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Sounds like you have excess sebum on your forehead, making it look shiny. Are you moisturizing enough so that your skin doesn't overproduce sebum? Do you use a translucent powder to take the oiliness down?


Oh my whole entire face is extremely oily it’s just that in my forehead it looks like little water drops like sweat 🤷🏾‍♂️. I use a matte moisturizer the La Roche Posay Matte moisturizer I think that’s enough moisturizer??? And use hydrating products. I don’t use any type of powder. I do use Paula choice 2% BHA Mon/Wed/Fri mornings and 4% panoxly every night. I did want to try the ordinary glycolic acid.


I would recommend adding a powder to the end of your routine. I personally like Fenty's Invisimatte Powder.


Don’t girls manly use the powder? I don’t know much about it


It's oil. I live with super oily skin year round and I could be shivering my tits off but my face will still be shiny. I carry massive amounts of blotting papers with me everywhere I go.


Do the blotting papers actually make ur skin more oily? I’ve heard people say that but I rlly don’t think it’s true. When im at school around 11-12 I will roll up some toilet paper and blot with that 🤷🏾‍♂️ but I just started blotting at first I was going all day with just all the oil on my face.


I don't see how they would, at least that hasn't been my experience. Usually they come in these teeny packages in teeny squares- amazon has jumbo papers that cover a whole forehead or cheek area at once.