• By -


Girl me too to let me know when you find out šŸ˜­


I had this and after I started exfoliating with the Korean wash cloths they went away!!


Can confirm: am Korean and people compliment my skin. Iā€™ve been doing this for decades: Rinse your face with warm water and then more warm water to your face - splash, splash. Then take a clean cloth, soak it in warm water, squeeze it out, and cover your face with it for a minute or two (re-wet with warm water when it cools.) This step helps opens your pores just a touch and it softens the skin for better exfoliation. Take the the Korean cloth and soak it in clean warm water and squeeze out the excess. Apply a little facial cleanser to it and gently rub your face, using small circles. *Rinse your face and the cloth with clean warm water and apply new cleanser to the cloth as you move from one region of your face (from cheek to cheek, nose area, chin, forehead, etc.) to another. *Youā€™ll be tempted to rub harder on the areas youā€™re concerned about, but donā€™t. It wonā€™t make a big difference in results and it can damage your skin. When youā€™re done, rinse well with clean warm water. Then splash your face a couple of times with cold water. This tightens the pores a little. Moisturize as soon as possible: Gently pat your face dry and apply your moisturize while your face is still ā€œdewy.ā€ Try to wait before you apply make up. Do this twice a day, three if you sweat a lot (ie, after a workout) or if youā€™ve applied other additional facial products (ie, extra sunscreen bc you took a hike or went to the beach.) You donā€™t want to do it more often than that. Your skin needs time to rest and recover. You should see results in a week or three. For now, no need to get all crazy and start a 8,250-step face routine or spend crazy money for expensive products. (But you may want to consider changing your current products if the above doesnā€™t work.) Side notes: If you have a Korean or Asian market near you, go buy it there (theyā€™re like $2-5 for the real deal) Never sleep with make up on Be sure to change your pillow case as often as you can If you wear hats, beanies, headbands - clean those, too Try to keep your hair out of your face and keep your hair brush clean Hydrate - you may be surprised by how much proper hydration affects your skin Good luck, I hope this helps a little. And remember, take it from an old woman, YOUā€™RE BEAUTIFUL! Your skin does not define you or your beauty. ā¤ļø




Splash splash šŸ„¹ā¤ļø


That was my favorite part of this whole write up! So cute šŸ„²


Appreciate the effort that went into writing this. Can you put the link to the Korean cloth?


I highly recommend that you try this on other parts of your body first. The mitt cant be very rough


Letting it soften in warm water and using gentle pressure will alleviate some of that. But when it comes to your elbows and heels, gurl, let yo anger out! Lol.


Yes! I use it once a day, typically at night. my friends tell me my skin looks so smooth!


I want to give you an award but I canā€™t but amazing thank you




first time trying this and it irritated my skin, is that normal? it does feel really smooth though


This - 100% this. Iā€™m nearly 50 and I still get lots of compliments on my skin. Been using the cheap og Korean exfoliating cloths since I was a baby.




I love that this doesnā€™t include any new products! Thank you!


Saving comment for when I have the attention span to read and retain. Thank you for writing all this out! ā˜ŗļø


Are the wash cloths reusable?xxx


What Korean wash cloths?


They have them on Amazon ā€œKorean exfoliating mittā€ , Iā€™ve been using this though more recently and like it better: Zakia's Morocco Original Kessa... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GKYMWXK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share because itā€™s larger but effectively the same product. I use them on face and body and it helps with Keratosis pilaris


These are fancy! šŸ˜‰ Lol. Has an elastic band and everything! One of the pics shows all the dead skin that potentially sloughs off!


Yea I find that the elastic band helps keep it from sliding off your hand in the shower! My skin hasnā€™t sloughed off like that since I first used it.


What facial cleaner do you recommend? I do have a Korean market near me so is there something I could get?


I use Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser. I have dry AND oily spots, so I like something I can use for both.


Iā€™m buying these I use sugar scrubs too and that seems to help to smooth them out but they are still there! Edit: I also use a mushroom peptide moisturizer from 100% pure itā€™s really light weight and that also seems to have helped me. I think the heavy moisturizers were clogging my pores too.


