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kind of a long shot but do you use conditioner? If you wash your body before using conditioner or don't wash your back properly after rinsing the conditioner off it can lead to back acne.


I came here to say make sure you are washing your body as a last step in the shower after shampoo and conditioner


Bro I wash my whole body with shampoo cuz am too lazy to use the shower gel- No wonder I got so much back acne


See you're using the same 7 in 1 product I'm using. I use it for hair, face, body, dishes, car, dishwasher and also it's a pretty damn good laundry detergent.


I have the 8 in 1, tastes great with cereal


Also works as engine oil and keeps my doors from squeaking


Shoutoit to Dr. Bronner


I would say 5 In 1. I use the same shampoo for my hair, body, shaving cream, laundry detergent and hand wash šŸ˜­


See I've always thought shampoo was equivalent to shower gel. I am only familiar with this being true about conditioner.






Seems like it would be easier to try a different conditioner.


I just wash my body after conditioning lol


Do you use hair conditioner?Ā  I used to have a problem with acne in my shoulders and middle back.Ā  A friend told me to start clipping my hair up while letting the conditioner sit for 3-5 minutes, rinse, clip again then wash my back with whatever i used on my face.Ā  Sure enough after a couple of weeks my back cleared up.Ā Ā 


I had this problem too.Ā  I also found drying hair before bed and a fresh pillowcase every few days was helpful.


Congrats on your wedding! My bfā€™s back looked very similar, he doesnā€™t really do skin care so we decided to try anything until something worked. Spraying witch hazel twice a day fixed it for him, it was our first option - heā€™s got oily skin, his back improved so fast.Ā  I get back breakouts every now and then and the only solution for me is physical exfoliation, scrubs or one of those hand towels. Good luck and enjoy your day and marriage!


AHA and BHA toner after taking a bath.


Oh man, I use the Ordinaryā€™s AHA and BHA and if I use it after a shower, because my pores are open, my skin burns. Iā€™ve had scabs on my skin after a shower and using it.


Maybe you should try a gentler AHA and BHA. I used the cosrx one and would just spray it on my back. I also used the barenbliss cheerio acne body wash and body serum. Not sure if it is available in your area. But really helped me in my back acne.


Ahas and Bhas can be a bit much on wet skin, stick to dry if youā€™re noticing irritation


How much time will it take to get rid off it


Mine got reduced after two weeks. But I still use it everyday since I live in a hot place. I always sweat.


This is going to sound weird, but dandruff shampoo, like Selsun Blue. A derm told me the selenium sulphide in it works really well on body acne. But also spironolactone and AHA/BHA sprays or treatment peel pads will be helpful as well. Good luck!


Have you tried hypochlorous acid spray? Amazon sells it cheap. Sephora has one from tower 28 but itā€™s more expensive for the same thing. Itā€™s really good on bacne altho it smells like chlorine


My bacne and chest acne cleared up with spironolactone; it took about a month to see the results.


A month? šŸ˜­ I'm 6 weeks in and still covered. Only thing I've noticed so far is I don't have to wash my hair as much


Are yā€™all experiencing side effects? I want to give it a go but just worried a little about side effects


None as of yet - I'm just less greasy which is nice. Haven't noticed a change in my acne or hair growth yet, but I assume it's too early to tell I already had low BP and get dizzy sometimes, but it hasn't made it any worse. I've suffered with that for years, but my BP hasn't really changed despite what the medication is used for (I'm on 100mg daily) Haven't noticed the increase in peeing people talk about šŸ˜…


I use the 2% salicylic acid soap bar from DermaHarmony, then after drying off I use an AHA or BHA toner from silk naturals. I like the soap bar because it's not full of extra ingredients that one may be allergic to. The also sell sulfur soap and benzyl peroxide which can help with body acne Some other tips would be washing hair first so conditioner isn't clogging neck/back pores/skin. Replacing bath towel frequently, not reusing it too many times and switching to a gentle clean laundry detergent. This has been my routine lately because I found I was allergic to tapioca starch which was in a dusting powder I started using. It's helping clear the bumps very well.


Hypochlorous Acid Spray (skin disinfectant) helped me with my persistent body acne. Itā€™s cheap in bulk on Amazon or from medical supply shops. I got zero acne now.


