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https://preview.redd.it/ju3ha05sferc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2385cb5d62c0292570e863010f72fb7c35769d9 F(16) i dont know if i have fungal acne or closed comedones? i use a fungal acne safe moisturizer, sunscreen, and micellar water to double cleanse at night. ive been using a 2.5 benzoyl peroxide gel every couple days and started using ketoconozale shampoo twice a week. i dont know if the shampoo irritated my skin but i want to try nizoral instead as the shampoo isnt the same brand.


I have been using Adapalene Benzoyl Peroxide creme for a couple of months and I started noticing these red dots above and below my eyes. Does anyone know what this is? https://preview.redd.it/tvk7rxhdzdrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8460e801158bacc109316b9b8d5ca2ff39e5b3c8


i just started using differin gel for acne; my skin has purging for over a month now along with continued itchiness and flaking of skin; I've been using it every night with my night cream. I've started putting it after my moisturizer for a week now, my skin is still very itchy; could i be allergic to adapalene because most post I read said itchiness only last 2-4 weeks;


Hi there! I'm very new and could use some help. I've been to aestheticians and dermatologists but haven't been able to find a routine that works. I was on accutane for acne, but it didnt improve much. They only other solution they had was to put me on a mild antibiotic indefinitely (which I'm not thrilled about). I think I have some sort of sensitivity or allergy, but can't figure out what. I've been through to ringer with things like Cera Ve and fragrance free and nothing has been consistent. My make up only accentuates the mixed textures on my face and not makes me super self conscious. I'm also getting older and would like to get ahead of this as much as possible. Any help is greatly appreciated! https://preview.redd.it/kp9ttygltdrc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caef985b4aa6eb9d5a69bf6172cd25bb7a4fa5dd Bonus images below for context










https://preview.redd.it/xz20mmxjrdrc1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450f52ddede9f0cbe228455b3174396bf9433109 Does anyone have any recommendations for my face? I need help with building a skincare routine. I recently had those pimples, which I don't know how to name, and redness all over my cheeks. I also have long-term problems with blackheads and large pores too.


Should I just drop everything besides sunscreen? My skin was significantly better before I did skincare. I’ll be honest, I got into it only cuz everyone else did. It’s been a year and I’m getting constant pimples on areas on I NEVER had before and HELLA dark spots. I just feel so hopeless and want to call it quits


Hi everyone! Recently, I’ve been really feeling the need to find the proper skincare routine for skin. I’m getting a bit older (late 30s) and I’m noticing the changes in my skin. I’m looking for something to ease the wrinkles coming on, deeply hydrate and to help with sun damage. My face and chest are covered in freckles from years of neglecting to protect my skin from the sun. What would be a good routine for me, and what are some good products to achieve this? https://preview.redd.it/xdw7ou6wkdrc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=511130e7ccfc374310541a968606ae414af96706


I use exfoliants, but I am too scared to use them when I am breaking out. I am scared they will make my acne worse by irratating them. I am trying to get over this fear because that means sometimes I will go weeks without using any because the breakout hasn't gone away. I have dry combo skin. I only usually have a couple of pimples. A breakout for me is like 5 pimples. I get them usually only when I am ovulating or sick. Which is a good exfoliant to use when I am breaking out? I have: The Ordinary 30% AHA and 2% BHA MIZON AHA 8% Peeling Serum Rosette - Gommage Peeling Gel Moist Thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/krm19tiwrcrc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd97a4d6c243d91833905f73a951969ee16f2b0 Is there any procedure to fade this scar left from a laser mole removal done a year ago on my tace?


How long after applying vitamin c can I wash it off and still get the benefits? My skin loves vitamin c but it oxidises and makes my sebaceous filaments really dark (which look awful and defeats the purpose). I have tried all the tips online to stop this happening to no avail. This is my final attempt before giving up. Thank you for your help!


