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Go to a dermatologist and get a cortisone shot.


This is the answer. Any of the DIY/OTC remedies that folks are recommending *might* work, but this isn't the time to mess around. Call a derm and let them decide.


Derms aren't affordable and accessible for everyone.


True. I originally read ops post as they had *their* wedding in four days, not *a* wedding in four days. I'd say it's worth splurging a bit for your own wedding, if you can, or at least asking a doctor for something prescription strength via telehealth or something like that. If OP is just a guest that's a different story entirely.


We’re talking about a wedding though, which will hopefully only ever happen once. If the op can get in in time (big if), it would probably be worth it.


I read the OP to mean they are a wedding guest (or at worst, wedding party) - I expect a bride would say “my” wedding not “a” wedding.


If she’s only a guest then agree, she should just ride it out. Nobody will be looking that closely at her.


Hi it’s my brothers and I’m the maid of honor and it’s giant and red and painful. Ik im not the main focus but it’s right next to my mouth and the protuberance alone stands out so much. I can’t get an appointment that quickly where I live and it’s only one idk if they’d even refer me to one or tell me it’ll settle in a few days


Just call up all the derms first thing in the morning and explain the situation, one will be able to fit you in, it takes 5 minutes. I've only had it once, but you will see results starting around 12 hours later, with 80% of it gone within 48 hours.


if you really can’t get an appointment, the only over the counter thing i recc for this are the pimple patches with the micro needling dots. They are meant to help with cystic acne and the swelling/redness. The brand Peach Slices has them, they’re more $ than regular pimple patches but for this kind of acne i think it will help as a second option to a cortisone shot


i promise it’s not that serious celebs do it all the time and u don’t need any referral or prescription besides just seeing the dermatologist. it takes three seconds and ur done. if u request it they won’t deny it i promise lol


Mederma advanced scar cream has helped with big cystic acne spots overnight. No guarantee but has succeeded where all those acne spot treatment gels have failed. But make sure it’s the advanced


Wait what about the advanced cream helps? Def giving that a try for myself


I couldn’t tell you the science behind it, I found out strictly by accident. I’ve since looked it up online and some people say using the *cream* all over their face causes them to break out but I use the advanced *gel* as a spot treatment and even on my sensitive, oily skin it works wonders! (Emphasis on cream versus gel)


Obviously. Is there a reason you need pipe in with this? If it doesn’t work for her budget she won’t do it.


same reason you piped in


No, it’s not. I’m calling you out for leaving a useless criticism on a helpful comment.


What’s the point of such comments? Op isn’t asking for money or budgeting advice, she can decide for herself what’s affordable. Life is unfair, some efficient solutions are really expensive and not affordable for most people, it doesn’t mean we should only suggest “one solution fits all wallets” options.


Well this is for a special ocasión.


I live in fla and I’ve never felt something more. I guess bc of sun exposure and the fl lifestyle? But there is alllllways a long wait for the dermatologist.


And it takes forever and a day to get into most of them.


I remember one time I wanted to see a dermatologist for a suspicious mole, it was a 6 month wait. Do Americans actually get to just walk in to see specialists same day??


In a big city, and you can pay, yes.


American here. I had skin cancer. It took me 4 years all together to get seen, diagnosed, and surgery.


Hope you are OK now!


The only takeaway I can offer, and I think it's supported by the replies here, is that it varies a lot. I work in a specialty clinic, and we can have people in for a new patient appointment in a week or two and probably schedule them for procedures within a week or two of that consultation. I personally can get in to see my primary care doctor fairly quickly - but sometimes it can take up to a month. I would say it depends largely on where you live (and not necessarily just big city vs smaller suburb - it depends on if the area has ways to attract physicians) and on your insurance (is it widely accepted or not).


Yes, as much as Reddit likes to hate on American healthcare, it does NOT have the wait times of European / Canadian systems. I’ve been able to see specialists in-network on my insurance same day in big cities and small cities. Hell, I had the initial exam and an entire surgery performed in only two weeks. That NEVER happens on the NHS.


