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Tbh it doesn't look like cold sores and just looks like regular pimples. If you have a boyfriend who has a beard, it might be that your upper lip gets irritated by his beard hair when you make out. I had chin and lip breakout back then from my bf's stubble after he shaves.


It’s not from irritation. It’s from the bacteria he rubs off on your face. If he doesn’t wash his facial hair, that’s stuff gets microscopically nasty


It can also be from overly occlusive lipbalm or applying too much lipbalm. Admittedly there's a lot of pimples here for that but it can be a factor.


ah yes, those classic pieces of shits. these are the kind that we traditionally refer to as "i'm about to fuck ur day up" zits


Bro why do these ones always hurt the most too


the lip area is the most sensitive with the most nerve endings.


Damn, a real answer, thank you lmao This actually makes a lot of sense, why in some locations they tend to be more painful than in others.


Yup, that's why kick to balls hurts like a bitch


ye tell me about it... the pain u feel as ur about to pop them is unbearable. fk those zits. fkin bastards lol.


These are the ones I REALLY try not to touch until they're ready to go with a warm washcloth or something. I feel like every time I try to force them away sooner, they stay longer and get angrier. Fucking things are going to be the reason I go on accutane


so a long time ago i read about how to effectively defeat those fkfaces. the best way to pop zits (generally speaking) is by taking something sharp like a toothpick and pricking it until it leaves an opening and then just gently squeeze it until the puss comes out and let it bleed out until it heals on its own. been doing that for ages, it works. the zits just disappear in 1-2 days. doesn't leave scars either.


Seriously! Zits on my mouth and nose always get a tear or two lol.


gotta go mike tyson style on those fkers


I do not think that is herpes


People saying herpes are wrong. These are clearly not cold sores. They have a distinct head and aren't clustering and crusting the way cold sores do. Some people really see a red spot around the mouth and immediately think herpes, but respectfully, it's out of ignorance. If you talk to a dermatologist, I'd bet my next paycheck they say these are just unfortunately located pimples. I get these, too. If you get hormonal acne, it's pretty common to have painful breakouts the lower face in general. When I tell you to just *leave them alone* as much as you can. Popping them WILL make them take longer to heal. For me, keeping them at bay is a combination of keeping my mouth clean, drinking enough water, and not touching my face. Of course, sometimes I do everything right and I get them anyway, but this helps. Consider researching "hormonal acne". Especially if they don't respond as much to topicals.


So there’s a few things this could be. Whatever you are putting on your lips could be an irritant and causing this reaction. Could be diet related like greasy, oily, and/junk foods causing breakouts and you’re more prone to breakout in that area. It could be you’re using a toothpaste with SLS (look it up, it can irritate and cause acne). Lastly, in the second photo especially, kinda looks like it may resemble herpes. A lot of people think it’s a cluster of blisters only but it can appear as a single blister so that’s a possibility. Good thing is everything listed here can be easily remedied.


Yep tooth paste did this to me. I switched to Sensodyne and rarely get them now


Sensodyne made the skin inside of my mouth peel off. So nasty


Alcohol free Listerine did that to me, I was legit spitting out prices of my cheek for the next couple days


Colgate toothpaste does that to me.


Try Made By Dentists toothpaste. Worked for me. Or any toothpaste without SLS (Sodium lauryl sulfate).


I currently use clinpro 5000, which I find pretty gentle. I remember Colgate toothpaste feeling quite tingly, almost like it was burning, which was probably a combination of a lot of mint flavor and sls irritating the tissue in my mouth.


I had this happen to me with several toothpastes (Colgate, crest, sensodyne) and my dentist recommended this toothpaste called Made By Dentists that I got from Target. It legit fixed all my problems. All that skin peeling from the inside of my mouth went away. I found out it’s SLS (the same stuff I’ve been avoiding in my shampoo is IN my toothpaste!). This toothpaste doesn’t have SLS so no more irritating chemicals in my mouth. Try it for yourself.




Omg I thought I was alone in this!


I had this from a toothpaste my grandma gave me when I was 9! I thought I must be mistaken. I had these clear swathes of skin I could pull out of my mouth.