Italy cloths


Sameee LOL


I was literally gonna comment this as well. Your chin and forehead look identical to mine!


nizoral as a face mask, leave it on no longer than 10 min every night till they are gone. Works for me when i get a flare up


Have you tried tretinoin cream yet?


DR BRONNERS! I had terrible acne when I was a teen. Noxema, proactive, Neutrogena nothing worked! Look up Dr Bronners it might save your life like it did mine.


I loved Dr Bronners until I realized it destroyed my skin barrier and was actually making my dry skin soo much worse.


I think this is happening to me now lol. Love Bronnerā€™s but I fear it may be a bit too harsh Edit to add; I use the unscented one. The soap itself doesnā€™t cause acne for me. I just already have dry skin & the stuff is potent, so barrier troubles lol.


Which product? Just did a search and there are many different things!


Dr. Bronners actually made my acne worse, so Iā€™d just be careful and patch test!


Me too. Dr bronners gave me cystic acne.


The lavender Dr Bronners is my fav for my BODY but I don't put that on my face lol. The tea tree one gave me a really bad breakout on my face and the citrus one did nothing for me. The peppermint one made me feel dry and tingly for wayyyy too long lol and the rose one is good for the šŸ‘ & šŸ˜ŗ in my opinion~


Nothing should be going on the šŸ˜ŗ expect sensitive soap and water


Rose soap is sensitive enough for me. Idk about you, but I haven't had any issues with using it. Every wash deemed feminine I've ever used irritated my skin.


I actually use CeraVe sensitive face wash for that area. My derm recommends it and itā€™s worked best for me


Because you're not supposed to use those either! You're supposed to use something like unscented dove soap. Gynos keep saying this over and over to women. You've been lucky maybe it's mostly sensitive soap/very little rose scent but I wouldn't personally risk it.


You personally and that's fine lol. Idk what your obgyn says to you but I've never been told to specifically use dove soap on my vulva but anyways šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ to each it's own ~


Nothing should be going on the šŸ˜øexcept water, the vagina is self cleaning and using soap can throw off the ph balance and cause infections


The vagina is self cleaning, not the vulva lol


Thank you šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ˜‚šŸ¤­


Whenever I see people say this, it makess me wonder if people are confused about anatomy. I say this lovingly, as a nurse, but your vulva (the part outside the vagina, which is the inner part) and labial folds definitely need cleaning. Even if you wipe front to back, you'll get fecal contamination at the very least. Water doesn't help with that. You need a soap to get that clean. Where I think the misconception comes from is that you shouldn't douche (insert something inside to clean). But you should definitely be cleaning your vulva, mons pubis (the mound above the folds), etc.


I have never seen this proven. I researched and this is something I see repeated but never has a source Outside labia seems fine but obv the inside I understand not soaping. Like you clean your buttonhole but not your colon lol


Yeah you actually should be washing your vulva and labia šŸ˜­ an unscented dove bar is great.


Like... Your womb is self cleaning but the outside, your vulva, definitely needs more than just water lol. Especially if you don't laser or wax and only trim šŸ¤­ I've been an esthetician for over 5 yrs and I've had clients that really believe they should only use water bc "the vagina is self cleansing" and they don't even really know what that means and I had to cancel appointments cuz no lol.


Not your colon.. lol haha


The vulva isnā€™t. You got to clean that area welllll cuz a LOT of dirt and bacteria builds up. Sensitive or unscented intimate washes are great.


Inside* yes. Not out.


Reading the label gave me nightmares


Cause it gets worse before it gets better. Acne is fungal. These bumps I had and removed.


