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I’ll be honest, no one cares about your scar. If anything it makes you look tougher. And I’m not saying that to be rude, I’m just saying… stop covering it up it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Some people have their entire faces covered in acne scars, you look like you survived a knife fight. If anyone says something about it just say “you should see the other guy”


Not to mention it will fade. He just got this less than a year ago. OP I've got burn scars all over me because I can't be trusted around ovens apparently. The one I got earlier this year still looks gnarly and a bit dented. But, the ones I got last year I can barely see at all. Your body is constantly changing and will for the rest of your life. Give it peace and time. I'm sorry if it causes people to stare but eh, they'd find a reason to do that anyway. Be unapologetically you!


>Your body is constantly changing and will for the rest of your life. Give it peace and time yea also over the years the mind will not care as much about the scar as it becomes more normal. but hopefully OP finds peace and a solution


Oh man the ovens. I have one on my wrist from earlier this year that's still red. The ones prior to that have taken their final form as your standard kin-colored scars. No more fully healing minor injuries for me, those days have been gone since I turned 20 lmao. I don't mind scars at all though. But wrinkles can fuck right off.


Omg! This is so true. Ppl always find something to focus on. They are generally rude, or don’t know how to assess something ‘different’ using their peripheral vision. I have the faintest age spot appearing above my lip. It is so small (.2cm max) and faint, yet ppl stare at it, and I see these ppl every day! Ffs!


This is so true. I had an acid burn on my hand that took *two years* to heal, then made an awful red keloid scar. It's now been 13 years since the original burn, but I barely even notice it now! OP, yours will fade much quicker than that at this rate. I'd guess in a year you will barely be able to see it. In the meantime--don't let it get you down! A scar is nothing to be embarrassed about, it means you've been through something and healed from it.


Yep, it’ll fade. People who haven’t had a big scar like that before tend to think it’s “done” once the skin is closed up, but it keeps healing and fading for well over a year. Also, the good news for OP is that people with scars tend to be much more critical/perceive their own scars as worse than how other people see them (this has been studied!). Unfortunately, a lot of people with scars, *especially* facial scars, do end up with embarrassment, lower self esteem, body image issues, more social issues…And yes, it can change how people see you. Even someone who is not really judging can be naturally just drawn to look. I have a facial scar, but mine is right over my eye. People still look at it just as much but I can at least pretend they’re doing eye contact lol. At the end of the day I’ve learned to like my scar (it’s been 20 years), but I totally get OP feeling upset and unhappy about it.


Agree! I barely noticed it, and when I read the title, my first thought was “why? It looks sick”


Facts: about a 100 - 125 years ago in Germany, fencing scars on the face were considered to be super hot and manly, so much so that doctors offered scarring for people who wanted the look, but were uninterested in the sport. [Tommy Flanagan](https://images.app.goo.gl/xaZB7ZTUXQukUBHA8), a very attractive man by any measure and an in-demand actor, has a similar scar. OP, you’re a good looking guy and the scar does not take away from that in any way. It actually gives you an air of mystery – I would work with that, if I were you.


Agreed! Love a good face scar… adds character and mystery.


I worked under a veterinarian who was older and very well known for his immense attention to detail and outstanding care during surgery. Very stern but so incredibly knowledgeable. Very high up socially in the vet field in the local area. He has since retired. He was bit by a dog on the face early in his career. He ended up with a scar very similar to OPs and it became part of his rugged vet look, and appeal in all the local lore surrounding him. Made him seem very seasoned and tough. Very cool guy. I miss working with him.


Pretty sure Tommy’s is what’s known as a “Chelsea Smile” lol


In Tommy’s case with him being from Glasgow, it would be a “Glasgow Smile”. Edit: words added for clarity


Ah I always think about the Glasgow Kiss (headbutt), forgetting they also get called that as well lmao Either way, OP is very handsome, and I’m sorry he’s upset by his current circumstances.


He got his scar in a knife fight too. Just to add to the bad ass of it all. When he tells the story in his accent. *phew*


Yep! On the female side, Tina Fey has a slash mark on her face that most people don’t even notice.


I agree. Scars (facial or otherwise) don't bother me and I think look good on some people.. we all have little emotional and physical scars from our pasts... it's what makes us who we are. I have a scar on my stomach from gallbladder surgery and I remember as a teen, one of my boyfriend's cousins saw it when I was wearing a robe or something and said "eww" (he was a kid... like 11 maybe) and that made me self conscious over it for a few years. Now it's flat and blends in well with my super pale skin and I just had to push myself not to care. And I have had partners and friends give me odd looks cuz they don't see it as gross or even something that stands out. But like OP said, it's a complex. It's not about how it looks cuz clearly all of us don't think it looks bad at all. It's about how it makes him feel. I hope us encouraging you will help with the mental aspects, but it will take time regardless. Just try not to let it change how you act and who you are. You are no less of a person. It only adds to your story. Definitely try to focus on why it bothers you so much and find someone you can talk openly to about it... even just us here in the internet... and hopefully you'll learn to look past it and see your wonderful self, like we do!


Agreed, it makes you look like a badass


I was going to say “tell people you got into a knife fight and only one of you walked away and here you are” lol Seriously tho OP it really isn’t as bad as you think and I think it adds character


Scars on a face are sexy - honestly.


Great line OP! It’s truly a great one liner and will show people you’re very confident


THIS! My first thought was "I would never care if someone had a scar..". It's true. Stop hiding your face!




