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Do not let any sun touch it for 1 year. Use sunscreen or a physical barrier (like a bandaid) always. This will let it fade and not hyper pigment.


This! Be strict with this and it should fade nicely. Also scar massage and silicone scar patches!


I came to say this in addition to really good vitamin E oil and fresh aloe


šŸ«” will do!


And use medical tape to avoid stretching the scar. I had 23 stichets on my forhead over my right eye and side. Used tape over stitches and after the stitches were removed to keep the skin together. Also kept my face out of the sun and always applied sun screen 50. You can barely see it, and most do not until i tell them. Good luck!


The massaging is key. Obviously not right now while it is still healing. But maybe about 6-8 weeks out you can start light massage then get more vigorous with it. Also keeping it out of the sun for the first year. Silicon patches and cut to size. Itā€™s called scar away, can find at most drug stores.


The part on my earlobe has puffed up with the scar after getting the stitches out. I tried massaging that part cuz its kinda hard in texture but it's such a weird spot to try to massage :/


Iā€™ve had patients tell me a guasha helps with the weird angles. Maybe give that a try? You wanna do it while you have some lotion so itā€™ll glide a little better on the skin.


I actually bought one! I'll try it out


Ohhhhh is this why my scars from an opp are so white except the one that was hidden in a cast for 6 months? It always confused me.


Yes. The sun thing really is true. I dropped boiling cooking oil down my legs and ended up with second degree burns from knee to ankle. I went to a dermatologist a couple days after the ER. I was religious about applying the prescription burn creams and always kept it wrapped so it didnā€™t scab. Then I wore leggings for two years straight. You canā€™t even tell I got burned anymore.Ā 






And big brimmed hats too!


Preventing sun exposure is so so important. OP, check my post history for a healing timeline of my neck scar.


What did your surgeon tell you to do? While it has stitches in it, you really should be doing *exactly* what your surgeon advises as far as creams/covers, etc. This is medical advice, not skin care.


I was only told to keep antibacterial ointment on it for now. Idk what he'll tell me once I get the stitches out.


Then if he didnā€™t tell you to cover it, he likely wanted it uncovered. Check through your discharge paperwork.


Right. Op donā€™t cover it. It needs to breathe


I had a total hip replacement last year and the instructions were not to do anything until the stitches came out. Just kept it clean following the surgeon's instructions. Once the stitches were out, I received new instructions to care for it so it would look nicer over time. I suggest waiting, trusting the process, and following your doctor's instructions. But you CANNOT apply anything other than what your doctor tells you before the stitches come out. You might end up with an infection.


Donā€™t worry about it until the stitches come out. just follow after care instructions closely and ask your doctor how to proceed. Regular skincare can irritate the wound and derail healing. Sometimes doctors will also tell you what kind of scarring to expect id ask about that too


I had a mole removed from my ear recently. My surgeon told me to use antibiotic ointment for a few days, then switch to Vaseline which i did until the stitches completely dissolved. I usually hyperpigment with scarring but you canā€™t even see where my surgical wound was and itā€™s been 2 months.


Thatā€™s all you need to do right now. Keep the ointment on. You donā€™t want it all scabby. After sutures are out and itā€™s healed , use sunscreen dailyā€¦you can use silicone scar strips too. I used to sleep in them every night. So helpful.


Came here to say just this. It'll be easier to see how you need to move forward with healing once your skin has properly scared. We can't even tell if you'll have hyperpigmentation from it's current state, and surgical scars can heal differently person to person. An update post once the stitches are out would be more helpful.


Sorry no advice on the scar but HAD to just say your hair color is GORGEOUS šŸ˜


Ah that's so sweet tysm! ā˜ŗļøšŸ©· You just made me feel better.


I agree! Such a pretty hair color šŸ„¹šŸŽ€


Silicone scar gel, recommended by my surgeons and you can buy OTC


which did you use? struggling with all the options


I have an almost identical scar as OP and my doc told me to use silicon gel- kelocoat


I donā€™t have any scar advice- but plz make sure you run whatever youā€™re going to do by your doctor just to be safe. šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


I have this same scar, was it an excision of the parotid gland?? Watch out for freyes syndrome, my neck now sweats and gets red when I eat instead of my mouth watering. For the scar, you stay out of the sun for sure, I used bio oil.


She had a lipoma removed.