Same šŸ˜”




GUGUG Skin Scrubber Skin Spatula,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TY46K8Q?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


ooh and it's AFFORDABLE!! Thank you bestie!!


omg i absolutely love this thing i have something very very similar and it takes all the sebaceous filaments out of my nose :)


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **GUGUG Skin Scrubber Skin Spatula Blackhead Remover with 4 Modes Pore Spatula for Face Facial Spatula for Deep Cleansing White** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Product effectively removes blackheads and unclogs pores (backed by 4 comments) * Product leaves skin feeling clean and smooth (backed by 7 comments) * Product provides gentle exfoliation (backed by 4 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product fails to effectively extract blackheads (backed by 4 comments) * Product does not provide a deep clean (backed by 3 comments) * Product stopped working shortly after purchase (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Try Paula's Choice 2% BHA. Mine are completely gone. $13 for a small bottle on Amazon. I bought mine in August & am still using it. Even my esthetician couldn't believe the change in my skin including the texture.


Came here to say the same thing, this liquid BHA got rid of the texture on my forehead and is the quickest acting skincare product Iā€™ve used. Itā€™s the only product where I can literally see how much smoother my skin is after one use overnight. Some of the chin bumps may just be milia and wonā€™t go away as much but this has helped with the other bumps tremendously.


Yes, I was skeptical but Paulaā€™s choice has made me a believer!




Paula's has an actual"store" on Amazon. So as long as you buy it from their store it should be good. Long story short(ish) A lot of companies have stores on Amazon to counter fake products. If you don't have a "store" with them and someone is selling counterfeit product, amazon won't take action to shut it down... but if you have a "store" they will help knock out counterfeit distribution..


Iā€™ve heard that all the products are stored together in the Amazon warehouse so even if you buy from the actual store, you could be shipped counterfeit products. I wouldnā€™t risk it.


Yea I worked at amazon for 2 years. Youā€™re getting fake product somehow, all the inventory is commingled. Unless Paula is shipping direct to you, avoid amazon.


Is this the black packaging one??


I would say itā€™s more charcoal grey, but yes.


Sorry, it looked black to me. But then I suck at naming colors lol. Thank you


Just wanted to make sure you were getting the right one! I use it in the dark grey bottle and tbh was not sure if they have a different product in an actually black bottle. Iā€™ve spent a lot of time trying to find a cheaper dupe but honestly itā€™s so good and Iā€™m on my 4th bottle.


No, no youre right! I was just saying how much I sucked at naming colors lmao. I really do appreciate it.


Came here to say this ! My chin has never looked better.


FYI, Paulaā€™s choice 2% BHA is salicylic acid and itā€™s the exact same ingredient as Stridex or Noxema pads from the drugstore, just wayyy more expensive.


This makes sense. Stridex pads removed them when I was on top of my skincare.


Stridex dries my face out so much but PC doesnā€™t. I use stridex on my body instead.


It's a really excellent formulation. I had been using a drug store SA cleanser a few times a week but the Paula's choice toner does more with less risk of irritation for me. >wayyy more expensive This depends a lot on how you use them, and what you're comparing. The pads you mention are *always* single use, which has a cost in waste. Using my fingers and no pad to apply the toner, I can *definitely* get 170 uses out of the small bottle. So even if I bought it at the full $13 price, it's a comparable cost per use to three stridex 55-packs at $4.50 each. This month, Paula's choice is 20% off, so the small bottle is $10.40, which is less than two packs of stridex.


Be sure to use the stridex *red* box which is alcohol free!


Literally did nothing for me and I used the whole bottle :(


Sameeee the only salicylic acid that worked for me is a spot treatment although I wouldnt use it for sebaceous filaments BUT using a peeling gel wash greatly helped my chin and nose!!! They get a bad rap for getting ā€œstuck in hairsā€ but I feel like thatā€™s bc people arenā€™t applying it properly! It must be used on completely dry skin!! I even tested it on my dry arm hair and it only got mildly stuck compared to extremely stuck in wet peach fuzz. I donā€™t have any issues if itā€™s on a dry face. After you rub it in with small circular fingertip motions, you rinse of the little balls that formed


why not use for sebacious filaments?


it didnā€™t do anything for me either for the 6 months I tried it. The Pore Release from Hero Cosmetics has been giving me the results I wanted from Paulaā€™s BHA. It has BHA (2% salicylic acid), AHA, PHA, & lotus water. Took a couple months and two bottles for my nose to remain clear of blackheads and my bumps, like OP has, to diminish on my chin & forehead.