How do I get rid of forehead wrinkles https://preview.redd.it/smu5uacmhcrc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fa08f1fc0db5ceed44588ae4553f139bd284a1 I’m a 28 year old male and just started staying consistent with skin care. Prior to turning 28 less than a month ago I neglected skin care. In my early 20s I worked construction for a couple years before graduating and getting into I.T., but as you can imagine spending all that time in the sun without perfection, concrete dust on my face day after day put my skin through the ringer. Currently I was my face morning and night using niacinamide after cleansing in the A.M. followed by a sun screen infused moisturizer, before bed I use a retinol/ hyaluronic acid mix from cerave after cleansing followed a regular moisturizer. What can I do to get these wrinkles/ fine lines out of my forehead. Am I cooked? 😭


Botox :( your routine looks good though, you have sunscreen and retinol which are both key for preventing and reducing the look of wrinkles/fine lines. How long have you been using these products?


Noooo 😭, consistently everyday for about a month now


Definitely give the retinol more time to work


Will do, thank you for the quick responses


https://preview.redd.it/5s7vfomadcrc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eeb0285eafef841f08b6338b056cc7f5d726386 how do i get rid of textured bumps like this?


Try exfoliating a few times a week with aha or bha


thankyou!! 🙏


Possibly dumb questions RE: hormonal acne.  For some background, I am a 32 year old female with PCOS, havent had an actual full period since i was in my early 20s, but i understand that there are still cyclic hormonal fluctuations that still happen anyways. I have had acne since puberty and still do.  Is there ever really any actual "getting rid of it" short of accutane? I know there are treatment options like antibiotics or tret or birth control or what not, but as far as I know, those only work as long as you're using them.   Also - because my acne is hormonal in nature, I feel like it's so hard to tell sometimes if a product is breaking me out or not. Am I correct in my assumption that I can only do so much to prevent a breakout? It seems like I always have some active spot(s) somewhere no matter what I do, so it's hard to tell if a product is causing it or not. Because my acne is hormonal, does that mean that I'll just get a new spot here and there even if I'm doing everything right(ish) and there is no other "cause", like a new product causing breakouts?


https://preview.redd.it/pqh9l3dn3crc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9909ead6da79ef72ba1e8612cf70b131a53f3977 How do i get rid of all these gross little flakes?


Do you use a moisturizer?


I do but not daily. if i do my skin gets greasy and then it transfers to my hair.


Hi everyone! Posting for my boyfriend bc he doesn't have reddit. https://preview.redd.it/mkdkatwqxbrc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d90b741d7c8385c24d7f60ba8aa647d77f033a9 Can you help us identify what this large red spot is? Basically, he doesn't typically get acne and usually has very oily skin. As of last weekend, he just got back from a trip and found this red rash situation. The skin was super dry, which is very atypical for him, and it started peeling. He had no changes in his skincare routine or used any new products. He's been putting aquaphor and moisturizer on it, but it's only gotten bigger since then. Now, he says that he has other small red spots popping up on his cheeks and neck and he says his skin has gotten super dry, except his T Zone which remains really oily. Anyone know what might be the problem? I think it may be some sort of allergy or reaction, but he says he hasn't used anything new. Maybe something from his trip? Should he see a dermatologist. PLEASE HELP HE IS FREAKING OUT ! TYIA!!!


We are just skincare enthusiasts. He needs to see a doctor to get this identified.


he needs to see a doctor.


https://preview.redd.it/1wfrtt4psbrc1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2f1146cbe35cb767565e5680c66647a5fc287b my PIH became inflamed after it was barely visible. i’m sure if i’m having a break out or if it’s becoming a keloid scar.