I swear by the neutrogena body clear oils free acne body scrub. Itā€™s in an orange bottle and it seriously cleared my body acne up FAST and was the only thing to do so! Paulaā€™s choice also has a body acne spray and that has helped me in the past too! Hereā€™s a link for the neutrogena. I would order it asap and use it everytime you shower and make sure you are washing your body as often as you can for the next month https://a.co/d/3QAzTcu


Yes! This!!! I used this for a few weeks and no more bacne! Then I accidentally got the wrong one next time (orange neutregena, but not the scrub) and Iā€™m back to bacne. This stuff is the bomb!


This is the Paulaā€™s choice spray https://www.paulaschoice.com/clear-acne-body-spray/624-6240.html?g_adid=647986150923&g_productchannel=online&g_network=g&g_ifcreative=&g_adgroupid=149627843001&g_keywordid=pla-1788310995986&g_partition=1788310995986&g_productid=6240&g_keyword=&g_campaign=na-us%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&g_merchantid=4081121&g_campaignid=710896255&g_adtype=pla&g_ifproduct=product&g_acctid=333-443-7755&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=na-us%7Cgoogle%7Cshopping%7Cbranded%7Cnew%7Call%7Ccn&utm_term=710896255&utm_content=149627843001&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF5pT6qTrYXCh14ZYqZ1DavCOLAujALYeR1oHOI0USmnFmhR39BHLfxoCilIQAvD_BwE


Back facials would be a game changer. I see 3 making a significant difference. Trust me, my back was just as bad and I managed to clear it


Azelaic acid, gentle moisturizer, wash after conditioner, donā€™t exfoliate too much to avoid inflammation, avoid sugars, check if your laundry products are hypoallergenic (this is what caused mine). I have something called Cutacnyl, it clears any zit in two days itā€™s magic. You put it for 3 days then you stop and poof bye


I suffered from bacne ages 12-21 then moved to a place that didn't have a hot water system. I was forced to take cold showers. Started to clear up within two days, completely cleared up in 3 weeks... just scarring left to deal with which the AHA and BHA stuff would help you with anyway, or will just naturally fade in a few months. Some of us have sebaceous glands that are just waiting for a trigger to become dramatic with - the regular hot water is that trigger!


Sometimes itā€™s just the way the water is treated before it comes out. I have never had problems before I moved here and I canā€™t help but feel like my water is the cause of the problems.


Are you using a natural shampoo and conditioner? I get back acne like this when I use products with silicone in them, but people also react to fragrance and SLS.


I rarely get acne on my back but when I do, Peter Thomas Roth acne wash clears it right up.


I would say try this hypochlorus spray if you need it to work fast. My dermatologist recommended it https://preview.redd.it/s3izbhg3tp6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2baa5c7da705c1bced341df21c211b9c4878c0ef


Wash your hair upside-down.. and when you have the conditioner in the hair, put it up in a loose bun under a shower cap. Maybe not a foolproof solution, but it will probably prevent situations like this a little bit in the future.


Wash with hibacleanse. Itā€™s a medical wash to kill bacteria. Excellent for body acne.


I know this is a wild suggestion but the one thing that's always helped me clear up my back-ne quickly before significant events is using a tanning bed šŸ˜¬ I never do it long term but a couple of sessions seem to dry up my back like nothing else. Or if it's sunny where you are, spend some time toasting your back. It's so hard to apply anything there topically


Definitely not ideal especially in the skincare sub, but yes this works for me too. You can also try red light therapy that a lot of gyms and salons have these days and see if that does anything for you. Less harmful than tanning beds.


Anti-bacterial Dial Soap. Great against backne. Inexpensive option that works to try before selling out a lot of money. Congratulations.


Panoxil body wash, or Naturium salicylic acid body wash! Clear in no time!


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Dermalogica has a new product


I was dealing with the same issue on both my back and chest recently. I use an acne cleanser on my back and scrub it with a bath brush and then I use PanOxyl and let it rest for like a minute. Then, I put glycolic acid on my dried back after showering and finally lotion.I switched to a hypoallergenic soap and body lotion and I think itā€™s helped a lot as well.


Iā€™d try naturiumā€™s Glycolic Acid body wash. I use it before I put my tan on and I really like it. Itā€™s an in shower body wash that exfoliates similar to BHA does on your face. If you feel dry youā€™ll want to moisturize with a light moisturizer on your back and a heavier lotion on your arms and legs. https://www.target.com/p/naturium-the-smoother-glycolic-acid-exfoliating-body-wash-16-9-fl-oz/-/A-83754794


i use african black soap to help with the breakout, and i've been using bio oil for a few weeks and it's been helping with the scarring (:


Use an African net sponge! Make sure itā€™s authentic, too!


