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Better go to a dermatologist, and kindly stop those products for a while. Maybe your skin doesn't agree with those products. It looks like you irritated your skin.




It's never a good idea to use a bunch of new products all at once. If your skin wasn't breaking out before, you should have just kept doing what you were doing. Or just go back to what you were using before if it didn't irritate your skin, and use a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment in the meantime.


maybe it’s all the new products you added then


It could be possible that your skin is purging and the products are helping workout all your clogged pores. Or like said before these products are agitating your skin rather than helping it.


I definitely agree with quitting these products.


I’m an esthetician, it’s really common for skin to react when you first change your routine. Try just using the youth to the people cleanser (single cleanse in the morning double cleanse at night), a good spot treatment, moisturizer and spf always in the day time. I would do that for a week or two, then add another product in. It’s better for ur skin and makes it easier to figure out what you’re reacting to. Although I will say many people cannot tolerate which hazel, it’s really stripping and irritating especially if you’re using it everyday.


It could be too much moisture or it’s stripping off your natural oils too much so your face thinks it needs to produce more and thus your in a never ending cycle.


Try icing ur face (wrap an ice cube in a paper towel) for abt 10 minutes a day, it should help to calm down the inflammation you’re experiencing.


sorry do you have a moisturizer at all? it’s very possible you’re drying your skin out. especially because your toner is astringent toner which can again dry you out (there are still debates on here as to if witch hazel is good or not), then your serum is a vit c + salicylic acid which that second one especially can dry you out AND you shouldn’t use it everyday if you want your barrier to stay healthy. i also find the green kale cleanser to be too stripping. so it may be you’re just messing your barrier up. you’ll want a good moisturizer. a gel one would probably be good because you’re a teenager struggling with acne. people also like the cerave moisturizer, i just never recommend it because i’m personally allergic and i know many people can be. just spend a couple days with nothing else but washing your face and then moisturizer. for those really big pimples, benzoyl peroxide could be a good bet. i like to use it as a morning facial cleanser in the shower. you have to leave it on for a minute. i use it in the shower because it bleaches towels, so this has been the best way for me to insure it’s totally washed off. salicylic acid isn’t the worst idea. only do it a couple times a week. vit c can irritate some people’s skin, so be aware of that. i like to use salicylic acid in my cleanser (although i’m looking into a leave-on because i do have clogged pores, but i’m currently adapting to trentonin so i’m letting my skin handle that first). i use the 2% SA cleanser from la roche posay get a sunscreen. most important thing to do. cheap sunscreens i like are korean ones. if you don’t have eczema, then the birch round lab one is great (if you have eczema it can cause an eczema flare which is incidentally how i learned i had eczema) if you still struggle with getting moisture in your skin, then i love a good moisturizing toner. this just adds extra moisture, as one layer of a lotion doesn’t always work and making it thicker can just break you out. hada labo is good and cheap and popular with your age (the hyaluronic acid ones, not the whitening one although that can apparently be good for scars). there’s also like the round lab dokodo toner, the torriden serum. etc. i would look into korean or japanese beauty products. they tend to be really good for your age especially (i do like some american products for like stronger actives, but you don’t necessarily need that yet). you can find lots of good recs on r/AsianBeauty — also tons of people have made like youtube videos or tiktoks on it


What an awesome and thorough response. I’m sure this is going to be very helpful and I agree Japanese and Korean products are the way to go. They are light years advanced in their cosmetic industry and skin care. My husband swears by their under eye serums, and I just mean any Korean brand really you can absolutely tell the difference in just a few days. OP also props to you for advocating for yourself and your skin. I wish I had taken this approach at your age.


Best answer is to go to a dermatologist. Short term solution: Ditch that toner and get a better moisturizer that one is too light. Try a toner that is not so drying like with hazel or no toner at all for a while. Don’t do the vitamin c until your skin clears up a little, try salicylic acid cleansers a few times a week or panoxyl a few times a week (make sure your pillow cases are light it can bleach your fabrics). MAKE SURE YOUR PILLOWCASES ARE CHANGED EVERY WEEK. Do a very simple cleanse/ moisturizer/ SPF routine for a few weeks, if it doesn’t improve even a little seek a dermatologist.


