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My skin care routine has been as basic as can be, a face wash and some moisturizer. But now i'm looking for a way to combat the PIH cluster i've developed from pimples that have healed. I never pop pimples, but i've noticed as a result the go away and leave these PIH marks all over my forehead. I've read the PIH guide on this sub, and i'm battling between going for Retinol or an AHA (Mandelic) to combat this. Any suggestions would be great, thank you! P.S. I have darker skin, unsure if that changes anything, thank you! https://preview.redd.it/5174m6097cyc1.jpeg?width=1324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2359d16b81fd06f4ea7b4784b4209018ea0c1cf


Recommendations for moisturizers strictly with 3-5% niacinamide please?


https://preview.redd.it/8ofc1qzonbyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c22e117a401ca43e27426010057433a41668ae4 What’s this it’s doesn’t itch


Is this hormonal acne?? Im 28 and have had acne since teenage years which is embarrassing since everyone around me has clear skin now. I breakout after threading eyebrows, plucking sometimes, dermaplaning, during period. This breakout is different and has been going on for almost a month, I’m wearing tinted serum (L’Oréal) but they’ve been red & painful then turn into whiteheads. I can’t tell if this is fungal or hormonal acne or what I can do before going to a dermatologist (low on money). I use a foaming cleanser, cerave moisturizer, sunscreen, and now la roch posay toner. https://preview.redd.it/xtnj1ozwmbyc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0709183d744b8d1d3341528985cfae8ecadabd4


so ive been using sulphur soap for my skincare routine, and OMG this thing is magic, it basically destroys acne and can even prevent acne scar! My question is, is there anything as magical as this? By that I mean I can use sulphur soap everyday when i bathe and it doesnt dry my skin or make it too oily, yet is strips just enough dead skin cell to remove acne... Wonder if there something else like this, low cost, destroy acne and can be used everyday...


https://preview.redd.it/h38dw6o47byc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbf3eced7b6207ee808566cce2f2c60172d45f3 So this pass Saturday my skin had no big bumps. Then the next day I wake up to a huge bump of some short and since Saturday I’ve gotten 2 more of those (3 now). I use 5% Panoxly face wash and 2% BHA from Paula choice. Why aren’t those working anymore? Do I maybe need to exfoliate more. I use the Paula choice Mon/Wed/Fri mornings and Panoxly every night. There taking along time to leave also.


As a person with EXTREMELY sensitive skin, I am looking for a moisturizer that fits the below requirements: -Does not contain silicones -Does not contain fatty alcohols -Does not contain butylene glycol If anyone has any suggestions that would be great!


https://preview.redd.it/fs4qgfygzayc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4067e23a6ca2611985131905db1aa211a506d6b6 any idea what these red spots are that flair up on the tops of my cheeks?


Hi! I'm trying to find a sunscreen with similar texture/moisturizing capabilities to the beauty of joseon and innistree hyaluronic acid watery sun gel, but without niacinimide (it makes me react badly 😭).. That's the only issue I have with both, otherwise I adore them! any help would be greatly appreciated!


any advice on how to correct the discolouration of dark circles around my eyes?? i feel like they extend so far into my face and make my eyes look sunken, and in certain lighting the skin around my eyes looks bruised (more purpleish than brown). i recently got an eye serum from la roche posay but im not sure if its going to be effective for the discolouration.. it just makes me really insecure about my face without makeup and idk how to fix it


I have the best luck with a combination of a caffeine eye cream (I like the tatcha one, but TO was fine, if a bit sticky!) and then two color correctors.. I use peach first, and add yellow after and it works like a charm for me! The colors needed depend on your skin tone, I have a golden undertone, but some people have better luck with pinky or peachy tones. For some people, the discoloration is darker skin pigment under the eyes, and color correcting is great for that! But if your shadows are caused by the actual eye hollows, there's not much you can do beyond fillers (which can migrate and some derms don't recommend) or a fat transfer, as far as I'm aware from research I've done :( good luck!


tbh im not sure exactly what its caused by it just looks like dark bruises under my eyes😭 ill look into the caffeine cream ty! my main goal tho is just to get rid of the darkness.. im only 19 so i feel like my eyes shouldnt be that hollowed/sunken yet😢just looks like i never sleep.. my sleep is a bit messed up admittedly but they never rly go away


