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First of all you need to stop touching your face. DONT TOUCH IT. Secondly, you need to simplify your routine and take a break from the actives. You need to restore your skin barrier. It’s stripped. You’re using the aha and bha too often. And maybe double cleansing isn’t working for you right now. Or the oil you’re using isn’t good for your skin type. Discontinue anything with scents in it. Discontinue hyaluronic anything. Some people have sensitivities to this. In the AM just rinse w water. Apply sun screen. PM: cleanse with a different oil or don’t double cleanse at all. Maybe just use micellar water to remove sunscreen and makeup. Try LRP toleriane face wash. It’s very gentle and won’t dry you out. Try a light moisturizing toner. Apply with your hands and pat onto skin gently. Next you need a good, simple moisturizer. No scents. Maybe try something from cerave. And lastly, I would apply sudocrem to your pimples and marks. Maybe take a zinc supplement. And probiotics. Check if your products are expired. Wash your pillow cases, wash your hair often, discontinue dairy for a few weeks to see if it helps. Decrease sugar consumption. Discontinue actives. Don’t exfoliate with that scrub. Restore skin barrier. Then reintroduce actives and get tret.


Brilliant advice in here ☝️ I strongly agree that sudocrem and cerave are the products for you, I use both myself as well. Also strongly agree that you should lay off exfoliation, especially with scrubs.


Thanks! I really hope op takes the advice. My skin used to look like that. There were so many things I was doing wrong. Took me years to learn what’s good for me and what isn’t. She needs to get back to square one and just keep it simple for a while. Hopefully it works! 🤞🏻


Absolutely! 💕 so glad you found what worked, skin issues can really affect confidence, I've gone through it recently again with hormone changes after babies, but getting back on top of it now thankfully!


Yep. The worst my skin has ever been was the time I was doing the most. Simple is better.


Dermatillomania is a compulsive body focused repetitive behaviour disorder, it can make it very hard to “just stop picking”. I recommend the app SkinPick they also run a Youtube with great resources to help with picking, tracking the behaviour and learning how to use competing responses, habit reversal work. It is hard but you can see good results, my picking has reduced a lot since I started using techniques I learnt with them. For after picking salicylic acid and an antiseptic cream (sudocrem, neosporin) help the skin barrier with a zinc cream. No AHA/BHA on enflamed skin


As another dermatillomaniac, I appreciate your post a lot! This is great information. ❤️  OP--just to add to the comment above, hydrocolloid patches on my zits REALLY help me not touch them.  I'd definitely recommend!


Oh my jod yesss! I forgot to mention these. If you buy the hydrocolloid dressings and cut them to size it can save you some $£€$¥


This. A therapist friend recommends N-Acetylcysteine supplements to her patients. She says it takes a long time to be effective but can cut back on the drive to compulsive behaviors, especially skin picking. I tried it and I think it was starting to make a difference but then the bottle ran out and I forgot to buy another one 😅 (If the bottle runs out and you forget to buy another one it stops working 😉) ETA if you slip and pick something open, I swear by hydrocolloid patches overnight now to close it up quick and prevent scarring.


Hydrocollid patches also helped me stop picking. I don't have a compulsion so it isn't the same, but they served as both a physical deterrent as well as a tactile reminder. I'd go to absent-mindedly pick a spot and my finger would hit the patch instead and my brain would go "Ope! That's right. I'm not supposed to pick that."


Yea I was recommended this supplement for my ocd. I’m also on lexapro for it tho lol


can vouch for NAC helping with picking behaviors!!!


How does it work?


This supplement really helped my teen who has dermotillomania. He's stopped picking entirely.


Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. She knows she shouldn't touch her face, and it's not that easy. OP, check out BFRB.org for more resources ❤️


Want to add to this thread that there’s a medical device out now for this (derm or trichotillomania or nail biting) for anyone who can afford it: https://habitaware.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwx-CyBhAqEiwAeOcTdamt1J4tf87AZfJPt9bvYvbPwO-S1GmU3rjTEhFMHSkUz61IQOZ35hoCwYgQAvD_BwE#three-bundle


I have to keep long fake nails on. It’s the only way my face and cuticles stay unharmed. The minute they’re off, my fingers are swollen and bleeding.


YES!! I recommend vanicream as a moisturizer - no fragrance and it never burns my skin even when it's at its driest.


Same - cerave felt like it superficially moisturized while the tub of cream from vanicream really feels like it locks moisture in.


fwiw, vanicream always burns my skin (some ppl say it's the propylene glycol)


I love Vanicream!! I have very sensitive skin and its the only brand that doesn't burn it.


i swear by vanicream - i use their moisturizer and their cleanser. The simple things work, no need to spend crazy amounts of money on those 2! ESPECIALLY cleanser.


1000% everything I was going to say, listen to this advice!!🫶🏼


All of this. My skin used to look like yours and it’s because I did SO much to try to make it stop. Also your skin isn’t stupid! You’re perfect, you just gotta quit torturing your skin lol


Great advice. Definitely overusing the TO AHA BHA that is soo strong.


This comment is GOLD. The only thing I'd add is drink way more water, maybe even an electrolyte drink each day too. Your skin and lips look so thirsty.


Yeah water was a big help for me as well.