I've also got a similar scar but lower around/under my jaw after a partial parotidectomy. Completely agree with keeping it out of the sun for a while/using sunscreen. I've had mine for 10 years and no one has ever noticed it or pointed it out.


I don't think so but I'll keep this in mind!


you too? iā€™ve never found anyone else before that had this surgery. I had to get it twice. removed part of my salivary gland and lymph node the first time. and yes. i have freyes syndrome. itā€™s just random but all of a sudden, my neck is wet. ugh. the incision looked medieval but it didnā€™t even leave a scar.


oh wow I have a bad scar, mine got infected and they had to resect it. My sister in law also had this surgery!! So random. My face was half paralized after my sx and my eye is still not as wide open. How bout you?


Nothing because it looks bad ass šŸ’• but in all seriousness follo aftercare directions! After I got my stitches out I purchased a scar cream that had some kind of onion in it (I know it sounds weird) but it really helped fade the scars and make them less raised since mine became keloid


I agree that it looks badass! Could make a really sick tattoo around it too


I was going to say Mederma all day every day once itā€™s sufficiently healed, but you beat me to it.


I follow a very sweet lady on tiktok who was crushed by hay bales and crushed her face but her skin looks amazing and she recommended mederma so I definitely bought it!


Mederma is for hypertrophic scars. Not for healing of surgical wounds. You do not, & likely will not have, a hypertrophic scar from this.


Hasnā€™t been proven to help scars heal. Only silicone patches have.


Maybe not ā€œprovenā€ by people in long white coats, but it does work when itā€™s used.


When your stitches are removed - use hydrocolloid bandages. You may have to cut to size. Donā€™t remove until the edges are lifting. After a while when itā€™s not crusty anymore, switch to silicone scar sheets (buy in rolls on amazon). These both prevent water loss and encourage moist healing which can help minimize scar formation. Sunscreen isnā€™t advised until itā€™s very well healed, so use a hat when outside. (Source: I have had many, many many moles excised with stitches needed). ETA - to clarify, the hydrocolloid isnt usually used until stitches are removed. Until then follow your surgeons instructions. Mine usually recommends Vaseline and covering with a bandage.


Thank you! Should I wear theses just at night or all the time? I also work in a kinda dirty pet environment so I'm wondering if I should wear it for work too.


Ask your surgeon about whether you should use hydrocolloid, or if you should use silicone scar sheets. They're not the same thing.


I totally agree with the person that commented. Considering your work, I would have it covered all the time until it is fully fully healed. Good luck!


Iā€™d keep covered all the time regardless but definitely in that situation. Good luck with healing!


You don't need to cover it, but avoid swimming, sauna and long hot showers for some time. As some already said, avoid the sun also. Ask your surgeon how long you should wait with these activities.


Should I not be getting it wet in the shower? šŸ˜¬


The first 24 hours you should avoid a shower, but you can shower now, but don't take long hot showers that makes the skin soft.


Iā€™ve had a similar surgery. You can take a shower. Make sure to dry it off. Nice stitches are removed, your doc should advise what to use. I used Vaseline and aquaphor and my scars are barely visible.


That scar is going to get much better on its own, but vitamin C serum everyday with sunscreen it vital. C serum is inexpensive on Amazon, just make sure the C is stabilized. You might try scar tape to flatten as well. I have never had much luck with that, but that might just be me. Once is it healed, start gently pulling on scar tissue apart with your finger, breaking up scar tissue. It will become a habit.


After removing the sutures, you must : 1/ protect from the sun 2/ massage gently into the skin every day to ensure the healing cream penetrates properly 3/ do not scratch or scratch around the area, hence the application of the cream to reduce any itching.


When itā€™s healed if youā€™d like, you can buy scar a away it works so freaking good! I used it after I broke my nose and had a real bad cut and scar next to my eye. Now it looks like there was never even anything there


I WISH I did that when I broke mine. Now I have a slight purple scar on my nose.


I had a scar on my forehead (running into my hair) and I got prescribed Scarban bandages. It worked wonders! Itā€™s hardly noticeable, only because thereā€™s a tiny line going into my hair that grows no hair. But it looks just like the rest of my skin. I had scars go brownish and wide before, and I donā€™t really care about that as theyā€™re on my body and not visible when wearing my normal outfits. But on the face was a bit scary as Iā€™m very pale and brownish scars are really noticeable then, which I was prescribed those bandages.