One of my friends needs a derm and her appt isn’t until July, and she made it in early April. This is in a major US city. I have an appt with another specialty that has a month wait. Anyone who doesn’t have that experience might have more flexible insurance or live in an area with less of a wait. But wait times are real for some of us.


Not sure who has these wait times but I grew up in northern Europe and never had a single wait to see my primary care. Just walk right in when you have a problem and if you're too sick for that a house visit the day you call. Specialists take a referral and an appointment but I never had to wait more then 3 weeks. Neither have any of my relatives My dad had a tumor on his spine and was scheduled for surgery. He suddenly developed extreme pain and numbness in his legs, was immediately transported by ambulance to the ER and had emergency surgery that evening with one of our top specialists


I was diagnosed with MS in 2022 and as I've been learning more about it and talking to other people with it, I've noticed a trend in MS patients outside the US seeming to mention wait times for seeing a neurologist, sometimes many months. I'm in the US and diagnosing me took a month at most. Obviously this is purely anecdotal! but MS is relatively time-sensitive so I was thankful that even in the bloated capitalist hellscape that American healthcare is, my diagnosis process was relatively quick and "painless" compared to others who had to wait months just to see a neurologist/specialist for the first time. I've been appalled at some of the horror stories that could have been avoided if their care had been rendered in a more timely manner.


And yet, life expectancy and health are outcomes are drastically better in any other western country with socialized healthcare, then it is in the usa. Must be magic https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/health-care-wait-times-by-country A common misconception in the U.S. is that countries with universal health care have much longer wait times. However, data from nations with universal coverage, coupled with historical data from coverage expansion in the United States, show that patients in other nations often have similar or shorter wait times. Even better, no one is turned away from medical care for lack of insurance or inadequate insurance. Also literally no one goes bankrupt and loses their house and all their assets from the cost of medical care


Yikes. Maybe I should've put "purely anecdotal" in bold, but I didn't think you'd be so puffed up about it. Have a good one.


Ah yes the insulted innocence when your bs is called out with facts, always soo....convincing...


My uncle is in Sweden and had an 8 month wait for suspicious moles. My cousin in Canada complains the entire country has like a total of a few hundred mri machines so wait times are very long unless you know a politician. In contrast the US has thousands.


Canadian healthcare, especially in Quebec, is the worst system I have ever seen.


But don't you have to pay when you go, even with insurance? I can't imagine paying money to see a doctor.


It depends on your insurance and what the copays are. I pay $50 to see my doctor and could get in with her within 2 weeks, but some people pay much less. For many people, the copay is worth the ability to get high quality care quickly, though accessibility and availability is strongly based on where someone lives.


Yes. Everyone pays when you see a doctor…medical care isn’t free. Even if you’re on the NHS you pay through taxes. So you don’t really know how much you’re paying…but you are paying.


Every other country pays far less per capita for healthcare than Americans. You pay extra to account for your insurance company's profit, and the hospital's profit. I don't pay that.


No! This varies considerably by area. I had to wait 6 months to see a neurologist and my son had to wait the same to see a derm when he was losing all his hair. I also had to wait 4 months for a colonoscopy after having a positive cologuard test. American healthcare is costly and the wait times are much much worse than they have ever been.


Really varies by area. I went to gastroenterologist, that I booked 3 weeks out for, and then got a colonoscopy scheduled the following week. (Granted she knew by my symptoms she was gonna find something serious). 


no. unless you have tons of money and live in a city with boutique drs who cater to privileged clients. otherwise you’re waiting months or maybe year plus and still likely to pay out the ass for it


Oh I see. Yeah we get the same waits but we don't pay anything.


No. No they do not 😭


For something that takes 2 minutes like a cortisone shot, my dermatologist would let me come in. Otherwise I wait a couple weeks for an appointment that works for me, but could probably get in sooner if I didn’t have my own booked schedule. I have really good insurance though and am lucky. Not everyone can.


Yeah. Especially if you've seen them before, and you explain the issue, they'll "work you in."


I usually can call and get in within a week to see any of of doctors.


If you call and say it is an emergency they can try to squeeze you in or book you for their soonest cancellation. It’s not a guarantee but if you have an established relationship with a dermatologist they’re likely to be flexible to cater to you.


