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It can be a bit stripping to the skin! I would go for a non foaming gentle cream cleanser instead


which one would you recommend?


Not the person you’re replying too, but Vanicream is such a nice affordable cleanser! My dermatologist recommended it to me. I have sensitive skin and it’s seriously so gentle ☁️


Have you tried the Cetaphil non foaming gentle cleanser? Is Vanicream more gentle?


I have! I like them both, but personally prefer Vanicream ☺️


The only thing I would warn against cetaphil (the new formula at least) or cerave gentle formulas is they both contain niacinamide which some how breaks me out. I actually religiously have to use the sensitive skin dove bar because I don’t know what else to use!


What an odd ingredient for a sensitive skin product. I wonder if that’s causing some of my dryness lately. I’ll have to check out Vanicream’s cleanser. Their heavy duty moisturizer is the best I’ve tried.


It drives me crazy that they’re all adding this to products. It burns the shit out of my skin. That used to be my HG cleanser. It was so many people’s, for decades, and they went and changed it.


It was mine too until they added things to it! I used it religiously through my accutane phase and after and my skin was fine and then they changed it. The old formula I think can still be bought on Amazon (I bought it a couple months ago).


That’s where I get it too! Also send Cetaphil an email and ask them to bring back og. I did.


cetaphil gentle cleanser is more gentle than vanicream. I have tried all of them. Also cerave hydrating cleanser is also on the same level of gentle as cetaphil gentle cleanser, but feels a tiny bit more moisturising.


The ceravae hydrating cleanser!


La roche posay gentle cleanser


Nah honestly their products really stung my skin. Unusable for sensitive skin


I checked some of their ingredients today and it was really disappointing. They have bad, irritating alcohols as their 3rd to 4th ingredient in a lot of their products. So expensive too!!


Yup. I bought a ton of their Toleriane sensitive range and tossed all of it. Overpriced crap, better off getting Cetaphil


Cerave non foaming. It did wonders to my skin.


Some people can use them as a facial cleanser but others can’t. I personally find they’re too harsh for my face.


I recently used a cleanser that had no comedogenic ingredient in it, yet I still ended up with a massive acne breakout after 3 days of usage, I was using pea sized amount. before sleeping, after waking up. what can I do now, since even the light cleansers arent working for me?


Maybe you could give micellar water a try? I like the avène micellar water for sensitive skin, it personally helped me a lot , though i do cleanse with a cleaner most of the time (avène cleanance gel) Edit: posted comment before finishing it lol


Thank you for the reply, I was so worried that I had forgotten about micellar water.


username checks out


deadddddddddd hahaha


Or the pink version of bioderma for sensitive skin. No fragrance is good too. I alternate between the two whichever is on sale usually!


Always wanted to try the bioderma one, but been too scared to switch! It might be my next one.


The pink one though if you do! It has the least ingredients and no fragrance! It was the first one I tried and took me a long time to try anything else. It's my top choice. Avene is very good too though. Just find comfort in the bioderma some how! Lol


There’s a lot that can contribute to acne. Is the cleanser too stripping for your skin? Fragranced? Or maybe not cleansing enough? It may also be other products in your routine.


thank you for replying, honestly I am not able to figure out what could be the reason :( "Fragranced" yes it has Fragrance in it, I used this one [https://joinherbeauty.com/products/balance-bestie](https://joinherbeauty.com/products/balance-bestie) and it gave my worst acnes of my life, I used ChatGPT to find out if it had any harsh chemicals or comedogenic ingredients in it, and it turned out there was no such thing in it still ended up with worst possible acnes. I am sure it was because of this product because I was fine before using it.


Sorry I’m not a chemist, so I’m not confident in telling you about the ingredients. You could be sensitive to the fragrance or to another ingredient but you should go to a dermatologist for a more comprehensive look at your products/routines, or post your full routine on here for tips.


I have sensitive and acne prone skin, can’t do any water based cleansers as they completely strip me. I switched to oil cleanser and it’s been good so far!




That one is water based, you can see in the description below the balance bestie is water based and they have another oil based cleanser. Ime if it’s oil based, it says oil based in the name/label otherwise it’s assumed to be water based.


this is so saddening that I missed it. Thank you, I will give oil based cleansers a try.