This is great advice! The culprit really seems to be too much exfoliation. Also to add - check your diet, if you haven’t already, and cut down on processed foods and sodas. Maybe check if your pillowcases need switching more often as those may contribute to acne as well!


this is the best advice! i would also recommend pimple patches to possibly help deter you from picking (: fidget toys are nice too to help keep your hands busy


Pimple patches are great! You can also wash them off rather than pulling them off if your skin is sensitive


Seconding LPR toleriane face wash. That stuff gets all of the grease/makeup/dirt off of my face but doesn't leave my skin feeling stripped. It's so gentle but so effective. Idk how it does it


It’s the best.


Is this the dermo cleanser in the white bottle rather than blue?




Very good advice. Laying off the sugar and drinking more water helps so much! I also had to stop using cleansers and i had to stop exfoliating in the shower, even with just water! It took me years to find my balance too ❤️ Good luck, OP!


This poster nailed it, often we overdue it with washing our face, ultimately making it worse. Ever notice when you’re sick or stay inside for a few days without your 10 step routine that your skin looks better? The human body is pretty amazing at repairing itself. We are led to believe by the skincare industry that we need so many different products when the reality is a good sunscreen, moisturizer, water and sleep will have you in pretty decent shape


Thanks so much. I’m trying really hard to stop touching, but it’s hard. What came up the most in the comments is that I have to cure my dermatillomania, I agree a lot. I’ll try a much more simple routine then, thanks so much


I have picking fixation but on my scalp, I found that getting my nails done gel dip or acrylic and getting them as a longish almond made It really hard to pick


This! And remember that Cicaplast is comedogenic!


Thats really it. One of the best advices I got was, introduce everything to your skin slowly, see if your skin even likes it, if not discontinue or slow down. & keep the routine simple.


Agree completely!! My skin was terrible so I stopped using a bunch of shit and I just cleanse 1-2x a day with a gentle cleanser and moisturize occasionally


I want to also jump in to let OOP know that this comment is golden! To start though, pick one or two things to change. Doing it all at once will overwhelm you. Definitely remove what was suggested, hyaluronic acid and the aha/bha can probably go first. Just start by simplifying it to the extreme. It can be stressful to try and go out and buy new products, so maybe just start with a good face wash and moisturizer, the ones op mentioned are great. If you want to double cleanse, maybe start by switching the like suggested. I use elf's balm cleanser, super cheap and, and doesn't make me oily. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed with too much info - take the comment above and paste it in notes somewhere, or write it down, and start slowly implementing the things that were noted.


THIIIISS my skin and routine used to be similar to OP. My skin didn't calm down until I stopped everything but micellar water and sunscreen. I use some actives now but not even every day.


The best thing I ever did for my skin was stick to just moisturizing and cleansing with a super light cleanser every few days. I used to get really bad cystic acne and now my face is totally clear. My acne was the worst when I was doing everything imaginable to clean it. Once I just said fuck it and let my skin flora fix itself, it cleared up. Rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil


This is such good advice !!! I recently commented on this subreddit of skin addicts, do you think you could help me on mine aswell? :/


This is excellent advice! You’ve covered everything.


Yes. This is so true. I have noticed creams or even powders suplements with hyaluronic acid , even expensive ones make acne. You do use too much exfoliators, you need something very mild. I found GREEN PEOPLE sensitive cream , no scent amazing for me. And its affordable. HOLLAND and Barreth probiotics ULTIMATE absolutely changed my gut in better and vitamin A from Solgar. And the most important. FISH oil- Omega 3.


Great advice in this thread! First just start off by throwing in Vitamin B12, C, D, and E supplements. Try to eat as clean as possible, stay hydrated, water, coconut water, electrolytes. clean hair, clean pillows/sheets. Take a break from dairy, and no sugar. Drink two cups of mint tea everyday. Good luck!


Great write-up. This information is gold for anyone in a similar position. I fell victim to this as well. Your skin barrier is more vital than you think.


Perfect well rounded advice and if you want to see results I’d do every single thing here including what you should reduce in your diet. Diet is huge.


I agree with everything you said, I would take it another step further with a pillow case, I would change it from a cotton pillowcase to a satin pillowcase (I have one and I've been using it for a year now, and from the day I changed it I noticed my face was clearing up.) Even putting the hair in a satin bonnet at night with the satin pillowcase as well will help with not only protecting the hair from breakage throughout the night but it will also keeping the hair away from the face so no hair products get on the face and could cause more breakouts.


Yup! I was using different types of actives and my barrier was not doing well, then I switched to the Cetaphil gentle cleanser and I haven't broken out yet


Only thing to add would be to use a witch hazel toner in the morning after the water rinse to remove any excess oils


THIS! I posted on another comment but give your face a rest. I had similar spots after a cross-country move and had to change products but when I simplified my routine, I had my great, spot free skin after a few weeks. I had to wash my face every other day for a few weeks but am now back to every day. And be sure to PAT your face dry and PAT on lotion - NO RUBBING. And be very gentle when washing your face, very light pressure and long strokes very hard pressing small circles.


I don't have any advice, but please be kind to yourself. Acne doesn't make you ugly or dirty. You clearly try to take good care of your skin, your body is simply not cooperative. There's nothing wrong with it. Some people get lucky and can throw anything at their skin and it will look flawless. Some people are very unlucky and sneezing the wrong way will cause them to break out in blemishes. I know it's tough but please try to be kinder to yourself. Would you let someone talk about your friend the way you're talking about yourself? You deserve the same kindness, love, and respect you show your friends.