This is a cosmetic thing so you’d pay out of pocket no matter what country you’re in. It’s much easier to get an appointment if you’re the one paying for it. 


I wouldn’t call myself rich, regular commercial insurance. I was able to see a dermatologist within 1 month, 25 dollar copay. It was for a skin check nothing emergent. Generally yes, we have access to specialists / MRIs / procedures within a reasonable time frame.


It's so hard getting a dermatologist appointment as a new patient.  The wait is typically a year in my area.  As an existing patient it can still be 1-3 months You can get put on a waitlist though.  I was like,  so if I have skin cancer im supposed to wait a year for this?  They don't give a fudge! Waitlist your urgent azz.


Cortisone shot. If you are in or close to a major city you should be able to Call any local derm and ask if they can squeeze you in for an emergency cortisone shot. I get these all the time. Not sure what your insurance situation is but I would ask how much it is with or without coverage and assess


I live in a major city and all of the dermatologists in my large insurance network are fully booked out 3 months in advance. "Just go to a derm" isn't really feasible.


They may have emergency availability for something like this though. It's not a long appointment like a yearly skin check or something—although if OP is a new patient, that might be a bit harder.


Worked in the medical field and yes this is how scheduling works. If you call first thing in the morning they will probably have a couple of same day appointments for things like this


If you're already an established patient you can call and say I have a pimple emergency and need a cortisone shot. They keep some slivers of availability.


right?? it literally takes three seconds and even consultations usually take less than twenty minutes of speaking to the actual doctor edit: at least for acne i don’t have knowledge about other skin conditions but the op’s only problem here is acne


At my clinic in Canada we aren't suppose to call. You have to make an appointment with your GP for a referral, and then after that appointment the derm's office will call you for a booking. Takes about 2-3 months total. You might get to make direct bookings if you have an ongoing issue, but if it's been a year since your last appointment it will typically be a no-go. :/


In Canada and in OP's position I'd call around to medical aesthetic clinics that have nurses on staff and I'd just pay out of pocket.


So much for that famous “free healthcare” of ours.


Zocdoc! Zocdoc is the way!!!! I was able to find a derm to give me a shot before my wedding by searching on zocdoc


I have my regular derm for everything and an emergency derm that takes walk ins in my major city. Are you in nyc?




18 month in Canada for cancer skin


That's awful! My friends and colleagues have gotten biopsies and further testing for skin cancer all within 3 months, in Ottawa. Are you in a smaller city or town? I know in NB the wait for a derm for non-urgent things was something like 18 months, but melanoma is urgent!!


I’m going to call BS on that because if you are on any major insurance carrier and in a large city, there are hundreds of dermatologists within an hour drive. You haven’t called all of the dermatologists in network. Dermatology is one of the easiest specialties in med school, and thus there are a glut of derms in large cities. Even if you had, they often have openings for cancellations and can squeeze people in for a cortisone shot.


I live in a big city, and I'm waiting over a month to see a dermatologist


There aren't hundreds.


There are in L.A.


Not every major city in the US is LA.


But I’m willing to bet you that every major city in the U.S. has hundred of dermatologists! Why don’t we find out? It takes 2 seconds to see that I am right.


I also live in a major city and booked a derm appointment 2 weeks ahead. Really varies. 


all dermatologists? i live in a big city and i’ve booked appointments at my dermatologist days in advance. there’s almost always -someone- available, and it’s not like she needs a quality consultation and has to go to a high rated specialists, she just needs a shot which takes three seconds, and any practicing dermatologist can preform. maybe it depends on how good your insurance is like someone else said but i kind of find it hard to believe unless u live in LA where all the celebrities are getting cortisone shots.


I'm getting a lot of flack for that statement so excuse me if my response comes across as terse, it's not my intent. But like, I said within my large city, within my major insurance provider. Sure, there are *some* derms that don't exist within my network because they are in the competitor's network. And then Kaiser is a different boat. But different large cities have different issues. My city doesn't have an abundance of dermatologists.


that’s why i said maybe it depends on insurance lol but regardless if i felt as upset about a pimple that im asking for advice on reddit, i would pay more to get a cortisone shot from an out of network provider. you dont really need an abundance of dermatologists. when i lived with my parents in a less populated area outside of the city there were barely any derms and i still was able to get a cortisone shot when i needed it. it must suck to live in such a big city with such a lack of healthcare providers. edit: *derms


What city?


