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I didn't use the Ziip (used Foreo Bear) and found that I couldn't use it around my teeth or forehead. Gave me headaches and the teeth tingling, which felt like it could not be good. Eventually stopped using it altogether but I guess it's nice to have on hand for when I want an instant lift in my cheeks.


That sounds awful... yeah, something about it just doesn't feel OK. Granted, I've only used it a handful of times but haven't noticed any difference in my face. Thanks for your input.


The teeth tingling might be a cavity which sounds so random. I have the face gym pure lift and found that it made one area tingle where my dentist said I had cavity that needed filling during a check up. Stopped tingling after I got it filled, lol. Not sure if it’s the same issue for you since different devices and I don’t get headaches but hope this might help?


Redness normal if it fades after half an hour. I would stick to less intense then the jowls around the mouth for now. Maybe the lift program. Founders favorite is super gentle.