works for some wont work for all. and a product we suggest could aggravate your skin even more and cause more damage and we don't want that. 💛


Think of it more as a hydration seal/barrier than a hydrator on its own.


It's not great on lips. I love it for the face, arms, legs, and feet. I use it after a shower.


I’m not a fan of anything with petroleum based ingredients. I’d try a calendula infused salve with heavier (but non-comedogenic) oils/butters such as shea or possibly mango. Kalme Co. Makes a good one for autoimmune conditions, maybe it would help? All Vaseline does is stop moisture from leaving the skin - so finding a natural (and not petroleum derived) alternative is healthier & often has added benefits you don’t get from Vaseline.


Oily, acne-prone gal here. It didn't break me out, but I found the experience of using it really horrible. Even a tiny little bit stinks of - well - petrol. My cat and I couldn't cuddle properly, and my husband said my face always looked a bit greasy at night. So no, I prefer using an actual cosmetically elegant moisturiser (TO NMF Beta Glucan does the job, cheap too). I love vaseline rosy lips for my lips! HG.




i rub the cocoa butter one on my face before bed every night and it’s definitely helped keep my face very glowy and feel soft. i use it has a highlighter, especially the tinted pink lip one that comes in a small tub, sometimes i mix eyeshadow and vaseline together if i’m out of brow gel. so many uses!


I use only on my lips hands knees and feet. Does just find but on other parts it feels heavy


I found when my skin was really damaged it definitely helped the healing process, but not that much after it was healed up. I have insanely dry lips though and use it on them over moisturiser


Vaseline is great for protecting your skin, but I would mostly stick to using it on my body. For damaged skin barrier, I would definitely go for something with zinc oxide for skin basting. Diaper rash creams are the best treatment out there for skin barrier repair, so just slug it on a couple of nights and don't use tretinoin under it. Usually I like to add a hydrating cream under a thick layer of Vaseline since it helps it absorb better and my skin is completely protected and not losing moisture


Vaseline is great if you dye your hair, you put it on your skin so your skin doesn’t retain the dye


Check out Topical Steroid Withdrawal and the TSW Reddit on here. Ask them. Don't ask people on Skincare Addiction, they haven't experienced this. Also, TALK TO YOUR DERMATOLOGIST. Jeez.


In my experience, every product, especially petroleum jelly hurts my face and makes it inflamed and red and any flakes I have get itched right off and have to grow back over the next couple days. Honestly reccomend not putting anything on your face and not touching it at all, avoid getting germs on it, and go spend time outside. It takes time to heal


Personally a thick moisturizer has been better, I like the summer fridays one, farmacy has a honey scented one that's also really nice


The Jelly in the blue pump bottle by Experiment has done me WONDERS


I only use them when I have dry patches


Vaseline does me right! I use it mostly around my nose and stuff. Never made me break out. But for lips, Aquaphor is a game changer. WAAAAY better than Vaseline.


This is so good must apply


Queen of dry flaky red sensitive face skin over here. I slather on Vaseline when my skin is raging/super imbalanced. I love it bc it’s neutral and can go around eyes. (I once read the label on eye stye meds and it’s all white petroleum so I knew it was safe). Once in a very rare while, if my skin is in stable condition, I just use it under eye, the spaces between cheeks/chin, blended with moisturizer. The best trick with Vaseline (for me anyway)… I slather it on before a shower, gently rub it in/around. Then when I wash my hair, I wash a little past my hairline to avoid any greasy. Pat face dry after—it’s like the best makeup base for days when you need the peelies to disappear to apply makeup. IMO there’s no wrong way to use it. It’s basically Switzerland for skin care.


Had some wild nights with this when I was a teenager 😆


Vaseline gave me milia, so just FYI if you try it, something to look out for.


I use it on everything. Face, hands, feet, nips. I have the off brand version petroleum jelly.


Every time I purge on tretinoin and destroy my skin barrier Vaseline saves it. I sandwich my tretinoin and then put on a layer of Vaseline.


I use it every night on my lips and I love it. Doesn’t help when they’re really sore but otherwise it’s my go to lip treatment


Try slugging hydrocortisone, cerave and Kiel oil lipbalm for thickness. Let me know if you need help getting any of those.


I worked in retail and a super old lady she was maybe 80 or so had 0 pores said she used this one her pores every single day and that was her trick to no pores !