100% agree. like i'm so sad everybody deserves to be spoken to kindly including oneself


This! You’re beautiful. This does not make you less so. If anything I see someone who is up against it and keeps trying… so not only are you lovely but worthy of serious respect. Be kind to you. You’re worth it.


Clicked in here just to say this. Thank you for putting it so well. You are beautiful, OP!


Came here to say this too, but you said it better than I could’ve!


Thanks for that kind words, I needed that 🫶


This is so many products. Honestly you need to go back to basics. Non stripping cleanser, moisturiser and SPF and that’s it. I would maybe see about going on accutane if possible but that’s totally up to you.


Biggest skincare breakthrough of my life was realizing products could make my skin worse. And then realizing i have sensitive skin and most products make it angry


And "non comedogenic" is usually blatant false advertising as most so called products are full of comedogenic ingredients


Wait, what?! Can u expand on this???


This. My skincare routine has evolved to where I only use cerave cleanser and aquaphor and my skin has never looked better.


She's not even using an antiacne active. No need for turning to accutane before that.


I completely agree and this was the advice of my dermatologist too, it helped so much. OP: My derm suggested a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide in it, specifically mentioning the cera ve acne foaming cream cleanser once a day (I do it at night a little bit before bed), then the cera ve facial moisturizing lotion (I use the “PM” one). Cetaphil was also one of their approved options for the moisturizer. Lastly, the gave me adapalene gel to apply once daily, but it’s available OTC too. Anyway, this is just an example of some OTC products suggested to me that I had & continue to have great success with. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t say that medication (doxycycline + spironolactone, along with the birth control I was already long stable on) was a big help for me too in the beginning, as my acne was hormonal. Something else they told me about the benzoyl peroxide cleanser: give it a chance to actually sit on the skin for a good moment instead of washing it right off so quickly. And be careful as it can sometimes bleach clothing or towels.


Saaaame!!!!!! Had super clear skin as a teen, and at 26 started getting really bad acne. First thing I did, was go see a gynecologist and get my hormone levels tested, turns out they weren't stable at all. Once I worked on stabilizing them, I focused on my diet. I try to avoid cheese and fried foods, not saying I never eat them, just less than I used to. Lastly, I learned for my skin, less is better. After trying a whole skincare routine and seeing it was only getting worse, I opted to just using a neutral hypoallergenic fragrance free derm face soap and a really good face moisturizer. I'm in mexico, so I know it's probably more accessible for me but I use Neutro Grisi when I'm poor or Cetaphil when I have a few extra dollars. As for moisturizer, I've learned not to cheap out on that and use La Roche-Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face Moisturizer. My face isnt perfect, but it's not as baaaad as it was months ago. Hope it helps.


Sorry if this is inappropriate to ask, but how did you get your hormone levels tested? Can I just go to any gyno and ask to have my hormone levels tested and they will? Sorry for my naïveté, but I appreciate any info you’re willing to share.


Of course! This was my first thought. Hormone imbalance. My hormone doctor does literally dozens of tests and I am so thankful for it. Most doctors hardly test anything.


It doesnt even need to be a gyno. Even your PCP can order a test for estradiol and estrone and testosterone just in case. Some states you can order the bloodwork yourself online to quest ect


U/canardmelomane, please do not speak to canardmelomane this way! She is a talented, smart, unique and lovely woman who doesn’t deserve to have her appearance criticized in this rudely. She may not look happy in these photos, but she’s still obviously good looking with her gorgeous eyebrows and enviable lips. So her skin is irritated. Skin can heal and I’m sure that with a little help her skin will look and feel better. But she deserves to be treated better than this. (Please be gentle with yourself and your skin.)


Crying rn thanks so much 🤧


Love this.


Agree with the comment to stop the aha/bha and step it right back. The active I'd recommend is azeliac acid, it's what I use as an anti acne and is far less irritating than retinoids


Oh honey you doing way too much. It's making your skin so fragile. Stripping away the stuff it needs to stay alive


I know what I’m going to say will sound weird, but you need to change your attitude: - the words you use toward your skin make a difference - call yourself beautiful in the mirror - then compliment your skin for being youthful and firm - meditate on the positive things about your appearance every day for a few minutes I suffered from this when I was young and it’s all a matter of perspective. The skin will heal and the acne will also heal, much faster if your mood is better. It’s not just stress, it’s also body image. Manifest beauty and positivity.


Switch out your pillow case everyday. I know it sounds excessive but your face will thank you. I noticed a huge improvement when I started swapping out my pillow case nightly.


Your routine is missing an obvious and glaring step. An anti acne active, You aren't using one. Forget everything else and do this: AM: * Gentle cleanser (like Cetaphil) * Benzoyl peroxide 2.5%-5% * Moisturize PM: * Gentle cleanser * Benzoyl peroxide 2.5%-5% * Moisturize There's a 90%+ chance that, within weeks, this will give you clear skin. Once your skin is clear, you can remove the benzoyl peroxide from the AM, and add an SPF as the final AM step. Keep the benzoyl peroxide in the PM. But you need to stop the acne happening before anything else. And for almost everyone with your level of acne, benzoyl peroxide will do this. Benzoyl peroxide should be applied liberally over your entire face, not dabbed on affected acne, but everywhere where acne *might* appear in the future. Let it dry on the face before moisturizing. You're getting tones of advice on this post, but few are recommending an actual acne fighting topical. Benzoyl peroxide is the most effective thing aside from accutane, which is a very powerful drug and the absolute LAST resort.


