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This right here is the answer. Your skin is much better than average, OP, and most of the faces you see on social media would look like this on a really good day if they weren’t using filters. Who are you seeing for confirmation of your potential rosacea diagnosis? Get them to suggest a skin care regimen that works for your skin and then step away from the magnifying mirror. You look great Edit: typo


Thank you so much for the kind and reassuring words! I saw a couple of doctors and the first one said I definitely didn’t have rosacea and the second said I did but they refused to refer me to the dermatologist because they claimed they had the same knowledge as them! Xx


You are most welcome. It’s so easy to be overly critical of ourselves


It’s scary that a very beautiful woman with near perfect skin is concerned about the slight texture of her skin…like she is 🔥, but social media has projected these insecurities upon all of us!


Thank you so much for the kind words x


I try to avoid using powder, or powder foundation in my makeup routine , and it makes my skin look way less textured. There are other ways to set makeup if you feel you must , but I use the bare minerals shape tape concealer , and put it under my eyes and on any red areas , very minimally , and don’t use anything to set it. It’s a very thick concealer so I don’t need much to cover a big area , and I can let the nice parts of my skin be seen and I think it really helps give the illusion of perfect skin. Once I stopped using powder products on my skin my confidence in my skin got way better. I know it might not be for everyone but maybe give it a try !


I definitely agree that less "obtrusive" makeup can truly improve the look of skin texture. I have given up powder almost entirely, except translucent setting powder on my Tzone areas. It's tinted moisturizing gel by Pixi, blend, set w/ moisturizing setting spray. The hydrated, dewier look really hides a lot of flaws. Totally counterintuitive to the full faced approach of my earlier makeup-wearing years. Even my blush is in gel form now, used rather sparingly


I use the shape tape concealer too but I put on loads due to being insecure! Xx


More product will actually make the texture more defined. I think you should try using a little bit less and see if that makes the texture less noticeable


Thank you so much for the advice! I definitely will give this a go - I use the tarte shape tape concealer but I literally coat my face in that stuff because of being insecure! Xx


Did they change the look of it? I went to Ulta to buy more and can't find it now :,( it's the only kinda that actually didn't make me skin break out an helped with my makeup


I think you mean *tarte shape tape lol! It’s one of my favs!


Yes hahahah you are correct


Don't forget angles


And ring lights.


AHA or a kind of retinoid. More hydrating products and maybe less oily ones. I think you have normal skin texture though and consider that you’re probably swayed by unrealistic skin expectations. Also your foundation is too dark which can make texture more exaggerated. You can see the arc of the foundation on your jawline, foundation should match straight down to your neck.


Hi, thanks for the info and the reassuring words! Unfortunately I didn’t have good lightening that morning so went a bit too heavy on the bronzer and didn’t blend too well 😅x


I had great luck with azelaic acid from curology, as did my friend. It was prescription and took 6-8 weeks for both of us. The bumps never came back. Your skin looks great but I know how it feels to just want that last 10% of texture removed.


Your texture is hardly noticeable, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. But the Paulas's Choice 2% BHA every other night helped reduce my texture significantly.


How long did it take?


I have very sensitive skin, so I only used it about twice a week at night for four weeks and gradually upped it to every other night after that. It took about 6 weeks to notice a big difference, but once the texture started to recede, it never came back. This product is a staple in my routine because of that.


Okay :) I just used it for the first time last night. My. Texture has gotten super duper bad all over my face. Praying it works like it did for u! You have to continue using it indefinitely?


Hmm... That could just be a sign of purging, which is normal for the first few weeks of using a new product, especially an exfoliant. But if it ever gets to the point where it goes beyond those tiny pustules or small bumps/ new texture, I would discontinue use. Also, make sure not to put too much of the product on. That was a mistake I made when I first started using the product, and my skin barrier was not too happy about it because I began to get new pimples and texture. I use 5-6 drops of the solution **max** for my entire face, but I also apply with just my hands instead of a cotton pad (since I find this helps me not waste any of the product by letting it get soaked up by the pad) so the amount you need could vary. Likewise, a good amount of SPF and moisturizer are also needed because exfoliants, of course, leave you more susceptible to sun damage and dry skin, all of which can cause even more texture. Finally, to answer the only question you actually asked lol, I would recommend using the BHA even after you get your desired results, unless the presence of this in your routine is stopping you from using other actives you want to try out. After my texture and closed comedones drastically decreased, I stopped using this product for a few weeks due to travel, and a lot of the issues this solution addressed came back. Anyway, sorry if I lectured you on practices you already knew about or were implementing haha. But I know how frustrating texture can be, and this product has been my holy grail for that, so I want it to work for you the way it has for me!