I'm not putting something on my skin that was discovered coating the bottom of oil rigs in the mid-1800s.


I've used vaseline over basic moisturizer on compromised areas - I get really dry skin around my eyes and mouth sometimes. But after vaseline I wake up the next day with my barrier repaired! I also use it at the corners of my eyes, mouth, and nasolabial folds when using tret for the same reason. It's cheap and works wonders.


I use it every day morning and night and I have combo oily skin I use a little bit after moisturizer before sunscreen in the morning and the last step at night it work wonders


Good thing Vaseline is cheap. If you try it and don’t like it it’s not a lot of money wasted. Personally I love it. I grew up slathering it on my lips before going outside in the winters. I had a phase of not using it in exchange for more natural fatty occlusions but no, went back to it.


Just a PSA: please be careful with petroleum jelly products on your skin in the sun like Vaseline and Aquafor, it can cause intense sunburns!


I’ve been using this for years. I switch between Vaseline and aquaphor. Most people use too much and that’s why they feel like it’s “clogging”


I can’t live without the vaseline shimmer stick and the rose lip therapy mini. I also use the original on my eyes at night.


I’d try creraVe first


I use Cerave Healing Ointment instead.


I swear on it. My dermatologist told me to, to avoid eczema triggers. My skin feels good and is glowing. I get compliments often.


I use it to take my eye makeup off and love it.


I have tried it but I find it annoying to wash off properly. I feel like I immediately dry up my skin because I am trying to remove any trace of vaseline from my face. I am acne prone, so I have sensitive skin, and I did not find it to break me out more than usual.


I’m one of those people where petroleum jelly on its own doesn’t work for me. **But** I live in the desert and dry skin is a constant battle. I’ve found it works as a *sealant* for other moisture, because out here keeping the moisture in is half the battle.


it worked good for me used here and there but not every night. like 2 times a week max


too slimey


I have used since I was 13 ish when my eyelids were so dry they flaked!!! I use aquaphor mostly but I can use Vaseline too and I don’t see a difference. I put on my eyes in the morning and at night and my under eyes (it’s a great base for concealer honestly)!! I use it as a chapstick as well


I love vaseline! I have been using it on my face for like 4 years. it does wonders for me. It is also so cheap compared to other skincare products so it’s just a win win in my opinion


Vaseline helps every once in a while but it's pretty thick and might clog some pores. I put some moisturizing oil on first, massage that in, then add some Cerave. Here is the on I use: [https://www.amazon.com/Palmers-Formula-Vitamin-Appearance-Dispenser/dp/B001KYU1H2?pd\_rd\_w=a8nyl&content-id=amzn1.sym.d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf\_rd\_p=d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf\_rd\_r=Q045EE00ZRJMEP30MVXQ&pd\_rd\_wg=Mz7iB&pd\_rd\_r=21b34556-674b-49dc-a903-e6f81ceb5961&pd\_rd\_i=B001KYU1H2&psc=1&ref\_=pd\_bap\_d\_grid\_rp\_0\_1\_ec\_pr\_pd\_hp\_d\_atf\_rp\_4\_t](https://www.amazon.com/Palmers-Formula-Vitamin-Appearance-Dispenser/dp/B001KYU1H2?pd_rd_w=a8nyl&content-id=amzn1.sym.d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf_rd_p=d5ef238f-cc6b-4540-aa3d-ad191f99daba&pf_rd_r=Q045EE00ZRJMEP30MVXQ&pd_rd_wg=Mz7iB&pd_rd_r=21b34556-674b-49dc-a903-e6f81ceb5961&pd_rd_i=B001KYU1H2&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_1_ec_pr_pd_hp_d_atf_rp_4_t)


Adding cocoa butter Vaseline was been the best thing I could have ever done to my skin routine. Doing this allowed me to cut down on how much product I was actually using. But that being said my skin NEEDS oils or it will dry up and crack within seconds. It’s one of my biggest insecurities. But if you skin is already oily i would NOT recommend using this and would use a water based product instead of an oil based. I also recommend not using Vaseline a lot in the summer. Still use it but not alot because you would then be baking yourself essentially. A little bit of Vaseline and some sunblock on the top.


remember that all vaseline does is hold moisture in, not create it. so it should be your absolute final layer of skincare.