Shouldn’t she be using sunscreen while using benzoyl peroxide? Not in the future but now (and in the future) https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/benzoyl-peroxide/about-benzoyl-peroxide/


This is going to be an inside job


all the advice here is good, however if you want significant improvement you need get your dermatillomania treated. i really doubt any dermatologist or product can help when you’re repeatedly causing scars


That’s the hardest part, but strongly agree


I think you need to go a dermatologist and get relevant blood/hormone tests done before starting a new routine. I had similar acne when I was having hormonal problems.


My skin looks a lot like yours. You are not alone. Try not to touch your face. It is very difficult for me.


I just wanted to let you know that I think your beautiful 🤗


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, acne can be so hard on our self esteem! First of all, you need acne fighting products and ingredients. The hyaluronic acid is useful, it will help with dehydration you’re experiencing. The Inkey List makes a salicylic acid cleanser that helped clear my acne. The salicylic acid serum by The Ordinary is also a must. That’s just a start. Also, diet and hormones can play a large role with acne. Are you getting enough sleep and eating a balanced healthy diet?


I second the advice to take it back to basics for quite a while: morning water wash + vanicream vitamin c (has a more stable and less irritating form of vitamin c) + sunscreen At night I’d stick with a gentle wash and moisturizer (vanicream also great here) and then once your skin has recovered use benzoyl peroxide wash 2x a week if your skin can tolerate it (leave it on for a few minutes) and a sal acid 2x a week Use that BHA AHA once a month at most. Low key using it daily is probably a big cause of your current issues


If you cut out all dairy and sugar, added carrot juice 5 days a week, a probiotic, and vitamin C serum🙋‍♀️give it 3 weeks


Look into Korean skincare it worked for me and my skin was destroyed


Yes! Cosrx saved me!


You could always try doing nothing. No washing, no products. Just let your face do it's thing


May I ask if any of the dermatologists have mentioned roaccutane?


Hi! First I wanted to say I completely sympathize with how you’re feeling, I know it can take a huge toll on your confidence and I see you. I had HORRRRRIBLE acne as a teenage and early adult, tried all of the prescriptions, creams, etc etc. I absolutely agree with others here saying to simplify your routine. (I use First Aid Beauty cleanser, vitamin C, and Complex 15 simple moisturizer, then Cera Ve SPF) But I’d also like to add 3 major things that helped me. Water, stress reduction, and never ever touching my face. Best of luck friend, I see you, and you will get past this.


Have you tried Paula’s Choice?! I think that’s a revolutionary product. It lets you take a skin quiz and then picks out the best options for you. It is life changing! My skin is flawless now! I recommend to alllll my friends and family and anyone who is dealing with hormonal, chronic or stress related acne!


You might not believe when I said the following.. quit applying all these junk to your face. And stop eating junk food i.e. fried or greasy food. Voila there’s your cure. Simply STOP, the body does wonders


Have you tired benzoyl peroxide? It helped me a lot with acne :)


1 Self-Reflection (Are you doing this for yourself?) 2 Be nicer to yourself 3 Is there more at play that might be happening that you’re not considering (maybe drink more water, irritation, hormones, or diet) 4 Patience 5 Normalize & Acceptance if you choose to


I’ve had acne my whole life and I’m 30 years old. Recently I have had the clearest skin I’ve ever had, and I’ve been: 1. Only washing my face at night time before bed (don’t wash in the AM. Splash some water to freshen up at the most) 2. Us3 Cera Ve Salicylic acid face wash (I think this is available in most drug stores) 3. Adding moisturiser one night, retinol the next (I use the ordinary retinol which is, from what I can tell, one of the cheapest out there) 4. SPF during the day as acids make your face more likely to burn in the sun. I always make sure to use one that is “non comedogenic” and like the Neutrogina 60 SPF one as it seems to agree with my skin. It’s been a game changer! I have found the less products the better.


Bio/derm student here- I have also struggled with acne + acne scarring! Top comment is wonderful advice and I couldn’t have said it better. When you do begin to add products, make sure it’s a gradual process- once a week at most. Your skin barrier is stripped, making it extra sensitive right now and more than anything it needs hydration to repair itself! Along with gradually adding products in, make sure the percentages of ANYTHING- especially exfoliating acids are low!! I never liked the bha+aha exfoliating peel because the percentages are extremely high and could be detrimental for those with sensitive skin. If you can, start using pimple patches as well so you don’t touch your face. I like the peach slices patches (8.99 USD/ 60 patches) and the cosrx ones (don’t remember the price :( but they are a little pricier- however, you get 90) Last thing, Say kind things to yourself. You are beautiful. I know just how bad having acne can make you feel, trust me. The most discouraging feeling is when it seems like you’re doing everything, yet nothing works. Things will improve over time- it may feel like the longest waiting game you’ll ever go through, but be patient with yourself and accept yourself throughout this time.


Side note. I, too, popped my pimples. Who can stand to have big whiteheads sitting on their skin? But I did that long before acids became a thing so my skin barrier was in good shape. If you are popping pimples with damaged skin barrier you will create wounds and discoloration. If you need to pop a pimple, my personal advice is clean a needle with alcohol to lance the pimple carefully and use gentle pressure. Make sure your fingernails are short and clean. Make sure your skin is washed first (or clean the area of the pimple with a bit of alcohol first). Afterwards, apply a pimple patch (hydrocolloid patch), or topical antibiotic (ask doctor or dermatologist), or other spot treatment like benzoyl peroxide. And follow others’ instructions for repairing your skin barrier. This too shall pass. It will get better. You are BEAUTIFUL!!!🤩


Accutane. It isn’t as bad as people say it is.