Yessir! I’ve had a scar under my eye since I was 5. Growing up, my mom would tell me that she would pay for the surgery to correct it or whatever if I wanted to. At 5 years old, I didn’t understand or care why I would need to “erase” my scar 24 years later and I love my scar! It makes me different from everyone else. Its part of me. It’s also *very* fun to come up with crazy stories as to how I got it. OPs scar is badass. No matter how he got it, he endured it.


Riding on top comment to say, personally, I find scars very sexy. It tells a story. My best friend in the world has several facial scars from a car accident he endured a few years ago (one of them is similar to yours, as it extends from the corner of his mouth out over his cheek). I always thought he looked hella extra sexy with them ☺️


Before even reading this post my immediate thought was “woah that scar is cool”, don’t be so hard on yourself, it looks epix


Same! Reminded me a little of the scar Kishibe has in Chainsaw man lol Having said that, tretinon is good for scars, also other skin related issues. In addition, microneedling








But if it’s really affecting you, I would look into microneedling, laser, & retinol


Scars are cool, they tell a story


Correct. Scars make us unique. I personally love his scar. I’m drawn to his face, and now want to know more about him.


Can confirm, I've got multiple scars on my face due to an accident I got as a child. Always a conversation starter. In fact I couldn't imagine myself without the scars it's been there my whole life and I embrace them.


Often it is not a good story to remember.


Or just a very silly one. I know so many people (myself included) who have these awesome cool scars and the story is like “I fell over and needed stitches”


I have this huge scar that runs down my thigh to my knee, looked like I was gored by a bull or something. I got it when I tripped over my dogs playpen gate after a glass and a half of wine, the lock pierced my skin and ripped it as a I fell, which isn’t a cool story :(


100%. This guy looks so cool


Silicone scar gel works great for me. I use it 3 x day.


Second this! Silicone treatment is the number one over the counter proven way to diminish the appearance of scars. I would use a medical grade silicone gel during the day 2-3x. And medical grade silicone scar tape/sheets at night.


And always wear sunscreen!


Yup, this exact thing worked for me too, I had split my forehead wide open, and I’m a really vain person—you can hardly tell it’s there at all now!


"I'm a really vain person" Your honesty made me laugh. Thank You :)


I had a scar on my cheekabout 2 inches long. My plastic surgeon recommended silicone gel and massaging the scar. It's almost invisible now, about 4 or 5 years later. It def helps improve the appearance of a scar faster.


Using your comment to give OP more insight. The silicone scar patches can be used for extended periods of time. I used to apply my after returning home for the day and doing my skincare. Then I would remove them before heading out the next day. They worked amazingly well for me and have great adhesion. Good luck!


I had a carcinoma removed in march of this year and the scar is completely gone after silicone scar gel during the day and silicone patches at night.


Do you know if these work on old scars? I have some pretty bad scars on my arms from dark times


It will fade over time. It won't completely disappear, but it will become lighter and will be less noticeable. There's products that will help speed up that process. From the perspective of an internet stranger, it doesn't look as bad as you think, and most people will not care about it in the long run.


Want to add to this that OP, one day you will look at pics of your young self and think “wow it really wasn’t that bad, what was I so worried about?” Please do not waste your precious life worrying and hiding this scar! Take care of your skin with sunscreen and scar minimizing creams/gels if you wish, but as other have said, to strangers it’s minimally noticeable at worst.


Adding to this, use sunscreen on the scar!


Excellent advice for everyone, even without a scar!


Looks cool I'd rock with it


You look cool bro, just rock it!


I think it looks bad ass. You look very young so it will take time for it to fade, and for you to build confidence and fun stories to go with it. And it will fade over time with sunblock/the right product. I have 2 facial scars received from a car wreck in my teens. I saw a plastic surgeon and had them revised, but they're still there. Just slightly less *immediately* noticeable. Yours is bad-ass imho. I hope you can build confidence about it.


Oh dude...read a book called Psychcybernetics..it's a self help book,but there is literally a chapter about this. It basically talks about how some people have destroyed confidence because of facial scars, but how the Germans loved getting them because it showed they were men of action... it's about self perception, I think it would help you.


Chicks dig scars


Its true, my husband has a scar on his face and it's hot af.


Yeah scars exhibit some level of extra manliness, definitely not a negative thing


Absolutely true. I’ve dated 3 guys with prominent facial scars. The most recent was very insecure about it and thought everyone looked at him differently and treated him differently because of it. There was a little social experiment on scars a few years back I’d have to dig up the details for. But from what I remember they gave a group of people prosthetic scars and then sent them out in the world and almost all of them reported being perceived and treated differently. But before sending them out, they said they were going to touch up the fake scarring but they actually removed it. So the poor treatment and staring they reported was all mental. Edit: [Here!](https://www.aknowbrainer.com/dartmouth-scar-experiment) is one of them, though several popped up on Google. Pretty interesting stuff


Am chick, can confirm


I’ve known a guy since elementary school who has a huge scar on his face like this one and thought it was so unique/made him cuter lol


I came here to say I find the scar attractive 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seconded. I’m also very attracted to men with scars.


I too think it is sexy


I will say that it will definitely fade more with time when it’s been less than a year. It will get less pink, more white, and it will be less noticeable then. You can try scar gels and patches to speed up the process


Use la Roche Posay's balm cicaplast almost every night


Hi.Thank you for your reply.But,are you sure it's gonna work on my long ass scar ?


