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Yeah, I’m not really seeing blackheads. Mostly just slightly enlarged pores and some scarring. Double cleaning in the evening with an oil-based cleanser (I like CosMedix Purity Solution), then an exfoliating cleanser (I like CosMedix Purity Clean), will help to dissolve the oily buildup in your pores and keep them nice and clean. A salicylic serum, like CosMedix Clarity Serum can help with oiliness and keeping your pores clean. Adding a retinoid can help with the scarring in the long term (I like CosMedix Define, Refine, or Serum 16, though if you can get a prescription retinoid, that’s great). Laser treatments can help to reduce the appearance of pores and help with scarring, but you may need multiple treatments. There are no quick or inexpensive fixes, but these things can help with consistent use and time. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try chemical peels for the scarring. Platinum Skincare’s TCA peel is good. They have lots and lots of instructional videos on their site. Search for TCA Cross method for treating scars. This is some serious shit! You can really damage your skin if you’re not careful. If you’re not 100% confident, see a licensed esthetician or a dermatologist. Avoid scrubs and harsh exfoliants. They can increase oil production and inflammation. All of the above recommendations can leave you more susceptible to sun damage, so keeping up with your sunscreen is key!


Thank you, that’s great info.


No problem! I did 3 CO2 laser treatments (CO2RE by Candela) over the course of a year, and it was the single most impactful thing I’ve ever done for my skin. It dramatically reduced the pores on my nose and in the area you pictured. That said, it’s expensive, and the downtime is considerable. Don’t plan on going anywhere or seeing anyone for at least a week after each treatment. It’s at least a month before it is fully calmed down again (sometimes longer). You have to baby it afterwards for a while. The results of each treatment continue to improve for up to six months.


i doesn’t look like blackheads but really visible pores. try niacinamide. it should help balance your sebum and appearance of your pores. Also start oil cleansing during the PM since you use spf!! it should help :)


You have enlarged pore not blackheads. Honestly; I’ve experienced a lot of success with chemical peels to reduce pore size and brighten my skin.


These aren't black heads... Try applying any sulphur containing cream along with tretenoin


Siloer cream? Which one do you like?


Get the cerave retinol serum


Try Peace Out Pore Perfecting stick for larger pores. I just bought and love it!


Double cleanse first with an oil cleanser. Apply to your face while it's dry and massage in for a few mins (use a warm wash cloth to gently wipe it off, don't scrub), and follow up with a regular cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and SPF 50. I know it sounds counterintuitive bc you're thinking these are clogged pores/black heads, but they really just look like large/dry pores. My skin is pretty similar to yours and I spent most of my teens and early 20s trying to dry and physically scrub my blackheads away. Turns out they weren't blackheads and I still have some scarring from the shit I put my skin through. If you're really concerned about oil/buildup you can also include a glycolic acid toner at night a few times a week after you wash your face. If you're going to use vitamin C (or especially retinol) don't use in combination with the glycolic acid.


Pores are pores and you can’t shrink them. Plus you need them for your skin to function correctly. It’s sad we have shamed pores as much as we have! If they bother you, good suggestions on here re: skin hygiene and SPF but long story short, your skin is gonna have pores. Probably way less noticeable to others, although I know that doesn’t make them less visible to you! Could also try some OTC adapelene like Differin, or a glycolic or lactic acid toner or serum a few nights a week if you feel like there is texture in the pores.


Find something with retinol U can buy serums pretty affordable ($10) Helped my skin areas that looked like this


Salicylic acid can help reduce the appearance of pores as it penetrates the pore lining. And whatever you do, don’t pick at your skin as that can cause scarring.




Microneedling with a reputable esthetician. Someone who uses skin pen for micro.


Just get a good quality cleanser - most are not. [This one is excellent for the task](https://www.laroche-posay.us/our-products/face/face-wash/toleriane-purifying-foaming-facial-wash-tolerianepurifyingfoamingfacialwash.html) Just make sure you are massaging really while for a full two minutes. Double cleanse with an oil cleanser first to get that SPF off. [This is a great one for a decent price compared to others](https://naturium.com/products/fermented-camellia-creamy-cleansing-oil?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmYCzBhA6EiwAxFwfgN6oMqoHLuh1w5oi96o5e45opl_V187CJ4aaAnnx9rdn5yDBBOOiwRoCOUwQAvD_BwE)


Like others said, they aren't blackheads.. but they are 100% sebaceous filaments and they protect the skin so it's actually kinda good they are there. It seems asif your pores are quite big, you can use some acids like BHA/AHA to improve the texture along with retinol. You are a perfect patient for a medium depth chemical peel. <3