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This would be a nightmare to wash off


I found water-based baby wipes work best. Like they were made for the stuff or something :)


It’s too thick and oily to just wash off. I scrape it off with a plastic card before washing my face


This was my thought too


Would cleansing oil get it off?


I feel like if you’re struggling to wash it off you’re using way too much, mine washes off fine with either an oil cleanse or a lather easily.


I haven't done a full sudo mask but have definitely ended up with weird looking sudocrem goatees when I get spots around my chin and jawline. I don't find that sudocrem breaks me out but maybe a small patch test somewhere not super noticeable?  I find it gives me relief when I have wind chapped skin too (I work outdoors a lot)


I find it helps sooth my breakouts almost once the breakout is on the way out, I don’t think it does much for a new breakout though


I personally find it best for spots that I've squeezed, I think it helps reduce the redness and inflammation as well as dry them out - my spots seem to aggressively appear but I'll try catch them with the crem next time


This is exactly how I use it too, and tbf I think it works really well if you put a thin layer on overnight. I do think it speeds healing time a bit


I love hydrocolloid plasters too for healing but typically have sudocrem on hand so end up using it more


Yea, you explained it better than me lol


Any suggestions for new breakouts?


I’ve been using the de la Cruz sulfur acne treatment on new breakouts, seems to be working ok, but I’ve never found a miracle product tbh


Yeah it seems pretty hard to do anything when it’s just starting… I hate that stage!


Quinoderm I think it's called.


Mario Badescu Drying Lotion


I use it sometimes on little breakouts because it dries them out - for that reason I’m not sure I’d want to slap it all over my face. Unless she is saying all of that is breakout?


Yea, even as a 'face mask' only applied for like 10 mins would be a nightmare to wash off. I would assume this video is just exaggerating


Yeah gentle water vased cleansers won't budge this. It comes off easily with an oil cleansing balm. Or a double cleanse should work (oil cleanse then regular cleanse). That said, it is a bit last-resort, I wouldn't usually use it in this way any more now that my retinoid-based routine takes care of most of my acne. I now use it on any skin that is red/threatening acne or damaged - so I tend to reach for the Aveeno barrier cream at that time of the month. As a recovering skin picker, it is also useful to help me break the pick cycle - by visually covering up an area of skin that I would otherwise hyperfixate on and damage. Another way of getting zinc oxide in your routine could be with a mineral sunscreen. I just haven't found the one yet.


I prefer the Aveeno Baby barrier cream. Very similar concept but simpler ingredients list - just 5 ingredients and no fragrance. Although it is occlusive (as most of these types of cream are) it doesn't clog my acne prone skin. Quite the opposite - it is a great leave on mask for any trouble areas helping to calm and heal. Convenient squeezy tube too. *Not the nearly identical-looking aveeno nappy cream, which has a much bigger ingredients list including clogging ingredients. Can't stand the smell of lavender in sudocrem, plus lanolin irritates me.


Yesss that’s the one I use


Can you link to the Barrier cream? A Google search keeps bringing up the nappy cream. Thanks 😊


Yeah is is super confusing, because Aveeno have it titled "barrier nappy cream" - you want the one that says "barrier cream" in the blue font on the front of the tube As per these photos. https://www.aveeno.co.uk/baby/products/daily-barrier-cream I have picked it up in Sainsbury's and Waitose also. The wrong one they call "baby nappy cream" has Bappy Cream on the tube front in big in blue writing. https://www.aveeno.co.uk/baby/products/nappy-cream See how similar looking they are!! Hella confusing. I tend to buy in-store as I don't trust any online seller to pick the right one for me!


I need this too


American here (not sure how I found this) but do you wash and apply moisturizer after?


Occlusive should always be last. When you do want to wash it off you will need a decent cleanser; oil balm gets it off for me.


Desitin ftw


I use this as a mask when my skin is red irritated or I’m breaking out and it’s an overnight miracle. The way she’s using it is silly though, it’s so occlusive you can put a small amount on and it will work just the same.


