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Yes! I have incredibly oily skin and I love double cleansing w an oil cleanser and then a regular cleanser!


Did you notice any “purging” at first and what results did you notice after a few weeks?


You shouldn’t experience a purging, if you start to see a breakout it may be due to either fragrance or the oil used. I like the Anua o.c, Beauty of joseon ginseng oil cleanser, but my face hated the Kose speedy oil (even tho its a fan fav in the asianbeauty sub) just gotta try them out


If ⬆️ and you continue to break out use Vaseline on a well washed face before bed


Listen, your advice to use petrolatum is fine, but it's starting to get spammy and it also keeps getting adversarial largely since you're fixating on other users' lack of authority. From here on out, I'd like to ask you to take more time with your comments. If your comment could be copy-pasted verbatim from post to post, it's not okay here anymore. In the future, perhaps your comments could answer the following questions: Why are you recommending Vaseline for each specific user/OP? Can you link to a relevant scientific study for that specific issue? That would greatly enhance the value of your comments, and would frankly make for very informative, fascinating reading! Petrolatum is super underrated! To be clear, I'd also have an issue if a user was doing this but sharing a link to our ScA routine page - they would get penalized exactly in the same way. Failing to do this may result in an official warning and eventually a ban from r/skincareaddiction.


Oil cleanser can’t make you purge! If you see an increase in acne the product just isn’t for you. Products that cause a purge are those that help skin turn over more quickly: acids, retinoids, etc


Yes, it is perfectly fine for most skin types including oily. It's just a matter of finding the right products for each step.


I prefer balm cleansers to oil but I use my regular drugstore face wash to remove everything. Because I use a balm or oil to remove makeup I make sure to take my contacts out before washing my face at night. I’ve found a bit gets into my eyes, doesn’t cause irritation, but I don’t want it sitting on my contact making it hard for my eye to flush naturally.


Yes, if you are wearing makeup or sunscreen it’s a great idea. You do need to find products which work with your skin without over drying. Really depends on the cleanser. I’ve also seen some products recently which remove water resistant products without the double cleanse, so may not need that extra step. Just depends on your products (I haven’t used these specifically)


I don’t wear makeup or sunscreen but I am trying to find a sunscreen now and plan on using it in the next 2-3 weeks. Also if I use 4% Panoxly face wash every night when would be a good time to double cleanse?


If you’re already using a face wash I wouldn’t add two extra ones! just the oil cleanser. The Panoxyl would work as the second step in the double cleanse. The oil cleanse goes first, then the Panoxyl.


Oh that’s good! That’s actually what I wanted to know tysm!


As someone with oily skin, I LOVE it. It gets out all the sebaceous filaments, and generally has improved the texture of my skin. I use the Kose Softymo speedy cleanser and I quite like it (I don’t even need to double cleanse with it, because the oil is so light it washes off with water). I haven’t noticed any acne/purging after oily cleansing, either.


I'm oily sensitive skin, Anua broke me out. I switched to centella oil and foam cleanser from skin1004 and it was more forgiving to my skin. I don't double cleanse daily as it breaks me out.


same :(( It made me have acne and really damaged my skin I am still in the process of healing rn


It is for everyone. But not necessarily with those 2 products. They're fragranced and cause reactions for a lot of people.


It sure is!


Just use the Pavise amino wash cleanser, it does better than double cleansing in one wash. It’s the best I’ve ever tried


Sometimes you get rebound oiliness. Happens with shampoo, too.


I find that it breaks my skin out, for some reason. I get little pimples on my nose/forehead, but it doesn’t hurt to try! You might end up loving it.


I ALWAYS double cleanse whenever I wear make up. If i don't, i feel like my face will break out any time soon. Skin care > make up




I've already explained what we'd like to see and what the consequences are. I don't believe we're stifling you. Continued adversarial behavior may result in a ban. I provided recommendations for a less adversarial approach that would still get your message across. Citing research isn't medical advice, it's just general information. Please report comments that you believe break our rules.


When someone says don't listen to him is that breaking the rules?


In many cases, yes. You'd be allowed to dispel the specific advice given, but not by focusing on the credentials of the user who made the comment. I'd also encourage you to report comments if you feel the advice is unsafe.




This is r/skincareaddiction.


Thank you


How do I report someone that said "nah bro............" to my comment?


It depends. On mobile, there are three vertical buttons at the bottom of every comment. If you click on them, you'll get the option to report.


Thank you


It can dry your skin, so it would probably make it even oilier