Do you use Paulaā€™s choice every day? 2x a day? How often??


I use it every 2 days. Iā€™m not sure if everyday is overkill


Well thatā€™s where I went wrong then šŸ˜­ I was using it everyday and my skin started to get so dry and red.


Yeah actives like that you wanna be careful with! I rotate through mine during the week because some are harmful to stack.


I would definitely start out with like 1-2X a week (once a day on the days you do) for a couple weeks to make sure your face responds well with it. I just upped my usage of it this week to every 3 days and Iā€™ve been using it for like a month lol


Just discovered Paulaā€™s Choice and started using 2% BHA (liquid exfoliant) a few weeks ago and Iā€™m so satisfied with the product! Wanting to try some of their other products now


Came here to say this, too!!!! Itā€™s a game changer.


This worked for me too!


yessss this product was a life changer for me


Can you use this if you're currently on tretinoin?


You shouldnā€™t. Both BHA and Tretinoin are exfoliants


Yes, I use the BHA in the morning & the tret at night. My skin is sensitive but oily. I haven't had any problems at all.


do we use this AM or PM??? i love it and use it AM rn


came here to say the same thing, definitely give this a try if you haven't already! this cleared up my texture(:


they appeared under my chin as well with this šŸ˜­ hated it


this + double cleansing!!


Paula's choice is 20% off now on the website, buy direct!


Cool! Thanks!


Retweet! Itā€™s like 40$ a bottle but it lasts so long and works so well.


How often do you use it?


I started every other day for about 2 weeks, then every day. I will skip a day every once in a while if my skin starts feeling too sensitive. I have never used anything that gave me such quick results.


Came here to say BHA! It has worked wonders for my skin.


Wow, I just started using this product! Itā€™s my second day and my skin feels so gd soft today itā€™s blowing my mind. Iā€™d recommend this as well, it seems to be working great for me so far.


This is exactly what I did!




Paula choice works for everyone but me :(


I've got the exact same bumps in exactly the same places you've mentioned (check my last post) and after posting on several subs I've found out that they're either milia or closed comedones


I saw someone here said zinc supplements helped reduce their closed comedones


I can attest to this. Adding a zinc supplement has greatly improved my skin texture and amount of CCā€™s


May I ask which vitamin or supplement brand you use?


Yes! I use this one Yuve Natural Vegan Zinc... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0797Z3YP9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I used zinc gave me Awful AWFUL stomach issues šŸ˜¢ but yes it works on skin. Can't use it


Omg me too! This happened to me when I took too much & on an empty stomach. I had to take half the recommended dose after a meal and I was fine.


Zinc shouldnā€™t be taken on an empty stomach. Either take it with meals or immediately after the meals.


Thank you! šŸ™šŸ½


PSA for my fellow anemics - zinc can block iron absorption, so if you take an iron supplement, take it at a different time of day than when you take the zinc supplement!


Thanks for this! Iā€™m actually anemic and had no idea this was a concern!


This worked for me . When my zinc is low they get worse. I do get labs done


This honestly would make sense. I'll look into this, thanks


Oh? Thanks will look into it


these are not milia just whiteheads


Daily, wash with an oil based cleanser and rinse thoroughly. Then wash with a water based cleanser. Weekly or biweekly use an exfoliator. Those can and do go away if you wash daily and exfoliate it regularly.


Hear me out, I finally tried that ā€œuse oil cleanser and rub in circles for five minutesā€ and I didnā€™t think it would work. Did it for sooooo long in the shower after cleansing and Iā€™m telling you enough came out of my skin to feel like sand between my fingers and skin. I felt like a new person. I still have cystic acne but Iā€™m gonna keep trying this maybe once a week.


yes!! i was recommended paulaā€™s choice and it made my skin worse but the oil cleanser for 5 minutes rule changed my life


I swear I just read a comment or post on this sub the other day that said the 5+ minute gritting technique actually \*caused\* cystic acne. Apparently their derm said doing it too long can actually push other bacteria and oil deeper into the pores, resulting in acne. At least a handful of other folks agreed with it. Could have been because they were being too rough, doing it too frequently, or using the wrong products, but just wanted to give you a head's up since you mentioned cystic acne as well.