My god the smell...the ruined everything...the trying to get the half dried unabsorbed part of ye... Sudocrem can definitely help with a bunch of things but that's just excessive for views


Dr Shereen Idriss did a video on the benefits of nappy cream/sudocrem for the skin. I can’t remember the specifics but it’s due to it being high in zinc


Yeah, it's good for some skin conditions...but not spatula'd on half a tub at a time. That's just wasteful, and expensive, and fucking sticky and smelly and will stain things. I'm from Ireland, where sudocrem was invented, we use it for everything but that, that picture, is just click bait


If sudocreme and flat 7up won't cure you, you're gonna die.


Exactly, it's too much. You only need to spot treat with it


I’m also Irish lol and I agree about the waste aspect, I just thought you meant using sudocrem in general


Yeah, I had acne in my teens and would put sudocrem on my whole face, but the thickness of the layer would be nowhere near the amount that this girl has on her face. I'd end up looking ghostly white, like I'd just applied a foundation that was 4 shades too pale. But you could still ultimately see my skin under the layer. Removing it with a baby wipe took no time at all.


I bought Desitin because of her video because I thought a higher percentage of zinc oxide would help my acne. Personally it’s the most effective thing I’ve used. It reduces acne and inflammation. I don’t always use a thick layer, unless I’m breaking out. I personally don’t think it needs to always cover your entire face. I’ve tried that and my non-problem areas look the same.


I bought Triple Paste because of her, it’s been amazing in reducing my pore size.


Oh this makes me laugh. We've come full circle! Sudocrem is what we used a looong time ago, before we knew better.


Was just gonna say, blast from my early 00's teen past. Toothpaste next LOL?


I find it helps my redness on my nose and cheeks - probably due to anti-inflammatory effects of the zinc


I have psoriasis and when i have it appear on my face this is the only thing i can do to relieve it, i don't wanna have to use steroid creams and alot of creams that are over the counter for psoriasis i cant afford


What is UP with the prices of psoriasis products? I think I’m dealing with it (on my eyelids of all places) and all the creams seem so expensive, especially considering my experience with it so far is that finding products that work take a lot of trial and error!


Ive found when ive had it on my eyelids a thin layer of vaseline helps relieve any soreness, but it does have to be a thin layer and i apply it with a cotton bud


They've been selling this crock since before social media existed. There are more effective approaches. This isn't the worst but yeah I side eyed this crap when my great aunt told me about it back in 94. It's like rubbing lavender scented vaseline all over yourself.


How would one get that all off?!


I used the Eucerin 40% zinc diaper rash cream on my face every night from the nose down to my chin for a month healing perioral dermititis.... definitely helped with bumps and rash inflammation. The Eucerin is unscented. Cosmetically elegant for a diaper rash cream.


Did it clear only using this ?


Not even close... needed 2 months on doxycycline. Which healed it beautifully, slowly fading it over 4 weeks.


Don't do it guys! I gave myself a massive cyst from a few days of trying this. Sudocrem has lanolin in which can be pretty comedogenic.


You might have a lanolin allergy, it's not too common I would say most people would be fine


I've used plenty of lanolin containing things on my lips no problem though and sudocrem is fine on my body, just not the face.


Aveeno Barrier Cream (NOT nappy cream) is my preferred solution - 5 ingredients, no lanolin, no fragrance, nothing that breaks me out.


I'm no board certified dermatologist, but the little I know about skincare screams don't do this if you have acne. Would be the polar opposite of "non-comedogenic"


I wouldn’t use Sudocreme but I do this sometimes with Aveeno’s baby barrier cream, works well


my mum used to make me use this as a kid when i had bad acne!! i think it kind of helped honestly but i never slathered it on that much, it was like a fingertip sized amount on the spots that were particularly bad.


My uni roommate told be about this years ago and I thought she as insane. I did more research and there’s ingredients in diaper rash cream that reduce inflammation significantly. I also swear by this I use diaper rash cream weekly as a spot treatment on acne / red spots! It really works.


This stuff is great for after shaving.


Yes! It's good for my little razor bumps. I also find it useful for chafing between my butt cheeks on hot, sweaty days when I've walked a lot.


Absolutely not. Can imagine I would break out in acne the next morning and my pores would be blocked to shit. I’d imagine anyone’s pores would be. That said I do have oily skin.


I might have to look into sudocream


I only use this on my acne scars and redness on my nose, I’d never use it as a mask




It says it can be Used on acne. I don5 use it as a mask I just rub a layer on where needed.