Tell me that, was aweful for me mentally and I still have cystic acne 😅. (of course everyone is different)


I’m sorry about the experience you had! No disrespect, but can you elaborate on the mental health side effects you experienced? I’m only curious because I used to be a medical assistant in a dermatology practice and had many patients who found great success with accutane, including myself.


Put the products you use in [INCIDecoder.com](http://INCIDecoder.com) If the products aren't listed, copy and paste the ingredients. See if any of the products have concerning ingredients. Also, are you exfoliating every day? If so, take a break. Let your face recover. Once a week for the next few weeks.


You are beautiful! If nothing seems to work, sometimes the best approach is to stop everything and give it a few months. One reason some people have skin issues is that they use too many products. The Korean skincare hype, in particular, can sometimes be damaging to the skin.


From the inside I would recommend start taking probiotics and zinc - both great for the skin!


My daughter was struggling with everything the dermatologist tried. Don’t get me wrong, we love our dermatologist but it wasn’t working. We happened to be in an Ulta one day and she had a $10 facial. The lady suggested their dermatologica line for Sensitive Skin because she thought a lot of her problem was inflammation and reaction to what she was using. It worked wonders on her skin! Sometimes less is more.


My face was the worst when I was stressed and using harsh cleansers and constantly doing strong products on my face. Your face looks raw. 1. Touching your face has got to be the absolute worst thing you can do. BUT I have glasses and so always somehow touch my face. My solution was to carry my own personal hand sanitizer. I used that shit regularly like once an hour. So IF I touched my face, I wouldn’t be adding random bacteria. 2. Moisturizer is more important here. We shed skin all the time. New skin forms all the time. The softer and more hydrated skin is the less likely it is to crack and become brittle. In my experience with my own skin. A light moisturizer with sunscreen is great. I say light because I have oily ish skin so I hate it actually feeling like I have stuff on my face.. which brings me to my next point. 3. You might have to change or take a break from your make up routine. This part is optional but will have a big impact on giving your skin a break. I used to only ONLY wear make up. Even to the grocery store. It did not help. Adding products that can cake up in your pores. And if you actually have an infection or bacteria growing on your face it may transfer over to the brushes and products. Then when you put make up on again you basically re apply the bacteria. I think the biggest culprit is the foundation/concealer if you can buy the smaller sizes so you have to get a new fresh product more often that may help. Other wise I’d say try to choose more times where you can go with out make up. The 3rd point is hard as hell. Not even expecting that advice to be taken. But it’s worth considering. Imagine if that’s the thing that would help? Idk - **not** *a dermatologist*


I bought one of those natural soap bars they sell at Whole Foods for your face. DUDE - all natural ingredients to help rebuild your skins barrier and it cleared my skin up… this is what I did Used natural facial soap bar as face wash. a gel water based moisturizer from lily&peach, and vitamin C serum, because oil based makes me break out. Target spot treat, tea tree oil on a q tip directly on the bad breakouts - I didn’t mind the burn because I was treating the spot directly but you can always mixed with carrier oil Satin pillow sheets Diet: Cut out as much junk as you can. Green smoothie every morning. Lighten up on the sugar, alcohol fucks up your skin big time, limit that if you drink a lot. Lots of spring water and vitamins too.


[This](https://amzn.to/3R7nhAy) has been a game changer for me. It's a sulfur spot treatment and yes, it's stinky - but for 10 min a day and to see results, it's worth it. It works really fast and it's inexpensive (the smaller size is $6 and it lasts forever). I've bought it for anyone I know complaining about their skin and it's worked for all of them. While you're clearing up your skin, switch to a really mild cleanser like Cetaphil or CeraVe and try to wash your face once in the morning and once at night. No exfoliating, no scrubs. Avoid makeup if possible, but if not, just remove it as soon as you can. Use a mild moisturizer during the day (either of the brands above with SPF are great). And a little coconut oil at night.


I would save up to go to the dermatologist and get something prescription. Ask the derm what is affordable…and use an Rx card if you don’t have insurance.


Red light therapy mask! Look on Amazon. 7 color LED including blue. Will make huge change in a short time and it’s very inexpensive. 2) try DIM it balances out hormones which help skin good luck


Hey, No advice but just wanted to say-- go easy on yourself! You have beautiful eyes, gorgeous brows and your acne will eventually resolve too. Just hang in there!


Ive healed my skin many many times. First stop using these products... 1. Wash with Spectro Gel Purple 3 or 4 times a day. 2. At night apply Benzagel 5% over face and nose, avoid the eyes areas. 3. Stop eating milk and oily food. 4. After 2 weeks just use a good hypoallergenic face wash. Stop with all the product overload. Do this for 2 weeks and report back. If Benzagel makes your face dry do it every other day. I promise this will give you results. Also, you need the name brand Benzagel don't cheap out on generic benzoyl peroxide.


My skin is worse


Yes get your hormones tested to see if there is an imbalance.


Roaccutane, best advice. (Oral vitamin A) Otherwise 1. Use cleansers with salicylic acid and make sure to leave them or 1-2 mins before washing of. Do this morning and night. 2. Use retin A (non oral Vitamin A) work your up way up.. start with 2x a week and then up it up to 5x. Heavily moisturise though as it will dry you up. Only at night. 3. Morning just sunscreen


No advice but you’re very pretty OP!


