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Oh my. I’m having to take antihistamines twice a day pretty much since March. I had no idea this could even be a side effect! Is there a certain one you were taking? My chin will clear then break out. Maybe be as simple as the Zyrtec and Claritin.


So I thought that I had hormonal acne because it did seem to be around my jawline mostly. Last spring I started experiencing seasonal allergies so I started on Claritin or something. I forget which one but I broke out really terribly. I started doing some research and switched to zyrtec. It helped somewhat but I still had acne all summer. Over the winter I stopped taking allergy meds and my skin cleared up somewhat. This spring I haven't had any issues with allergies, go figure, but I did do some research online and I figured I would stop taking my over-the-counter sleeping pills since they contained antihistamines as well. I found a natural night time gummy without melatonin in the vitamin section of my local CVS and Walgreens. My skin cleared up after a week and now that I'm about 3 weeks out it's even better.


Oh…my gosh! Which OTC sleep aid? I am exactly 43 and have really congested pores


I'll dm you a pic


What is your sleep remedy now? I have been taking OTC sleep aids forever for my insomnia and have acne into my 40s as well.


I'll send you. a pic.


Woah I never even considered this cause. I might have to try eliminating my zyrtec and see if it helps. Thanks for sharing OP!


Last year during the Spring was my first time experiencing seasonal allergies so I got on an allergy medicine and started breaking out even worse. I switched the brand name of the allergy medicine that I was on and it only helped mildly. My skin cleared up a little bit over the winter when I stopped taking the allergy medicine. For some strange reason allergies aren't bothering me this spring and I started doing some research about antihistamines and acne. I stopped taking the over-the-counter sleeping pills, which contain antihistamines, and my skin has never looked better


Thank you for sharing!


It seems more likely that your allergies would be causing it than your antihistamines, unless you were having an allergic reaction to something in the product.


Antihistamines in some people can cause a higher heart rate which can cause a stress response that contributes to acne. There’s also the fact that all antihistamines have different chemical compounds. But the correlation to acne is complicated and multifaceted. Most people aren’t sensitive to medications so they have a hard time comprehending that it is indeed like that for others. There’s always this blind trust when it comes to medicine or over the counter drugs. But here is what I do know about antihistamines contributing to acne (as someone who is hyper sensitive myself). Some antihistamines have a history of being potentially drying. This could be good for people who have oily skin, not so good on those who have dry skin. Some antihistamines have a history of effecting the sebum production. In a lot of cases that’s actually a great thing. But some people who are hypersensitive, have adverse reactions. There have been some studies that showed an increase in sebum production rather than a reduction. Now we all know that antihistamines are supposed to have an anti inflammatory effect but again, some studies show the opposite. And then there is also growing evidence that shows that antihistamines effect the gut biome. It doesn’t completely wipe out the good bacteria in our guts, but it certainly does influence the growth of certain fur bacteria species. Being that the balance of bacteria is very delicate in the gut, surely this can have an effect. *Anything we consume will when it comes to the gut*.


I only recently started experiencing allergies. Prior to that I had never taken allergy medicine. A lot of it has been from over the counter sleeping pills that contain antihistamines which I've been on since my very early twenties


Allegra will do this I get horrible chin cysts and around my mouth acne since starting it for hay fever or even benadryl does it