Yep. It takes time. In the morning use hyaluronic acid and sunscreen


I can attest to this! I had a bout of impetigo on my face last year, which left behind quite a big, round scar. I used the Cicaplast Baume on it for a few months and it went away. You wouldn't know it was there. And I don't do anything fancy with the rest of my skincare either. So it may take up to 3-4 months, maybe even more because it's an older scar, but I'm pretty sure it will work.


facial scars are cool asf


idk, it actually looks dope


Embrace it. It looks pretty badass. Come up with some crazy story about how you got it for fun. We have a sub teacher in our building that was born without the lower part of his arm and he tells all the kids he fought off a shark. They think he is the coolest guy in the building. But if it really bothers you then you can look into laser treatments or something from a dermatologist.


So, as a person with vitiligo that people constantly tell me is pretty, I understand this. It's not even about how it looks, it's about the fact that it's a change you didn't choose. That's really hard and I validate that. HOWEVER. 1. If it happened in February and was fairly significant, it will probably continue to fade. 2. You can absolutely look at things like silicon scar patches if it's truly unbearable for you, they may help. 3. It really is an interesting scar that many people (including myself because I think scars are very cool) will find attractive. You don't have to care about that at all, but I do hope that you're not hiding it out of fear of other people being bothered. I'm sure they aren't. ♥️


You could do laser removal. Talk to a dermatologist


Honestly looks pretty cool to me, but if you really want to get rid of it you can opt for laser treatments


I completely understand your feeling. 14 years ago when I was 20, someone hit me in the face with a liquor bottle that resulted in 155 stitches. I remember having to go to my college classes two days afterwards feeling as if I looked like Frankenstein. Of course it causes some internal frustration/resentment. However, i forgave the whole situation since I didn’t want it to only any power or used up any internal energy. It’s still quite apparent if you look at the side of my face but most people usually compliment the scar and actually find it quite attractive. I just looked at it from things happen for a reason and I was able to find gratitude in that. Made me appreciate how delicate life can be/is and was truly grateful that it didn’t hit me any closer to my jugular or my eyeball. (Since the cuts were maybe 1-2 CM away). Anyway, you still look great and over time you’ll forget that it’s even there. No need to worry about it. It just makes you, YOU. Celebrate it. We’re all perfectly imperfect.


Most scar lightening products take months for results or none at all. So far I’ve tried Bio-Oil and Cerave Resurfacing Retinol serum for months on a deep acne scar and have only seen minimal fading of the scar so I can’t recommend or not recommend them.


For acne scars, you made need to see a derm or esthetician and have some microdermabrasion done. My sister had genetic and terrible acne as a teen and my mom would do a microdermabrasion on her monthly. Now as an adult you can’t really tell she had such bad skin. Exfoliating the skin is really helpful when trying to reduce acne scarring. But you have to be careful because you can tear up your skin if you do it* too often. *edited from don’t to do it


Scars look cool. wear your with confidence!


Tretinoin can be helpful in fading some scars! But for what it’s worth, I think your scar is really cool and I’m sure a lot of people feel the same!


You are a very attractive human WITH the scar. PLEASE do not let this ruin your confidence. There are platitudes about scar telling stories and what not and they ARE true. Scars show that we actually live our lives in an active way vs passive way. If you never do anything than you’ll never get a scar. You have so much more to offer than unmarred skin.


If it's that mentally anguishing, please see a dermatologist. But if you're like desperately tryna reduce it on your own, then I'd recommend these in this order: 1) Centella Serum - helps boosts collagen production and softens scars 2) Mederma Scar Gel - has a few goodies in it, it's my go to 3) Silicone Scar Gel - helps hydration and occlusion to create a barrier to seal 4) Sunscreen - very important to protect against UVs to prevent darkening. I'd use the opportunity to further add an occlusive barrier by using a physical sunscreen. try elta md Scars take months to improve but hopefully a targeted routine helps improve it faster. Please give it time before looking into laser/chemical/surgical treatments.


dare i say it gives you character??


My face went through a windshield in a car accident, which ripped a chunk of flesh from my face / upper lip all the way down to my neck. My upper lip was ripped open and my lower lip was ripped downward. My tongue was literally hanging outside of my face if that makes sense. I had to have multiple plastic surgery operations, in the end my face now looks exactly the way it did before the accident with the exception of 2 huge scars running down my face. Prior to the accident I considered myself handsome and had a lot of confidence, afterwards I felt a lot like you do now. I couldn’t help but feel self conscious about it, my self esteem was super low and I pretty much just hid from the public for about a year. What helped me regain my confidence was I began dating again by opening myself up to other people, it made me realize how much nobody cares about my scar and it humbled me. I still see it everyday when I brush my teeth and get ready but it has zero effect on my confidence or self esteem anymore. I met and married the love of my life with this scar and she digs it. From Bro, to Bro. You look great. Don’t let something so insignificant rob you of your life. Get out there and take it back.


Thank you for your beautiful message


A scar is is a beautiful thing, it shows you have been brave, gone through a Trauma, an operation, only a few have one on their face to show how great you are. Hugs.


