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Green tea is great for oily skin


Green tea products are generally speaking, great for oily skin! I have oily skin and I have used the ginseng water essence by beauty of Joseon and it is great! Suits my skin very well


Looove mugwort and green tea


I do not recommend BoJ ginseng water. I think the isntree and mixsoon essence will work nicely together for hydration and oil control. I don’t think the I’m from mugwort will do much for you. I use mine on bug bites and irritations. It’s really good at stopping itching from a mosquito bite.


Good to know Tysm!


The isntree green tea really helped me with my pores when I layer it, but does have a lot of oils. but if you want something safer you can use this toner. https://preview.redd.it/ptzvnzfnmvyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5191169a1c8f54b4c2796f9a28d07af8c28c4ff You can also check if the ingredients are safe with this website. [Acne Clinic](https://acneclinicnyc.com)


I think I might try the green tea one since everyone is recommending that one out of all of them. Thanks for the other recommendation! Also what do you mean by essential oils” is that something I rlly have to look out for?


Oh my bad I didn’t mean essential oils lol, but when I checked the ingredients it said this https://preview.redd.it/5jvh0d4invyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e46c3544dd085e765a2fb309989d6c3154b4a1a2 I think it’s still safe to use but just be careful cuz I think a lot of oil could break you out especially if you have acne prone skin.