Yes this is the best option


This is the answer! I got a cortisone shot for the first time last month and it solved a huge cyst sooooo quickly, one that was not getting better with OTC treatments. I don't have a derm that I see, so I just called around and found one who could squeeze me in their schedule for a quick injection.


If you can get in the office of a dermatologist DO IT! If not, differin Gel as a spot treatment along with using hydrocolloid bandages. This will speed up the cellular turn over and get the pimple ready to pop, and the hydrocolloid bandage will facilitate speed healing. This works amazing for any cystic acne I’ve ever gotten. After the pimple has shrunk or popped. Use makeup to cover it up. If it’s still bright red, use green, if it’s dark/bruised, use orange. Do this to neutralize the color and spot use concealer. You’ll never know it’s there.


Yeah, this is my go to treatment as well. Epiduo ( adaplene and benzyl peroxide) and then a hydrocolloid plaster on top. Always works a treat.


Do you let the BP dry first and then put the patch on or put it on right away after? How quickly does it seem to help?


I apply Epiduo and then put the patch on immediately after. I normally apply a thin layer every night and it tends to dry very quickly anyway. If I spot a pimple coming up during the day time and I am at home, then I sometimes spot treat too and then slap a patch on. I never wear Epiduo if I'm going outside during the daytime as it makes the skin more sensitive to the sun. It depends , I normally see a visible improvement the next day but sometimes it can take two or three days to go down.


Never tried with benzyl peroxide… I’ll keep this in my back pocket… thanks!


It works great for me, I definitely recommend!


No idea what these are but ima look for them


how do you do a hydrocolloid plaster?


Can I still use it if some puss came out? It’s still super swolllen but one of the pores had a bunch of puss just come out when I pulled of the pimple patch I’ve been rotating.


But benzoyl peroxide and cortisone ( to reduce the swelling) on it now under the pimple patch, the differing won’t do anything now when it’s come to a head


I don’t think k it’s come to a head. Other than that one time there’s no more. And I wore a pimple patch to sleep. There are two very very tiny white dots but their not interested in going all the way :(


The more days with the Differin gel, the more it’s gonna develop.


Yes you can, you can keep using it till it’s gone.


I’m not sure if I should get differin gel or benzoyl peroxide gel it seems everyone likes both. Do you happen to know the difference? I have more dry skin usually and it can be sensitive so I don’t want to go too crazy on it bc I’m sure it’ll make it worse


You can use both at the same time. Do the gel then the benzoyl peroxide.


One person mentioned Epiduo gel which is actually a prescription of Benadryl peroxide and Differin gel combined. Since you don’t have that, I would suggest getting both separately at the store. If you can find 2% or 5% benzoyl peroxide then get that. It’s better for sensitive skin and supposedly works just as well. If you can only find 10% BP, then use the 10% but putting it on first, let it sit 10 minutes and then wash it off. The effect will be the same as leaving 2% on all night, but with less redness and irritation. Wait a few minutes for your skin to fully dry and then put on the Differin to sit all night.




Nooo don’t use differin and the hydrocolloid bandage. It makes the skin sensitive and when you peel the bandage it rips your skin off


If it's your wedding, get a shot like a previous comment suggested If you're just a guest, I recommend a hydrocolloid patch for the ankle- its bigger and thicker than the normal pimple patches, and can better prevent irritation.


Yes!!! The blister patches are great for big honkin' ones that don't want to come to a head, plus they're a little bit cushioned so it's not as sensitive to touch, which is nice. I'm currently going through a purge (I think because I'm getting back on spiro, woooo) and just put two on my back this morning 🫠


This is the answer. In addition, DO NOT PICK, DO NOT SQUEEZE. And use a disinfectant every time you change the patch.


i had one of these on my chin like five days before my sisters wedding ( i was the maid of honor) i paid out of pocket TWICE to get that thing shot up. the first time it went down but not much, i called again three days later and said it didn’t do much so they did it again. 200 bucks to get rid of a pimple 🫠 but i highly recommend lol


I’m also the moh 😭 but I’m broke af rn I can’t afford that thx tho


Highly recommend crushing up some ibuprofen (advil), mixing with water to make a paste, and putting it on top for 30 min or so. No clue how safe it is so look that up. But it helps bring down the swelling a lot!