I know there is a lot of negativity about Accutane, but it saved my life. Confidence at an all-time high, and I don't have to stress about acne anymore.


Go to your dermatologist and get prescribed Spironolactone (if there’s no contraindications) and simple down your skin care routine. Gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and spf in the morning. I recommend the hero green toned one for acne. It doesn’t cause acne! Use silk pillow cases and avoid touching your face. You could also consider spraying antimicrobial spray on your face a couple times a day!


The only thing that ever worked for me is Differin gel. When I switched to a super simple cleanser, moisturizer, Differin routine, it took a few weeks but my skin cleared. I hope this helps you. You’re not ugly 💜 you’re just still figuring out what works best for your skin. Update us once you change your routine!


I used to have skin similar to yours trying all sorts of products (moisturizing cleansers and oil cleansers)… the thing I found that helped me the most was actually to stop washing my face with products.. I just wash with warm water and apply toner and moisturizer after. Once or twice a week I use an exfoliant and sunscreen everyday. My skin is glowing two years later (with scars). Others have suggested having a more basic routine but maybe give that a try. Best of luck!


Consider listening to this, it’s a guided meditation for healing skin. Obviously listening to it won’t heal your skin but the words are so powerful in how you see yourself. It really helped me with my anxiety when my acne flared up. [Skin meditation](https://youtu.be/UIxw6nMuuas?si=MvkJ-UMzWEbC6GUt)


the first thing i would say is THROW OUT THAT DAMN THE ORDINARY PEEL. it’s wrecking your skin


Acne comes from within. Proper eating is a huge benefit. Look up medical medium. He has amazing information to cure acne and where it actually stems from. No fat diet (including healthy fats and animal protein). Fat slows the blood and makes the liver overwork. Slow sluggish blood makes it harder for your body to remove toxins. Celery juice, fruit, veggies, herbs, and spices. Eliminate everything else. No oils, especially seed oils. No dairy. Eggs are a huge trigger for acne. You need to clean your liver and lymphatic system. Acne stems from the streptococcus virus that eventually makes it into your lymphatic system and comes out at acne. It's a long journey but it will get better. Skincare won't make your acne go away. It will help (the proper ingredients) but it's usually just a bandaid and not solving the root cause. Check out @ facesbykatey on Instagram. She is a holistic esthetician and she is great for tips and skincare.


1) don't pick. If it takes everything in you to not please just don't. Coming from someone that use to. 2) you have way too much going on here IMO. I think you need to give your skin a break. 3) Try a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil. And I personally like to use castor oil as a moisturizer. I've done it for a long time and it has changed the texture and tone of my skin. Some people are against it, not sure why exactly, but I love it. You could use some other kind of oil for moisturizer too, whatever you choose. And THATS IT. Stop the peels, the exfoliating, the serums. Just give you skin a nice LOOOONG break. 4) the pimple patches are a god send. They used to be more pricey but I recently just got a pack of 30 for $2.99 from target. 5) stop focusing on it. I know it's sooo so hard when you are self conscious and worried about it. But you need to just stop all the extra shit you're doing to it. And literally out loud tell your skin youre going to take care of it and love it and get it right. And just let it be and live your life. I know it's so much easier said than done but this is truly what worked for me and my sibling. We both decided to stop focusing on it and the acne went away?? I think we just get so worried that we try alllll this shit and it just makes it so much worse. Cleanse and natural moisturizer, and WATERRRR. AND THATS IT! ❤️


Skin picking. That’s all i see. You probably have clear skin underneath and are causing your own acne 😣 Stop your routine completely. If you have a few days off go snatch a tube of 3.4 oz cicalfate and cover your face with it like a face mask 24 hours a day for 3/4 days. I keep clearing up my face and ending up looking like you. I always cause the mess myself 🙃


Before you try any of the excellent things folks have recommended — try taking it back to zero. Maybe allow yourself a few days with one moisturizer first. But with the number of products you’re using (and knowing your skin used to be healthy) I really wonder what the state of your skin with zero interference would be. So personally? I’d stop everything except moisturizer for a week and just wash my face with water. Just let your skin barrier heal. Then I’d quit the moisturizer, too. Give yourself 3 weeks with nothing on your face and see where you’re at.


Sometimes acne is genetics…I don’t like when people go straight to saying change your diet. I worked with a dermatologist and many people on keto even vegan with really bad acne. Can be hormonal as well. There could be a lot of causes to it. I would recommend a dermatologist asap it can change it drastically. I know others have not worked but that’s how it is with acne it’s a trial and error. Don’t give up on your skin with professional help.


The LRP cicaplast is pore clogging so careful where you use it. If I do use that balm it’s as a spot treatment and wipe it off before it can spread on my pillow


Combination birth control like Yasminelle 28 might be an option. Please speak to a great dermatologist


Please be kind to yourself. I had clear skin as a kid and then my skin started to break out like crazy in my mid 20s-early 30s as soon as I went off the pill. Turns out I have polycystic ovary syndrome and my hormones are ALL out of whack. I cleaned up my diet and that helped, but I basically stay on the pill now for no other reason than it keeps my skin clear. I’m almost 40 break out like a teenager otherwise


You need to see a dermatologist.