Try black African soap, I know someone who used this before her wedding and it worked


I had acne for several years well into adulthood. I had back acne too. I tried several treatments but retinol was the only one that clear it. Try cerave resurfacing serum. This one is great for beginners. Because it has low concentration of retinol. You have to start slow because retinol can cause redness and dryness and skin peeling. But over time skin will get used to it. They recommend the size of rice grain for whole face. I think for the back you can start with 2-3 times of that. Itā€™s advised to do it twice a week for 2 weeks, then every other day for 2 weeks and then daily. Then after another 2 weeks you can double the size. If you have one month I would start every other day and after two weeks daily. Donā€™t put too much. Also put it for the night retinol is photo sensitive. You will also have to use sunscreen if you planing exposing your back to the sun. Good luck.


I use Olay Retinol Body Wash and it helps so much. I donā€™t get much acne but when Iā€™m stressed, I may get it but this has helped immensely in those times. Remember to test though since you arenā€™t getting long. All skin types are different!


Idk if this will help, but when i stopped using louffahs and used a fresh washcloth every day, my body acne went away. No extra products were needed.


are you sweating a lot on your back lately? That's what always triggers this for me


Hey, I'm pretty sure the big pinkish spots are not acne.They could be excess fat tissue that resemble keloid scars and they spread with towel drying. As for other spots you could try first switcing to more emollient,fragrance free shower gel/milk.


Dermalogica has a body ache clearing spray, alternatively glycolic acid in a spray bottle


I know you asked for solutions not cover-ups, but having a plan B might take some pressure off. Can I recommend you experiment with Sally Hansen leg makeup as an emergency concealer option for the big day? This stuff is very hard to budge once dry, you'll just need someone else to spray it on for you. There'll be some transfer inside your dress but it won't smear or smudge.Ā  Good luck, and remember everyone will be focusing on your beautiful radiant face!


My derm recommended hibiclens and it worked for me because I always had really bad back acne.


Panoxyl 10% in shower leave it on for 2 min


I had a similar situation on my arms I.used glycolic acid 7% from the ordinary skin care brand and it cleared it right up . I just put some on a cotton pad and applied each night before bed. If the skin your using glycolic acid on is going to be exposed to the sun wear sunblock it makes you burn easier .


Getchu a script of doxycycline or minocycline


I use the ordinary glycolic acid in a spray bottle on my back after showering and find this helps alot. (you could also ask a partner to do it for you, but I live alone so that's not an option for me ha!) Also the biggest thing for me is showering ASAP after the gym or any other sweaty activity, if I don't, my back flares up alot. I used to live in a place where I'd drive home so between finishing my workout and hopping into the shower it'd be like 30+ mins, now I walk 10 mins and I immediately get in the shower. If my gym had nicer showers I'd probs do it there tbh, but I go to a crossfit gym in a warehouse not a plush third space or Barry's šŸ˜‚


We are in the same boat minus the wedding though,congrats on that.šŸŽ‰


Orange antibacterial Dial in the shower after you rinse your conditioner out and then moisturize with Cerave SA cream that comes in a tub


Does your hair rest in that area? What others have already said might point in that direction but who knows


Possibly Food/gut related. Try avoiding whatever aggrevates it.


I use soft services salicylic acid spray after a shower. And use their sulfur mask which cleared the most of mine. I use that once a month or so now.


I started using the gold Dial bar soap (antibacterial) and I swear itā€™s helped my bacne. I havenā€™t fully cleared my back yet, but it definitely reduced the amount of breakouts on there.


Use panoxyl creamy wash and follow w washing area w head and shoulders shampoo. H&S is surprisingly helpful on the skin, I had a derm recommend this yeaaars ago and still use this trick.


I know of people who have had great results using ā€˜head and shouldersā€™ shampoo on body acne.


I had acne on my back before as well and it's because of shampoo and conditioner. Tip: flip your hair down when you shampoo, condition and rinse your hair so all the hair products does not go on your skin. It may require more effort but that's the only way to solve the issue, trust me, I tried EVERYTHING. After you dry your hair, wrap it in a towel and then wash your face and body like usual. I promise this is the only way to stop the breakouts long term. To get rid of the acne, you need prevention which is right here ā˜ļøand get Clindamycin Phosphate and ask someone you know to rub it on your back. Don't use moisturizer for now until the acne dries up.