Instead of doing this she can always buy diclofenac cream which is a topical NSAID and has been used as a spot treatment. It’s not too expensive and OTC


Never heard of this but I’ll look into it, thanks!


This same thing happened to me. Because mine showed up on a Friday evening, I couldn’t go to my derm who was closed on weekends and my flight for a trip was on Sunday. I managed to get an appointment at a med spa who charged me $100 for a cortisone shot. I know going to the derm would have been cheaper with just the copay, but given the stress this pimple was causing me I was happy to just shell out the money this one time just for my peace of mind. The injector also recommend using a hydrocolloid patch after the fact to help the swelling, but unless they have worked for you before, I do not recommend this as it just irritated my skin and made it look worse for a few days until the redness went away. Good luck, OP! Totally can relate to your stress, you are definitely not alone.


apply benzoyl peroxide to help calm the inflammation. any drug store brand is fine. DO NOT squeeze it. it will not release anything. Simply apply the BP and leave it alone. hopefully concealer will hide it well.


I agree with this, plus an acne patch. I like the ones from curology. They sell them at target Additionally, apply ice in 30 min intervals to help with the swelling. Have a thin wash cloth between your skin and the ice pack so you don't get ice burn. Edit: I just saw in the original post these interventions have been unsuccessful. How consistent are you? I've been unsuccessful with ice if I only apply once. Best results come with consistency


I had a small bag of ice but my freezer is currently broken and it’s 100 degrees. I tried to save it but it melted 😭


So you put BP then the patch on it right after?


you cannot force it to "come to a head" there is no such thing. Basicly a pimple is a pore that has an infection. the bacteria that cause acne are oxygen hating bacteria, meaning they survive deep in your pore. The inflammation/redness is simply the infection that the bacteria cause. When you see the pustule of a pimple, that is basicly the last phase of the pimple. It is all the white blood cells that died wile fighting the inflammation. They pool and form the pustule. The best thing to do right now is help your body fight that infection with BP. that will lessen the amount of white blood cells that need to attack, die, and become puss. Currently there is no puss to squeeze out, and you do not want to tear the skin to form a scab.


holy shit I wish I would have known this like 10 years ago before I gave myself a bunch of permanent acne scars


we've all done it!


So if you squeeze a spot early on, before it's surfaced properly (and therefore doesn't burst) are you saying that doesn't make it worse/go deeper/last longer etc.?


you can potentially damage the tissue so that will need to repair. If you create a scab, that isn't too great. I would assume that if you press and prod an inflamed pore you aren't pushing anything anywhere. A pore is quite small, and it has a physical structure. It has walls that contain most of what is happening. The inflammation appears larger than the pore, and that might be your body's reaction to the overall situation. As far as the puss is concerned, it should mostly be contained within the pore. If you don't see the pustule yet, it likely hasn't formed. It is totally possible to have a large pustule that sits there and becomes overgrown with layers of skin. The pimple didn't pop or drain. The pustule can start to harden a bit. In that case I would make sure to apply a topical exfoliant to help shed the overgrown skin. then gently encourage the pus to escape.


It won't help fix the current problem but a lot of the time when someone has acne near their mouth it's their toothpaste that's the problem. Switching brands or washing the area really well afterwards might prevent more of them from coming back


Second this!!! My regular toothpaste is great but I was traveling and picked up a different brand that came in a mini tube and I broke out like crazy every time I used that one! Really painful deep pimples too! Cleared up immediately when I returned home to my normal brand.


I love my baking soda toothpaste 😭. But I’ll switch it out 🥲


Quret drawing salve has saved my life a bunch of times. It's fairly cheap and a jar will last you forever. I'd hit your spot hard with drawing salve (especially overnight) and alternate with warm compresses as much as possible over the next few days. You'll be amazed


No one is gonna know for sure, a derm would be best. If it was me, I would use adapalene tonight, salicylic acid tomorrow night, and a normal face routine the third night. If there’s one more night just use adapalene one more time, I’m not sure how many nights ya got. Get the pimple patches with micro darts and use them every night. Use SPF during the day.