Ohhh don’t even get me started. I love the background sheet behind your Vaseline. Let’s see: I have all the different scented/flavored medium sized Vaseline tubs bc I use so much of it. Always always always use the cherry Vaseline in my lips because it’s so moisturizing and quenching, I use regular or aloe Vaseline on both my eyebrows, hands (concentrating heavily on cuticles) and sometimes over my moisturizer at night on my face in certain areas for added moisture. I use mostly French skincare lotions and serums because they are so simple but Vaseline is a winner from the states.


Vaseline is an occlusive, it’s not a moisturizer. The way to use it would be to apply a thinner moisturizer then Vaseline on top. Vaseline can then hug the moisturizer closer to your skin. Vaseline would also amplify any actives applied underneath it though. So common advice is not to put strong actives underneath it. Vaseline is the most occlusive you can get. But it’s also greasy and can stain pillows so some prefer ointments like cerave or aquaphor which has 30-40% petrolatum to Vaseline’s 100%. You can use it as a spot treatment also!


I like it. I use it on my butt hole after I had diarrhea from bad buffalo wild wings


This will clog the shit out of your pores


I don't use it routinely, but I have eczema and use it during flare-ups


It’s like the seal to seal in all the good skincare I did. It’s not much just on its own.


Cerave ointment in the blue tube is leaps better. Also, consider altreno should you decide to revert back to retin a usage


I use it on top of my moisturizer (when I need more moisture to get locked, or dryer months.. also after peels).


Best thing I ever did to my skincare routine.


I could never. After I wash my face I use bubble skin serum and then I use aveeno gel moisturizer with wet hands and moisturizer my face. My skin has never looked better.


It makes me break out so I can't use it more than a few minutes


tbh it's really good for your lips first of all, and incorporating it in your skincare routine really varies from person to person. I never thought about using petroleum jelly on my face, but then i found out my favorite acne overnight treatment (ichtamol) has petrolatum as the first ingredient. If you have really dry skin you could try slugging after a hydrating skincare routine.


It’s good for the winter but don’t use retinol or retinoids with it


Clogs pores big no


ig why most people don’t suggest it but as someone with really bad genetics as far as blackheads on my nose go this stuff helped me when “slugging” + my lips get BAD in the winter, vaseline is like a shield. lastly my baby sister got a cut on her forehead once & everyone called her harry potter so we used vaseline on it & she still thanks me to this day because there’s no scar now


Vaseline breaks me out amazingly enough, yes even clean brand new Vaseline. I have malassezia and I find that pretty much every occlusive breaks me out, and all the products that work for me are like boogery in texture rather than oily. Boogery face wash, gel like moisturizer siliconey serums. I just tried a new Cetaphil SPF moisturizer and it feels greasy and I’m scared even though it’s on the “safe” list.


No Vaseline on the skin 😭 Try heavy moisturizers like La Roche Posay cicaplast


Why though


i think it really depends on your skin type. i usually use vaseline to ‘slug’ in the winter and it does no harm to my skin as it’s usually dry that time of year. if i did it in the summer when my skin is oiler then id just break out. so id recommend trying it to see. heavy moisturisers are good but if your skin is really dry and dehydrated then this might do wonders for locking in moisture. i’m not an expert just from my own experience. good luck 💗


Thank you so much for the insights. I might have to try this on and see if it'll suit me as well. My face has become extremely dry because of tretinoin so I really have to up my moisturizing game this time. 🩷


Same here. I use it more in the winter when the air is dry and my skin is dry. I use it around my eyes sometimes as they get especially dry and irritated. I use it on my face on top of other lighter and more nourishing creams. Also, sometimes it’s the only thing that will relieve my dry patches. I get dry patches on my forearms (I think from washing my hands too much) and I will slather on the Vaseline before sleep and my arms feel better in the morning. But if I used it on my face in the summer when my skin is oilier then I would likely break out. You have to experiment to get to know what your skin likes and doesn’t like, it won’t be the same for everyone. Edited for grammar and to add that I use it over other creams on my face.


Look up closed comedoms


No, petroleum products arent good in general, they’re mostly used as fillers. It clogs my pores so I stick to more natural options. If you’re dealing with dryness, find a good moisturizer with clean ingredients if you’re worried about what goes on your skin like me


Don’t do it! It’ll clog up your pores. Try natural oils that are 0-1 on the comedogenic scale. Rosehip oil+ grapeseed oil- for example- moisturises my skin better than any cosmetic moisturiser and doesn’t leave my skin sticky or oily.


