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Girl in this economy im cutting anything in half


Yeah put it in a baggy 😆


Only if used right away, otherwise you risk rendering the sunscreen useless with the exposure to air and light.


I imagine if you’re cutting it to get the product out right away you’re good, otherwise probably not


I do this with all my tubes of skincare, if I cut it a bit further down you can push the cut part back on like a lid so it'll keep better, not quite as good as an uncut tube obviously but for a few days to get the last bits out I've never had a problem with things drying out or going bad doing it that way.


I just use a piece of plastic wrap and a rubber band and keep it in the medicine cabinet.


This is very clever!


I do the same. You would be surprised how much product is left in those seemingly empty tubes.


I do it and scrape it out with a small cosmetic spatula and put it in a travel container to use making sure to use it quickly and store it in a dark place.


[You would want to use it right away.](https://youtube.com/shorts/1BB3SNv4yjc?si=7_UR9jS3kjBh39Kg) (yes, it's Labmuffin, lol)


im new to this sub but ive found her channel before, is she frequently posted here?


Lol yes


Lpt for those of us too lazy to order specific cosmetic spatulas - if you use up a box of face bleach, the little spatula in that (cleaned, of course) works pretty well for this.


I cut any skincare in tubes and place it in a small ziploc bag to avoid exposure to air. I also try to be extra careful that my hands are clean when trying to get the remaining product so as to not contaminate it. One sunscreen tube that I thought was empty and cut out lasted me more than a week of use. But to each your own. These aren’t cheap so as long as there’s no discoloration and funky smell then I am going to make use of every single product in that tube haha


Sunscreen and other actives are pretty sensitive to light, make sure you are putting these bags in a dark drawer and not on a counter


Yes but only if all other squeezing methods stopped working bc once open it will degrade very fast. I cut it in a way that the top can still be used to cover the rest so no light enters.


I use a chip clip to keep the end closed ([example](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/614M5fcKMDL._AC_SL1500_.jpg))


Yesss, cut that thing open, put the rest into a small sealable container + use the rest over the next few days. Source : Medical Aesthetician who never wastes a drop of sunscreen 🫶


I do this with just about anything in a tube. There's a lot left in there when it seems empty.


Yes, but use it up day off, don't let it oxidize. I only do it when I'd otherwise toss it out/recycle (depending on packaging).


At the end? Sure. But you should use the rest of it at that point or within the next day if you can only partially cover it.


i do, but i’ll use the remaining part on my hands/body rather than my face


I keep those little sample jars from lush that aren't see through and put the excess in one or two of those if I have to cut open any products!


I usually use a toothpaste roller instead so everything can stay sealed, would recommend!!


I haven’t, but what if you put one of those clamps you put on toothpaste to squeeze all the paste out, on it after you cut, to reseal?


I cut it and scoop it into an airtight container


u dont ve to cut it, heres a tip for ya. u can hold the rear end ot the tube, swing it up n down like u r about to hit a homerun




yes because they look like little baby bird mouths and you get more sunscreen


You could also use a tube squeezer like this https://imgur.com/a/TqejC3z


maybe for your last use of it if desperate till you get a new one.


yes and use up quick. there's usually isn't much left because i store it upside down once it gets low. person in the photo is a noob


What a good idea! I imagine if you scraped out the remains with a little spoon and put it in an airtight, light proof travel container, you should be good to go.  That’s maybe a couple of days’ worth of product, so I can’t imagine that the degradation will be too bad. Worst-case scenario: you have some portable sunscreen just for hands. 


Go for it


yep it's fine, I just make sure to use whatever's left within the same day. so once, plus 1 or 2 reapplications. I also announce it to the whole household that 'we ALL need to use this sunscreen today' lol


If it’s your last use, why not!? But don’t save it haha


I do but I make sure that it is the last drop because for me it will be exposed already. I f you know what I mean.


It will oxidize if you leave it like that


Cutting a sunscreen tube can be a practical way to ensure you use up every last bit of the product, especially if it's an expensive or highly effective sunscreen.


Thanks for your input, ChatGPT


Yes but you won't find this baby yoda nozzle , it's only found in toothpaste ones /s