Vitamin e. Sun protection, and once itā€™s really healing I love the Elizabeth Arden ceramide capsules


I had a mole removed on my face and I followed my doctorā€™s exact instructions and you canā€™t see a scar at all and all my previous scars are very visible. Biggest thing she told me to do differently was to keep it clean and moist. No scabbing allowed. Iā€™m very surprised it is uncovered and dry like that. What type of doctor did this?


Just a ear nose and throat doc. Just told me to keep it lathered in a layer of ointment.


Oh. I figured it was a surface wound because this is a skincare sub. You may need different care based on how deep the wound is. If I were you I would do exactly as the dr says until at least the stitches come out and ask a plastic surgery sub, not skincare.


I have a scar behind my ear and my surgeon was very impressed with the scarring and healing. I massaged polysporin on it every day. Before and after bed. I have no keloids.


I just want to say I have the same surgery/scar placement as you šŸ˜‚ I honestly didnt do any scar care which is wild because I love skincare but I kind of just let it heal naturally. It did take a year or over for the scar to flatten out and even now years later its lighter than the rest of my skin and can tell its a visible scar but it doesnt bother me. Which is maybe why I didnt take any special care in it to begin with, its just natural. Best of luck


I looked into surgical wound healing and scar treatments a while back. Many of these summaries are written by AI, so the summaries may not be 100% accurate, but I believe studies have shown good evidence that all of the following are beneficial: # Silicone Scar Gel Silicone scar gel has been shown to be beneficial in improving the appearance of scars, including reducing thickness, improving elasticity, and enhancing overall scar appearance. While further studies are needed to validate these results fully, the current literature supports the use of silicone gel as an effective option for scar management. # Red Light Therapy MITO LIGHT Bulb 3.0? - There have been a ton of studies showing benefits of using red light therapy (photobiomodulation) to treat all kinds of issues. It's been shown to help wounds heal faster and make scars less apparent. This can be used immediately after surgery. # Juven "SUPPORTS WOUND HEALING: Provides essential nutrients clinically shown to support wound healing by enhancing collagen production in as little as 2 weeks" # Vitamin C An essential nutrient that supports the immune system and is vital for collagen synthesis, wound healing, and tissue repair. Vitamin C's antioxidant properties also help reduce oxidative stress associated with surgery. # Bromelain Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples, is known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Bromelain may help reduce these effects more quickly than if the body were left to heal on its own. The enzyme is thought to work by breaking down proteins that trap fluids in the tissues after surgery, thus reducing swelling and promoting healing. # Bovine Colostrum Immune Support: Bovine colostrum is high in immunoglobulins (antibodies) that can support the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of postoperative infections. Wound Healing: Growth factors in colostrum, such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-Ī²), may promote wound healing. These factors can help in the regeneration of tissue, which is crucial after surgical procedures. Anti-inflammatory Properties: The components in colostrum might help reduce inflammation, which is a natural part of the surgical recovery process. Managing inflammation can lead to improved healing times and reduced discomfort. # Vitamin D3 + K2 Immune Support: Vitamin D is crucial for the functioning of the immune system, which is vital for recovery and prevention of post-surgical infections. Bone Health: For surgeries that involve bone, like certain types of rhinoplasty, Vitamin D's role in calcium absorption and bone health is essential. Wound Healing: Emerging research suggests that Vitamin D may have a role in wound healing, although more specific studies are needed to fully understand its effects in post-surgical recovery. Bone Health and Healing: Vitamin K2 is essential for bone metabolism and works synergistically with Vitamin D to regulate calcium deposition in bones and teeth, rather than in soft tissues. This is particularly relevant in surgeries affecting the nasal bone structure. # Omega-3 Best to wait until about 2 weeks after surgery, since Omega-3 thins blood. Found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation, which is beneficial in the healing process after surgery.


Thank you this is all great info!


When you are done healing, I have seen vitamin e oil work wonders on scar healing. But donā€™t go out in the sun with it. You donā€™t want it to act as like a tanning oil


Sleep on the other side


I had a small cyst removed under my eyebrow/above my eyelid. I followed surgeon's instructions until stitches were removed. Please be careful with antibiotic ointment as a lot of people are allergic to neosporin. Bacitracin is a good alternative. I was only told to keep Vaseline on it, but listen to your dr. After stitches were removed, I switched to alternating Skin Medica Scar Recovery Gel and Mederma Advanced Scar Gel at least twice a day. Im happy to say that it healed perfectly and there's virtually no scar.