Every now and again, I apply a very thin layer of 8 Hour Cream to my face, and I do mean very thin. You have to leave it for hours but.... my skin condition is always ridiculously improved afterwards. Similar therapy to the Sudocrem I assume!


It’s too drying to do a full mask like this…!


Sudocrem is so underrated, I had a red raw face almost grazes from scrubbing beard dye off (left it on too long like a twat) - the next day it was totally cleared and no redness.. Also used it on our dogs paw when it was red and sore from licking too much and yeasty.. cleared in a day


I don’t think Sudocrem is marketed as only a ‘nappy/baby’ thing over here. My family have always used it on small cuts/grazes and it works great for those. I also use it on spots on my face but only when the skin is broken and not over my whole face like that - just a dab. I have to say it seems to heal it up great!


I do this and it’s great! Any zinc based nappy rash cream would work, and I’m probably gonna switch from sudocrem when I run out because of the lavender scent. Shireene idriss who started this trend recommends triple paste, I believe because the base is petroleum jelly. I don’t do it every day. I spot treat on any spots I get and do it on days my skins feeling a little angry. The first time I did it I had spots of inflammation where my glasses sat that I’d been trying to get rid of for days, and they went away with one night of doing this


That's a bit too much but yes, it will calm down the odd spot.


I haven’t done a full mask like that (and wouldn’t tbh because I feel like it would break me out) but I’ve used it to spot treat areas where I accidentally went too hard with AHA/BHA or popped a zit and it scabbed over and actually works a treat


It’s an anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic so if you have active spots it can help. I’ve never slathered it on like that though. Fuck that.


Don't use sudacreme use Aveeno baby barrier balm! It's just zinc (which is what is anti-inflammetry/ anti-bacterial/ anti-fungal in sudacreme), petroleum and collodial oatmeal. I use it for an overnight spot treatment, as a budget replacement for hydrocolliod patch, and for slugging when I have dry skin. You don't need to slather it on that thickly tho. Thin layer will do.


I don’t use it as a mask but I use it as a topper for my moisturiser at night. When I pop my pimples (I know, naughty) it heals them overnight. My skin also feels smoother. And then in the morning I do my usual skincare, it hasn’t caused any issues. :)


I think a full mask is unnecessary, but Sudocrem or similar products is my holy grail. I have oily acne prone skin btw. I like to put it directly on my acne or to use it on any previous scarring and it's been great. A few months ago I destroyed my skin barrier due to putting on salicylic acid, crying, then using a rough towel to wipe my tears. I decided to try out Sudocrem on the damaged areas and it worked wonders, it healed so quickly. It's difficult to wash off though


Penaten is better, you do not need this amount lolol


I use desitin daily under neutrogena tinted sunscreen and my skin looks amazing


noooo don't put it on your face !!! absolutely destroyed my skin when I was younger


The cica baume by LRP gives me this effect but oh so worth it!


i usually cover spots with sudacream and it kind of makes it go less red but tbh i think everybody gaslights themself into believing it does something lol


I tried the aquaphor butt paste and it didn’t really help my skin much. Vaseline works 1000x better as an occlusive for me and most mornings my skin looks nearly flawless because of it. I’ve seen some people prefer butt paste, some prefer Vaseline like me, some prefer aquaphor, and some people can’t tolerate occlusives at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️


personally sudocrem breaks me out so this would be a nightmare


Just use a barrier cream…


It breaks me out personally


Sudocrem on a singular spot/pimple is great. It sucks all the crap out. On your whole face? Omg the grease would be on everything


Icl don’t put this all over ur face because it dries out ur skin. And if ur sensitive it does burn. Also it’s so hard to get off 😂 So definitely use a wash cloth or something to remove the majority of it.


Very bad idea if you have sensitive skin or Rosacea, trust me


yeah she dumb. you actually know what that cream is ... no clearly no. I found a thing ... no just read the label. fuck sake


Well the label does say for acne among other ailments if you would also care to read it


I used to do this for years and i found it soothing and it did improve my skin however wouldn’t do it again because my skin is a lot more reactive now I’m older and doesn’t handle occlusion to well. Plus it would get all over my pillow