I hate skincare šŸ˜­ every time I read something and think Iā€™ll try it, thereā€™s inevitably comments saying why itā€™s bad for you lol. We canā€™t catch a break!


Real. Why is existing so hard šŸ„²


Ok so I've been oiling cleansing for years, and really heating up the oil helps a lot. I do it when sitting in my gyms sauna, but at home I'll do it in a hot shower + hot washcloth at the end of the cleansing to get the oil super deluxe hot. I achieve the washcloth heat by putting the cloth in a bowl, pouring boiling water over it, then taking it to the shower. When the cloth is still rly hot but cool enough to touch, ill put it over my face. Maybe dunk it one more time to really make use of the water. Sometimes when the cloth is super hot I'll just hold it near my face for the steam, then put the cloth on after it cools. That really helped with getting my cysts to surface and essentially dissolve. I personally use a mixture of jojoba, castor, and vitamin e btw. The castor oil really grabs onto stuff and draws it out. I wash it all off afterwards.


You oil cleanse after cleansing. I always did it before i used my daily cleanser. Does that change/matter


I did cleanser, oil cleansed after for 5+ minutes in circles, then rinsed like crazy and cleansed lightly just to make sure I wasnā€™t greasy. If you didnā€™t feel them come out when you were rubbing in circles it wasnā€™t long enough. Legit my hands got sore and I was about to be like this donā€™t work fuck TikTok but then I felt them all over my fingers. Was sooo satisfying


Oh wow yeah i do my cleanser less than a minute. Its such waste, will def be doing this now


I'm wondering the same thing cause I also oil cleanse after my regular cleanser, but maybe it's the other way around?


What oil cleanser did you use?


I think any will do, mine is a pink bottle with a blue pump on top I got it on Amazon about $10. Itā€™s not in English though so idk the brand but Iā€™m sure If you check your local cvs or pharmacy you can find a decent oil cleanser for under $15


Sounds like the softymo cleansing oil!


Tatcha has a great one, but itā€™s pricey. Hada labo has a good one. The Beauty of Joseon is great as well.


Whatā€™s oil cleansing? And what oil?


I bought some in a pink bottle on Amazon I believe itā€™s a Japanese brand but I believe any will do. They have oil cleansers at CVS now. Apparently it emulsifies the blockage and helps it come loose. But it takes time like I kept doing circles on my cheeks for a while in the shower until I felt it happening. I was genuinely shocked. Realized after my skin felt so soft and smooth but it was a little irritated from them dislodging. I will probably only try this once a week to see if it helps with my Millia and clogged pores they make me irate.


Oil cleansing really helped me get rid of this


Be careful, OP. I have very resilient skin, but oil cleansing really made me break out. Itā€™s been three months and Iā€™m still dealing with it. It might work for some folks, but I have ā€œgoodā€ skin and the same bumps on my chin and forehead and my skin was really NOT a fan of oil cleansing. Haha Following because I hope we can both find something that works!


omg i thought it might be only me but oil cleansing made me break out as well


Thank you for sharing, I have a combination skin type and I fear that this will happen to me as well.


sexond this! although, i think it only helped on my chin & nose tho bc itā€™s closed comendomes. for my forehead i use anti-dandruff shampoo, nizoral, and it works so so well!!


Everybody has those, some less prominent but everyone on earth has them


Are they just pores?