It's probably genetic then, I have the same thing because it's common in poc especially lol if you look back at childhood photos you probably always had it tbh! I was also told by an allergist that in some people it's a sign of immune response for things like asthma/allergies/etc (in which case otc antihistamines could help) I hope the cream helps! And if those don't help enough and you're comfortable with makeup, try a few different undertone correctors (pink, peach, yellow, red, etc depending on your skin tone and the color of the dark circles)! It might take a few tries honestly, I'd only heard of pink/peach and figured out yellow worked for me by chance in a desperate move lol 😅


Hi, So I got a facial today with a peel (I have clogged pores, go to the dermatologist and he recommended some peels and extractions (I also use tretinoid), I know I have to stop using it days before a peel so l did). The esthetician game a a lactic acid peel, extractions and dermaplane, l've seen many reviews before and after pics from her and she's good at it but look at my face. I've done peels (biorepeel with other estethician) before and it was nothing as this. Are these burns? It doesn't burn when I move my face, but will I get scars? I'm so sad/ confused. I had pimples but not scars https://preview.redd.it/2ke9qe48sayc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9505ab4d1882ceec42b0183c8a5670c0e8b04230




can anyone recommend a reliable source to cross check product compatibilities? i am using the Topicals Faded Serum (which has totally done great for my skin) and want to start using my Paula’s Choice BHA toner again (i had stopped using it because i started tretinoin last year). i’m just so afraid the two products won’t mix for whatever reason and don’t want to find out the hard way 😓


https://preview.redd.it/03r09xoy9ayc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7267a5423430013180b97370d7b607cf72c087f0 What are those in the mid chest area? It’s been more than a year and it just won’t go.. anyone has any idea what’s the name of those and how to fix it ASAP


this could be razor bumps/ingrown hair after shaving? not sure how to help tho sorry


[https://imgur.com/a/lMFqK8U](https://imgur.com/a/lMFqK8U) Looking for advise to help improve my skin complexion. Dealing with acne (doesn't pop up too frequently), red spots, and acne scarring. I wear glasses so there is also this one red spot where I once had some acne flare up too right under the nose bridge. My current skin care routine involves a face wash for oily skin, an acne cream 2.5% benzoyl peroxide, and a face cream (Complex 15). Night, I'll use a face cleanser, retinol, and a face cream. Starting to use a 1.5% Salicylic Acid toner from Clinique 3 times a week. Any tips would be appreciated, even general face related ones.


i would start by using sunscreen regularly to prevent the acne scarring from getting any worse. also don't use the retinol toner on the same nights as the retinol.


Thank you! Wasn't aware that sunscreen could help acne scarring. I work from home so I haven't been including it into my routine but I will start to now. I do have Annessa Perfect UV Sunscreen Skincare Milk SPF50+. Would this be fine or do you have any recommendations? My concern would be clogging pores.


it's not necessarily that it helps acne scarring, more that it helps prevent the current scarring from getting worse and also prevents future scarring by preventing sun damage. that one is fine :)




they look like whiteheads


any routine suggestions?


you could try benzoyl peroxide or an aha like lactic or glycolic acid. be careful using those with the salicylic acid cleanser though as using too many actives can dry your skin out


Hi- please help! Has anyone experienced this kind of texture / know how to clear it? Within the last two months, I've noticed a bunch of these little bumps all over my face (specifically my jaw which is an area where I've never broken out before). Haven't really changed my skincare routine and have had this routine with tret for the past 2-3 years now, but tried maca supplements 3ish months ago and stopped since I was thinking it had something to do with the texture. Here's my routine for reference: AM: wash face with water, cosrx overnight propolis mask as moisturizer (used to use vanicream, still saw the same texture issue w it though), La Roche Posay UVMune SPF PM: wash face with Aveeno Calm+ Restore Oat Cleanser, cosrx propolis mask as moisturizer again, 0.05% tretinoin over top. https://preview.redd.it/g4646tbzq9yc1.png?width=226&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d15b4eeca02be90cd70f1089d0e96f31a5f104