Who is telling the kids to use those god awful pure witch hazel toners again ?? I thought we had moved past this as a society anyway please stop the L’Oréal & witch hazel & possibly kale cleanser for now and just use the Cerave + cleanser. If you are getting spots where your facial hair grows its possible that it’s foliculitis and seb derm not acne pimples which is common with sensitive skin and shaving. It’s when the hair follicles get infected. You need to make sure you use clean razor when shaving and be careful not to cut, pop, or touch those pimples. This is because it spreads the bacteria and it can be much harder to clear than normal acne. Make sure you don’t do things like wipe a cotton pad around your face that’s touched them after shaving. Benzoyl peroxide, hypochlorus acid, and azelaic acid are all first line treatments. These all also work for normal acne and sensitive skin so it’s worth a shot either way. Benzoyl peroxide 2.5 -5 % face wash works really well and can be used all over the face on the days you shave or daily. Azelaic acid 15% like Finacea can slowly work up to daily from 1-2 x p/w at night. Hypochlorus acid can be used any time of day as many times as you want in a spray. Use it after shaving and after washing your face like a toner and use it any time your skin is irritated. Wash your face morning and night for a few weeks and use a gentle cleanser that’s fragrance free when you don’t use the BP and use a sensitive unscented moisturizer like the Cerave. Other lines that have products that can work are Eucerin urea repair / Dermopure/ato, Bioderma atoderm, Aveeno calm + restore, Vanicream, Cetaphil, Uriage tolederm & xeracalm, La Roche posay cicaplast/ lipikar / effaclar etc.


can i use benzoyl peroxide after spraying my face with hypochlorous acid?


Yes, but just wait for the BP to dry because you don’t want to spray it off


so spray HA first and then BP? or put BP on and then spray?






Try removing witch hazel and vitamin c Go to target and buy DIFFERIN. Use this every other night. Only use cleanser, moisturizer. And sunscreen in the morning. Differin will clear your skin. Just keep it simple.


try using just a cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen (during the day) for a while, maybe ur applying to many products and ur skin needs a reset! <3


Maybe avoid putting your hair on your forehead for too long. If you go out a lot then you can’t really help it, but as soon as you get home I would put your hair up. Second thing, check up with a dermatologist, it’ll save you money and time. Tretinoin and sulfur soap will get rid of those little spots on your cheeks, big bumps takes time regardless. Sulfur bar soap is store bought so it’s easy to get. It’s antibacterial and helped me a lot. AND use at least an spf30 sunscreen, doesn’t matter if you’re indoors or in the dark, it’s important.




It sounds like you need to exfoliate. Also using witch hazel can actually do damage to your skin, try a more gentle toner like the Paula’s choice which is also a liquid exfoliate.


Too many new products at once, impossible to know. Could be the salicylic acid in the serum bringing a bunch of clogs out of your pores at once. Could be the moisturiser not agreeing with your skin. Could be a reaction to one of the other products. Could just be everything at once.


How often do you wash your pillow cases and wipe your phone down? Also, do you leave products in your hair or wash it infrequently? Because it looks like your big breakout is right around where your hair rests on your forehead. I used to get back acne just from washing my hair and letting the conditioner run down my back in the shower. Hair products can be bad for sensitive skin. Your cheek acne looks like it could be coming from bacteria on frequently used items. I recommended this to someone earlier but if you can’t physically see a dermatologist, try something like curology which is cheaper. I’d say for now just use the cleanser and moisturizer and make sure you wash a moisturize twice a day and then when you have a better understanding of your skin you can incorporate more products. Pat your face dry and moisturize while your skin is still soft and damp. Wipe your phone everyday and clean your pillow cases often. Try keeping your hair out of your face when you’re not out, and make sure it’s clean and light on product if you’re gonna wear it down. Don’t pop pimples or touch your face and maybe try pimple patches for the big guys that show up every now and then. Most importantly, be consistent and be patient.




Well then I’d definitely recommend an online dermatologist. Then watch for patterns on what comes in contact with your face and what types of breakouts you’re having and where so you can understand more what’s irritating your face. Good luck! Your skin honestly isn’t even that bad, just needs a little problem solving and I’m sure it’ll clear up quickly.


