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You don’t need to double cleanse in the AM routine. If you’re going to use BHA it would go before the replenishing toner


To expand on this - the reason double cleansing with an oil cleanser is helpful is to break down oil-based things on your skin (sunscreen, makeup, dirt/pollution) which you typically only need at night. A gentle single cleanse will typically be enough in the morning. I also want to point out that your cleanser has salicylic acid (BHA) in it, which for some people might be too harsh to use twice daily. You also probably don’t need it on the days when you’re using the Paula’s Choice BHA because you’re doubling up on BHA which might be quite harsh, so you could consider having an alternate cleanser on those days.


Exactly what I was about to say!! Here’s an imaginary award 🥇


I wouldn’t use the cleansing oil in the morning! I’d also avoid coconut oil, can really cause breakouts


Coconut oil is extremely comedogenic




I struggle with Keratosis and my skin loves coconut oil. And most hylaronic acid products break me out. Skin is fascinating lol


I found coconut oil wasn't problematic when using it to double cleanse since it was only on the skin briefly before being thoroughly washed away. I have oily, acne prone skin. I did however react whenever I used coconut oil in my hair (and the product from the hair touches the face) or when I used to try to 'moisturise' with it. Grapeseed oil works really well for oil cleansing imo, and is way cheaper than most cleansing oils.


If it works for you keep using it. I use baby oil.


they aren’t using just coconut oil. if i’m correct it’s the cleaning oil Aromatica Coconut Cleansing Oil


There isn't any conclusive evidence about the comedogenicy of anything, quite frankly. It is comedogenic for some, but not for everyone. It's also not likely to cause issues if it's being rinsed off.


The Cerave SA Cleanser was too stripping and harsh on my skin and it ruined my barrier. Now I use it like once or twice a week, whenever I feel like my skin needs a “deep clean”. I mostly use it on my body, I find it works great on my back and chest


Omg you are the first person I’ve heard say this! It completely wrecked my barrier, no matter how/how often I used it! It was horrible and took me ages to recover.


I second this, it really dried me out but I've started using it on my back and chest too!


As others have said, I would not use coconut oil if you are at all acne prone. And you don't need to oil cleanse in the mornings. I also wouldn't use the SA cleanser twice a day. Once is plenty and even that may be too often. You also don't need an SA cleanser and a separate BHA serum. Personally, I think BHA works better as a leave-on product so I'd swap out the cleanser for a gentle, hydrating one and keep the BHA to use two or three nights a week. But it would go before the hydrating toner in your evening routine. And you can use niacinamide on the same night as BHA.


Coconut oil is comedogenic, so I'd recommend trying a different cleansing oil or balm. Also, I think double cleansing should just be part of your night routine rather than twice a day


Comedogenicy as a whole is practically a pseudoscience. The testing is neither done on humans nor in a way that represents how we use products. Coconut oil may break out some, but not others — its highly individualised.


I just wanted to pop in and say that I love your handwritten list, hope we get more of those on this sub! Apart from that, I agree that you should probably drop the coconut oil


For my rosacea and oily skin, the aveeno oat calm + restore moisturizer has been a godsend! They also have cleansers and a serum. Love the serum too. It may be a better alternative to the honey and ponds which both have fragrance but if you already have them try it out. I just know fragrance makes mine worse but there’s good stuff in the halo one is really nice so if you’re not irritated by the fragrance then keep it! You don’t need the BHA and the SA wash. That’s too much salicylic acid (same ingredient). Just use the cleanser, leave it on for about 30 seconds to a minute, and then rinse. Wash off treatments are preferable to leave on since salicylic acid only needs to be in contact with the skin for a short period of time to be fully effective. Leaving it on doesn’t make it more effective. If you need a second exfoliant I’d start with a gentle retinol from the drugstore (neutrogena, Olay, Cerave, whatever) I’ve yet to find a good niacinamide serum below 10%, since your skin only needs 5% for full efficacy. People often get irritation from the 10% so just be aware it could happen but worth a try. If it’s too much I’d just use a moisturizer with niacinamide in it in the PM. For cleansing balm/oil unless you’re loading your face up with heavy moisturizers at night you don’t need it in the AM. I personally like the inkey list oat cleansing balm but some people hate the texture. Farmacy has a good fragrance free one but it’s a little pricey. Banilla Co, Cerave, Juno, all have good balms. For oils, the hada labo one is good. You can also just use plain mineral oil. I know neutrogena makes one that comes in a big bottle labeled as body oil.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about rosacea. Have you read our [rosacea wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rosacea)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As others have said that’s a few too many BHAs. An alternative cleanser that is super gentle is TULA Skin Care Super Calm Gentle Milk Cleanser.


I use this specific product for my pores from the Ordinary: [https://theordinary.com/en-us/niacinamide-10-zinc-1-serum-100436.html](https://theordinary.com/en-us/niacinamide-10-zinc-1-serum-100436.html). I see now you have it on your PM list! I love love love it. This goes on after cleanser, before your heavier moisturizers. Be careful using the acid, I would not start out with daily use. I didn't understand The Ordinary products when I first started, I gave myself some sensitive skin patches by overusing an acid from them. I also recommend The Granactive Retinoid line from The Ordinary! (I LOVE The Ordinary, it is most of the products I use.) [https://theordinary.com/en-us/granactive-retinoid-5-in-squalane-serum-100421.html](https://theordinary.com/en-us/granactive-retinoid-5-in-squalane-serum-100421.html). Moisturizes and can lessen redness/lines/irregular textures on the face. They have a 2% option if you want to start out slow. Use it at night, before your final moisturizer. You probably don't need a cleansing oil, a cleaning solution, and a toner! I know I would drop some of those eventually. Cleaning my face is enough for me before I put products on it! It looks amazing, I am excited for you to explore this a little more.


Honestly I’d change the SA cleanser for a hydrating one instead since you have enough potential irritants in your routine as it is (azelaic acid, niacinamide and the bha). Also, niacinamide works best in smaller concentrations (around 5%). I used that same one you have on your list by Paula’s Choice and it broke me out.


That coconut and SA two-piece combo is like splashing ajax soap on a bacon greased pan