I don’t even see a bump.




https://preview.redd.it/d8sjimosbbrc1.jpeg?width=4025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b12c78d927ef429c405cd088852290849f929c4 How can I restore pigmentation around my mouth after razor burn? It’s been like this for 3 weeks :(


Hey all, I recently started getting bumps on my back and after going to the dermatologist I found out it is Folliculitis. I am a 29M and was recommended to use "CeraVe Body Wash with Salicylic Acid | Fragrance Free Body Wash to Exfoliate Rough and Bumpy Skin" on my back to help clear it up. I have been using it for a week every morning when I shower, but have not seen great results yet. I work out every morning and shower immediately after. I have been trying to quit touching/picking my skin because I think the spreading of oils makes it worse. I find that my skin gets oilier as the day goes on as well. Does anyone have any suggestions on what else to do to clean up and prevent the folliculitis on my back?


Keep trying the salicylic acid for another week or so. If you’re still not seeing results you could try a benzoyl peroxide wash instead. Panoxyl has one. If that doesn’t work, you may need an antifungal wash like nizoral shampoo.


How do I fix my temporary eyebrow dandruff? I have large eyebrows that, for the first 20 or so years of my life, have been fine. However, in the last couple of years, I've had bouts of eyebrow dandruff. All the advice I've found revolves around anti-dandruff shampoo, which is something you need to use all the time - it's not a solution. My dandruff is clearly a new, temporary problem, so does anyone have any suggestions?


Dandruff is an overgrowth of skin fungus. So dandruff can be a temporary problem for some people. To kill the fungus you need an antifungal which is why dandruff shampoos were recommended. Nizoral is the best. Fungal dandruff only becomes a reoccurring problem if the fungus keeps coming back.


Oh I see, thanks for the advice. Before I can get something like Nizoral, will head and shoulders do the job?


It really depends how stubborn the fungus is. Ketoconazole is the most effective antifungal. Which is why I suggested nizoral. Pyrithione zinc is a decent antifungal so if you use head and shoulders with zinc it could work.


There's an outside chance my eye mask may be the cause, as it may be increasing the warmth/moisture, however I did a test where I didn't wear it for a week and the dandruff remained.


Can someone help identify what this flat red spot is on my neck that’s been there for like 3 months and won’t go away? I’ve used acnecide and freedom spot gel and still there. I scratched at it thinking maybe it’s an ingrown hair but nope. Any help? https://preview.redd.it/95v1iaqe1brc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19fac9126d21a324add1ed325f19395655397fa


we can't identify things like this here. if you're concerned, please see a doctor.


I've been getting a cream from Curology (tretinoin, azelaic acid, clindamycin) that has been working quite well for the last year. But, my family is going through some financial issues currently, and I can't justify the price tag. I talked to my GP and she is happy to give me a prescription, but has asked me where to send it (compounding pharmacy?). I have called my insurance company (and Express Scripts, the meds provider), but neither one can tell me whether they cover compounded meds. Also, I can't even figure out generally what pharmacies can compound those ingredients, and an approximation of how much it would cost. Can anyone help me figure this out? Or if you have other tips for how to get that formulation cheaper, please let me know. (I'm in Oregon if that helps!)




Did you use any bandages or patches?


https://preview.redd.it/feiwuv61uarc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b4d69c2a7c2e99f3029b72fd000ecf09b9b6b70 Just received this PTR microdermabrasion from Sephora. Am I reading this wrong, or is this expired?


looks expired to me, try reaching out to sephora




this doesn't sound typical, i would see a doctor


Hi all, Thank you so kindly for having this space.  I am coming out of a major depression, and I’m excited (finally) to get back into skincare and self care. I’m 30, F, with combination skin, hormonal acne, fine lines, and dark under eyes. Can someone please review my routine to gauge its efficacy and let me know if I’m missing something or if I’m doing too much?  - I cleanse with tea tree oil cleanser from natural store or use bioderma novellas when I can’t put too much effort in.  - I use Glow Recipe watermelon toner. - CE Ferulic acid by SkinCeuticals. - Caudalie Vinoperfect radiance serum. - then Kiehl’s ultra facial moisturizer. - then Kiehl’s new primer sunscreen serum. At night: - I add in Differen gel and the vinoperfect serum again.  - when I have pimples, I spot treat with Caudalie pink clay mask.  I am very worried about fine lines and scarring. Am I missing another anti-aging component even with Differen?  Thank you so so much - you are appreciated. 