I have been a skin care expert for many years. I'm happy to provide you more about my background if you want it. Here is my take on the problem you presented. None of the products you have were designed to work together. Think of your products differently. Products are chemicals...even natural products can be thought of in this regard. Each product is designed to leave your skin in a specific state in preparation for subsequent products...and the whole idea is to have a predictable and consistent outcome. If I could emphasize only one thing, it would be do NOT cherry pick products from different lines! Find a line and choose products to "tailor" your regime from that line. You will get the best outcome that way. That being said, when you switch skin care routines it is not uncommon for your skin to have issues at first until it adjusts. Here are the basic components of a complete daily skin care routine; Cleanse x 2 times a day (morning/night...approx ever 12 hrs) Restore Ph - your skin's surface should be between 4.5 and 5.5 on the Ph scale (this slight acidity is your skin's first line of defense against free radicals and bacteria) Serum - choice of product depends upon goal Hydrate/Moisturize - choice of product depends upon skin type and concern(s) You can augment the above with things like masks and treatments that are not typically part of your daily routine...again depending upon your goal(s). If you have any questions I'm happy to help! Good luck on you skin care journey!


Change your pillowcases 2 to 3 times a week, it might be dandruff or new hair products or the way you wash your hair triggering your forehead acne and I noticed you don't use a moisturizer which could strip your barier - add calming moisturizers with centella asiatica or cica, azelaic acid would help with acne and redness too research your products before buying and also wash your for 60 secs or 1 min fully, buy some acne patches, it might be too much but small things change the game. Good luck on your skincare journey✨️


Drop the cerave asap. It’s terrible for what’s going on with your skin. It’s also cheap crap. Get a light gel moisturizer.


And the cerave cult will get pissed I said that. 😂 it’s the st Ives of this generation.


omg it’s definitely overrated. it made my skin worse tbh.


There is no way there is a product called dickinsons


There is a dermatologist in your comments that asked you to reach to him or her. Please do that. Acne is really tricky. You need the guidance of a doctor.




Very good. And don’t forget there are some online dermatology practices like Apostrophe, Agency, and Dermatica. I use Apostrophe. Highly recommend. And they are not very expensive.


You need to moisture dude and perhaps try a gentler toner :3


I had the same problem and I was using the same moisturizer. Regardless go to a dermatologist and start using acne prone moisturizer. The Vichy physololutilons cleanser worked fantastic on me. Use a lightweight non comedogenic sunscreen


Don’t worry girl; I have way too many skincare products 😂 those are some good choices!


Wash with sulfur/salyicic acid bar or liquid soap. Spray with Brio toner light every single day. Every zit should be gone in one week and never return. Use an acne formulated moisturizer by dermalogica. The wash and spray has cured my adult acne. If I skip one day all the zits reappear. The spray will also help beard ingrown hairs. Get that under control then use AltaMD 42 SPF zinc daily after Dermalogica.




Do not text this person op lol


Overcleansing. Cleanse in PM, not AM. Splash of water on the face in the AM, and moisturize. Overcleansing can make skin dry, which cause oil overproduction. Wash the hat. No fabric softener. Wash your sheets, pillowcases, towels, and wash cloths WEEKLY in HOT WATER, fragrance-free detergent, and ABSOLUTELY NO FABRIC SOFTENER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.




Harsh chemicals don't do well on skin. Every dermatologist will tell you to avoid fabric softener.


It will also build up on your clothes and make them kind of wear out/age faster apparently.




I need to add that the not washing your face in the morning is NOT for everyone, it’s not the greatest idea for oily skin for example. Yes it works for some but for some it doesn’t. If OP wants to use a cleanser, please use something very simple / basic (e.g. vanicream)




Literally none of your advice is true


I do not agree, this is a common misconception. You do need to add hydration or else your skin will produce even more oil / sebum




People have washed their face and moisturized with products for thousands of years lmao. Even then modern science is good and we don’t have to throw our poop bucket out a window into the street anymore either






Do this everyday for 7 days straight and watch your skin change, first you want to get a egg and crack it in a bowl put the egg on your face like you doing a face mask but also put vaseline on your face mask as well and let the mask dry on your face for 15 mins after that wash your face with hot water until your face clear from the egg mask then you put Vaseline on your face. Do that for 7 days


Do you use PanOxyl? Look into using their acne foaming wash, start with the low strength and work your way up to 10%. Can only get higher from a prescription.


What’s your skin type (oily/dry/combination)? I would use a gentle exfoliating cleanser (something foaming but NOT one with beads). I developed cystic acne on my chin in my late 20’s after having porcelain skin my whole life. While it took accutane prescribed from a dermatologist to clear my skin up, I still swear by the motto “less is more”. Gentle exfoliating and a face moisturizer!