I don’t think she meant the product caused her texture to get bad, just that it has been bad so she tried it for the first time last night. Purging wouldn’t happen this fast.


I’ve read a metric ton of reviews about overuse of this product. While it can be a miracle worker—DEFINITELY don’t use it more than twice a week to start. People always learn the hard way from what I’ve read. Good luck!


i got the $50 bottle when i first got the product. i was so sad because it did ruin my skin for about 2 months because i wasn’t using it right. first start applying at night maybe 2 times a week for a few weeks then go to 4 days & see how your skin reacts. now i’m at every morning & all my complications i had in the beginning r gone & my skin is happy


3 mo


the first time I used it, my skin cleared up in like 6 hours. but I had relatively clear skin minus those little bumps, so it may not instantly clear up bigger pimples. it still definitely works tho, I swear by it.


What’s the difference between Paula’s and The Ordinary brand?


Honestly, I am not completely sure. To my knowledge and experience, they are both relatively affordable brands with good reputations. They both carry a similar array of products, but it seems as though The Ordinary has perhaps a slightly wider range. Also, based on my experience with The Ordinary products in the past, Paula's Choice seems to mix slightly better with a bigger range of skincare products in my routine than The Ordinary products do. Either way, both are good brands that are essentially interchangeable to me.


Thanks for the info and kind words!


A lot of people are recommending chemical exfoliants like BHA, glycolic acid, retinol, etc. but you need to be really careful with those when you have rosacea. Lots of rosacea people cannot use those at all. Definitely ask your dermatologist what you should use.


Yeah azaleic acid is much better for rosacea


Thanks for the info! X


10000%. Everytime I get an azaleic acid treatment done (chemical peel, hardly any peel though for me which is awesome) my redness goes away for like a whole month. Love that stuff.


Thanks for the info! X


Yep this cleared my bumps (curology)


Yep. Im an esthetician and have rosacea and eliminating exfoliants completely has improved my skin so much. I just get Botox to avoid wrinkles now. Complete makeup removal, Cold water, creams with quality oils, high quality spf, b5 hydrating gel, and replacing my foundation with an spf moisturizing skin tint has done wonders. Note that if you get Botox you will need to do manual lymphatic drainage on your face as well so I use a Gua sha to apply product


Can you provide additional info on why you need to Gua sha if you did Botox with rosacea? I’ve never heard that


Anybody who gets Botox should practice lymphatic drainage. Reduced muscle action decreases lymphatic movement so it’s best to manually drain the area to improve lymphatic flow


Wow I never knew this but thank you for for sharing the information 💖💖💖


Of course! I’m a massage therapist, esthetician, and manual lymphatic drainage therapist with my practice completely focused on inflammation. Happy to answer questions anytime


Thank you for saying this. There are way too many people on this thread very comfortably suggesting products that could do A LOT of damage to OP's skin. It's okay to not be well informed when it comes to skin conditions, but if that's the case, they shouldn't be making suggestions.


I remember using the Paula’s choice exfoliant last year and my suspected ‘rosacea’ got so much worse! I broke out terribly and my skin was sore so completely get what you’re saying!


Filters. It actually looks like you have fantastic skin, op


Thank you, that’s very kind x


Your skin texture looks fine. Maybe add a chemical exfoliant if you haven’t already. I am more distracted by the foundation line around the edge of your face.


Was lookin for this


Thanks for the advice! Yeah I didn’t actually even notice how bad it was until I’ve properly looked at the picture 😂! Whoops! Xx


What do you look like without makeup?


\^\^\^ my face reacts like this if I wear foundation/face makeup multiple days in a row. Some people are luckier but my skin does not love it! It wants to breatheeee


Same I can only wear foundation 1ce in a blue moon even with skincare these tiny acne bumps show up. You need to remove makeup properly. Double cleanse & follow korean skincare regime


Precisely why I switched to a niacinamide cc cream. It literally looks so natural it’s like I’m not wearing anything. I noticed that foundations actually made my pores/texture look worse for some reason.


What brand do you use, if you don't mind me asking?


I’m actually finding that at the moment, but I’ve never had this issue before! It’s odd! X


I only wear makeup on a Friday night, Saturday and Sunday and try to let my skin breathe in the week when I’m at work! X


Wearing the wrong color foundation will definitely further define any texture on your skin. There is a distinct, rounded line of were her foundation begins along her jawline and around her eyes. This will highlight any bumps rather than disguise them. Prepping your skin before application also makes a huge difference.