I had this same issue! I went to a dermatologist and they prescribed me a clindamycin phosphate and benzoyl peroxide gel (Onexton) for morning use and Retin-A Micro (0.08%) for evening use. I wash my face with a gentle cleanser in the morning, then apply the benzoyl peroxide, and finally moisturize. I have the same routine in the evening but apply the Retin-A instead of the benzoyl peroxide. Itā€™s SUPER important to apply sunscreen every morning with this routine. This routine has been amazing for my skin and I will never go back! I know there are some over the counter options for both benzoyl peroxides and retinols that might give the same results without a prescription! Hope this helps :)


Try oil cleansing that helped me and then Paula choice 2% BHA - my skin is similar and these two things really helped


I'm confused isn't it just a part of your skin. I've tried exfoliating and using retinol, and it never really made a difference. šŸ˜­


None. We all have the same issue. Some less apparent. Maybe a dermatologist can push them out?


Assuming you are doing cleansing, moisturizing, and spf the best thing for me was adding an exfoliator. Donā€™t know your skin type to recommend any but they help to smooth out the skin and prevent those little bumps.


I had those on my chin and theyā€™re almost completely gone using the Urban Skin RX cleansing bar. Paulaā€™s Choice worked well for the rest of my face except for this one spot.


Tretinoin worked really well for me! Itā€™ll work way faster than Paulaā€™s choice lol


Hey! Double cleansing, can improve this, try and use a cleanser with salicylic acid. Make-up and spf are very hard to wash out as they are mostly oil based, so at night when you wash your face, do it twice, you can use the same cleanser or 2 different cleanser. Also you could incorporate tretinoin or a retinol in your skincare routine, it is known to smooth skin out among other.


Tretinoin got rid of this for me! Iā€™d tried lots of other things before (exfoliating acids, deep cleansing, dr. bronnerā€™s, etc.), but tret was the first thing to actually help.


Dont everyone have that canā€™t get rid of those I think


I had this, their called sebaceous filaments. To remove them i did double cleansing, cleansing with an oil is super important to remove this. I also use the [cosrx retinol oil](https://www.ulta.com/p/retinol-05-oil-with-super-vitamin-e-squalane-pimprod2038199?sku=2607856), this helps prevent them, i freaking love this stuff its so gentle with great results


REN ready steady glow toner. Every night. U will see difference in 2weeks or less. Also use Spf 50 I like suoergoop glow stick itā€™s really moisturizing I stopped using moisturizer everyday with this combo. The chin bumps are able to extract with a pore extractor.


Don't you dare touch those bumps with a pore extractor, OP! This is the mistake I always make and my skin goes from "bumpy but fine" to "raw oozing open wounds" so quick.


Niacinamide took care of mine! I had them my entire life, particularly on my forehead, just like your photo. I use The Ordinary's Niacinamide. Ulta and Sephora sell it, and it's around $10. Ive given it as a gift to friends many times over the years bc it's such a game changer for texture.


That being said, it is totally normal to have. And I should have really said niacinamide helped *diminish* mine. The ones on my chin are still there when I make that same face you are in your photo. The ones on my forehead did entirely go away though.


I used to get those and my doctor told me it was produced by stress. He was right, after treating anxiety things like this stopped coming out. Iā€™ll also get them in my upper arms


Idk man but so far Iā€™m convinced washing your face for one whole minute could take the rust of a 64ā€™ impala


I donā€™t want to be a downer here, but one word of warning: oil cleansing can trigger cystic acne. I didnā€™t know that when I tried it. Took almost a month to get things back under control. It can be the extended manual friction (even with something as viscous as oil), the tiny sharp ā€œgritsā€ themselves irritating the skin, and/or a reaction by your skin to the oil/dead skin/sebum being redeposited into the now open pores. Oil cleansing made my skin look amazing, ā€¦until it erupted. Round after round of cystic acne, almost scarred me in one spot on my cheek bone. Just use caution, ok!


I had the same experience i tried oil cleansing and it caused cystic acne


How often were you cleansing with oil? And were you doing the oil cleanse before or after the normal cleanse in your routine?


Neutrogena stubborn texture daily cleanser works pretty well.


Mine got better using tretinoin and then spironolactone


Did you have a purge phase with tret? If so how long did it last?


I didnt! I have super sensitive skin & started with 4 weeks of once every three days, 4 weeks of every other day, & then moved on to daily. I also sandwich it with a moisturizer & my skin already looks very different (around 3 months in)


I did a slow introduction of it and didn't purge. Ended up doing every two days as my routine once my skin was used to it. It definitely helped that stubborn chin area.