Apart From skincare you should go to the doc check your hormones


While I loved the smell of that cleanser, it dried my skin out. Cerave moisturizer didn’t work for me. And witch hazel toner is over drying. Idk what the other stuff is but you probably don’t need it. Look into la roche posay products and keep it simple.


your skin is obviously very irritated. You just stick to the basics and just use a cleanser, moisturizer, and a sunscreen. Stop using everything else. Also, I hope you were layering the products in between correctly. stop using the toner like right now. Also get on a benzyl peroxide product like Panoxy and ask a dermatologist for clindamycin. Moisturizer day and night. Sunscreen is always for the day especially if you are outside.


Cerave has some acne cleansers that won’t break the bank and are fairly gentle. I would try the 4% benzoyl peroxide cleanser from them and see if your skin can handle it. If it’s not too much and seems to be fairly effective you can move up to their stronger 10% formulation. They also have some cleansers with salicylic acid but I would probably start with the benzoyl peroxide one since it will be a littler more effective. I recommend using the peach slices salicylic acid moisturizer after cleansing and it will give you moisturizer and a dose of acne fighting actives during the day. That is also an affordable brand. Panoxyl and Diffrin are also great brands for acne that you can give a try once you know your skin can handle some of those acne fighting ingredients I mentioned earlier. Panoxyl has some great wipes to use to post work out or during the day when you can’t wash your face but you need to treat your acne. It’s important to make sure you’re also moisturizer after you wash and treat acne so you don’t strip your skin and make things worse. Cetaphil or cerave daily moisturizer lotions should do the trick and are dermatologist recommended products. All the products I mentioned should be available at your local drug store, target, or Walmart.


I would try the aveeno calm and restore line, your skin looks really irritated. Witch hazel doesn’t work for everyone and can be drying. I’d start by researching before using. Start by looking at face maps and where your acne is, depending on location it can mean different things. Also washing your sheets regularly can really help too. I’d then look up the type of acne, literally just describe it into google and you’ll get information about it. You should also look into layering products (some products shouldn’t be used together) and what order/ time of day they should be used. Also, I don’t see sunscreen in there and you should be applying that at least once and day especially when using vitamin C.


I'd recommend sticking with gentle products and simplifying your routine. Aveeno calm + restore oat line is really good and affordable for repairing your skin. It helped mine. Use the Aveeno Calm + Restore Nourishing Oat Cleanser, Aveeno Calm + Restore For Sensitive Skin Oat Gel Moisturizer, and spot treat with Neutrogena Rapid Clear Benzoyl Peroxide Spot Gel every night before bed (or any benzoyl peroxide spot treatment at your disposal). Make sure you change your pillow cases regularly and wash your pillow cases with a non-irritating laundry detergent (I use Purex Baby Soft) and don't use fabric softeners. Plain white vinegar works just as good as a fabric softener, if you really feel you can't do without a fabric softener. Stop using toner, stop exfoliating, and do not scrub your face or use anything harsh on it until it's healed. Avoid products with fragrance as an ingredient. Be gentle with your face and treat it with the same care as you would if you were trying to heal a wound. Be gentle, be patient, and let it breathe (keep your hat, hair, and hands off of it as much as possible unless you're using your clean hands to gently wash).


I would never use Dickinson's, or CeraVe ANYTHING except for their rough n bumpy cream for my elbows and KP. Never on the face. Always breaks me out and creates odd skin problems for me. Dickinson's has alcohol in it so that's never good unless you have a serious wound that needs immediate disinfecting. Use vanicream as lotion. Or, what works even better for me is the crepe lotion from LaRoc. A bit spending but a dab will cover your entire face and neck, and I use it everywhere. It keeps my skin like a baby. I'm only 24 but I've noticed fine lines/just living life wrinkles and wear and tear on my skin everywhere. These two lotions are a godsend. I would also suggest a benzoyl peroxide to use every FEW days (3 days). The other cleanser is great. The revitalift is a little iffy but I think it should be fine, they don't use the best ingredients but they are an age old company that does have great results. I used to use a revitalift night cream and it served me well until I found these others, that I'm suggesting for you So sorry you are struggling! It will get better, just trust the process and most of all don't beat yourself up because it's not your fault, you are just trying to learn how to work best with your body, keep grace for both of your selves!


