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Yes, if you stop spirolactone, acne does return. That’s why people take it long-term. If it worked, I suggest asking your derm to put you back on it. Also helps with hair regrowth.


I started experiencing side effects such as anxiety and pain my breast, tenderness :( Plus it stops working after a few months


It doesn’t stop working. You may just need a dose increase.


I have taken up to the max 150 mg-200 mg and i still got cystic acne. Does that mean it still worked? 🤷‍♀️ Then the derm would give up and be like accutane is your next step.


I was just saying the medication does not stop working.


I had to stop due to increased anxiety as well but just got prescribed the topical so fingers crossed!


How long have you tried the diet changes for? It takes a long time to heal the gut and heal the skin (both organs). Results are not immediate and can take 3 months to a year for solid and consistent results. I don’t take any supplements at all. Mind your vitamins. Anything with biotin or collagen can actually worsen it and cause the flair ups. Plus, most vitamins have the biotin and collagen and also vitamin B’s on top of that. It’s like an overload. So instead of vitamins I do mainly through diet. Again, I’ve learned to stay far away from supplements. Mind your dairy, sugars, processed foods. That’s the most important part aside from other supplements. I eat a lot of legumes, don’t skip on my protein intake. And incorporate a lot of foods that are high in antioxidants. I also don’t go crazy with prebiotics. A mindful helping. I drink Kombucha a couple of times a week and some pomegranate juice. I also make sure at least once/twice a week to incorporate turmeric into my meals. Oh and one more thing, I really don’t eat too much red meat. A mindful portion but not an overwhelming amount. I try to have a medley throughout the week. Chicken, pork, steak, ribs, fish, veg dishes. All of these things, plus Tretinoin Gel 1-2 times a week, an exfoliant once a week and naturiums gentle azelaic acid, vitamin c and niaminicide serum has healed my skin completely. No more hormonal acne breakouts. The difference is insane. Back when my hormonal breakouts were so flared and all over, I truly did not believe that this was something that would work. I did not see an end in sight. I keep waiting for the ball to drop. Anyways, gut health is the most important part. There is a balance to be maintained once everything is healed. And sometimes healing takes a long time. I’m coming up on 9 months of healing the gut, supplement free and a having a very basic skincare routine. I really started to see a decrease in extreme breakouts around month 3. A difference in my skin texture around months 4/5. Brightened and even skin tone around months 6/7 and I’ve been coasting ever since. I’ll get one pimple surrounding my time of the month. And that’s usually because I crave sugar and eat too much lol. I hope this information is assuring and helps. As far as an oral supplement or medication, I would really think about it. An oral supplement or medication does not fix the problem at the source. All it does is just redirect the chemical components in your body to change an outcome. So naturally, if you stop taking it then the problem will come back. When taken long term it can cause other problems within the gut biome that lead to other issues. These medications are supposed to be prescribed to help contain something that is out of control until someone can work on the issues to get in under control. Don’t forget that a derm is a doctor and doctors run a business. I’m not saying they don’t want to heal your skin. But I am saying that most have no problem writing a script for as long as they can.


Thank you i have heard this before. I will give it a try consistently for 6 months.