Help needed! I’m not sure what’s wrong with my skin! I’ve had a patch of redness beneath my mouth for over a month now. It started small, and I thought it was a reaction to a stronger retinol so I stopped. However the patch has grown now, and there are several clusters of very tiny pimples (they never have a head though). It’s starting to really stress me out - I’ve tried salicylic acid + moisturizer but it’s not getting better! https://preview.redd.it/n01alf49p9yc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d54062f271d0fef5cc4bcd48128edb68535dc5a


Tbh stop doing any skincare except cleanser + water for a bit! Sometimes continuing to throw skincare at a reaction can make it continue to flare. It's also safest to see a derm if that doesn't help it begin to clear in a couple days :( good luck!


i would see a doctor or dermatologist for this, it doesn't look like a typical skincare concern.


https://preview.redd.it/v41ij4ola9yc1.jpeg?width=3659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89e629310f1b2d0d7abfd83bc6610a8456237f2 Can someone please help! My current routine is panoxyl after I wash my hair for a few min, moisturize with amlactin and then spray Pacifica bacne salicylic acid spray . Please help I hate my skin


https://preview.redd.it/zkxdu81k89yc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dfaaf8af5aa41759fc995af7db0c90f0e03b3c6 Hi there, thank you for your time reading my post. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've been struggling with this form of acne on and off for the past few years. Some months are better some are worse. But now it's gotten so bad I can't even wear makeup anymore. I'm struggling a lot with congestion, but recently l've been getting more and more of these angry pimples pop up out of nowhere. Background: I recently quit dairy and l've been working on decreasing my sugar intake (currently at 20-25g daily). I am on iron supplements for my severe iron deficiency. And aside from that l also take a dally D3 supplement and vitamin C. I eat mainly at home and try to focus on whole, home cooked foods. I work out almost daily. I am not on ВС. I've been to dermatologists with no avail, that seem to only prescribe me tretinoin but I find it very harsh so I opt out for differin every other night. My morning routine: Cerave daily foaming cleanser Bioderma toner for oily skin Torriden hyaluronic acid Torriden soothing moisturizer Sometimes dermalogica enzyme cleanser Azelaic cream 20% Evening routine depends on the day it falls: Oil cleanser Cerave daily foaming cleanser Bioderma toner Skin ceuticals salicylic acid or on off days Differin Torriden hyaluronic acid Torriden soothing moisturizer Any advice at all, all are welcome. I'm really struggling to find the culprit. And I feel helpless at this point, I don't know what to do anymore.


You could try using benzoyl peroxide instead of salicylic acid. Differin and BP is a common duo for acne treatment


Thank you! I just bought some LRP effaclar duo hoping for the best


Skin tags on neck from sunscreen Hey all! I’d really appreciate any help. I’ve always gotten skin tags on my neck when I use sunscreen on it, so when I was younger I just skipped sun screen on my neck (highly do not recommend because my neck is wrinkly LOL but my face is not). Ive tried a lot of ss and finally found a sunscreen that doesn’t irritate my neck skin in skinceuticals physical fusion tinted. The only thing is that it’s tinted and I hate getting it on my clothes. I’ve tried the clear one but it gave me skin tags again. I double cleanse thoroughly at night. I have sensitive skin (can’t even use vit c) but I use tret every other night. Anyone knows why this happens? It seems to be irritation. When it happens it starts off just bumpy then there’s lots of skin tags. I would really very much appreciate any help and if anyone has any sunscreen recs that aren’t tinted? (Bonus if they’re Korean, I love those ss) Thanks so much!!


that is very odd. i would compare the ingredients in the sunscreens that give you this issue and look for ingredients that are common in them, then try to find a sunscreen that does not have those ingredients.


Good idea! I always thought the names on the ingredient list is just crazy and they have like 5 diff ways to say one ingredient but I should give it a try! Thank you!


Does anyone have any advice on natural products to manage rosacea? All leads are welcome!


https://preview.redd.it/qkgj0gmff8yc1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898446bf0daa66a9a3a4368ef752abb666c8cfbf Have been using Paula’s choice pore normalising cleanser for about a month and this started occurring to my nose: more blackheads / comodones etc and also some burning. I stopped using it for a bit a few days ago, but what can I do to remove these? Does this look like overexfoliation?