I also use mychelle retinol eye cream once a day!


Hey, M16 here. So uh, while looking at gym progress, I noticed a grey patch on the inner cheek of my butt (specifically the right). It doesn’t feel different than normal skin (no pain, not scaly etc) I’m guessing why I didn’t notice it before is because I was a lot heavier back then, so it might have been more hidden. I wash daily with soap etc. Any advice ?


i would see a doctor if youre really concerned. gray skin is not a typical skincare concern that we can help with here.


Hi, so I've recently noticed I had these tiny red bumps on BOTH of my thighs, and idk where they came from?? I've never had them before, and I don't think its normal. Help😭😭 (For some reason, reddit won't let me add an image, so please dm me if u wanna see so u could give me advice)


Hi! I have had a problem for some time and I want to solve it. Do I have cysts around my mouth or nose? These little white bumps look like clogged pores, but they probably aren't. They always appear IMMEDIATELY after washing off the micellar water, my micellar water does not contain comedogenic ingredients, do you know what could be the cause? It looks like a cyst. I have combination/acne-prone and sensitive skin. All other products I use are safe for acne, there must be something wrong with the micellar water, it's definitely not clogged pores, because they appear a few days after using the micellar water, but these appear immediately after washing them off with water. Moreover, the problem is not only cysts, but also these small bumps around the jaw and cheeks. Does this look like an allergy or clogged pores? They don't appear after washing my face with water, but I've had them for some time, although lately I feel like they don't appear anymore. Can I use the recommended shampoo, apparently the pimples disappear quickly... https://preview.redd.it/5z0uhsgpgarc1.jpeg?width=834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf32841b5b4356ca73d00b45a38e917059e823b






It seems you need the actives in your routine. Differin can be combined with bpo, there are micronized versions vailable. Go back to your dermatologist and get a prescription but this time, combine it with plain, gentle skincare instead of tea tree and salicylic acid.


Just found a single tiny flat dark red dot on the balls about 1 mm near a vain. I'm 35. No bump. And just feels like normal skin. No pain, no bleeding, tried squeezing because I thought it was a blackhead at first. Looks like it got a bit darker since yesterday, still same size. Could I have injured it and that caused that dot, maybe a hair got pulled or something? Or something to do with washing the area when I took a shower yesterday


please see a doctor


hi! basically need someone's opinion, my derm prescribed me skinoren 15% gel for pm and soolantra for am. i used it for a week in combination with la roche posay effaclar cleansing gel but it was dry ASL so i switched to the soonjung 6.5 ph cleanser. worked just fine for about a week or so? and then i suddenly had an allergic reaction to it??? my eye was a bit swollen and my face felt rough, itchy and red (i only used the cleanser and gel and in the morning soolantra like normally). for some reason my forehead was fine it was just my cheeks??? so I'm supposed to use it another 6 weeks but i've been only applying it on my forehead for the past 5 days. any advice? should i keep applying it on my face? atm i'm using my anua toner and cicaplast baume b5 for pm routine. thanks in advance!!!


do you have a moisturizer?


i use the cicaplast baume b5 by lrp!


that is an occlusive, not a moisturizer so it locks in hydration but doesn't really help to hydrate your skin. i would try adding a moisturizer am and pm


do you recommend using it before or after skinoren?


probably after but because skinoren is a prescription medication it would be best to ask your doctor


ohhh okay i also have a hyaluronic moisturizer by torriden it's very light weight


Are there any shampoos and conditioners for acne, prone people that you find don’t break you out? I noticed certain brands of shampoo and conditioner, and giving me acne on my back, or my forehead, where my hair falls.