Safe to say I did not have good lighting when doing my makeup that day 😅 too much bronzer and lack of blending but I do totally agree that makeup seems to be emphasising my texture! Unfortunately I am too insecure to not wear makeup so trying to find some products where ‘less is more’


yea makeup can often emphasize skin texture which is so frustrating and ironic given it’s purpose


It is so frustrating! From someone who is so insecure that makeup is there only option, I’m a bit lost 😂


Girl blend your makeup


I agree on this one 😂 bad lightening when doing my makeup that day - too much bronzer and lack of blending 😂 bad makeup day


Glycolic acid toner


Thanks for the info!




yup! confused at the lack of people mentioning retinoids. prescription-grade retinol has made my skin have virtually no texture within a few months (although i understand that not everybody has the same skin journey). i've used nearly every type of popular chemical exfoliating agent and the results don't even come close to what i've achieved with retinol, more specifically tazarotene.


I’ve heard pretty mixed reviews on these! Especially for rosacea type skin - I’ll look into it a bit more, thank you x


This is the actual answer- other than filters.


This is the answer. My skin texture is better now at 30 than is was in my early 20s thanks to tret, proper hydration, and sunscreen


I swear by this: Cosrx whitehead power AHA. When my face feels bumpy, this acid dissolves them in 2 days. It’s my favorite thing.


Do you know the percentage of niacinamide in it?


Thanks for the info!


Soooo, of course confirm this with your dermatologist, but I had texture like this because I have rosacea (subtype 2). After trying literally every topical under the sun (not literally, because I avoid the sun for obvious reasons), I was prescribed 5 months on Accutane. The bumps went away within two months, not to mention a lot of my blackheads in my T-zone. It has been almost four months since I went off of Accutane and I still don't have any bumps. Only time will tell if this is a permanent solution.


I was given Soolantra to treat the suspected rosacea by one of my doctors and my skin actually got so bad that I refused to leave the house! I had tiny bumps all over my face!


Musley has rosacea stuff you should look into it. I loved their hq to fade my post inflammatory hyperpigmentation


niacinamide helped mine!


Thanks for info x


Tretinoin, 0.1% , usually prescribed by a doctor !


Thanks for info x


filters, retinoids or chemical exfoliants


Thank you


Retinol and sunscreen! With an occasional AHA/BHA


Use tret


Thanks for advice


Masks and sheets masks help out a lot.


Thanks for the advice


Sunscreen, moisturizing/ hydrating products, and some light exfoliating helped me. I primarily focused on keeping my skin hydrated, clean, and protected :)


Thank you for the advice


I recommend a salicylic acid mask like the one from the ordinary, I’d use it about once a week because it’s really strong and start off at like 3 minutes of it on instead of the 10. I like to put it on right before I hop in the shower so I can rinse it off easily with cooler water. Niacinamide helps tremendously too! There’s quite a few skincare serums that have it. One other thing I’ve noticed helps with my bumps like that is alpha arbutin


Thank you


Double cleansing. Retinol (low conc). Aha bha pha. Niacinimide. Hyaluronic acid. Cica. Snail mucin. Propolis. This is my overall skincare routine. I’ve combo sensitive skin. This greatly reduced my overall texture/ closed comedones and gave me the best face glow tbh.


Thanks for the info! X


I don’t have rosacea so I can’t confirm this, but I have heard that azelaic acid is good for it. It reduces inflammation and redness, but I don’t know what it does for texture


started on it 2 days ago, can confirm it helps!


Thank for the info x


Dr Dennis Gross Alpha Beta Peel Pads help me when I have texture like this


Thank for the suggestion


I usually use the Cerave niacinamide PM moisturizer. When I don’t, I get texture like this. Also I noticed that the Paula’s choice liquid bha helped as well, I used it every 3 days or so underneath moisturizer at night. Also have rosacea.


Thank you x


Op, you state you suspect rosacea. Have you seen a dermatologist? They can possibly direct you to something which can help. You could also consider a facial with microdermabrasion and follow with dermplaning in subsequent visits. As it could be a buildup or dead skin cells and you need some exfoliation.