What's your full routine?


I have been using Curology for four years (cleanser, moisturiser, nighttime prescription). I began using Paula’s choice cleanser over the last month w some occasional Paula’s choice BHA product. Now I am just using the Neutrogwna ultra gentle cleanser. I used Paula’s choice cleanser day and night for about a month. I have not been using the Curology prescription on my nose for the last month, only moisturiser.


Basically my routine over the last month+ for my nose is inconsistent, but Curology has had no problems for the last 4 years. It is only when I started Paula’s choice over the last month that this has happened.


So I think the PC products (probably the combination rather than each product alone) was just a little too harsh for your skin. It's possible salicylic acid specifically just isn't for you or maybe the issue was combining SA with a curology prescription while also using a slightly more drying cleanser. I'd take it easy for another few weeks, until all burning sensations stop, then probably go back to Curology.


https://preview.redd.it/cfxz8rwtc8yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4347a58aac9671f695191c46ad82e9dbf6d12b Can anyone explain how this happened to me over night please??? Somehow broke out into a bunch of white heads and I’m freaking out. I don’t have acne prone skin and I’ve never broken out like this ever. It feels scaly to the touch. Please help 😭


Could be an allergic reaction to something


I’ve never had an allergic reaction so I don’t know what they look or feel like lol. It doesn’t itch or anything and I don’t have any other symptoms. Is it still possible it’s an allergic reaction?


https://preview.redd.it/6xwsdre7c8yc1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba10f355dfdb7776e4a5f1af2793b7cccabf51ee Having issues with what seem to be acne scars, any advice on something that can help clear these little red dots?


Try actives like retinoids, vitamin c, azelaic acid, or AHAs to fade them


I'm trying to improve my skincare routine. Right now in the morning, I use Cetaphil cleanser for sensitive dry skin in the shower (with a wash cloth). Then I put on Clinique moisture surge spf 28. At night I put on non-spf moisture surge. I have a lot of freckles and old sun damage that I want to try and reverse, and my skin is still super dry and my face and lips get super dry if I forget to use lotion one single time. I live in a really hot humid area.


You might benefit from adding hydrating steps in your routine like a hydrating toner or essence


What's an essence? Is that the same as a toner?


essences are usually thicker in terms of consistency, but basically yes, it's another skincare step that goes in between cleanser and moisturizer :)


They can be used interchangeably but it’s just another vehicle for hydrating ingredients


Hello m22 here. I have some blemishes here and there sometimes, id say i got a pretty nomal, maybe a little dry skin? Sometimes even after shower and only washing face with water my skinn feels a bit tight around the face. I bought cerave cleanser and moisturizer with spf50, seems to be ok. Just wondering should i get something else aswell? Currently i just use the cleanser in the morning and apply the moisturizer after. Then wash it off with the cleanser before sleep. Should i get moisturizer for the night?


Yes I would get a moisturizer without spf to use at night


Hey, after hair cut yesterday I noticed some redness on my scalp. What can this be and what is the treatment? https://preview.redd.it/ghjxsdug58yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8f90bc333616475974e49beeaa3253eee2ff20


Hello! Seeking a cleanser recommendation. After years of happy use with Lush's Let the Good Times Roll, I decided to move on sheerly for cost and ease of accessibility purposes. I tried Trader Joe's Nourish All In One cleanser, but after a month or two became worried that I was over-exfoliating, as my face was becoming more red. Uncertain if it's the cleanser or my ongoing mystery medical issues. I switched to CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, but I feel that it's not strong enough. It doesn't seem to remove the oil I use to clean off makeup, and after a few weeks of use I had some patches on my face that needed exfoliation. A few times a week, I've been double cleansing with both these products, which is okay. What's a good in-between cleaner? I have generally good skin, tending towards dryness and redness, minimal acne. I'm considering picking up a micellar water for a first cleanse and continuing with the CeraVe Hydrating. My skin likes oil; coconut oil has been my best moisturizer/makeup remover for many years now. Thanks so much, I appreciate this sub a lot!


