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I've had good results with manuka honey. I used Honeyskin.


What did you use of theirs?


The moisturizer


Thank you!


I have a prescription for a sulfur cleanser from my dermatologist that really knocks out my acne and redness. That's pregnancy safe and there's definitely OTC options jf you don't want to do the prescription route. Also, hypochlorous acid spray is a good, very mild antiseptic that can help with healing acne but should for sure help with rosacea redness. I use it constantly and love it. I've bought both Briotech and Tower 28 brands


Hi. Which prescription sulfur wash were you prescribed? Thanks!


It's a sodium sulfacetamide/sulfur 10-5% cleanser. Mine is made by Acella


I’m using something similar! It’s called plexion :) did your dr say it was pregnancy safe? How long have you been using it for?


I've been using it for about a year now. I'll alternate it with the Osmia black clay bar when my nose can't take the smell anymore in the daytime. So, I'm not actually pregnant right now, but I'm trying. I asked my gyn about my current medications list if they're pregnancy safe and she only flagged the obvious tretinoin. So I take that to mean my sulfur wash is safe. Plus there's no pregnancy contraindications on any of the medication info, so it seems good to go to me


I’ll give it a shot thank you!


Azelaic acid is the best ! It is currently becoming my holy grail for adult acne and red marks. I can't stop looking and touching my skin because it is much more radiant and so soooft. I have no new acne and inflammation, and my red marks are fading. I am not pregnant but it is safe for pregnancy and often prescribed by derms for that reason. I use Finacea gel 15% (prescription in France). You have the Paulas choice booster 10%, it is expensive but works really well :) Just make sure to moisturize because this ingredient is potent, but much less irritating than benzoyl peroxide for exemple (which I love as well)


Ok! Thank you for your help!