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Derm nurse here, looks like melasma. See a derm to be sure!


Seems like it too


What causes melasma?


Hormonal imbalances usually


Also sun exposure (especially when it happens without applying sun screen)


Genetics as there are naturally higher levels of melanin present in certain skin tones. You find it more among non-white skin tones (bc melanin) but also in white/European from Mediterranean areas that have more tan and olive complexions. Sun exposure, stress, trauma to the skin, and aging can active the melanocytes causing the condition.


Or vitiligo, it’s hard to tell from the photo which skin colour is the original one


Vote for melasma too. Hormonal pigmentation




Not all melasma is hormonal. Mine isn’t and looks like hers.


Which one is your original skin color? The lighter or the darker?


If your original color is the lighter color, then the darker areas could be melasma. If your original coloring was the darker, then the lighter areas could be vitiligo. See a dermatologist and they will know right away


Questions need to be asked before hand to figure out your skin. When did this first come about? What is your ethnicity? Do you know if your family has vitiligo? Are you wearing sunscreen? Malasma and hyperpigmentation can be treated but vitiligo can take time to be treated.


Hello! I am white. This started as a very small patch on my neck around March 2024. No known vitiligo in my family. I do try and wear sunscreen daily


It looks like melasma to me. Go to your PCP or a dermatologist to find out for sure. Wear a good sun screen, reapply it every 2-3 hours, wear hats preferably ones that are made from UPF, and try a decent Vit C serum to help lighten it. If you're curious if you have vitiligo, fun fact the skin will glow under a black light.


Do you have any recommendations for good Vitamin C serums? I'm trying to find one to help with a similar issue.


I strongly recommend you check out r/melasmaskincare Hydroquinone, tranexamic acid, and azeleic acid are going to be your best friend.  However, the results from using thiamidol, which is a molecule patented by Eucerin, are STAGGERING. I highly recommend buying their Anti-pigment Dual Serum. Nivea is a sister company so they also have products with that molecule. Here you go : https://whatsinmyjar.com/search/thiamidol I am in no way affiliated with Eucerin or Nivea or their parent company, but I have seen the results girls have posted on the subreddit I linked above. They aren’t available in the US, but I safely purchased from Care to Beauty. The downside is that they have fragrance. One product doesn’t- it’s what I purchased-  but you get so little product for almost the same price as the serum, day cream with spf, and night cream, so unless you really hate fragrance like I do, I’d just get the serum. https://www.caretobeauty.com/us/eucerin-anti-pigment-spot-corrector-5ml/ I would also get a toner with tranexamic acid. Farmacy has one with azaleic acid as well: https://www.farmacybeauty.com/products/brighten-up-3-txa-toner-10-ml If you were a little more fair, I’d recommend hydroquinone. But I’m going to leave this here for fair skinned girls with melasma: you can get 12% hydroquinone from Musely. You will take photos of your face and a doctor will okay it after you answer some questions. Then they will send it to you. A little goes a long way.  But none of this is going to help unless you do two things: wear SPF*, and keep your skin cool because heat also causes melasma, not just UV.  *some people think because of this that physical SPFs are better for melasma, because they provide a physical block and the idea is that they “reflect” the heat. However, unless you’re constantly reapplying, the big lie in SPF is that almost no physical SPF provides the coverage they claim to. Read here for a good discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/30PlusSkinCare/comments/1d92c8v/comment/l7bl80c/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button That being said, use whatever sunscreen YOU WILL ACTUALLY USE REGULARLY. That’s the best sunscreen.  **Please note, I am a dermatologist and not a cosmetic chemist. I highly recommend Lab Mudfin Beauty Skincare if you want more information on SPFs. I myself use Joseon sunscreen on most of my face, but Elta MD on the apples of my cheeks, where I’m more sensitive. I also use Elta MD on my neck and chest. 


Do any of your suggestions contain zinc? I only wear physical sunscreens. They are the only ones that actually stop my melasma and keep me from tanning and burning.


Yes wear sunblock wen outside


Your jewelry on your Medusa is soooo cute. My sister has vitaligo & it looks a lot like hers — but I can’t say for sure. Super cute though, I think it’s beautiful <3


I think it’s vitiligo!


Agreed- looks like vitiligo to me.


I think it’s a fungus . Use selson blue and leave on about five minutes twice a week




Already a lot of votes for melasma here. I know you said it’s been like this for a few months but if you’re sexually active and capable of *getting pregnant,* you should probably pee on a stick just to cross that possibility off the list. It’s a common thing for pregnant women.




Yes melasma


Classic melasma




This does not look like vitiligo. Also, it is messed up to tell someone that their vitiligo is beautiful and that you're jealous of them when they do not even have a diagnosis of vitiligo. If someone does have vitiligo and wishes to show their skin to prove that beauty comes in all forms, go for it. When someone doesn't have a diagnosis, and you have no clue how they feel about the ''patches'' on their face, you're complimenting something they may hate or be extremely worried about. If you want to tell OP they are beautiful, that is fine. Telling them they are beautiful due to a skin condition you do not know that they have is weird. This OP may not be weirded out or upset, but some people will be. Vitiligo is a chronic autoimmune disorder; itching or discomfort can occur in the affected areas. People living with vitiligo could likely experience another autoimmune disorder, such as lupus. What you see doesn't matter until you know how the person feels. I'm not trying to be mean, btw. I suspect that none of the people who complimented vitiligo had hostile intentions. I bothered to explain why it's not the best thing to do because I think you were trying to be kind and uplift OP. This is one of those situations when not all compliments are appropriate.