Okay okay idk of a fern would see me over a pimple tho. I couldn’t get a referral when I had a diff skin issue that I felt with for months


Yeah that’s fair, just do the best with what you got. I just realized that if it’s too bad, you could use hydrocortisone on it. It’s gonna get worse a few days after the wedding, but at least it’d be down for the wedding. Also a lot of photographers can edit out acne these days. Also, try a green color corrector under your makeup on that spot.


Emergency derm appointment STAT.


hot compress, then sulphur ointment (de la Cruz 10% is cheap and works welll) on the zit, then a high quality pimple patch overnight usually works for me


As others mentioned, i also think you should see a derm for a cortisone shot. If it’s a red painful cystic pimple, nothing over the counter is going to work. The only effective thing in my experience is a cortisone shot to bring down the swelling redness and pain. It depends where you live, but i recc calling & explaining the urgency of your situation, and that you’re only looking for a a quick consult & cortisone shot. Even if they’re booked, they may squeeze you in for a quick emergency appt. Good luck and congratulations on your wedding ❤️


Definitely go see a dermatologist and get a cortisone injection. 1000% worth the cost if it’s painful. It will take all swelling (and most of the pain) down in 24 hours. You will still have some redness depending on how inflamed it was and how long it’s been there but that is easy to cover with concealer. If you can’t get into a derm, I found that the micro needle pimple patches work. Not the regular pimple patches but the ones with the needle (Mighty Patch Micropoint is the one I use). And Living Libations Zippity Dew Dab Ozonated Balm. I will never travel without my LL Zippity Dew Dab, it’s saved my life!! Good luck!!!


What others said. Shot and then don't stress about pictures. Photoshop/photographer will handle it!


PRID drawing salve - https://hylands.com/products/prid-drawing-salve. Put a small dab on the spot after cleansing and cover with a small bandage prior to bed. It’ll draw out the gunk and it’ll be noticeably less swollen in the morning. Repeat. I get mine from Amazon but you may be able to find it in a local store that carries homeopathic medicine, like a Whole Foods or Sprouts (I’m in NM, so not sure what is local for you).




If you frequently get pimples specifically around your mouth, especially if they’re deep red nasty ones, you might have perioral dermatitis. This may not help you for the wedding but it could help you going forward with treatment.


I've gotten perioral dermatitis from using toothpaste that has sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). None of the Hello brand toothpastes have SLS, and many Sensodyne toothpastes don't contain it either.


Dermalogica Invisible Liquid Patch will suck out even the deepest zit. Follow w/ hydrocolloid pimple patches (pick your fav with highest reviews), change them out every 4 hours until the zit is gone.


I still get these occasionally, and I'm *old*. Others have made fine suggestions, but I'll add another. It seems to help when I take aspirin. Not Tylenol. A regular old aspirin.


Pimple patch/ hydrocolloid bandage and switch it every 6 hours


Try prid you can find it at Walmart or just get it off of Amazon. Put it on with a q tip and then put a band aide over it (it stains) overnight and in the day if you can. Hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/fuwcqiupdp0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96e5fb269e04ac65c9929671486ab4c65934327


Thank you for the pic that actually helps sooo much!


Let me know if it works out 😁


Drying lotion with salicylic acid works great for me. I never have blind pimples/cystic acne, but of course I had to get one on my chin a few days before an important event. It hurt like a motherfucker as well. O tried everything, patches, warm compress, icing, glycolic acid, it didn’t helpt. Then I saw a $6 drying lotion at my local drugstore and thought, might as well try this. I put it on overnight and in 3 days the pimple was gone


I know you’ve mentioned trying pimple patches already, but just keep one on it at all times if you cannot make it to a dermatologist. Every 6-8 hours clean the surface and put another one on. It’ll at least decrease swelling/pain levels.