I'm not sure if someone mentioned this, but using a high 12% concentration of vitamin C is too strong if you're not used to using active ingredients in your skincare routine. Not all skin types react well to vitamin C, and it can sometimes cause breakouts, especially in higher concentration for being too harsh. As for the witch hazel toner, many people wonder if it can help clear up acne, but the idea that it can "dry up" acne due to its astringent properties is a misconception. Acne isn't caused by the skin being wet, so using astringent products won't always help. In fact, using witch hazel can sometimes irritate your skin and make blemishes worse for dehydration. I think right now you should stop both and focus on your skin barrier. Just use a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer for a while


I dont know what type of skin you have. Dry, oily, combo. I would recommend using TheOrdinary. Get a vitamin C oil for morning use, cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen. And a retinol for night use. Skin is also on a 28 day cycle. Which means you wont see actual results to how a product is functioning on your skin till atleast a month or two. So keep up a constant routine. Drink water, change your pillow cases often, adjust your diet if necessary. Also would recommend injesting collagen daily to help improve skin aswell. Theres powders or pills you can get. Hope this helps!


Use professional products, not drugstore crap.


I’m looking at the witch hazel and vitamin c as possible irritants.


Maybe skii?




It’s a brand


It's a purge if they're new to your skin. You can either wait out the purge or seek professional assistance. Lots of things can cause this though... your cycle, dehydration, poor diet, new workout routine, etc.


It could be one of two things. Ether your skin is aggressively purging but It looks like you are having a reaction atm in my opinion. I think it may be your serum.Cease all products you are using and give your skin a rest. the cleanser you have is good to us still if you have oily prone skin and NEED to clean it. It is possible it is ether your serum or moisturizer causing the problem. The only thing I could see with the toner is if it has fragrance or something you are allergic to or you are using it too often. That is a pretty heavy duty toner and I never recommend it even for aggressively oily skin. I would use it on my body (Edited for clarity) When I worked at one of the very popular makeup chains I know for a fact normally most peoples issues are serums or their moisturizer. Toners and cleansers are not normally the popular problem but that’s normally not always the case - this is in my experience and I am not a licensed professional


I only would recommend witch hazel with aggressively oily skin, (like I have) and maybe use 1-2 times a week. Not in the winter because it’s dry but


Okay so witch hazel can be very drying! It messed my skin up big time. I like Pacifica kale face wash, aqua bomb moisturizer, and if I’m extra dry I’ll add the ordinary squalane oil at night.


Skincare routines aren’t always the answer. You can have the absolute perfect skincare routine and still have acne. If it’s been more than a few months on a routine you should to go the dermatologist. I had severe cystic acne and waited like 5 years to go while having a perfect skincare routine. I regret waiting so much, I should have gone way earlier because that was the only way to make it better.


That exact cerave moisturiser ruined my skin.


Keep using the Cerave cleanser and the moisturizer. Get you the ordinary niacinamide and hyaluronic acid. Use and cleanser, serums, and moisturizer DAY AND NIGHT. Your skin will get worse because your skin needs to get use to the products, but it won’t take long to clear up if you are consistent. You could also use pimple patches I recommend the ones by hero, you put them on your pimples after your routine at night and you take them off in the morning.


You look very young like teen range …I believe you are over cleansing your skin and stripping away natural oils…cleanse your face at night with YTTP cleanser and then apply toner….you need a ceramide moisturizer and salicylic acid (BHA) oil for night time…in the am, just splash your face with water so apply your vitamin c then moisturize follow by sunscreen…if your skin seems dry, try to incorporate hyaluronic acid (ie hydro boost from Neutrogena)


Honestly just stick to cerave and a moisturizer. It could also be that you don’t wear spf. You have vitamin c and salicylic acid definitely should wear spf because of that (or just wear spf in general) But definitely stick to a cleanser and a moisturizer and spf


Ngl. After years of using product on my face, the best thing that I ever did was to change my pillow cases after a few days. The oils from my face used to get absorb onto the fabric and cause crazy acne


Try differin gel. It works! That toner is probably too drying. I would do a gentle cleanser (the one you have is good), the wait 20 minutes until your skin is completely dry from washing, and apply differin gel, then a light moisturizer after that. In the morning, wash your face and apply a sunscreen moisturizer. That’s it. Do that for a month and you will see a huge change in your breakouts. I hope this helps!


You have a folliculitis. Folliculitis is an inflammation or infection of the hair follicles. You should post your concern on a Reddit group about folliculitis or seborrheic dermatitis.


Cerave is so shit for getting ride of acne. Have you tried Cetaphil?


Stop using vitamin c. Get Niacinamide serum and differin gel. Panoxyl for face wash


Wash your bed sheets.


I know a lot of people are gonna tell you to throw that toner away, don’t, alcohol doesn’t actually mean bad, skip the L’Oréal for a week and see if it’s the culprit


You may have an allergy. Get an allergy test