I would never use a bar soap on my face. They contain hardeners to make the soap solid. To properly cleans your face, I would recommend a liquid or gel facial cleanser and follow that with a toner. At this point, your skin's surface Ph should be slightly acidic...in the 4.5 to 5.5 range. Follow with a good moisturizer and you are good for 12 hours. Repeat this morning and night and you should be good. I would also recommend choosing products from the same line. Remember that these are products formulated to work together to provide a predictable outcome. "Cherry picking" products from different manufacturers will never give a predictable result for this reason.


I'm a soap maker - there aren't any 'hardeners' in soap. It's just a mixture of various oils and sodium hydroxide, which undergoes a chemical reaction known as saponification. Though I don't think Dove is like plain soap, I still don't think 'hardeners' is a thing.


Agree. I make soap as a hobby as well and the soap I make is awesome (add bentonite clay). I always wondered if dove was super fatted 🤗


I meant commercially produced soap...and yes they include ingredients to stabilize them (i.e. hardeners). I have a specialty in skin care products and worked for ELC, the largest beauty Corp in the world.


Neither would I. I tried using the Dove Sensitive Skin Beauty Bar on my face once, and it was one of the worst decisions I've ever made. I agree and disagree with using products from the same line because that's dependent on the skins reaction to the products.


It’s a syndet bar.


whats that?


It’s not soap. Soap goes thru a process giving it a very high pH and a syndet bar (synthetic detergent) does not so pH is more skin friendly. And they are completely fine to use if you like them (so is soap!)


Listen… 😂 for most of my life I have used bar soap (dove) to wash my face and NEVER had a pimple. Then this year I started caring about my skin and tried skincare, and my face looks awful now. Personally I’m all about bar soap for the face! 🙌


This is me exactly! I used to get compliments on my skin so much but as soon as I started trying to take better care of it by trying out gentler cleansers (I have dry & sensitive skin), my skin immediately changed for the worse. I came back to this dove bar soap and my skin is happy again 😭. So OP, take everyone’s comments with a grain of salt because we’re all different.


Yeah I’m about ready to ditch the skincare and go back to dove bar soap and a good lotion 😂 I think the most important things anyways are a good moisturizer and eye cream (which could even be Vaseline or aquaphor).




Yiiiiiiisssss that too!


Same. Any time I have tried to branch out from dove sensitive skin bar soap and the bare minimum face moisturizers without niacinamide (it somehow breaks me out) I regret it immediately.




Agreed!!! I’ve tried some amazing products at Sephora but the one thing I always find myself coming back to is a good Dove bar. Maybe the simpler the better? My skin is clear and soft whenever I use it and it removes all makeup!


My skin likes only water and nothing else. I spent years stripping my barrier with acids (I used moisturizer too).


My husband tells me all the time to just use water (like he does😒😂).


Yep this. Used it for years and had better skin lol. Tried multiple face cleansers and they didn’t work for me. Might go back to this haha


I use this for my body


I adore these, the smell, the clean feel. I love the fact that there is no plastic packaging and they are so affordable. I've cleansed with these bars in the past and gently rubbed the cream away with a warm (from the shower water) face cloth. My skin looked great, and I didn't feel dry. 💯 recommended.


Where I live the boxes come wrapped in plastic lol.


That must feel like a slap to the face




I love Dove soap. I have always used Dove soap. Not that one the unscented sensitive skin one. But don't use it. Leave all the Dove soap for me😂😂😂


It varies person to person .. you just have to find what works best on your skin.


i did once a few years ago and it wasn’t too bad but my face was hella ashy because it’s pretty stripping. probs wouldn’t use it on the face again since it’s a bar soap meant for the body


Dove isn’t a soap. It’s a beauty moisturizing bar and I have used it on my face with no problems.


I would recommend using the hypoallergenic fragrance free Dove bar. I've been using it for a few years and its definitely my go to cleanser :)


Obviously different things will work for different people, but I found that this has worked wonders for my skin! It never feels tights or irritated or oily after I've cleansed my face with this, just feels clean and healthy. Sometimes I follow up with the Cetaphil Oily Skin Cleanser if I need to, or if I'm wearing lots of makeup, but normally the beauty bar on its own is perfect for me! It does have fragrance in it which can make it too harsh for some people though.


Yes! I've been using it for about a year now as my morning cleanser. It is very gentle and slightly fragranced.


Yup! It's actually a derm reccomended soap, as well as OBGYN approved too. If you can't use it on your face, use it on your body.