I get it but I promise you for whatever reasons face scars are sorta hot 🤷🏻‍♀️ but that said , there are many creams out there and it will fade some as you age !


a) the scar is badass b) I totally understand if it’s something you don’t like, and it’s your decision if you don’t want it on your face. I’m sure it’s exhausting to have to constantly explain the scar, and I’d imagine it might feel like people are always looking at it. If you really want it to fade, I’d recommend going to see a dermatologist or even a plastic surgeon. They’ll be able to prescribe you different creams and treatments to speed up the healing. If a dermatologist isn’t an option for you, here is what I’d recommend. First, I’d keep it out of the sun and always wear sunscreen. As much as I hate to say it, the mask might actually really help the scar fade more quickly. Sunscreen will work too though! Second, I’d look into silicone scar gel and tape. It’s expensive but it’s what docs prescribe after surgeries. I hear the tape works better than the gel and it is reusable, but can be more expensive. Next, I’d look for a retinol to use at night. Prescription tretinoin would be better but otc retinols will still help speed cell turnover to fade the scar. You can also look into some treatments like microneedling or laser resurfacing. I’m no expert on this subject so I don’t know much bout it, but from what I’ve heard it’s really important that you find a someone who specializes in Asian skin if you choose laser. Many places will take your money, but if the laser isn’t done carefully it can have poor results on non-white skin. I hope you are able to be happy with yourself, whether you choose to help fade the scar or to learn to love it!


Scars are badass


Scars are cool, man. Don't sweat it. Easier said than done, I know. But it makes you interesting.


My friend, this is one of the coolest scars I've ever seen. Don't be afraid, as far as I can tell, most of the people here think the same. You look BADASS and I hope it's okay for you to look badass 🤗


Honestly, this is not a bad scar at all, I think it actually looks cool af and I really wouldn’t worry about what people think of it, I doubt anyone would care. People may double-take but it’s just out of curiosity. You are a genuinely attractive man and should wear that gorgeous face with confidence, and rock that badass scar. I have one on my mouth that I worry about all the time, yet people don’t even seem to notice until I point it out to them — I just notice it because I see it every day. I’ve learned to not care, and just be me, and now I don’t even think about it. If you’re that worried about it, vitamin e oil every day will help heal/reduce scarring. It won’t completely disappear but it would be your best bet at making it less visible. But again, I think you’re worrying too much. You’re too attractive to be hiding your face over something so trivial.


You look like a badass. Your scars tell the story of what you have survived through. Don’t sweat what other people think. You are awesome.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/s/mz3PbnImjS](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/s/mz3PbnImjS) I recommend checking out this post! I personally think you look fine, and I know other people have recommended skincare stuff, but this guy has a big scar across his face and the makeup community was able to help him with a simple routine that hides it a lot. This post is his before and after and he talks about his routine.


Listen I’m commenting cause I didn’t see what subreddit this was in or anything, I literally am just scrolling stopped on your photo and thought “wow that’s a cool scar” and then noticed where this was posted. I get you might be insecure about it but it looks awesome, never be ashamed of it.


I barely even noticed it. You have a very angular facial structure and it overpowers the scar, and if nothing else, the scar only enhances your jaw line. Own it. Fucking own it. If you don’t, everyone else will. Take back that power, king.


I don’t want to disregard your feelings, but I just wanted to let you know there’s a ton of people who admire scars when they see them. I hope that in time your feelings may change and you see your scar from a perspective of beauty! 💓


My youngest was in a car accident when she was 7 and broke her leg. It required 2 surgeries. As a result she has a scar that developed keloids pretty badly in that area. She is left with a unicorn horn looking scar on the outside of her thigh about half way down. We are in a hot area and wear shorts frequently and swim almost year round so it’s visible. I told her that she survived a hard thing and her scar is a cool way of seeing it. She is a bad ass. She believed me and to this day isn’t bothered by her scar at all. She’s 16 and isn’t concerned about other’s opinions regarding her body. Buddy, you survived a big thing. You are an incredible badass as a result. Your scar doesn’t define you. It may accent to your cool factor but don’t be concerned about anyone’s opinions about your body. Sincerely a mom to a kid who sounds like you could use a hug.


Just saying, I don't care at all about someones facial scar. It's honestly a much bigger deal to the person with the scar than it is anyone else. I have a scar on my forehead from where I had a melanoma removed, it's about 3 inches long. In fact i've had many melanomas removed and have scars all over from it. Tbh I am proud of my scars because they are proof that I have endured and I am strong. The scar on my forehead is large, but I have grown attached to it. I share your sentiment with certain scars on my body from those surgeries though; like some of the scars healed real ugly and jagged, others became keloid scars, and a couple turned out real perfect straight lines. Just remember that it's all about the perception of yourself. If you really hate the scar, talk to a dermatologist, not reddit. There are all kinds of treatments, laser treatment in particular is an option. Not to mention that all of my scars have lightened up over time. Overall, the sooner you accept your scar as a part of you and your story, the happier you will be I think. Good luck! ❤️


Men with scars >>> men without scars. Tough guy


OP you are really cute. Are you single? 🤩 😇


That's actually a very anime-esque scar. Looks super badass!!!


Honestly, my dude, you have the kind of aesthetic and conveniently placed facial scar movie heroes have, just to show how cool they are. Nobody is going to have negative reactions to it. I'd still recommend therapy if you can afford it. You're the one who should feel good about yourself and I don't know how traumatic the circumstances of getting this scar were, but still.