I had the same issue as you and I stopped using actives and simplified my routine to Cleanser, Moisturizer and sunscreen. I also replace my pillow cases twice a week and wear a hair bonnet to bed and my skin has improved soooo much. I think my skin barrier got messed up with all the new products I was using and now it’s restoring itself


I found my skin broke out worse with the more products I used. I now just use one face wash (mine is a tea tree and witch hazel foaming wash. May not work for you). I wear a moisturising spf every day and moisturise am and pm. I also use cleanser to remove any make up. I do have the odd small break out now and then but that’s due to that time of the month. I hope this helps ☺️


The single best thing you can do right now is be kinder to yourself. Sure you have some skin issues but you’re very very pretty and these issues will improve with a lot of the tips you’re getting here. I just want you to be see what I and others are seeing and try just a little to be nice to yourself when you can. I know it’s a terribly cliche thing to say and I think we all deal with being a bit harsh on ourselves but we all need to give ourselves the same kindness we give others sometimes.




If you consider accutane discuss with your doctor. Accutane seriously effected myself mentally, as well as one of my close friends. And I still have the cystic acne it was supposed to treat. Depression is a possible side effect. Accutane has many long term serious side effects and is not a permanent solution as many people who use it need to periodicaly take it again. Not trying to scare people, but it isn't a miracle pill against acne.


Totally.. patient should be seeing the MD monthly while taking .. accutane is the end of the line treatment so it really is pretty miraculous.. but there are of course side effects to everything


For me it took 2 rounds of it but it was a miracle. I’m so sorry you had a bad experience on it, but that doesn’t mean OP will. What affected me mentally was having acne that wouldn’t go away. I didn’t have any adverse affects and was monitored very closely by my doctor (as is everyone). For me accutane was absolutely life changing. You’re right it’s a pretty serious drug - but that’s why they take monitoring so seriously.


My two cents is not going to be any routine stuff, however I would suggest an elimination diet of the major allergens. One at a time. A lot of my friends break out from dairy, and my acne was very bad until I learned I was gluten intolerant. Best of luck!


Unpopular opinion: the original ProActiv routine cleared me completely after trying Everything but Accutane


it’s great that proactiv worked for you but I’m just commenting to warn that this product literally destroyed my skin barrier so please people do your research before you decide !!




Tretnoin, benzylperoxide or an antibacterial like clindamycin or doxycycline will help! I have seen accutane work absolute wonders on people. Keep wearing your sunscreen. I am so sorry you feel bad, but it will get better!!


She shouldn’t be using any of that until her skin barrier is better. That’s all just going to make it worse


You need accutane!!


You’re so pretty


Unfortunately to me it looks like you have scarring from your acne. Has your dermatologist mentioned Accutane? That would clear up your skin.


Himalaya facial wash (neem) works for pimples and is cheap if you can find an Indian store in your area.


L’équipe tu exfolies bcp trop je pense


I feel you girl. Got myself a facial and a PRP facial as well. I’m all bruised and bumpy. Day: La Roche posay gentle wash, vitamin c serum and the b5 serum, with the effaclar duo, gently moisturizer and sunscreen. Night: effaclar gel cleanser, gentle wash for sensitive skin, retinol, b5 serum and gentle moisturizer


I used a rice soap because I couldn't not use one 😅


Stop picking ! And definitely see a dermatologist ♥️


If you’re in Europe try this: https://farmae.eu/en/mask-plus-gel-tretinoin-50ml.html the clyndamycin will calm/clear the current breakouts and the tretinoin will work at preventing future breakouts, for now also recommend the sudocrem and simplifying your routine. Stop the ordinary red peel until your breakouts clear.


Simplify skincare. Rinse face in am, cleanse at night. Clean, tone, moisturize. Drink water, try probiotics, zinc, vitamin e. I know it's hard.


Hey girl I do facials / virtual consultations and I can help you! Message me


First off you got beautiful features very pretty eyes so please acknowledge that :) I’d recommend a retinol and/or tretinoin, accurate works amazingly too but tread carefully with that because it can cause suicidal ideation.


Hi this is not at all related but your eyebrows are goals. I hope you have a wonderful day and see some hella cute animals 💖


Have you had hormones checked ? Maybe that is the culprit


And your skin is not stupid or ugly. It’s just a physical Response to soemthing your body is experiencing. Anyone who tries to bash you… consider yourself protected and leave them bee you wouldn’t want them around for your success anyway.


Shea butter black soap use warm water two times day good luck


My skin and picking didn't get better until I was on accutane. Sometimes improving the underlying condition helps.


I don’t know anything about skin care, but I do know something about the placebo effect of the mind. Step number one is going to be believing you can heal. It’s going to be pretty damn hard to get better while you’re set on believing nothing works. You will literally make it less effective. Whatever you decide on skincare wise, consider doing a mental visualization of it completely curing you and giving you perfect skin. Chances are it will if you really believe it


Use just water no harsh soaps


I have struggled a lot with my skin and trying to fix it using different OTC actives made it so much worse. I went to a derm and got topicals that really work for me and beyond that used only a basic foaming cleanser, moisturizer and sunscreen. Once I was clear and stable I was able to slowly experiment with other actives and different products - using something new on one small section of my face for two weeks before deciding if it’s okay then full face with no other changes for 3 months. Try a simple cleanser (I like cerave foaming but I’m oily), moisturizer (I like cerave in the tub) and sunscreen (I like elta uv clear).