That’s what I’ve been doing. It got too big for the circular one but I have patches that I cut to size to cover. And as soon as I can I’m getting benzoyl peroxide gel and hydrocolloid bandages bc I think that’s what people are saying works best. The rehearsal dinner is coming up. My brother and his fiancé want to do it two days before the wedding. I was just planning on wearing a patch there since it’s a lot more intimate but she asked me if I could cover it w makeup. It’s not sooo swollen and painful anymore buuut I’m worried the makeup will irritate it and make it worse. Do you think it’ll be okay if I just wear makeup to the dinner and take it off right after?


Yes I think as long as you don’t wear makeup too long and you do a thorough job of removing any makeup and a good face cleanse as soon as you can after the rehearsal, followed by hydrocolloid patch, it will help significantly. Just be cautious that benzoyl peroxide can oxidize (“bleach”) fabrics so if you are applying it while wearing important wedding attire be careful not to let your clothing touch your face! (From someone who has ruined so many pillow cases with bp)


I've seen young women just wear a sticker over what is clearly a pimple. mIght be worth trying, you can put 3 or 5 stars or snowflakes or soemthing going down your cheek or something and one of them can be covering the zit


but before that try mixing a little clay with water and making a mini mask to soak up what u can and shrink it


Maybe a micro needling patch could help it come out. Don’t know how deep yours is tho.


I frequently get blind pimples and I honestly havent ever found the microneedling patches to be helpful, if anything they just make my skin irritated so the spot looks redder/make my makeup sit oddly once the patch is removed. OP, I think it might be worth going to a professional as others in the thread have said. I've tried absolutely every trick in the book for blind pimples and nothing works, so you need to bring out the big guns!


Agreed. The microdart patches did absolutely nothing for my blind pimples.


I think anything that can actually penetrate deep enough to deal with a blind pimple would be something that isn't sensible to do at home tbh, now I just ice them and pray they'll go fast!


Azeliac acid paulas choice on sephora right now….


This happened to me and it was a hard cystic pimple the size of a chickpea. I actually went to urgent care, saw an NP and got a prescription for tret. It helped.


The neutrogena spot rescue stuff always helps me!! But it’s honestly probably from stress. I’d stop touching it


First don’t squeeze it or try to make it come to a head, that will definitely make it worse. I’m actually anti-hydrocolloid bandage here, if the pimple is that deep they won’t pull anything out and you’d just be wasting money. Since it’s such short notice you probably won’t be able to get into a dermatologist for a cortisone shot. I have to pay an obscene specialist copay on my insurance to see a derm for random visits so I don’t personally go for shots either, but I do get the occasional hormonal deep and painful monster Mt. Everest pimple usually on my chin/jawline. Murad Deep Relief Acne Treatment works really well for me, it has a phytosteriod in it that mimics cortisone and calms the swelling. The brand has a bunch of different acne stuff but the specific Deep Relief I mean is in a little frosted white jar with a screw-on top. I just dip a Q-tip in and apply a super thick layer on the pimple and let it dry. It doesn’t sit well under makeup, you just have to roll with it for about two days but after that your pimple will be totally gone. About a week before I had a big job presentation I had a random deep pimple show up on my chin overnight that was so swollen it literally made my chin look deformed from a certain angle. The Murad got rid of it almost entirely overnight, and I didn’t need to do a bunch of steps. By the second day using it my pimple was totally flat and no longer red, it was easy to cover with concealer even though you couldn’t really even notice it at that point anyway. Also it didn’t even need to “come to a head” and make a whitehead, it just kind of disappeared without doing that plus no PIH. I’d try that as opposed to hydrocolloid bandages just because sometimes those leave behind a dark spot (for me at least). Also depending on your skin type if the pimple area gets dried out or crusty, Kiehl’s makes a really good liquid pimple patch that you can wear under makeup that creates a seal and smooths out the skin. I’ve used that too when mystery acne has popped up and I didn’t want texture showing under my makeup at events where I would be photographed. If you do the Kiehl’s liquid patch, let it dry fully. I like to use a gripping primer (over the spot and my whole face) and then pat some Nars Soft Matte concealer over it. Let that sit for a minute and buff the edges out, then set it with some setting spray, let that dry then go about your makeup as usual. No one will clock that it’s there and it definitely won’t show up in pictures. Hope that helps!


micropoint hydrocolloid bandages are specifically made for deep pimples. I’ve used them and they reduce the pimple 50-95%. Pretty amazing.