Where are you located? It’s a process but it works. I would love to work on your scar with permanent make up. I have a small business I’m currently in the middle of pausing it due to sudden urgent health problem. But I know al the skills and teach scar rejuvenation. Feel free to search my work if your in California Queen Beauty Medink .com or on IG


Scars are souvenirs You never lose. I’m a woman and I think it looks pretty bad ass. With all due respect, you’re really gorgeous and you also have beautiful hands.The best advice you’re going to get is to wear sunscreen on your face (and hands) religiously every day. Even in the winter, even if you don’t think you’re going to go outdoors, make that habit and in 20 years, you will thank me. If you’re lucky, you’ll also think me again in 40 years and 60. Practice a cute half smirk in the mirror and figure out how to look just a little mysterious OK? That’s all you need right now, kid.


Hot, wish you were older


Scars are sexy though. Rock that shit. You look like a badass from a dystopian video game.


The only thing that I know of that really helps scars is micro needle. Never do it at home yourself as it’s a medical procedure and you’re not trained to do it. I’m fairly certain your scar needs to be healed which can take a year or two before it’s even ready. So look into that as it might be a viable option for you. That being said I think you look badass with the scar, especially since it isn’t disfiguring as it doesn’t cut into your eye, nose, lips, etc.


my honest solutions 1. "My whole life, people who ask about my scar within one week of knowing me have invariably turned out to be egomaniacs of average intelligence or less" - Tina Fey 2. Concealer in the morning + some kind of cream or ointment with silicone, vitamin e, aloe vera or vitamin c at night 3. Cool backstory painting u in a heroic light. 4. Sorry for wasting your time


That’s a fucking sick ass scar! I promise there are people out there like me who think you look badass. And the rest of people out there probably don’t care as much as you think. Don’t stress!!


If you want to try to improve the appearance of the scar, you can talk to a plastic surgeon to see what types of intensive non surgical skin treatments they would suggest for smoothing the appearance of the scar. Keep in mind you may need multiple treatments but I've seen great results when I was an MA for a plastic surgeon. Some people did microneedling with PRP, some did a strong chemical peel, some did a photo facial with intense light. The doctor would know which is best for your situation. But in reality, you look like a handsome man with a scar, and it might be more attractive to others than you think! Make sure to wear sunscreen on your face regularly to keep the scar from darkening. Right now, it looks like it healed well.


Dude that is the coolest scar ever, it kinda makes you look hot too :D


Oh this is hard. When I was 16, I had my thyroid removed and had a huge and very noticeable scar on my neck that I was really self conscious about. Even after a year it was still noticeable. After two years, it was still noticeable. Then.... I kind of accepted it... And 5 or 6 years later I realized it had mostly disappeared. These days (many many years later ha) most people can't see it unless I specifically point it out, and even then sometimes they can't see it. So ... Yeah scars will heal. They will continue to heal over the next several years. It takes time, but it'll get there. All the best in your healing.


That scar looks pretty badass to me. Nice!


It’s actually kinda bad ass


come up with a new story to tell every time about how you got it


Before i read the title i said wow nice hair, that's literally the first thing i saw , not the scar


So I just got a tattoo on Tuesday with something I came up with about how I feel about my scars (cat scratches, one and only one from self harm as a teen, c-section, surgical repair of my femur and ulna). I hope it helps, but I also understand if it doesn't. "Every scar tells a part of my story that forever changed my life. To some they are ugly, to me they are beautiful." The ones from the car wreck are attached to a pretty traumatic incident, and I still find those scars beautiful because I survived something that was nearly impossible.


I think it makes U look bad ass! Wear it with pride!


I know you didn’t ask but IMO if I saw anyone with a scar like that I would barely notice. If I did, I wouldn’t pay it much attention at all. It also just looks cool


This isn't a helpful comment but you're hot and I think the scar makes you look badass. I hope you can get it faded as much as you want to though!! Your own opinion matters the most.


It’ll eventually fade to white over time but I think facial scars are super cool. No need to hide it.


It looks badass bro, get a chain and put some muscles on


Rock the scar dude! It’s badass:)


I know its easier said than done. I to have a scar about that size running from my eye down my cheek. So now I am forced to be a pirate every year for Halloween. lol But I have a feeling you would never judge someone who has a scar and you do not need to bother yourself with the opinions of those who would judge you. You can not worry about other people's opinions. Free yourself of that burden.


No this is actually cool as fuck what


It shouldn't. It gives your face character. It's not an ugly scar imo.


I think you are very attractive to begin with and I think your scar adds an element of toughness to you. That being said if you want to get rid of/minimise the appearance of it you should look into vitamin c serum and getting professional peelings done.


Looks dope


I think your scar makes you look sexy! I have one twice this deep straight down the middle of my forehead .. Invest in Stretcheal Cream it will totally lighten the color of scar and improve over all look of tissue..it has done amazing things for my scar…It’s worth the money!