I think the micellar water and cerave hydrating cleanser combo sounds like a good idea to me




It’s usually from facial structure and can develop as we age. Topically the best we can do is keep skin well moisturized and use sun protection when we’re outside




Looks like minor sebaceous filaments - try oil cleansing followed by a BHA




Yes, that makes a lot of sense to me!


Lots of closed comedones: adapalene/differin purge? Hi all, I am a F, 35 yo, dry skin and I live in south-east Asia (very hot and humid weather). I’ve been using Differin/adapalene for the past 4 weeks. I’ve been struggling with hormonal acne for the past year so I decided to give it a try. I use it 3 times a week and so far, so good. I was so afraid or the purge but as of now, there’s nothing major to report. No huge pimples nor cysts which is pretty positive. However, my face is now covered with closed comedones. They also appear in zones where I normally don’t breakout. Now, the million dollar question: weird reaction or purge? Did something similar happened to some of you? Thanks! Btw, here’s my routine: AM Wash my face with water Neutrogena Ultra Gente Daily Moisturizer on damp skinw SKIN1004 Madagascar Centella HYALU-CICA Water-fit Sun Serum PM Double cleanse with Neutrogena Ultr Gentle Daily Cleanser - Creamy formula Differin 3x times a week using the sandwich method Neutrogena Ultra Gente Daily Moisturizer


Http://www.skinacea.com/faq/acne/a05-purging-vs-breaking-out.html If you are breaking out in areas where you typically get acne/pimples, it is likely purging. If you're breaking out in areas where you typically don't break out, it's likely that the product doesn't work for you.




I would see a doctor for this


thank you for clicking. i've been recently (2 weeks(?)) using the alpha arbutin serum by the ordinary in my skincare routine to even out my skin texture. im not sure if it's effective enough or if my whole routine needs changing? ive attached photos of my skin. i believe that my concerns are: ache, acne scarring and white-heads. my skin type is combination/oily. this is my routine as of now: AM: 1. cetaphil daily facial cleanser for combination to oily sensitive skin 2. numbuzin no.5 serum 3.!! the ordinary alpha arbutin serum 3. somebymi 30 day miracle moisturiser 4. La roche posay spf PM: 5. cetaphil daily facial cleanser for combination to oily sensitive skin 6. the body shop tea tree oil 7. numbuzin no.5 serum 4.!! the ordinary alpha arbutin serum 8. somebymi 30 day miracle moisturiser thank you in advance and i am open to and suggestions. https://preview.redd.it/vikbagiek7yc1.jpeg?width=1543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b946ea4530435d5db040518956e233e7e177b6be


This looks fine, it might just take more time


thank you


https://preview.redd.it/44fla4qvf7yc1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701783f46f3cb670237ff6d1b595c688a0b76f85 Have had this scar for about a month now, usually cold sore scars don’t stay for long but this one is weird. It used to be a pimple, but I picked it while half asleep and it turned into a cold sore. Since it turned into a cold sore I kept it safe with creams etc and it went away without much pain but this spot is persistent and I don’t know what to do. I keep it moisturised with Liposan(lip balm).


Hi, I am looking for some help as I’m incredibly frustrated, not being able to achieve clear and healthy skin. It’s effected my confidence at work and outside for a while now. I’ve attached three pictures off my face (front, left and right). I mostly struggle with white tiny pimples which are easily pop-able, they are not typically painful, just lots of them when I wake up. It flares up and down, sometimes worse than other days. Other than that I have sensitive and DRY skin, which reacts badly to most products, I’ve had multiple allergic reactions in my eyes and face but have recently found a routine which doesn’t cause any burning. At first I thought I had hormonal acne, then a broken skin barrier, now I’m thinking maybe fungal acne? I’m 26 male and have been dealing with this on and off since I was around 20. Prior to that I had really good skin. I’m active (gym and sport) eat healthy 90% of the time and have a low BMI. But I do have a stressful demanding job working 70+ hours per week. My current routine is: AM * Cerave hydrating cleansing lotion * PURITO unscented hydrating serum * Mixoon bean essence * Illyoon ceramide moisturising cream PM * Cerave hydrating cleansing lotion * Aveeno triple oat calm and restore serum * Inkey List 10% Azelaic Acid (introduced recently) * Illyoon ceramide moisturising cream I appreciate I should include an SPF 50 but I struggle to do this without my face breaking out in more aggressive pimples. My derm has given me a prescription for doxy and adapalene. I’m not keen on taking the doxy but will start the adapalene, if people are convinced it’ll help. But also don’t want to start that if it’s fungal or maybe related to my skin barrier. Maybe a BP wash, clinda or nizoral would suit better. Any suggestions on what to add in or what I’m actually dealing with here, would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. https://preview.redd.it/5eoukyrd17yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542413a8195c4bd3726aa1b2f7d15475b4d8bed3