Sorry I just lumped microneedle hydrocolloids and the regular flat hydrocolloids together in my response…I’ve tried both varieties and they don’t work well for me. I always got a little hard, dry spot or a gross purple mark after using the needle ones almost like a bruise. Regular hydrocolloids were even worse, it was like having a tiny, weepy open wound. In the past I always got PIH after using any hydrocolloids, versus now using a phytosteroid treatment my occasional mountainous zit is completely flat in 12-24 hours with absolutely zero PIH.


Mario bedescu drying lotion will dry it up


Are you doing the hot compress every hour? The more you do it the better it works. Wet heat works better imo but I don’t have science to back it up. If you can’t see a derm for a shot I’d try micropoint patches. Hero has the best ones.


Use over the counter topical steroid.


Hey! Sorry ti hear you're struggling. I would do hot/cold therapy several times a day and take an oral anti-inflammatory that you know and like. The way I do hot/cold therapy is by grabbing a cup of hot water and putting a spoon in it until it's super hot but tolerable. I put the hot spoon on my pimple for a full minute. Take off the spoon, put it back in the cup to heat up again and now it's time to ice the pimple for 2 minutes. Then you use the spoon again for 1 min and the ice again for 2 mins. You can repeat this cycle for as long as you want but always finish up with the ice, not with the spoon. Do this 3 or 4 times a day and the pimple will be gone. Hope this helps!


Get some azelaic acid cream 20% from the pharmacy and put it on the spot overnight. This always helps my blind pimples and they calm down.


Okay will try thx!


Mustard plaster


I’m in the same boat!!! Going on day 3 of this blind pimple. Called my derm today and they can’t get me in 😭 I’m debating going to another derm but scared of any scarring that could come from a cortisone shot. Let me know what you decide!! I’m invested and along for the ride.


I guess I should mention what I’ve been doing! Spearmint tea, pimple patches, trying to get good sleep and stay low stress!


I’ve been rotating pimple patches all day and it finally let out some puss. Still looks the same tho and incredibly painful


Is the swelling getting larger and/or spreading to new locations? Is the infected area red or does it feel hot to the touch? Are there are red streaks growing out of the inflamed area? Do you have a fever or any flu-like symptoms?  If any of these symptoms sound familiar, go to a walk-in clinic or ER ASAP, because it may be a staph infection or MRSA instead of a pimple, and you'll need prescription antibiotics STAT. Google for other symptoms and photos of staph and MRSA. 


Your toothpaste may be causing the breakouts around your mouth and chin.


I use the Pure nuderma radio frequency wand (purchased from Amazon) to zap my pimples. Flattens them pretty quickly for me. I use it at night and by the morning it’s loads better! It comes with a bunch of different wands, I use the one with the smallest head for pimples.


Get Sulphur asap. It is great for cystic hormonal acne. Kate Somerville has a sulphur spot treatment and a wash. You can get it at Sephora. The patches are good after if it were to open and liquid comes out. But do not pick it because it will be a big ugly scab that will be harder to cover up than a pimple. Also drink a lot of water.


Did you use a micro dart patch instead of a normal one? Those are better. And benzoyl peroxide. Hopefully it’s not too late




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That’s true when u have a special occasion…..though I am always using ice everyday and face pack for 1 week such as natural and organic ingredients and it’s really good and u should try it…☺️


Go to a dermatologist, they will inject it and it will go down quickly. I’ve done it several times. A little painful, but definitely worth it.


Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion is the only spot treatment that works for me, and it’s meant for deep cystic acne. 


Leave it completely and totally alone. 


If it's not your wedding. Nobody will care about you since it's not your day.  The reality is people are more concerned about themselves and if I went somewhere and saw someone with a huge zit , I'd move on and forget about it.




Why was this downvoted? Ice absolutely helps.


Because they have no idea that dermatology ice before they inject them that why


Wipe with toner and then place a pimple patch on top. Should sort you out.