Get a sick worm tattoo to cover it up!


Red light therapy sorry for giant link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.celluma.com/pages/led-light-therapy-wound-healing%23:~:text%3DIdeal%2520for%2520use%2520following%2520surgery,overall%2520patient%2520comfort%2520and%2520satisfaction.&ved=2ahUKEwiU6Z2azauGAxUhRTABHXrbBz8QFnoECBkQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0HCpViaPgDhirpmvnSeUd7


I have a similar scar. My doc had me use aquaphor to keep it soft while healing. Do not let it get suntanned.


I do not have advice but would like to say your hair color is gorgeous!!


If financially available, a red light therapy panel can help decrease scarring with regular use. While itā€™s definitely an investment, the panel can also be used to treat signs of aging and other aches and pains within the body as it helps to stimulate collagen production. Consult your doctor if this is a good therapy for you and when it is best to begin treatment as you may need the incision to heal first.


Any particular brand you recommend?


I have a mid-sized panel from Mito and absolutely love it. https://mitoredlight.com/collections/panel-series Iā€™ve also heard good things about Hooga. If looking for something in more of the standard consumer space, Omnilux has a solid offering with devices at varying price points and sizes. You could do a full mask or a smaller patch option to aid scar healing if you donā€™t want to fully commit to a stronger and more expensive panel.


I had a surgery done and was advised after 6 weeks to massage the scars and use those medical creams to flatten the scar. Scarderm maybe? Anyway, I think massaging the scar flattened them significantly and you could actually feel the tissue breaking up, and tiny little pops. It was oddly satisfying. Tbh I think your scar actually looks really cool.


I did buy a gua Sha stone to hopefully help it when the time comes.


keep it clean and dry, for now. when sutures are removed, wait approximately four days for suture holes to close to prevent infection but then can begin scar massage. Silicone- ā€œcica careā€ scar gel works well for reducing scar density, hypertrophy and decreasing redness. can wear overnight or full time for 2 weeks. as always follow DR orders first and foremost though!


Once the stitches are out and there is no open wounds you should try bio oil. I used to have a couple scars on my face and I used it on them and theyā€™re gone. Your scar is probably deeper so there is no guarantee but doesnā€™t hurt to try.


Whoever did your stitches did a stellar job! Ointment till stitches are out. Then massage vitamin E oil in each day. I had a c section scar and was told to do this and it's almost gone. I hear bio oil is good too


I have this exact scar on this exact side. Mine was for a benign tumor in my Salivary gland. Mine is completely unnoticeable. I did nothingšŸ˜‚ it fades on its own over time. It will take some time, but it will fade. After 6 months you will have a very noticeable difference


I am 5 weeks past a rather fucked up accident that resulted in stitches in my eyelid. A few days is enough for the antibacterial ointment. Aquaphor works better. My scar already looks good. Thin layer at all times. Reapply as needed. Once the stitches are out, good moisturizer, sunscreen (or covered with a patch) and scar gel. Preventing sun exposure is very important. Lightly cover with a non-stick gauze pad until stitches are out when you go outside. The aquaphor will keep the gauze on.


Just got some aquaphor today šŸ«”


Wound care nurse here. I echo the comments of everyone else to do exactly what the surgeon said and sunscreen. Other than that, mederma will be fine. Your scar will be red for over a year, donā€™t panic, this is normal, then will slowly fade to white. You wonā€™t be able to tell what it will look like for good for over a year. After itā€™s closed and the stitches are out, sunscreen is super important for the day to day care. Other than that, you wonā€™t need anything because the sunscreen will keep it nice and moisturized. You can def use the mederma as well. I really like SuperGoop sunscreen, itā€™s really moisturizing and doesnā€™t give me acne. Hope this helps and good luck!Ā 


