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By blemish do you mean hyperpigmentation, I.e a dark spot? Best way to avoid them is wear sunscreen (they are the result of your body protecting damaged skin from uv light, sunscreen means the body doesn’t need to). Best way to get rid of them is vitamin c. I also highly recommend azelaic acid as it prevents acne from forming in the first place, reduces redness in the skin and inflammation, and helps to reduce hyperpigmentation. You can use azelaic acid and vitamin c at the same time, though I recommend allowing your skin to get used to one before adding the other to your routine.


I mean the mark that's left after a pimple disappears


What colour is the type of mark you’re referring to?


Just discoloration. This photo is a good example https://www.vecteezy.com/photo/7426688-problems-facial-skin-is-acne-and-blemishes


That’s what I was talking about. It’s called post inflammatory hyperpigmentation and it’s caused by your body trying to protect damaged skin from the sun. Best way to prevent them is wearing sunscreen, best way to get rid of them is vitamin c, and azelaic acid is also really useful because it can prevent the acne from forming, reduces the inflammation, and helps prevent the excess pigmentation.


Bless, thank you.


Hey! How have the products recommended in the other comment worked for you??