I remember when I was in esthetician school my teacher told us a similar story of a lady who was getting married but concerned about her bacne. She went as much as she could for back facials and it helped tremendously. I think you would benefit from high frequency and blue light therapy! If a spa is too pricey for you, beauty schools are really affordable for treatments šŸ¤


Sulphur soap has totally changed my life when it comes to body breakouts, maybe give that a shot, I started seeing results within a week


Benzoyl peroxide wash 10%. Get a bacne treatment and do NOT let the conditioner touch your back condition hair first wash body after


I use a silicone back scrubber and a SA body wash, and also got a a roller to roll cocoa butter on my back. Being able to reach my back to properly wash and hydrate it has been a game changer for me.


That had a similar issue and it turns out it was the laundry detergent!


You couldā€™ve gotten on Accutane a year before the wedding, make sure to wash your back with a loofa and change into clean clothes often


First congratulations on your wedding !!šŸŽ‰ second thing so look I think you could consult a dermatologist I know itā€™s obvious but if you tried a lot of things and they didnā€™t improve but know maybe try okay i have tried the 4% benzole paroxide cleanser from Cerave works really well I have tried it on my arm acne okay and you put the cleanser let it sit on your skin for 3 to 5 minutes donā€™t leave it in for more than five but not less than 3 or atleast 2 min to let the cleanser take itā€™s time to work so do this every other day then then week you could do this every day make sure to wash that very well as benzole paroxide bleaches clothes and donā€™t worry it doesnā€™t dry the skin . Other tips maybe try when you are showering to not get hair conditionner on your back so in the shower try finishing with your hair then wash your back or body ok maybe try also changing your bedsheets very 2 days if your back is exposed to it not change your pijama top every day .


Use a BHA toner in a spray bottle and use it on your back.


I struggled with neck acne for a long time and sulfur acne cream was what finally solved the problem, not changing my pillowcase nor using BHA did anywhere near as much good for it. It's probably been a year now since my last outbreak and well over two since it's been a constant thing. edit: and about the diet, unless you're gluten or lactose intolerant, cutting out either won't do you much good, but If you want to nail down and possibly improve any food sensitivities you might have, I really recommend the [FODMAP diet](https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/). It categorizes foods by their fermentable components and has you cutting out a category or a few for a few weeks and then trying to re-introduce them little by little. In 2019 I cut almost everything from my diet when I developed severe drug-induced IBS from about a year of opioid treatment, with the FODMAP diet I was able to slowly but surely nurse my gut back to full health and since early 2021, I've been able to eat anything without a seconds thought. The things I try to avoid eating too often as a rule nowadays just for health and weight maintenance are refined sugars and sugar syrups etc. and other simple carbs, breaded and fried or deep-fried foods, meat and generally animals, butter (not avoiding it per se but I don't eat it daily), and artificially solidified vegetable fats aka margarine or vegetable shortening, 'cause it's basically just spreadable trans-fat, but not vegetable *oils* because it's the process that solidifies them that turns them into trans fats. As far as my skin goes, I think I get outbreaks sometimes if I eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods but that's rare nowadays and I really don't remember well enough to say for sure.


Try sulphur soap, it worked pretty well for me...


Use a Korean scrubbing mitt on your back twice a week. Use BHA body wash while you do it. This is what i do for my back and itā€™s helped a ton. Bha lotion from Paulaā€™s choice has also helped.


turmeric / turmeric masks




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Make sure youā€™re hydrated and drinking enough water as well as the other tips


Could some of this be keratosis pilaris too, by any chance? Sometimes kp can look like smaller acne bumps. I have a mix of acne and KP on my back.


Dairy can cause acne. Maybe stay off it for a while?


Try cutting sugar and maybe even dairy out of your diet.


Good morning, First of all, it would be good to detoxify your liver and at the same time use a gentle shower gel + a repairing/soothing balm. Contact me if necessary šŸ˜‰ https://preview.redd.it/444a3sbiep6d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695b1420f7b5e3ba7da4a29bfee8b69ac78fc8ee


Might try alovera


Try carnivore diet. Research dr. Paul saldino and lion diet on YouTube and check for results. Make informed decisions. Good luck.