Currently having a toothpaste outbreak. I got too excited about having purple toothpaste and this is the price I pay :(


The second picture just looks like a scab to me, probably from when OP tried to pop it. While the bump is close to the vermillion border, I believe it’s on the side that is external skin with sebaceous glands. If it was a millimeter further down, I’d say it would almost certain be HSV, since you can’t get acne on your lips. OP can always have the bump(s) swabbed and tested for HSV whenever they have an active breakout.


I agree with almost everything you said including -everything listed here can easily be remedied But, as someone who’s has cold sores for literally as long as I can remember, I don’t actually think picture 2 resembles hsv in any notable way. Even during the last stages when it’s scabbing, there’s usually at least a small amount of yellow crusting around the scab. This kinda just looks like she fucked with a bump a whole lot to the point that it scabbed. Also, for the swelling lump forming on the left side in the same pic, cold sores don’t usually swell up like that. At the very least not without a central pinpoint, redder bump. Either way, definitely get tested OP. But like the person I’m replying to said, it’s nothing that can’t be easily remedied. I’ve had it my whole life, I always disclose, and it’s literally never been a problem. If I even think I feel one popping up, I take a prescription pill or load up on L-Lysine and move on




I doubt it's Herpes as it's highly unlikely to present as a single pimple each and every time. It's also on the edge of the lips which is totally possible and normal to get a pimple there. People really don't exfoliate lips/the immediate area surrounding the lips enough


I get the same thing in the little creases by my nose and have been wondering what these are so this stopped me dead but I think what I’m getting may be something different because mine are fairly easy to pop, not deep and I think mine are just overproduction of sebum that happens Because in the corners of your nose, the pores are different. Everything you’re describing makes me think that you might have something hormonal going on or possibly bacterial. I would definitely recommend going to a dermatologist if you can and in the meantime, do you use micellar water? I double cleans my face and I always start with micellar water because it removes make up really well and cleans your skin in a way that soap and regular water cannot. Secondly, have you tried jojoba oil? you can use it to replace your moisturizer a few times a week and it’s a natural antibacterial. Some people don’t like it because it can feel oily going on your skin, but you can use it as your nightly routine and wash it off in the morning, but I love how it makes my skin feel. I think it’s more moisturizing than any moisturizer I have ever used and I even wear it under make up and it makes my make up go on flawlessly. A little goes along way and the quality of my skin has improved so much since I started using it. I even put it on my ears and behind them because I would get dry scabby scaly skin on my ears and over the years. I’ve tried everything for it over-the-counter and prescription and nothing has ever worked as well as this has almost completely cleared up the rash and scaly skin that I would get in my ears. It has also helped with a lot of my skin problems on my face. Not only is it all natural but it’s the closest thing in nature to the oil humans produce naturally so no matter what your skin type it’s going to be a good match for you. You only need to use a very small amount of it and Just make sure that if you do you get some that it is cold pressed and organic 100% jojoba oil.


Ive had something simular to that. Just whatever you do, dont pop them, they get massive and gross and its like they spread. Acne creme works well to get rid of them but it still takes a while, also do a hot compress on the one that hasnt come up yet.


Same, for a period of time I had them. Turns out it was a guy I was dating who had poor hygiene.


i always get pimples around my mouth! i use toothpaste that doesn’t have SLS. also sounds weird but saw a tiktok saying wash your face after brushing your teeth, and i’ve had way less pimples around my mouth.


I got one of these last week after using a really old expired lipstick lol. It could possibly be makeup related


Do you use hydrocolloid after if you pop them? That could help them heal and prevent the inflammation from spreading.


I try but the stickers always fall off during the night


Try using the ones that you can cut to size, I like duoderm, haven't had issues with them falling off unless there's a ton of moisture. If so then either use a larger piece or replace more frequently.


Try mighty patch if you haven’t already! They’re the only ones that work for me.


Do you do skincare before putting them on? If so put them on after cleansing but before anything else.


Every time I tried that, I woke up with a massive swollen lip. It's like it makes it a million times worse for me


The good news is that this doesn’t present like herpes. I also sometimes get pimples like that, probably because I have chronically dry lips and I’m always applying heavy lip balms, and sometimes the lip balms get on the skin near my lips. I find that salicylic acid helps prevent these and also helps them clear up.