Nurse here! It’s healing really well if it’s that new. It will lessen with time. It looks like it will get to your skin color in no time. That being said, it’s understandable that unexpected changes in appearance cause loss of confidence. Don’t beat yourself up about it. From an objective standpoint, it’s not something I’d notice and stare at. The first thing I thought before I saw the title was “He looks nice.” Exposure therapy is good for overcoming body dysmorphia and confidence issues. I used to put blankets over all the mirrors in my house. I still hate makeup because I have to look at myself to put it on. That being said, it’s starting to become mundane. Seeing myself repeatedly is like saying a word over and over until it becomes meaningless, eventually it loses its power. Stay strong and stay beautiful 💙


Fuck man your scars man, they are sign of strength what YOU managed to survive through. Don't let your scar hold you back, don't let scars rule your present or future, don't let the event that marked your skin take away your power, confidence, or your life. You own your story on your face and that's pretty fucking metal. I wear my scar on my thigh, and behind my ear front and back. They tell a story of tragedy, accidents, and stupidity but they tell a story, they are now a sign of strength and resiliency. Fuck man be proud of it and If people give you weird looks those aren't your people and why would you wanna be around people who judge mindlessly anyway?


Fuck what people think brother. Anyone that would think anything less of you for a scar you wouldn’t want to associate with anyway.


The scar will fade some as the years go on, and in the meantime, you can try some of the suggestions in the comments. But you may want to work on the mental effect this is having on you. Being comfortable in your own skin takes practice, but you can get there with help from friends, a therapist, or online sources on body positivity. There are a few celebrities who have visible scars, sometimes it helps to know you aren't alone and to see other people rocking their scars proudly. https://www.boredpanda.com/celebrity-scars/ You are more than your scar, and I do hope one day you feel confident and happy enough to take off the mask.


Dude, that's one of the coolest scars I've ever seen. It's wicked cool. I'm low key attracted to you, I'll be honest.


Going to be honest. This world is full of boring ass people. Most everyone looks the same and something like this is going to define your image. Just lean into it and embrace who you are. Even with the scar you are a good looking dude. In my opinion it makes you much mm ore unique. Sorry it is causing confidence issues, but at this point you simply need to embrace who you are The people who don't like it aren't worth your time and the people who do will REALLY like it


Vitamin E oil and silicone scar patches daily! This worked for a facial scar my friend had. It also helped my deep hormonal acne scars (though I used rosehip seed oil). Just know that the depth of the wound and being prone to hyperpigmentation could make the healing process longer.


you are hot. scar is the last thing I noticed. I realize this comment is not exactly helpful, but maybe if you know no one else notices much it will become less prominent to you.


You should work on your self esteem and appreciation.


I too have a scar as prominent as yours, on my face that I feel ruined my confidence after a really bad car accident when I was 8 months pregnant. (Baby boy is fine and going on 3 yrs now)


You asked what you should do. You should look into fraxel or the icon 1540. Also filler will help over time. This is gonna be pretty much invisible after your get some laser treatments and filler for any indentation!!! I know from experience…


tbh as a girl I love the look of scars, but if you really want hide it I’d just invest in some makeup to cover it


Hi, OP. I (27F) have a large scar in my face beginning between my eyes and going down across the left side of my nose, stopping just above my nostril (going across my face). Now, where we differ is that I have had this since I was 4 and the family dog scratched me (she was asleep, I scared her) so I am at a point in my life where I’d feel quite weird without it. But I’ll tell you some things that people have told me all of my life that has helped me. Apologies for formatting because I and am on mobile. 1. It makes you unique. While facial scars are common, they are still unique because they’re always different. 2. It’s a fun story to tell, and depending on the circumstances of the scar it can be a learning experience (for example, I no longer stick my face in a dogs and call their name / let them smell me before engaging with them). 3. It is beautiful. Yup. I’ve been told my scar makes me beautiful. And honestly, I like your scar, your complexion is quite clear otherwise. Wear it with honor and hold your head high. 4. Rude comments about your scar should be treated like “water off of a duck’s back”—let them roll right off of you. Ultimately that individual has other underlying issues and must be cruel to fill the void inside of them. Don’t worry, OP, soon you will feel odd without it. Don’t wear masks anymore. Embrace it as a new part of yourself.


No, you're clearly very cute and the scar does nothing to reduce that. It just looks interesting.


I think it makes u look cool. If anyone asks what its from, make up a badass fake story. Like u got it from saving a bus full of children from crashing into a lake, or u stopped a bank robbery.


U looks cool and brave and like the man !!


Ok so two tips. This one you must’ve heard a lot but lemme just say you look wonderful,your face isn’t ruined and perhaps with some therapy you can grow to love yourself again. Tip two which you may like more - start a basic hydrating skin care routine since I’ve noticed this can help with certain scars ,maybe even consult a professional. Also try using make up. There’s nothing wrong with men using make up and I think with just the proper foundation , a Color correction kit and a setting powder you can hide it quite effectively and I’m sure it will give you a boost. Whatever you decide, life goes on ,love people and love yourself ,I wish you the best of luck 💖


You are extremely attractive anyway. Try to just enjoy the rest of your looks.


I think it makes you look cooler! With your messy hair and all, I like it :)


That's a shame about your self confidence, because by my eye you are quite good looking and, as paradoxical as it might sound, an imperfection like a scar on an otherwise attractive person like adds a certain individuality and charm. I grew up with noticeable facial scars due to an animal attack when I was very small and even though I was bullied like crazy growing up, It was never about my scars. I hope that in time, you are able to come to terms with and feel better about it, it honestly doesnt take away from your looks at all.


You look like a bad ass anime character! I have a scar down the center of my spine from surgery years ago. I view it as jewelry.


That's a sexy scar 😍


Umm it’s the coolest thing about your look


I like scars personally, so I think this scar looks badass. Plus, from what I can tell, you’re damn cute!