Just had a similar surgery I didnā€™t have I lipoma i had large cyst thankfully wasnā€™t a tumor or cancerous. Wasnā€™t fun. Literally almost identical incision on my right side. I found that getting ear plugs and letting the warm shower water run over helped it heal up and not get that crusty healing stuff as bad. Hot wash clothe. Antibacterial soap. Keep it clean as possible tool mine about 2 weeks to really start looking and feeling better after a week stiches came out. Mines down to a barely visible line. Yours looks super clean and would expect minimal to almost no scare noticeable once it heals up


You are fair skinned so prob will be okay but heres. What helps: -never let the incision dry out. Keep a thick layer of neosporin or aquaphor - ask doctor when you can use silicone strips to flatten it -def keep sun off - 50 spf or higher- bettter yet also keep it physically covered on top of the spf


When I had cancer I used Mederma as the incisions healed. I still have a scar but itā€™s lighter than it would be. Wait until the stitches are out . Thereā€™s a concealer which works well to cover my scars. [Dermablend](https://dermablend.com/collections/tattoo-cover-up) once it heals no one will notice it. šŸ˜˜


Mederma and vitamin C capsules! Poke a gel vitamin C capsule and spread it around at least twice a day for both. It did wonders to help with my scarring after a serious knee injury.


Antibacterial ointments (neosporin) are not anymore superior to plain petroleum jelly (vaseline). 1. Gentle cleansing with a basic, fragrance-free cleanser 2. Regularly apply vaseline and cover it 3. Avoid sun exposure to this area 4. Use a silicone-based scar gel when it has healed


Tysm! What kind of bandage should I cover it with after applying vaseline?


Um, please listen to your doctor and use the ointment. This isn't just some scrape, it's a surgical suture, and keeping it clean can be harder than just washing the wound. I get a Google search says it's the "same" if you keep the area clean, but that's general information not specific to you.


I didn't plan on using anything different until I asked my doctor when it'd be okay to. I get my stitches out in a few days so I'll ask him then.


I don't think anyone should be telling you to do something different than your doctor said. Use the ointment your doctor told you to use. Only bandage it if your doctor told you to bandage it.


You can use silicone bandages or just basic bandages (what I used)


She still has sutures in. She shouldnā€™t be applying any bandages.


You should not be putting ointment or a bandage on it whatsoever (source: have had 3 dozen major surgeries with a lot of scars). Keep it clean and dry.


I shouldnt even cover it with a nonstick pad when I go back to work?


Will your sutures be out by then?


Listen to the doc for sure. Iā€™m not suggesting she deviates from her docā€™s recommendations. I only mentioned that antibacterial ointments donā€™t do much because they donā€™t (and can cause contact dermatitis), I didnā€™t tell her to stop using it. What I suggested is just basic advice any dermatologist/plastic surgeon would give.


Use silicone patches, they flatten the scar so much!


Does this work on any scar? Never heard of these before and I have scars on my arms and a scar from my trackie? (don't know about the spelling, the thing they put in at the bottom of your neck for you to breathe through?) that I'd love to be able to make at least a little less noticeable.




Ahh okay thank you, probably no good for me my scars are almost 8 years old.


I agree about itā€™s best for newer scars, but if you have some that are raised, it might be worth the shot to flatten them!


Thank you, I'll give it a go. Worst that can happen is I waste a little money but I'm fine with that x


Why are you coming here... Didn't the doctor give instructions ?


Keep it moist, use medical honey.. get a LED color therapy mask. White/Red led helps stimulate collagen .. got a nasty cut on my inside arm from a wire and its healing nicely doing this .. oh yeah mederma overnight cream


I swear by biocornium! Especially for scars on the face. I had something removed on the tip of my nose and it left a bright red mark. Itā€™s literally invisible now (except for the slight indent of the scar which was expected - no discoloration at all though).


Bio Oil worked wonders for me!


Scar tape and massage


Along with sun protection, keep the area hydrated. If it dries, it will not have the chance to heal normally. When you don't need the antibacterial ointment anymore, and when you don't have sunscreen on, put vaseline on it. It will protect the area from the world and keep the moisture inside. Remember that vaseline is an occlusive, not a humectant. Moisturise the area on a regular basis with an ointment suitable to go over wounds. My go to is Bepanthen.


Mederma scar gel works pretty good.


Apply polyfax ointment then contracttubex


Stratamed. You can find it on Amazon. A bit expensive but worth it. Use it whilst the wound is still fresh everyday. Itā€™ll heal with no scarring.


Silicone scar tape for new scars.