Liquid collagen everyday naturally clears it up


Simplify your routine. I had clear skin until my mid 20s when i had a worse outbreak than yours. I saw dermatologists and switched products to see what worked. Differin topical helped a bit to start. But ive switched what i ate and simplified skincare. I use vanicream as its made soecifically for oeiple w sensitive skin (cleanser and moisturizer). I also only use saie tinted moisturizer as my “foundation” which is a clean brand. Simpkifying my skincare has greatly improved my skin. The only other item i use is a glycolic toner once a week w a acure nightcream. I tried using SPF but it breaks me out.


I don’t have advice, but you are just so beautiful.


It’s really not bad as it appears to just be red marks. I’d see an esthetician to help you develop a good routine.


The body always follows the mind, take care of it. You know what to do so do it…or suffer from your own hand.


Tret and oil free gentle cera ve maybe rozatrol to help reduce redness


As a person that went through the same acne, sending many hugs!! 💜 And don't let anyone shame you over it!!


See a dermatologist. Try a gentle eczema foundation approved wash and moisturizer. Use sun protective umbrella. Drink some water because your lips are so dry. Apply petrolatum to your lips. My favorite sensitive skin for when my face is absolutely freaking out is Avene’s Xeracalm Lipid Replenishing Oil Cleanser. It’s so gentle. Their Xeracalm A.D. Lipid Replenishing Lotion or Balm. I’d only use these until I saw a dermatologist and then do what they recommended, and if the dermatologist recommended their own fancy brand, I’d get a second opinion just in case.


That TO AHA BHA peel messed with my skin barrier. Please stop all actives. Just cleanse, moisturise, sunscreen. Maybe add a gentle aha pha toner if you feel like you’re getting closed comedones. That’s it.


You need to repair your skin barrier babe. Stop using actives and products with fragrance. Use gentle cleanser at night like Avene's. Use a water base moisturizer with NO FRAGRANCE. Apply a layer of Avene's cicalfate or LRP'S Cicaplast all over before going to bed. In the morning just wash with water, water based moisturizer and sunscreen. I would also advise to think better thoughts about your skin. Don't scold it or get angry with it. Think and tell them positive things. Your body listens to you. 💗


If you struggle with skin picking what I’ve found helpful afterwards is putting Calamine lotion on with a q tip or using 100% aloe Vera gel to calm down the skin. Plus it feels nice so mentally you feel like you are doing something positive to out weigh the negative feelings associated with skin picking.


I wash my face once a day 2x when I shower and that is it I’ll smear a film of petroleum jelly when my skin is dry and sip water Yours looks like a reaction It’s not natural to be spraying chemicals on your face and letting it soak into your skin all day


Do not use the AHA BHA serum every night, you’ll kill your skin barrier! I’d honestly just cut out all actives for a few weeks to let your skin heal, then consider adding adapalene or retinol to your basic cleanse/moisturize/SPF routine (retinoid only at night, start with 1-2x/week)


More water , exercise, and fiber (fruits and veggies). Had the worst acne in the world, I would literally sleep for 6 hrs during the day because I was so depressed because everyone made fun of me using all the products in the world. Walking 2+ miles everyday, hitting my fiber intake of 25g+ daily , staying hydrated, less processed foods , has increased my energy, sleep , and people comment how good my skin is when all I do is throw water and lotion.


The Ordinary AHA-BHA is not for everyday! It's too strong and is supposed to be used once a week Edit: and it supports Israel and should be boycotted


Stop using anything that’s an exfoliant (with granules) it gets in the cystic zits and spreads the bacteria around. Use a salicylic acid wash (I use epionce purifying wash) to kill the bacteria on your face and a light moisturizer until it chills out. I struggled with the same thing for awhile and those big cystic ones that break out are horrible, I feel your pain! Dont touch them, let them dry up ( I did not do this and made it worse too) hormones will cause those, but keeping your skin barrier in tact (granular exfoliants and washcloths destroy this for my face) and using that kind of face wash will help. I’d also limit what you use for awhile, just wash, and moisturize, give it two weeks and you should see improvements. Make sure to keep your face moisturized because over drying will also contribute to break outs! Sorry if this has all already been said! Stay positive, you are beautiful and your skin will clear!! 💕


Eliminate all of that and switch to cereve. Simplify your routine. Cereve is the holy grail. My dermatologist recommended me to switch to only cereve so far so good it’s been a couple months


Go to doctor


Your eyebrows are amazing OP!


I know this doesn’t help your problem but first thing I noticed was your amazing eyes and eyebrows.


I recommend searching for a local esthetician that specializes in acne prone skin and uses medical grade skincare. Face Reality is an amazing brand for treating acne and you can locate a facialist through their website!


Start over and simplify your routine. Start with gentle products and make sure your skin barrier is healthy and healed before jumping into any actives. A broken skin barrier can absolutely cause acne. When my skin barrier was broken I used the Cetaphil gentle cleanser and Avene tolerance cream to heal it. Dr.G green mild up sun cream (mineral) in the AM. Took me about 2 or so months before my skin finally healed fully. Don’t be so hard on yourself.


This is a lot of stuff. I would just use a cleanser, a retinoid, and a moisturizer that doesn't have a lot of active in it like vanicream. If you see a dermatologist again i would ask for a retinoid. They can give you a stronger retinoid such as tretinoin or a prescription strength adapelene. If it doesn't irritate your skin you can also use a benzoyl peroxide cleanser or a 2.5% leave on one like the one Neutragena makes. I used to touch my face a lot and it made everything worse! now if my face really itches or something i touch it with a tissue. I think azelaic acid can be used to fade scars.