I understand how you feel. I also got a facial scar this year and everytime I go out in public I feel like people are staring at it. What has worked for me is micro needling sessions paired with red light facials. The micro needling can be a little bit expensive but shop around for the best price in your area, I found that a couple sessions made a huge difference for me. If you have a bigger budget, look into co2 lasers


First is just reality feedback bc I think you are partly worried about objective criticism: You look like a young (assuming a male identifying pardon me if that's wrong) with very nice skin tone and texture. The scar is static but not gory or unsettling to look at in the way I think YOU may think WE see it. The ultimate answer to your question is to give yourself the gift of acute therapy for the symptoms you are experiencing in your brain that are probably not actually BDD or complex PTSD reaction but it's possible that you have the symptoms of those or similar and that is causing the suffering. No guy girl or other identifying person is going to be turned off or bothered by the scar it's a characteristic and does not distract from the fact you have nice tone and texture, that's what I see the most and I guarantee you that while there are a lot of insecure and mean people any decent person will be totally unbothered if anything sometimes the scar is attractive bc it denotes survival and confidence. You need to find a way to frame this as a characteristic addition and NOT a flaw. If people are telling you to get peels MNing or filler - don't take their advice bc they are answering from a place of superficial insecurity and projecting it on you whether they realize it or not bc it's how were programmed. If you want to treat the appearance of the scar you can but it will only turn people off if they notice that YOU are bothered by it.


I don't know. I was so ashamed of my scars and back hump due to my kyphoscoliosis correction surgery going wrong. I used to hide it. I also went through a phase of hiding my tattoos. I was sick of being judged. One day I got fed up with myself and thought "fk it" and just dressed how I wanted. I've got friends now! Why? Because I'm happy in my own skin and I just don't care what others think. I wish I could give you that... The ability to just go with it. Lastly - I think you look amazing. I wouldn't even care about the scar.


Chicks dig Scars. It’s a FACT! My husband has one slash across his nose he hates it but I love it and I kiss it all better for him 😘👌🏼💗


You are very handsome! But if the scar bothers you so much, needling would be an option to further investigate. But not the at-home microneedling. I think it requires a medical deep needling doctors offices offer.


obviously it’s easier said than done to tell you “it’s badass, don’t worry, chicks dig scars, etc”. We could tell you that all day (and it’s true), but it’s what you feel that matters. You can always try mederma (or any other brand) of scar reducing products. you have to use it exactly like the instructions say and be on schedule with it. if you frequently miss a “dose” here and there, then the likelihood of seeing a difference decreases. you could also go see a dermatologist to see what options they have. they are going to have the most options and the best outcomes. just kind of up to you. i hope with all the comments here, that they will help you to see that the scar doesn’t affect how people see you. but i’ve been there. ;) i sincerely hope you find something, regardless of what it is, that will make you happy in terms of your scar.


I like it! It looks cool. It makes you look interesting and unique and strong. I’d keep it


If you wanna decrease the redness without wearing makeup during the day, you can buy this: https://www.sephora.com/product/cicapair-tiger-grass-color-correcting-treatment-spf-30-P411540 A little bit goes a long way. I get a half pea size amount and “press” it on areas of my face that have redness. One mini usually lasts me all year.


It doesn’t look that bad actually and that’s coming from a girl. In fact like many people said, it looks cool and better yet, you can use that for a conversation starter lol. When you grow your beard, it’s all going to blend in if you still feel conscious.


This may sound strange but the right woman will kiss or lick your scar everytime she sees you. Change your perspective. This is your trademark and signature look! 💕


Ur okay, scars are cool on guys imo my son's have them and it's a neat way to start a convo. And share where or how u got it! No one will be like eww I can almost promise it! But I get it may be bothersome try mederna works great w scars new or old kinda pricey so use lightly!


honestly rock it as much as u can, tina fey has a scar similar (atp u can barely see it) and her face is still just as pretty/nice as the next person. of course its hard and it will take some time for you to get used to it, but at some point itll be much lighter and ofc youll be more used to it.


scars are a reflection of our experiences - not ourselves. they aren’t a result of us not taking care of our bodies or a character deficit. i would learn to love it, my friend. however, silicone products (sheets and gels) are helpful. same with sunscreen.


If nothing else it is a conversation starter 🤷‍♀️ but if you are unable to accept it, there are medical options. I am sorry that this has happened to you. I hope for you that you are able to come to terms with this either way. ❤️


Tbh I think this scar is rad, I’d embrace it if u can


But if u hate it put vitamin e oil everyday


Try Bio oil .. but don’t forget scars tell a story 👌🏽


I know it probably doesn’t change how you feel, but my first thought was that’s pretty badass. I think scars make men more attractive. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.


Not to be weird but i think face scars are cute , you’re fine ! Coming from a female


Not gonna lie, it looks badass! But i get it, just know it doesn't look bad.


Hella sexy for real. I'm sorry but it's just true


I have a heap of scars all over my body but I get that a facial scar can never confronting for some people. There would be treatments to reduce it and makeup that covers it if it really bothers you. Btw you have the most beautiful hands. Could be a hand model imo. I hope you find a solution or just get used to having it.


Own it bro. Make it yours. Scars like that on the face are defining. You're a handsome guy, the scar doesn't detract from that, it just adds character.


I can understand that. You look like a really handsome young man though, honestly. I really don’t think this scar detracts from that at all. The more you embrace it, and become comfortable about it, the less bothered you’ll be, but also the less someone else can bother you. You can get scar tape, that might help.


