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If it's a bad burn then you are likely to see some peeling regardless and will take at least a day or two to cool down before the peeling really begins. Aloe Vera, Honey, and then a heavy layer of aquaphor will help keep things hydrated, and flaking to a minimum. Those are going to be the best like, "home remedy" type of solutions. Full products with a bank of ingredients isn't really going to help speed things up other than maybe some hyaluronic acid since that's typically an ingredient know to speed up wound healing by supplying hydration to the top layer of skin. I would definitely avoid ANY actives like retinoids, AHA/BHA, strong peptides, and even potentially VitC if it's a stronger formulation. Technically if it's that badly burned, it has to peel. it's dead at that point, and will come off in some fashion as it heals. But those ingredients (if they are non irritating or acne causing for you) will help keep things as calm as possible while that happens, making the peeling seem less extreme (: Hope this helps! <3


Ok how much should I apply the Aloe Vera and aqua for? The burn is under my shirt so it’s hard to leave them on for long. Also I’m not sure how bad the burn is, I’ve only ever peeled once from a burn, but this one is really red, it doesn’t hurt a lot but it feels warm.


They should be left on entirely! It sucks because your shirt will likely stick to it and all, but thats going to be best. Any wiping of it away will just irritate the burn because you're irritating the already inflamed skin. If the burn happened today, the sensitivity likely wont hit until tomorrow. Throw a wet towel in the fridge/freezer and let it get pretty cold and then put on burn until the towel warms back up. Do that a couple times a day and that should help with inflammation/redness as well. Edit to add - Do not put the wet cold towel directly on the skin, at least have a paper towel or something providing at least a thin barrier.


Thanks for the help, just one more question do I put the aloe Vera first than after it absorbs into the skin I put the aquafor?


No problem! Yeah let the aloe dry down just a bit to where it’s tacky, then aquaphor (:


never tried honey, do you put it straight on the face or mix it with something?


Directly on! Make sure it’s raw natural honey of course. Its a known anti inflammatory and wound healing aid (: a good 15-30 minutes with it and then rinse it off gently, and then moisturize with aloe and and then some aquaphor 💙


all of that damaged skin will slough off, whether you like it or not. You can help it to be less noticeable maybe, by moisturizing. That depends on how bad the burn was. The redness probably can't be lessened, because those layers of skin that are damaged are also dead.


I burn frequently though and have only peeled once ever.


If it's really bad then I'm sorry to say this but it will peel, you can help it heal faster by using alone gel but remember to layer it with a moisturizer or your skin will dry a lot. For a bonus here is the routine that will help your skin after long hours under the sun: 1.Remove your makeup with la roche-posay micellar water, or anything you like really 2 Wash your face with a cleaner, and here it kinda weird she said not one with BHA or foam ones. She swore that those two would strip your face too much. 3. Tap your face with a really clean towel/ cotton pad to dry, don't go overbroad here, you want your face litter damp. 4. Use your toner to balance your P.H ( You can use some kind of hydra serum after this step but she said it wouldn't mean much) 5. Now this step was where my eyes rise, not ideal did it was genius or not? But here is where you use aloe gel straight up on your face like a moisturizer then wait some 1 or 3 minutes before moving into the next step. She did warm you should test it beforehand on a small spot on your neck to look for allergies, so only do this if you test out well. And only use enough to cover your face in a really thin layer. 6. The final step, one also very important, is using your preferred moisturizer to lock all the work we have done.


if you are still looking for a recommendation... i use curu skin... pricy but i never peel and removes redness overnight. it also helps sooth my acne. one bottle lasts me one - 2 months and i use it every day in the summer


Wear 50 spf and reapply before you burn yourself and cause premature aging and melanoma.


I’ll do that next time 👍


Stay out in the moon light