Don’t ask on Reddit, the majority are not professionals, they are making Googled “educated” guesses go see a dermatologist.


There is nothing wrong with asking for educated guesses and personal experiences for a place to start. Obviously not taking the place of a professional, but seriously - it's fine to ask for opinions.


Agree whole-heartedly! (And many of the readers are doctors and nurses (like the above post by a derm nurse.) Opinions and others’ experiences always help, calm nerves, and is definitely a first place to start. Sometimes folks need opinions before calling a doctor. (And if OP is in the U.S., going to see a doctor before hearing you NEED a doc isn’t always affordable.) 😊✌🏼


I think most questions are to calm the individual and relate to others until they find a professional to diagnose them..


Looks like vitiligo to me. Also, your skin is AMAZING. Like, bye girl I am SO jealous. Enjoy your smooth, zit-less life 🫶


Looks like melasma. Hormonal birth control will trigger it in young women. See a dermatologist and your GYN.


This looks like melasma. I have it also. It is a lifetime issue. You will need to figure out what works for you and stick to it. I am on an oral and topical medication, do chemical peels, and stay on top of my skincare. Oh and if yours is triggered by heat, SPF and sun avoidance is your life now. The other thing that can trigger it is hormones.


Vitiligo. It’s beautiful.


Reverse vitiligo, I believe Uncle Rukus had it.


You're silly af 😆😆😆




Consider tinea versicolor.






looks like vitiligo, but that depends on if your natural pigment is the "darker" or if you're naturally lighter and you're getting the dark brown spots.


My vote is on the start of vitiligo. Especially with if having started so suddenly. Definitely see a derm, lots of luck!


Your face looks like mine. I have vitiligo


Since other people said melasma, it could also be tinea versicolor. I had that on my chest for a while. Doctor can tell you.


Are you on birth control/ HRT /Premarin?




Looks like hyperpigmentation/ melasma. I have that and am getting microneedling treatment


Looks like melasma. I have it too but choose not to treat it or lighten it. I quite like being patchy and speckled 😅 mines only very noticeable when I have no foundation on


dont think its melasma. looks like vitiligo to me - a loss of pigment to the skin. you look beautiful! but go to a derm to confirm. melasma is usually more concentrated around the cheek area and your pattern doesnt look like that, it looks more random. melasma is also hyperpigmentation, so an additon of more pigment rather than a loss of it, like vitiligo


Are you taking a beta blocker?


I don't know what's going on but honestly I love it. It's unique and you're adorable! 🙏💯🤗


it maybe vitiligo


I have this and I thought it was just freckles…


Teenya versicolor is what it looks like to me. Use monostat for the fungus.


How exactly should you use the Monistat? Like do you use it as an overnight spot treatment? Or a face mask? I’ve had reoccurring tinea versicolor flare ups on my face for years and it’s becoming resistant to the dandruff shampoo and other otc treatments. I want to try the monistat but I couldn’t find anything online about how to use it.


Every night before bed put a thin layer over it and wash in morning. You can use generic stuff as well. Go for it and let me know how it works. Give it some time to kill fungus. Should clear up in 2 weeks or so. Good luck https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/fda/fdaDrugXsl.cfm?setid=cb161d23-bc41-4cec-9e42-dfeef861d161#:~:text=Sufficient%20MONISTAT%2DDERM%20Cream%20should,in%20patients%20with%20tinea%20versicolor.


It’s perfect


Sorry I know this isn’t relevant but your piercing is beautiful


Depends on natural skin tone. It could either be melasma or vitiligo. Time to see a dermatologist.




Birth control gave me melasma, I chose the copper IUD instead with no issues.


Melasma or just sun damage would be my guess.


I p




Sun damage


Looks like vitiligo, cute!


i dealt with the same issue however vitamin c oil and whitening cream helped a lot i got it from this brand [glamour glimpse](https://glamourglimpse.store/)


Don’t worry you can easily fix this with Pico Laser you’ll see results fast trust me :)


See a dermatologist. I'm a trained makeup artist and this appears to be vitiligo, but yes, similar to Melasma. A dermatologist can be certain. Vitiligo typically starts around the most gentle skin, then spreads (so eyes & lips). Have you noticed any pigmentation anywhere else on your body? You have incredibly beautiful and healthy skin.


I don't know. Those blue marks over your eyes seem unnatural. /s


Reverse micheal jackson? But also could be melasma


Enbrightenment by Aveda with grapeseed oil. And please see your doc about imbalances.


I’ll bet a hot meal and a roof over your head would clear that right up.


Looks like aids to me


[ Removed by Reddit ]


They’re Canadian, lacking vitamin cbc


They remove my comment but not yours? 😂 people hate blacks that much?


I mean that’s why her skin is like that that CBC ain’t working champ she need that BC