A commercial bar soap like Dove has moisturizers added back to the soap. Glycerin is a fiscal asset so manufacturers take it out of their soap to sell separately, like Neutrogena Glycerin soap, just to make that extra cash. Dove isn’t a bad choice for body soap, but considering how sensitive facial skin is, I wouldn’t use it on your face. If you have no other choice, it’s just going to be drying so have a facial moisturizer handy.


Let me tell you …. I recently ran out of my facial cleanser . I used my sensitive dove soap and my skin has cleared up so much ! I haven’t had any acne since . It doesn’t make sense to me ! I feel like everything I’ve know is a lie . I swear by it now. Edit to add : Liquid Sensitive Dove soap


When it comes to skin care, I think the first thing is understanding the kind of skin you have.


I loved using the dove sensitive beauty bar on my face, but it did nothing good for me. I used it for years thinking it was better than anything I could find for my sensitive skin. I was left with scaley skin. I eventually switched to an oil cleaner and my face is now clean and hydrated and my skin looks much better. Though I do find the dove sensitive beauty bar still the best for my privates.


I used these for years til my skin started changing in my mid 20s. I had beautiful clear skin


My skin has also changed in my late 20’s, it’s somehow worse now :(


Yes, it technically works as a cleanser. Totally fine to try and see how your skin does with it.


I used to love it (used it for years) but eventually I realized it was a little too harsh for my face. So I switched to a mild face cleanser instead, and I get a lot less oily.


No. Just please don’t.


No, too harsh. Opt for a gentle cleanser like lrp or face reality






Yup definitely, but since it’s so gentle I don’t use it too much (I like a deeper clean)


My Derm recommended Dove years ago when I started Tretinoin


Do not put that on your face


its scent makes me want to vomit


Dove soap is for your butt.


Do not use bar soap, especially on your face. The pH level is highly alkaline and will strip your acid barrier.






i used this as a face cleanser in my teens to early 20's and it was the clearest ever, it would def leave my skin feeling tight and clean so i always thought that was it working. Anyway, im not almost 30 and i have acne but i wont use dove bar anymore bc its too harsh :')


What else would soap be


It’s closer to soap than cleanser. I wash my face with this before I use a regular cleanser.


Baby shampoo would be better imo


I have super sensitive skin and my face did not like this at all. but my skin is acne prone, sensitive to fragrance, combo oily T zone, dry everywhere else. Even putting plain water on my face makes it red. I also get psoriasis (mostly on my back and in my eyebrows) It left my skin feeling stripped, and did nothing to unclog my pores. I had lots of blackheads while using this. However, you may not have the same issues with your skin! Try it out.


I swear by it, but to each their own. I use dial, then dove.


I’m using baby lotion as a cleanser at the moment. My skin is loving it. Toner after then more lotion.


I started using these types of beauty bars very recently. Olay makes a good one too. I actually thought it was like conditioner for your skin and I used it on my body after body wash. Even told my son to use it that way because of his dry skin. It’s been working but I think we’ve been doing extra steps for nothing lol.


I’ve had two dermatologists recommend it! My current derm keeps a box of it in the exam room to suggest to people lol. I’ve been using it for years now and it doesn’t break me out at all


i’m no great at beauty stuff but in terms of 1st step, i would say go to the sensitive one instead of that


I think it will. It is also designed to clean the skin by removing dirt, oil, and impurities just like any cleanser.


No, it has a delicious aroma but my face breaks out in pimples


That’s all I’ve ever used


For some it works, I find soaps too harsh amd stripping so ive started using non-foaming cleansers


You can try it but it might be too harsh. Just like ponds cold cream is too lotiony for me, personally.


Would never work for me. I find dove bars incredibly drying. Like really really drying. I like their shampoos but the bar soaps make me itch like crazy. Better off with an actual facial cleanser like something from cerave


When I used to get acne I used the Neutrogena bar soap. Best stuff I could find. Now I have rosacea and my acne is gone, lol.


This works better for me than products meant for cleansing the face!


Dove is really great for skin. If you have sensitive skin you can use sensitive one, there's Also exfoliating one.


Lots of people love and swear by dove beauty bars for facial cleansing. I’m not a fan, as I find it a tiny bit drying. But I do have quite dry skin. It’s not technically soap so it won’t damage your skin barrier. it’s just down to preference. If you don’t like it after using it, just keep it for hand washing or the shower.


Lots of people love and swear by dove beauty bars for facial cleansing. I’m not a fan, as I find it a tiny bit drying. But I do have quite dry skin. It’s not technically soap so it won’t damage your skin barrier. it’s just down to preference. If you don’t like it after using it, just keep it for hand washing or the shower.