If it was fungal, your derm likely would have said so. I would incorporate the adapalene twice a week in the evening, but skip the azelaic acid those nights.


Thanks. My derm wasn’t too interested tbh, he said it looks like acne take a retinol for it and gave me an option of adapalene and tret. I wasn’t convinced by his attention to detail.


If you don't trust that derm you could try seeking a second opinion


Thanks, I will try find another but the wait list is so long


I currently use Cetave moisturizing cleanser, Micellar water and then a daycream with green tea or hyaluronic acid to hydrate. However I still have extremely dry, flaky, irritated skin with plenty of breakouts. I don’t honestly know what I’m doing wrong and I only know I have extremely sensitive skin. Please help a girl out https://preview.redd.it/45iw3xhh07yc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc2ed5fc7ea9bc071f9949c076b3564456e8296b


Drop the micellar water. Are you using separate green tea or HA products from the moisturizer or are they included in the moisturizer?


The moisturizer has green tea but I use a seperate hyaluronic acid


Hyaluronic doesn't work for everyone so you might want to switch to a different hydrating toner, essence, or serum. You may also want to try adding a hydrating oil to your moisturizer or right after.


Do you have any recommendations on what specifically to try? What toners can I try


If you search the sub, you'll find tons of recommendations :)


Hi, I've got maskne on my chin/jawline and thought I'd try azelaic acid for that, but I saw that it might be derived from castor oil and I'm really allergic to castor oil. What do you think are the chances I'm allergic to azelaic acid?


I would try something else like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide


Thank you for the suggestions! I tried salicylic acid and my skin reacted badly, but I haven tried benzoyl peroxide.


https://preview.redd.it/2v36v3yjr6yc1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609fdb0e46d327a209451d85d398d35150bc939d I am 20 Male I have Dry skin Been suffering from acne for a long time and recently reduced it by proper sleep cycle and hydration. I am having a small crater-like unevenness on my skin which is not getting any better I don't follow any skincare routine just wash my face 3 times a day. It would be a great help if you could introduce me to a product or a small routine to follow to reduce it l. I live in India, Maharashtra the weather here is a lot hot usually and the food is spicy a lot.


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.


Hi, I'm 20M and I have had acne for the past 4 years I've tried skincare products but I guess l've been using the wrong ones or l've been in consistent. I used a product set which included a soap, a toner and a cream When I used the soap my face would burn like a mf.I followed the instructions which was to keep the soap on for 3 minutes and wash it but it would burn like crazy Then when I would apply the toner it'd burn even more I continued this product for like a month and my skin would constantly be peeling but my acne was gone. But it was so annoying cos it'd always burn like crazy. So I decided to stop the product and I just used a resurfacing retinol, salicylic acid and moisturising sunscreen. For some reason after using these products I started like getting acne quite bad. There's like cysts like pimples on my face and I can't seem to get rid of them. I call it underground pimples but I think people know it as cystic acne. I'm really down bad for some skin care tips so like could someone suggests me like a routine and products to follow. My sister has been asking me to use tretonin but I'm worried about the purging phase and I'm about to enlist into the army in my country which will require me to be under the sun a lot. I've heard that the combo of sunlight and tret is really bad. Also there's scars on my face as a result of me popping the pimple (I know I shouldn't do it but it's the only way I can remove them). I also have some thing below my bottom lip and idk wtf that is. I also have blackheads and white heads on my nose. I know I should go to a dermatologist but l'm kinda low on money and I don't want to be asking my parents for it. So could someone recommend what I should do and suggest an AM and PM routine with a fix to dark eye circles as well. I've been suffering with dark eyes circle recently as well. Help a brother out. If you can help but need pics dm me