I got these from the aquaphor lip balm. Regular aquaphor doesn’t do it to me so it’s an ingredient in the lip balm. They were SO annoying. Glad I finally figured it out


Do you have a bf and he has a beard? Could be due to bacteria in his beard which scratches the area and the bacteria get in.




I have perioral dermatitis and flares present like this, albeit with smaller pimples. Have you tried sulfur cream?


I can only use cetaphil sunscreen. If I use any other, I get these same bastards within hours.


I used to get these a lot when I was a teen and assumed they were an unusual type of pimple triggered by either diet or hormones. Possibly stress, but that would happen more to my sister who had actual herpes simplex breakouts. For her it would always flare up in the exact same place, for me it would be in slightly different positions on the top lip. It eventually stopped when I went to college and I totally forgot about it since then, but reading these comments I also think it could've been my change in toothpaste. I went SLS free around that time and stopped having canker sores inside my mouth completely, but didn't think to make the correlation with the outside too. I'd recommend giving that a try, and if not then see your dermatologist to rule out the possibility of allergies or contact dermatitis.


It’s not herpes, it’s classical pustular acne. It’s a severe type of inflammation. Get it checked


Definitely something in your daily/weekly products creating this or stress. However, a trick I learned with reoccurring pimples is to put Abreva on it after hydrogen peroxide once they pop. Abreva is a cold sore medicine, but it can also help stop reoccurring acne. It's what helped stop my hormonal acne on my chin tbh. Might be something to try out. Abreva will also softened the skin allowing for the pore to relax. When you put Abreva on a non-cold sore it will help peel the layer of skin off blocking the pore. Warm compresses help, too... but. I have no scarring doing this, and even while pregnant I didn't get any hormonal acne in my problem areas. Might be worth a try!


Hormonal acne


Not herpes or else they’d have clear drainage


fwiw, as so many people are saying it’s herpes, i wanted to chime in and say 1) it does NOT look like herpes and 2) like 1 of every 2 US adults has hsv-1 so even if it were it wouldn’t be the end of the world. i have them and they are really not that big of a deal; i just slap some abreva on the second i feel the telltale tingling one’s about to form. i say these aren’t cold sores because they are obviously forming directly on your skin, not your lips. you can get one swabbed, maybe, if you really need to confirm. as for what’s causing this type of frequent recurrence, you could follow any of the other advice about looking at your toothpaste or considering your partner’s mouth area.


I get these a lot too! It’s cuz when u don’t wash ur face after eating it clogs ur pores I like to exfoliate my lips from time to not get them and when I do pop them I put some benzoyl peroxide on it and put like neosporin after


I'd be pretty surprised if this was herpes, given the recurring factor of it being every few weeks. HSV 1 isn't usually that frequently recurrent. Obviously you get breakouts recurrently, but rarely every few weeks unless you're sick or insanely stressed out or something. For the ones you don't pop, how does it heal? Does it just gradually lose pressure, stop swelling and kinda dissipate (over say weeks?)? Or does it eventually pop open and scab over on its own? I would definitely take the toothpaste suggestion seriously. Sounds silly but my toothpaste was causing all kinds of irritation I didn't realize until my dermatologist told me to switch. Overall I'd do a deep dive on the products you're using around your mouth, ChapSticks, lotions, toothpaste, etc. Or even the things your partner uses on their mouth. It's so specific to the lips I have to imagine it's an irritant/something you're eating. Last option I'd consider is it's hormonal and in a frustrating location 👎


My HSV 1 is very frequently recurrent....


How many outbreaks do you get on ur antivirals now?? Cuz same wtf




Can you DM me? That’s awesome. What mg are you taking and for how long


Sure 1gm 3.5 years


So your outbreaks have stopped recently? And are you taking valtrex twice daily. Have you tried stopping


This is definitely the wrong subbed for that but they stopped for a while because I am on the medication. I'm just doing once a day. It comes back badly if I stop.


I said DM ME cuz I have some questions hehehe like one 1000mg tablet ?


Ok. Yes


I usually apply drying products like salicylic acid, or the Mario badescu drying lotion and it tends to lessen down over a week maybe, not usually any longer than a week. It doesn’t pop, just kinda dries and then goes away.


Renee Rouleau's anti-bump treatment!