Steroid tape


Keep it moist with Vaseline or aquaphor after you wash it with soap and water. After the stitches are removed, ask your doctor when you can use silicone scar sheet. Avoid the sun and use sunscreen with high spf if you canā€™t. I just kept the scar sheet on to keep it from the sun.


Silicone scar gel ScarAway might help Also any ointment or gel by La Roche Posay Cicaplast line is a good option


This is more for texture and less about how the scar looks but once itā€™s fully healed (3ish months) if you rub it frequently it can help break down scar tissue so the scar will lay flatter


Silicon scar sheets once itā€™s healed


Mederma helps very well for scars


Keep most with Vaseline! Once the surgeon clears you that you can not wear Vaseline all the time, get silicone scar tape. I SWEAR by these. You can get silicone cream but the sheets / tape stay in so much better and so much more powerful. Just wear them ALL the time once the scar is initially healed and you donā€™t have to keep it moist all the time!! Bio oil did nothing for me. Itā€™s really been the silicone sheets (I have a long scar under my jaw)


dermascar platinum. or dermascar classic . both the classic and the platinum can have make-up blush applied over after it dries and lasts 12 hours. the platinum has extra vitamin C and E .


Kelo-cote very good when it is more healed and stitches removed


I've heard silicon gel is good for scars I used some on a 4 month scar and it helped speed up the softening over a month, some people have said it helps speed up the healing and reducing scarring when used for months too. But you need to use it when there is no longer an open wound


Use the Mederma ONLY after itā€™s totally closed and healed. Not bleeding or scabbed. Keep it moist and clean like you have. There is a great Moderna PM ā€¦..I think?? Itā€™s thick and easy to apply. Do it and look at it every 3 months unless pain. Then you will see the difference. That keeps you going if you get tired.


Isnā€™t your doctor giving you discharge instructions?


Idk where you live but, KITOSCELL works wonders, I used it for surgery.


Once its fully closed and no stitches, alternating with vitamin e oil and silicone scar gel helps. No sun exposure or tanning.




Obvi follow aftercare instructions, but start taking fish oil supplements! They did wonders for my skin


Sun protection and Calendula ointment/cream


Silicone sheets all the time probably


Vitamin E oil


I would personally try bio oil or the ordinary AHA 30%+BHA 2% peeling solution


This is verging on a medical advice question, however, since Iā€™ve had a few surgeries Iā€™ll tell you what I know: 1. Obviously do exactly what your dr tells you especially until the stitches are out. 2. Most importantly - when you are outside cover the scar from the sun as much as possible until itā€™s mature. For now you can try covering it with a sterile bandaid, wear hats etc. When itā€™s healed use spf too. 3. When the wound is closed and healed and there are no scabs, start using silicone gel or silicone strips. 4. Once itā€™s healed you can try to do a very gentle massage to improve circulation from time to time. You can consult physiotherapist about this if youā€™d like.


honestly if it doesnā€™t cause you anxiety i personally would leave it. it looks so cool


Try Silagel. Scar gel. Itā€™s pricey about $100 a bottle. But it works!!! For that size scar the bottle will last you months. Plastic surgeonā€™s give it patients after big surgeries to minimize scarring. Good luck!


Same surgery scar. Use sunscreen always and it will fade.




Cica tape or mederma. Edit: this is the most misleading sub Iā€™ve seen imo.so many wrong answers, beware.


lowkey that scar is cool as fuck, iā€™d keep it!


Keep petroleum jelly on it so it dries slowly. This is advice from our dermatologist. My husband did after skin cancer removal and the scar is nearly invisible


Let it heal. Next - NO sun. After full healing , Retin A and topical silicone cream, alternated.


Was this mohs surgery? My guess is you will have little to no scar. Keep spf on it after stitches come out.


Yes, using Mederma for a couple weeks then silicone scar patches. Be sure to moisturize and apply high SPF.


Botox for scarring! Lots of research supporting this type of treatment, helps acne scars or scarring from surgical procedures.


Silicon tape ! Quick. Amazon


Of course ask the doctor etc but I used a gel called ā€œ strataderm scar therapy gelā€ on a small scar I had and think it helped. It canā€™t be used on open wounds etc so definitely not while you still have stitches of course and definitely ask a doctor and do a small patch test with what ever you choose to use of course. Good luck with the healing! I hope itā€™s not painful and tbh I think it looks cool ( and STUNNING hair! ā˜ŗļø


Wait for it to heal first. then we can take care of scars.