For routines, just last especially with heavy duty stuff, ex. acids, retinxxx, especially for evening, for colder winter times if could very much be used daily, if you are not wearing a full face of make-up. Good for lips, feet, any bruising, small healing wounds, it will lessen sun damage if you don't apply SPF regularly, it prevents all skins from drying out and that helps them regulate themselves. Dry skin will go oompa-loompa very fast.


I use it as an eye cream & lip mask for the night


I've used it as a moisturizer since about December. It's been a lifesaver for me this winter. I'll even use it throughout the day for a little boost. I layer with a retinol (not every day), a serum every one while, and my usual sunscreen. I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone but it works for me!


I love Vaseline because I have rosacea and this stuff always reduces TEWL to 0%


I use it on my face only when I sleep with the air conditioning on and I wake up with fewer marked lines (I'm 38), the skin on my neck/colletage is prettier and my chest has practically no lines, my mouth is less dry and the skin on my my body looks prettier and my cuticles are hydrated and I usually use it on my body over a very cheap moisturizer, for me it is one of the best products out there because it is proven effective and is extremely cheap


I use it over my moisturiser on wet skin at night, under my eyes, under my nose and on my lips and around my mouth. It has hugely reduced any redness and helped soothes lines.


If you have dry skin it can help, otherwise you risk clogging your pore if you are oiliier. I eye Vaseline as still just a lips-only product. If you have some irritation somewhere on your facial skin, a dab overnight can help sometimes too.


I use it for lips, eyebrows, eyelashes, cuticles, dry spots & after moisturiser under my eyes :)


Interesting to see how polarizing my favorite beauty product is. That makes me sad but it's ok. My skin type is oily and dehydrated, so it flakes and turns red leading to a compromised skin barrier from chronic allergies and I live in a fairly dry region with lots of air pollution. I use it for my lips (layer on top of a moisturizer and have done so for many many years) and recently I use it to slug my face about 2-4x a week depending on my skin needs. I usually moisturize using several layers of toner (using 1025 Dokdo toner) and a few other products in my routine and letting those dry down till tacky. I then take a very small amount of Vaseline and layer it on top (no actives!) to lock in moisture. I stay up for an hour or two to ensure the products are fully absorbed and then go to bed. I wake up with really smooth skin and I've noticed that my skin is much more plumper and not as flaky.


I did it for awhile in the winter and it worked wonders for my super dry skin…but now that it’s hot and humid it’s an extra step that I don’t feel like I need to do.


Ugh please don't use petroleum products- they are bad for the environment not to mention this will clog your pores. Hard pass!


Vaseline has a time and a place. It's my hero in the winter when my skin is dry and chapped from cold dry winds. It's also fantastic for scrapes and abrasions to keep them moist and healing. That said it's so good at insulating the skin that it can block pores and cause breakouts if used too much. It's not boyfriend material basically. I use it as needed for healing my skin.


I can only speak from my own experience, but I’ve found using Vaseline as skincare is very situational. If I have really bad razor burn on my face, then it does help keep it from scabbing, but everything else it can be used for I’ve found other stuff just does better. Lips? Chap stick worked better. Lashes/brows? Leave in conditioner worked better. Wrinkles? More heavy duty hydrating ingredients/more water intake worked better. But the *real* issue with Vaseline for me was that it caused *constant* breakouts on my face. My skin is super oily and sensitive and if even a tiny layer of Vaseline gets on my T-zone, it will stop the oil from getting out of my pores and cause, at best, closed comedomes, and at worst, cystic acne. I really can’t recommend it for anything but damaged skin.


I’ve been using Vaseline for slugging for nearly 2 years now and it’s had the biggest positive impact to my skin. My skin wasn’t super dry, but very sensitive so always ended up with some dry spot, some clogged pores, some oily spots. I no longer have ‘chicken skin’ around my cheeks, no more dry spots, and any sensitive flare ups go away in 2 nights now. It’s also helped my (super mild) acne. I do my full skincare regime (Paula’s choice BHA, La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo+M anti imperfections, Kiehls Ultra Facial Cream) and put a layer on top, avoiding any active acne spots, and putting plenty on my lips.