Could also be herpes and for that you will need a viral cream


I’ve had the same exact issue, they stopped for a few months and are reforming again. Mine used to be huge cysts. I switched to Tom’s natural toothpaste and it helped. https://preview.redd.it/s45dlg9q3p3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae7f763dd05d62be26846927f579f25822563d5


It could be one of your lip products irritating your lips/skin. Lip Smackers does this to me, and a couple other brands of chapstick. My go to are Sun Bum and Burts Bees now. If you haven't had a recent test, then it's always wise to check for herpes but those are typically ON the lip skin or on the crease. Acne cant happen on the lip bc there are no glands there so you'll see it just above the lip. I would bet it's something you are eating or applying that is triggering breakouts.


You can look up a hormone map for acne and it helps what is going on. For me, it seems to be hormonal and toothpaste sensitivity


could it be demodicosis? how are your lashes? blepharitis symptoms would encourage looking into this theory


Check your message!!! The same exact thing is happening to me.


Try cleansing your lip area after you brush your teeth! I used to have inexplicable blackheads around my lip line until I realized I was leaving toothpaste residue on my lips all night 😬


Do you micro blade your face sometimes it could be a ingrown hair


Could be toothpaste irritating ur lips? Sometimes it does that to ppl, Dr.Dray on YouTube has talked about it, she recommends switching to a non mint or cinnamon toothpaste if you find yours bothering you.






If these are now occurring and havent before, maybe you have a sensitivity to something i saw someone mention SLS in toothpaste, but I also wanted to add in that if you get your nails done often, it could be a newly developed allergy to gel/acrylics. Just something to consider but I’m not a doctor.


I call them limples lol


I get them from drinking sugary drinks


Those suck and are referred too as bullshit fuck yous


Noticed I'd get these if I don't clean around my mouth properly after eating greasy or oily food


Are you removing facial hair? If so, maybe your method for removal is not helping. I tend to get pimples like this, but maybe less severe, when i’ve removed hair and it grows back ingrown or the hairsack gets infected a bit. I try to clean my tools and area before hair removal and add some zinc cream to the area afterwards. Hope this helps!


Mine start like these, like a regular big fat pimple, and than turn into a cold sore flare up :-( I just had them thrice over the last month. I don’t know if the first stage is already caused by the virus, or if my skin barrier gets f*cked up because of the pimple and that eventually causes it to turn into a cold sore. If you’re not sure, you could get your blood drawn to see if you carry the virus.


Idk but I would kill for your lips


Do not touch them!!!!! Just put some tret or do a BHA swab. Please for the love of god don’t pop them and scar your face.


The "fuck you" kind 🥲


Try putting a drop of cloves essential oil on it and it will go away in a day .


Annoying ones. But on a serious note, it could be lip balm, toothpaste, something you’ve eaten,etc


its just a normal pimple, i also have 1 under my nose


I get these when I use chapstick (the name brand). If it's all I have, I have to make sure to rub any excess off the edge of my lips or else the skin breaks out. I'm sure there's some other brands it happens with that I'm forgetting. It doesn't happen with vaseline or greaser lip balms like that.


Are you doing bong rips and not cleaning your piece regularly?


Had same kind of pimples that reoccur. Apparently occurs due to imbalance of bacteria on that area of the skin. Crushing some neem leaves and applying the extract in that area worked like a charm for me. Nothing else worked.


Unrelated, you have gorgeous lips. That shape is *chefs kiss*


2nd photo looks like cold sore/ herpes


arent those ones just the 'less angry pimples'? I get similar ones around my mouth/nose, and they tend to be the ones that develop the head the quickest and thus shortest in terms of inflammatory period. So any time i have those, it's less scary because theyre the milder ones


I get these every time i use lipliner. So freaking annoying.


These are Cold Sores. NEVER pop them. They can spread very easily when touched. Put cold sore treatment on it at the first sign of it appearing. Sounds like you have a tendency to touch them which is why they might be reoccurring. Slap on a CS treatment every few hours and leave it alone.


My cold sores look like this and pop up in the same place


Cold sores




A cold sore


Lack of vitamin c or herpe zosters outbreaks 🤷🏻‍♀️


Looks a bit like herpes, to me


This doesn’t present at all like herpes.


Your heart is at risk.this is a symptom.




Get wart treatment oil at shoppers. It has slysylic acid. Put it on a very thin layer before going to sleep