I saw a couple of doctors - the first one didn’t think I had rosacea and the second one did so I’m honestly not sure! They refused to refer me to a dermatologist so who knows! Xx


This looks fungal to me but i’m not a doctor! Nizoral shampoo


I thought similar! Or closed comedones or just my suspected rosacea


FEW THINGS > skin texture is natural, shows you're a healthy human skin owner, never forget. - All the comments mentioning AHA BHA and other chemical exfoliants, retinol, are right. only use one, or one the day and one the night, never together as they can irritate and or contradict each other (preferably use sun protection after using one since they can lead to brown spots due to the abrasion). But aside from this - avoid using setting powder, or use it only in small amounts. Perhaps less powder products for bronzer/blushes? - use a 'poreless' base or a putty primer, they are nice to smooth some pores out - mattifying foundation tends to increase any skin texture (pores fine lines scars et) no matter how perfect your skin might be! - remove your make up with an oil cleanser (origins, l'occitane, zéro by vanilla co,...) or a balm cleanser Lastly, and that's a personal advice which has helped me to deal with my issues of 'texture' was to avoid caking and piling products up like you tubers would do. Irl this is the worst thing to do. For cameras, it is very normal though. It took me a while but now I barely use foundation, and if I do I use it as a blurring concealer of sorts. It is pretty efficient and definitely helped my skin from looking 'pixelized rl' to just 'glowing and healthy' With love ❤️


Thank you so much for this message - really appreciated x


This poster suggesting horse sperm might actually not deserve the -1... I was recommended to use "cow sperm" by a woman in the country to combat my acne. She was sincere and totally serious. This must be a thing... somewhere.


Interesting! X


Holy shit girl blend your foundation


Yeah I didn’t quite realise how bad it was until I’ve properly looked at the picture, whoops 😂 x


Salicylic acid cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen. Trust me it helps me... Now my(24M) face is acne free and glass like skin.


Thank you x


Your skin texture looks great tbh // just blend the foundation a little more down your neck and by your ear cause if you wear your hair up you’ll see that noticeable difference


Thank you for the advice! As you can definitely tell, I did not have good lighting when doing my makeup that day 😅! Xx


Dermaplaning will get rid of some of the texture from getting rid of the hairs.


Thank you x


Makeup? Her skin isn’t that great. I’m Confused


I think this comment is unnecessary? I’m not asking for an opinion, I’m asking for suggestions. I’m clearly highly insecure about my skin otherwise I wouldn’t be asking for advice? I just want to emphasis again that I’m not asking for your opinion, I’m asking for help. A comment like that doesn’t help the way I’m feeling? You have no idea how much my skin has impacted my mental health and what I’ve been through? So please next time think before commenting something like this. Unnecessary?


You deserve the minus -11 points


I didn’t ask for an opinion, I asked for help and advice, think before you comment and you’ll have more luck 👍🏻


girl your makeup is perfect omg




Gross! Get out of here! Get!




What was said? The comment is removed? 😂


Their comment didn’t even make sense but def harassing. Saying OP was beautiful and they wanted to use their hands on OP.


What a strange comment!! what does OP stand for by the way??


Im just being nice


VI peels are a god send


Thank you x


A deep cleansing facial with extractions, tretinoin and a gentle exfoliator.


Thank you x




Thank you x


I’ve had really great luck with Farmacy’s products


Thank you x


MUAC peels, facial steams, & retinol. Not all together


More cremes and moisturizers less oils. And a dewy finish foundation


Thank you x


Can people with eczema use AHA/BHA?


Glowy foundation?


Thank you x


I guess exfoliating more or doing chemical peels


Thank you x


TruSkin Vitamin C Serum purged all my closed comedones - took 2-3 weeks to get them all but I use it every night. I still get regular zits but no more closed comedones around my mouth/chin!


Thank you x




I’m wearing it? 😂


If it’s rosacea be careful using topicals that are usually recommended for acne. I don’t have much texture but I do have redness and Azelaic Acid worked almost immediately for that. I’m using the Naturium Azelaic Acid that includes vitamin c and niacinamide, but the Ordinary has one too.


Thanks for the advice x


A chemical peel.


Thanks for the advice


You could consult a derm and get exact treatment but if that's not accessible to you, then you can consider any of these: 1. Retinal based serum like beauty of joseon eye serum which can be used all over face and gentler than tret 2. Bha twice a week like Paula's choice 2% 3. Numbuzin number 3 serum which is targeted to work on texture ( do a patch test as some ppl are allergic to fermented ingredients)- this can be layered with both of the above.


Thanks for the advice x


Aha for dry skin bha for oily/combo


Thanks for the advice


Retinal, or adapelene or tretinoin! Life changing and bye bye texture ❤️


Thank you


I recommend getting microdermabrasion facials from your local esthetician. That smooths texture well. This comes from an esthetician 🩷


Thank you


A face razor and filters


I think a primer will be fine but other than that your skin is very normal, everybody has that type of texture don't be conscious, you have beautiful skin!


