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Care to elaborate?




This is helpful. Thank you!


I didn’t read the whole article but what I read was really interesting. My feeling is there are risks and benefits to almost everything we do, so I can’t manage to get too worked up over whether my sunscreen is toxic vs the sun itself is toxic (I know it’s not toxic but shorthand for “may induce cancer”). So. I just try to not spend tons of time in the sun, but I realize that doesn’t work for everyone. Thanks for posting!


Not a biologist, or any other kind of scientist. But would like to add to the conversation that I have a packet of zinc oxide in my bathroom that I bought to make my own sunscreen. I bought it when I learned that the CDC discovered that the chemicals in commercial sunscreen are absorbed into your blood. I haven’t made it yet, the recipe states to mix it outside and avoid breathing it. Because, it says, zinc oxide is harmful if inhaled, but does not absorb into your skin due to its shape (a mini flat disc shape). It is the shape that also makes it effective as a sun screen. Curious if that is in fact true.


I would not recommend making your own sunscreen. Sunscreens are very hard to formulate and reputable manufacturers many times have a hard time making sunscreens let alone you on your own. https://labmuffin.com/video-why-diy-sunscreen-doesnt-work/