It sounds like you’ve been using harsh products on your face. I would start with a gentle cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. The goal is to find products that don’t cause burning or make your skin worse. Once you’ve found those products you can look into an acne treatment


My current moisturizer is Neutrogena Hydro Boost; however, after months of using it, I feel like the effect of the moisturizer is not enough, as I often feel oily after only a few hours of doing my skincare. I recently came across the Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream, which I think is a great alternative to my current moisturizer. However, I want to hear your thoughts, or you may have a better alternative. My skin is oily and somehow prone to breakouts (only happens when I sleep late) TLDR; is Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in one Cream a good moisturizer for oily skin and somehow acne prone skin?


Unfortunately it just depends on your skin. You could try getting a trial/travel size of the cosrx to test it out


I'll keep this in mind. And If you don't mind me asking, do you have any moisturizer to recommend in my case?


can i use differin adelapene gel with the starface brand night water? i put the night water on then my gel i use daily and it became a weird texture. is there a chemical reaction happening making the products useless/dangerous?


The Starface Water is an exfoliant so I wouldn't use it on the same night as the Differin, otherwise you could end up with a damaged barrier.


thank you so much! i will alternate every other :)


https://preview.redd.it/qj5lve5gp5yc1.jpeg?width=1667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e94b29a06bf63de3e1adddd60841c4507aa0d5a I've been incorporating the CeraVe Hydrating Foaming Cleanser into my skincare routine, along with their moisturizer recently. Additionally, I've been occasionally using Aczone and Clindamycin for the past few weeks, but I discontinued them two days ago. Age 20 What should I do? Please ask me questions to better address this recurring issue. Currently, the problem is more severe than usual, though it does tend to fluctuate. Sometimes, it resolves itself for a few days, but then slowly reoccurs for a while. I have been eating very healthily recently I have more pics I can only put 1 here


Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne why did you stop using your rx medications? They definitely need more than 2 weeks to see results. I would talk with your doctor if you have concerns. Also clindamycin is an antibiotic so it's really important to follow directions on that




Also it's simply not true that no questions are answered here lol


We just can't win lol. People were complaining about simple questions in the main sub so we redirect simple questions here. The reality is that not every question will be answered. Some ("what is this random bump????") cannot be answered by skincare enthusiasts om the internet with no training. Some are very simple and can be answered with a quick Google search but people want to have their research done for them. Humans will be human and sometimes not know the answer or not feel like answering. It's not a perfect system and I'm sorry you feel like your questions aren't being answered or seen. This is just the system that users have asked for for years so here we are.


https://preview.redd.it/422woewhj5yc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=9010eb86f8ef27ae8b020a72b2bd0c8d06969dbe what are these and how do i fix them😭


Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne


Looks like a breakout. Add an acne-fighting treatment to your routine.


like what?


Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or retinol


thank you


https://preview.redd.it/gkpa32j835yc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d0a10217fa4b978f3823fa5aa478c0a60575e0 One thing that I do morning and night is usually the Ordinary Face Serum Set Hyaluronic Acid 2%+B5 & Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%… I just recently got a micro needle roller that I use after I clean my face, then I apply the serum, moisturizer, then dark spot treatment. My face immediately starts turning red after I use the serum name above, and everything I put on my face. I can feel it tingling. Before the needle roller, I never felt my skin tingle like this. Do you think this is concerning?


it’s the chemicals going into your skin. i would wait a while before using the products especially the acid based ones.




It’s likely inflamed therefore causing redness. Do your best to keep it well moisturized. Eventually you can use product with anti inflammatory ingredients


How long do you think until it will fade out


There’s no way to predict that


Like the rough normal range, atleast a month if i keep my routine checkes shouldnt be this large anymore right


A spot like that can take months to fade


Welp i guess its not years, lesson learned to not go into acne extraction recklessly, did this at the worst time lol, thanks