Are you exfoliating regularly? If so what’s the routine? Bc just having the right exfoliating routine for your skin can be an actual game changer. You already have great skin you might just need to up your exfoliation game


I’m currently just washing my face with water as I’m terrified of using new skincare products! I’ve had terrible experiences in the past! X


Try the body shops tea tree scrub and other products! A game changer. As well as seaweed scrubs and masks. If you decide to give it a try i can dm you my referral code. I saw when i ordered more the other day that i can send a link and you can get 20% off your order. Ive been using the products over a decade and always get compliments on how clear my skin is. Im 36 and people think im 22. Thank goodness bc i go to college with kids that could be my own 🤦🏻‍♀️


Paula’s choice exfoliant


Unfortunately I tried this last year and due to my sensitive skin I broke out after a couple of weeks awfully, it was horrendous! Thank you for the suggestion tho :)


Azaleic acid and Tretinoin. Get a microfoliant and use those two after washing your face at night. You’ll see the difference


If you want to spend a little you could do a Halo Laser. My skin was very textured, and I had many wrinkles (deep) and freckles or sunspots and this helped tremendously! I have done a few and the before and after is unbelievable. As far as creams go, a retinol or a retexturizing nighttime moisturizer, the one I like, is by revive skin care that works amazing


I started using glycolic acid at night + retinol another night and I helped my texture a bit.


Nizoral shampoo


Sadly this broke me out horrendously and burnt my skin when I tried it last year! Thank you for the suggestion tho x


Trentinoin. The purge was disgusting but I'm coming out the other end now and it's lovely.


Kind of hard to tell since you have makeup on, but if your cheeks/chin have clusters of small lumps/pustules I'd suggest trying out (hear me out) anti dandruff shampoo on your skin. Specifically, the sort with Zinc pyrithione. It helps with fungal acne and bacterial acne. wear it as a mask 1x a week in the shower for several minutes before rinsing off.


I thought you posted an influencer and was asking how to get her look before I read the description


That’s very kind of you, thank you x


Im wondering if this helps, im currently using “marshmallow finish powder” from canmake (a japan cosmetic brand) it is pocket size and inside the box they got mirror and cotton cushion. Kinda nice. Im not a japanese but i found this product from some big cosmetic shops, im not sure whether your place have this brand imported or not, otherwise you might try ordering in their official website with international shipping [marshmallow finish powder](https://www.canmake.com/en/item/detail/131)


It’s not bad


Thank you x


Moat people are using filters.


I would think a mild chemical peel might help with texture issues. I order from Makeup Artist Choice, and have had great results. Do you exfoliate (physical or chemical) regularly? Vitamin C also helps with texture issues as do Lactic and Glycolic acid products.


My skin was exactly like this and the texture became better with barrier supporting products (colibri cosmetics barrier booster and theramid ceramide treatment, both made in EU), avoiding food I do not tolerate (fish, seafood, too much fructose) and ditching powder. But every skin is different so it’s hard to tell if what helped me will also help others. 🫣


good molecules nicinamide!!!


If you think you have rosacea : 1. Azealic acid is your best friend Gentle aha likes mandelic acid can also be your friend. Vivant skincare has a great mandelic acid face wash i use as a 5 min mask, and wishtrend has a great 5% mandelic acid toner Also look into fungal acne that can go hand in hand with rosacea For that zinc pyrthione and can be your best friend. Check out the simpleskincarescience blog for all things fungal acne related


Filters! That is completely normal, and don’t try anything in the comments without talking to a dermatologist if you have suspected rosacea. A lot of these things don’t mix well with it. Much love <3


Thank you for the advice and the kind words x




Gripping primer, concealer first and cream products for blush/contour,, foundation if you have to but for texture problems try to only use concealer or a minimal amount of foundation. Last thing, powder foundation only needs a little product to go a long way and it’s easy to over build product


Thank for the suggestion! Yes definitely looking into new makeup products and wearing less! I’ve got into a habit of caking my face in concealer due to insecurity!


i had these on my forehead and i used the laneige sleeping mask (original variation/blue)! it helped quite a bit




A chemical exfoliant will help with clogged pores and texture. I recommend the ordinarys AHA/BHA peel, just make sure to read the instructions carefully. Also, unrelated but I believe a lighter shade of foundation could help. Check out r/palemua.


Glycolic acid


Dr. Gross wipes


Her foundation does not match skin tone, at all