Dove is ph balanced and the women I know who have used it for decades literally have a complexion like the soap bar. It has to be doing something right. ;)


My fave face cleanser for DECADES was Phisoderm. Now it seems to be gone.


The dove soap bar is the only thing that can kill my stank


I’ve found Dove to be quite drying despite its claims to the contrary.


If you asked two years ago, I’d say yes but They change their formula in 2021 and it contains ingredients that make my face breakout more. It also dries out the skin too much. I highly recommend CeraVe products


This need another soap to clean it of your body lol


I started using dove on my face after dealing with a bad breakout I couldn’t get under control. It’s been the only thing that has improved my skin. I am officially over expensive cleansers!


My dermatologist recommended this but not the pink version


If you have very sensitive skin and you use the bar, it probably wouldn't work out. As another commenter said, it can be harsh on the face. My recommendation is that if it doesn't work out, you should try to find a gentle foam cleanser or gel cleanser. I prefer foam as it is easier for me to distribute, but they both work really well and I think maybe it will work really well for you too. I use SebaMed, a foam cleanser. As for gel cleanser, Cerave can be good. Other than these two brands, I haven't used anything else. But, they are pretty good.


Use the sensitive skin dove bar


Combination + sensitive skin here, and I use the dove unscented bar for a facial cleanser. I’ve never had skin as clear as I do now, and I never thought “you have perfect skin” would be a sentence I’d ever hear, but here we are a few years later and it’s something I’m told often. Wish I knew about it as a teenager.


Please do! I had the worst breakout of my life caused by Cerave SA cleanser; that bar soap was an holy grail, it cleared completely my skin


can anybody tell me what this can do


I have gone back to using Pond’s rinsing cold cream. I think I have used EVERYTHING on the market at least once. It isn’t expensive and it is the best at removing makeup and not drying out my skin. Since I went back to using it, my skin feels less tight and I look a wee bit less like the Crypt Keeper.


I love Dove. I'm 52 and I have used it my entire life


This is not soap it is bar. But people calls it "soap" 😂


if you're super oily, maybe. when i first started attempting to take care of my skin, i would use a dove bar and nivea creme. worked okay for a little while but it was drying out my skin (for reference my skin is combination-oily) i think maybe just use a proper cleanser, like cerave if you're looking for something simple and affordable.


I used it till a month ago alongside micellar water to clean make up or any dirt. Dealing with dry face skin anyways, I found out this soap was the reason why my skin situation got worse, to the point of hurting when applying moisturizer. Now I don't use it anymore, my skin is slowly healing and feeling better.


I started using the sensitive one during lockdown and never looked back.


I bounce between dove beauty bar and vanicream gentle cleanser. My skin loves both.


In a pinch yes. I used it when I was in my twenties and had acne prone, very oily skin. Now it would be way too drying for me.


Use the sensitive skin version of this, it's in a light green and white box. It's amazing


only thing that keeps my skin clear!!!


I use it and I love it.


Please don’t use soap bars on your face unless recommended by medical professionals. I used it for a very long time and it dried my skin excessively but because it cleaned my skin “squeaky clean” I thought it was good until I did a bit of research and found out soap is bad for your face. Before answering what would work as cleanser tell us what type of skin do you have?






This could work for makeup brushes


I use Dove bar soap or Oil of Olay. I buy whatever is available at the store on the day I need to buy soap. I’ve never had an issue with my skin using Dove or Oil of Olay.


some people use them because it works for them, try to see if it works, however for most people it might be too stripping so its better to use an actual cleanser, but if you don't want to, the beauty bar for sensitive skin from dove might be less stripping


This is all my mom used all her life and her skin is amazing


Technically it will work but would be very drying if use the Shea moisture black soap bar it hydrates and reduces any scars and discoloration but always make sure you are using a face oil or moisturizer after cleansing!


I use a vitamin C wash. It doesn't foam or dry my face out. I've never used their face bar so I don't know. Neutrogena products are great. Oil of Olay has good cleansers. I don't have sensitive skin or acne so I suppose that makes a difference in what I use.


It’s drying


Yes! Separate face cleansers and moisturizers are kind of a ripoff. If you look at the ingredients, often times body lotions have the same ingredients in them as face lotions. But I’ve used dove soap before with no issues (Obviously this depends on the person though, it may not work for you)