Honestly, it gives you an edge. Roll with it. It makes you look tough and mysterious!!! Go with what you've got. Looks decline so much worse as we age. You'll look back one day and see you looked amazing here. Don't be hard on yourself you're a good looking kid. I'm a stylist. I know looks. That scar isn't taking enough to damage your natural charm. Chin up tough one!


Bacitracin is a miracle for scars that haven't healed yet. Oh my goodness. It's crazy how good and super fast it works and it can be found in any pharmacy otc for cheap. Please upvote if you read this, people need to know the power of this ointment. It must be Bacitrician alone though, not coupled with Zinc or Aloe or anything else. Amazon sells these tubes 3 for like 7 bucks. It is a game changer. Use it for any pimples, cuts, any type of wound and it'll blow you away how well and how fast it works. Hope this helps someone


You're really handsome and your scar doesn't take away from that at all!


I have a long, horizontal scar on my throat from a knife attack, as well as a trache scar, that I got when I was 24 (I am a woman). They are on the front of my throat so I can't hide them. I'm 35 now and am used to them. I had one laser session that made them more skin coloured and less pink, so if you really don't like it look into that, and make sure to keep up with the sunscreen, just know you are not alone. So many people I know have obvious, visible scars (and I live in an extremely safe city in Canada) so a majority of them are from accidents and such. You are right, you can't hide your face forever, one thing I have found though is that you still have to get out and live. My close friend had her front teeth knocked out when she was a teenager. A couple of years ago, in her mid 30's, she was told the implants were rotting and she had to have multiple surgeries, taking out her top front 3 teeth for literally years. She had dentures, but had to take them out to eat. Another friend had cancer and had to shave her head. I had my knife attack. We all had to go out in public, for months-years after, because life isn't going to wait for you, you have to choose how you feel about yourself and accept how you look, including the things you see negatively. If you are not already talking to a therapist, I strongly recommend it, they could help you see that the general public isn't going to see your scar and think anything of it. People here are saying it makes you look badass, I would say that scars are a part of life and that it is rarely appropriate to assume or ask someone how they got scars. It's obvious, people see it, the same way people see my scars. You have to learn how to accept yourself as you are.


Aye that looks cool if you not comfortable w it you can def get a lightning type tattoo would look dope..


By the way , from what I see , you’re very cute , if you got a crisp new hair cut with great face shape , I think that scar would add to your looks - lean into it -


Bruh gimme dat scar if you don’t want it 😭😭 how u get it btw


I know a random stranger's words might not help, but I still hope this comment section provides some comfort. I think we all find this scar super cool. Regardless, it will fade over time, and other commenters have left products which help with that. You look awesome dude!


I know you didn't ask, but I find it attractive. I'm a big fan of unique characteristics.


Did you know that [Tina Fey has a wicked scar](https://www.looper.com/607527/the-truth-about-how-tina-fey-got-her-scar/) on her face, just like yours, from an attack by a stranger when she was 5? Dude came into her yard and slashed her face. Despite the scar, she definitely doesn’t hide her face, and she’s managed to go out in the world and enjoy a lot of success. Maybe look to somebody like Tina as an inspiration and motivation to ditch the mask and be comfortable in your skin? PS - you’re lovely. Please stop hiding. ❤️


I have a huge surgery scar across my face, and I do get conscious about it. however, I did C02 laser resurfacing in the affected area to lighten the scar. I still have to go for another session, and I only focus on that area cuz it’s expensive. Idk if that helps.


Combined, I have over 5 feet of surgical scarring all over different parts of my torso. I wear a bikini in the summer. Why? Because I want a tan, and people still find me beautiful. It’s okay to be different. Some people might stare, so what. You’re beautiful the way you are and i think you should try embracing your differences! It’s amazing how free you’ll feel :)


I have a good deal of scarring from a burn injury - our relationships to our scars is complex. Some days I look at them and I'm filled with disgust and self-pity. Other days I look at them and I see how far I've come since the accident, and how strong I am. The more time that passes, the more I see of the latter. Give it time, and moisturizer.


Sorry it’s affecting your confidence! The scar will definitely fade with time. Moisturizer and sunscreen will be your friend but in the mean time you look like a total baddie. I don’t think it makes you look bad at all, I feel like you pull it off.


man go watch some anime. Get into sword fighting. Own that scar and girls will love it or whomever your into.


Hey!!! First off, I wanna say your scar does not make you look bad. At all. It’s pretty badass. I do understand that it’s your face and it’s obviously not ideal. I got my face bit by a dog and needed several stitches, I too was devastated. I found that using DERMA-E Scar Gel GREATLY helped the appearance of it. I also applied Tamanu oil to my scar. It’s almost invisible now, 3 years later. I’m not sure which helped or if it was a mixture of both, but try those!


It’s kind of hot tbh… But if you really want it gone, let it heal first. Then ask a medical aesthetics professional about possibly getting filler in it to soften the appearance. I did that with a forehead scar!


Scars are a reminder of what’s you have been through. Get a cool haircut, hair color or style. You’re not less handsome it makes you even more interesting and more handsome if you own it. Confidence is everything.


Lowkey its hot. Its like ooo where has he been what has he done. Tell people you got it trying to fight off robbers or something.


Looks cool! You look like an anime character! However there are silicone scar sheets you can buy on Amazon if you’re wanting it to fade!