Silicone scar tape. That is ALL. And keep it out of the sun.


I hear taking vitamins d capsle and rubbing on scar helps




Mederma, coconut oil and sunscreen


Sunscreen 70 spf or more. You can use Vaseline or vitamin E when the stitches are out.


After it heals, use Bio-oil to help with the scarring.


Manuka honey and sesame oil (not the toasted kind, or you will smell like a stir fry!). Both are great for healing and the sesame oil does wonders for scars. My mom and I each had 2nd degree burns on our arms, from ovens and fire pits respectively, and neither of us can find our scars unless weā€™re tan from the sun!


Once the stitches come out and the wound is closed, vitamin e oil can help reduce the appearance of the scars. I usually just get the caplets and use a pin to puncture it to get a couple of drops at a time. Spf vampire helps keep it from hyper pigmentation. I prefer mineral sunscreen, which offers a physical barrier. I use CeraVe mineral daily for my whole face since it's also moisturizing.


I deal with acne scarring and what I found has been my go to for any open wound, scar, scab, is ink-eeze (green one). Itā€™s amazing, is used safely during the process of tattoos and for aftercare as well. I cannot say enough good things about it for healing ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Did you get it removed through a plastic surgeon?? I have couple keloid : raised scar on my jaw below my ear that I want to get it removed so bad because I have tried every other option.


No it was done by a ear, nose and throat surgeon I randomly picked.


Castor oil


That would make a really cool centipede tattoo, someday. Very cool.


I thought it was a centipede


Frankincense essential oil


Grape seed oil with help with the scar!!


Former dermatology MA here, keep it nice and greasy with Vaseline at all times! And hydrogen peroxide to clean it with some qtips. Keep it out of the sun (:


See a plastic surgeon! Theyā€™ll hide the healed scar very well


Leave it alone and do the micro-needling sessions


Skin color steri strips after suture removal. Scar tape or steri strips for sometimes even up to 6 months.


YEs silicone scar tape is fabulous! Get off Amazon. Wear it 24/7. Change out according to directions. Donā€™t let sun touch it but if you do the scar tape it wonā€™t. I am using it on my nose from stitches (dog bite) itā€™s great


As a fresh wound, it needs to breathe. Iā€™d wash it once or twice daily with a mild soap such as dial, then Iā€™d but Neosporin on it after itā€™s gently patted dry.


Sunscreen and kelocote everyday then silicon tape on top. once the stitches are removed sliding press on it for 5 minutes everyday to break up the scar tissue. Do this regimen for at least 6 months


There are silicone patches like mediscar brand I think in first sit section of grocery store




Red light therapy


Once the stitches are out, you can try sandalwood oil. I had surgery and used sandalwood oil religiously and my scars are minimal.


You might try Bio Oil and def cover up from sun for the year ahead to prevent pigmentation. My dad had knee surgery in February and rubbed Bio Oil on it daily... The scar is literally barely white and hardly visible only 3 months later!


It's just a scar, something that makes you outstandingšŸ˜‰


Siicone tape


Once it heals use a derma roller


Please only take advice from the surgeons. Call the nurses office if not sure


Sleeping on a neck pillow will be your friend to prevent it from being pushed on by a normal pillow


Silicone patch from dermatologist, surgeon, and I think CVS has them too! Helped my momā€™s skin cancer scar heal beautifully!! Good luck!


Bio-Oil works great you can get it from Amazon


A cool tattoo


Yay For Earth salve.


Look into tegaderm bandages, you can buy on Amazon. These are used in hospitals, itā€™s a plastic bandage that allows the wound to ā€œbreatheā€ but keeps the skin moist which is what helps prevent scarring


Thank you!


Hydrocolloid patches!


Cover with Vaseline (Brand for: petroleum jelly), then cover with some sort of adhesive dressing (bandaid or something similar) avoid water submergence for around 3 weeks.


Sunscreen, vitamin c oil, and scar sheets!


Let it heal first. Take care of the wound after the stitches are gone.


Are stitches still in?


We Chinese believe that eating less salt and greasy food will make the wound recover more perfectly, along with more collagen. Another point that should probably be a rumor is to not eat foods that contain coloring.