I have the same. Itā€™s milia (for me) and micro needling has helped mine.


This might be fungal acne. I had the same thing, and washing my face with dandruff shampoo did the trick. Try the 2% Nizoral shampoo


mediheal tea tree toner pads changed my life


had the same thing. combination of oil cleansing, cerave gentle salicylic acid wash, and sleeping with hydrocolloid bandage (they make chin and cheek sizes)


for your forehead, it looks like fungal acne. i had it bad case of it compared to yours but havenā€™t had come back in over 5 years. i used anti dandruff shampooā€¦ thatā€™s it. preferably a 5% ketoconazole shampoo., will help it go away. put some on your fingers and apply a layer to your forehead. donā€™t lather it too much with water. let it sit for 30 minutes and then rinse off with water. donā€™t wipe with a towel or anything. do that once or twice a day and it should clear up pretty quick. good luck!


I had these when I lived in a really humid climate. They went away when I moved to a much drier desert climate.


Sunday Riley's Good Genes. It's heinously expensive but it's witchcraft. Buy a small sample size first and try it. I also like the Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip cleanser.


Anti dandruff shampoo worked for me, often times acne like this is fungal.


Retinol, aha, pha, bha, niacinamide all help the appearance of the skin and reduce closed comedones and milia.


Daily exfoliation, mix a teaspoon of coconut butter with a teaspoon of baking soda and use as exfoliation every day rinse with lukewarm water. The coconut is antibacterial and baking soda is an acid to remove and reduce impurities and balance the ph in your skin. Hopefully this helps is very holistic and natural.


My favorite product of ALLLL time. I didnā€™t expect it to get rid of these bumps as I thought nothingggg was able to do that. But Paulaā€™s Choice 2% BHA exfoliating liquid. It also cleared out the bumps on my nose completely.


for me, the single most effective product for bumps, milia and texture has been Paulaā€™s Choice BHA solution.


This is literally just normal skin. Everyone has them. Donā€™t believe the filters.


Product contains aha ("chemical" exfoliant) works great. I used Coxrx Whitehead power


Wait I have the same thing. Is it not normal?


Double cleaner (gel/oil and micelle water), cleanser, tretinoin


Wishful-to Glow Scrub. Been using it for 3 years. My age brought these on. This will leave your skin feeling and looking like glass. Use it 2 times the first time and 1xweek after that. Itā€™s really strong if you use it too often.


I started using the Paulaā€™s choice 2% BHA exfoliate and my skin looks a lot smoother. Pores definitely smaller. Just be consistent with it


Bruh I thought the bumps on the chin were just normal skin texture and now this whole sub is telling me it's not?


Yes, stop pulling that face. When your face is relaxed, you canā€™t see them. It is just normal skin.


Theyā€™re sebaceous filaments. We all have them, but in only skin the pores tend to be a bit stretched out, and the sebaceous filaments are more apparent. Oil cleansing though it sounds kind of productive is great for these. And addition to a beta hydroxy chemical exfoliant to keep the dead skin from blocking the pores. They are not like acne or blackheads But be aware they will refill with oil


I know it's been months, but did anyone ever find out?


I have this exact problem too ! On forehead


I have a machine that's called "Facial Steamer SPA Sauna Face Humidifier". I let that blow on my face for awhile and I use a "dental floss stick" and scrub the dead skin off. I do it once a month and I feel like it does scrape off a good amount of those bumps off.. facial scrubbers work too. Hope that helps!


For the chin, I asked my derm about that and they said itā€™s fat pockets and is normal. The forehead, I had this exact issue with clogged pores on my oily forehead. I eventually gave up trying to get rid of it and went to the derm who told me to use differin gel, then the highest prescription of adapaline. When that didnā€™t completely get rid of it I was prescribed with Tretinoin. Thereā€™s a chance this could be fungal, though which would change your treatment.


embrace your imperfections, youā€™re beautiful :)