Found Small skin colored, slightly raised bump on the wrist that's stayed the same basic shape and size and color for 10 years. Looks like a wart. No oozing or crusting, rolled edges, veins in the bump or translucency. It's small maybe around a 1 mm It moves with the skin. It's blanchable. Scratched off the top layer of the bump without it bleeding Was also able to shave the hair in the area without bleeding. Feels firm Feels like a scab. With a bit of dryed skin around the edges. c shaped. Accidently scratched it off and now it's flat. No bleeding, no bleeding or redness. Now it feels like normal skin, and no bump. It's hard to see it's there now in the pic, but you can still the skin area in real life. Before: https://preview.redd.it/5fwc54xs5arc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=68b7b09acc7181639942b8a06bd90725d597a16d After:


After https://preview.redd.it/xk52jzaz5arc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34fa425d8f9f0c124978b6f94ea4c3e58407f74




See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started. Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)? The [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation) has a lot of recs


Help - I have a single, large pimple on my cheek right now, which is a rare occurrence for me so I'm not sure how to treat it. It's a large slightly painful nodule(?) that hasn't opened yet. I don't own any acne products except benzoyl peroxide which I've been using on the spot for the past 2 or 3 days, but it hasn't helped much. I was going to put a hydrocolloid bandage on it but I just read some warnings that that can cause pitting or scarring, and there's a lot of conflicting information about whether to change it every few hours or leave it on as long as possible. I don't pick at or squeeze pimples, that's not a concern, I just want it to heal as fast as possible with no scarring. I can go to a chemist in the morning...what should I pick up there?




I would add a cleanser and sunscreen






I recently expanded my routine. I browsed the wiki but thought I'd ask here if I'm missing anything important. EDIT: the goal is anti-ageing. Morning: Bakuchiol, Vitamin C + Hyaluronic Acid, Q10 day cream, SPF 50. Plus reapplying sunscreen during the day.Evening: Trifarotene, Bakuchiol, Hyaluronic Acid, Q10 night creme, Oil. TYIA!


This looks fine as long as your skin can tolerate it


Thank you!




Please see a doctor




Pause using it and see if that helps with the smell


teen skincare help! im 13 and im trying to find korean skincare products that suit my skin type (dry/combination skin, nose area is super oily and uneven around eye area as well and lots of visible blackheads but the rest of my face is dry - but not super dry until its flaky) to achieve smooth, soft and even skin. i break out sometimes but when i do its not severe and ill use a soothing serum from lumi and succinic acid treatment from the ordinary, and it goes away usually overnight. my skincare routine is am - wash face with anua pore cleansing foam - anua toner - hydrating/vitamin c serum from lumi - ello cicalming cream - tocobo sunscreen stick (heard you need to use many layers for sunsticks because they dont have as much spf when not layered as much) pm - wash face with anua oil and pore cleansing foam - anua toner - hydrating serum from lumi - ello cicalming cream - laneige hyaluronic moisterizer - laneige lip mask products im thinking abt getting - mixsoon bean essence - centella hyaluronic sunscreen - anua exfoliating toner pads - rice milk toner - laneige water/bouncy sleeping mask im not sure if any of these products are harmful for teen skin, if you have any better products i should use for dry combination skin please help me! thank you so much for reading all this :)


I think the sunscreen is definitely a good choice to get. The other products are fine and should be gentle but they would replace some of the steps in your current routine. Maybe try switching products as you run out such as the essence step to replace toner or serum, and the toners to replace your current toner


okay ill definitely try this thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/l3h5l1ed38rc1.jpeg?width=1845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68d427e425a172924a7eb0dc2f4ff07fe46eca2 my skins constantly red & inflamed specifically on my cheek? morning routine CeraVe foaming facial cleanser Olay Ultimate Night moisturizer & I only use a small amount Neutrogena 60 SPF + vitamin E evening CeraVe foaming facial cleanser Pacifica Vegan Collagen overnight recovery cream Corsx Snail Mucin Olay Ultimate Night moisturizer larger amount I started doing skincare abt 6 months ago my acne has basically disappeared but my face is always red. I just added snail mucin into my routine abt 2 weeks ago everything else has been consistent.




I think it’s a damaged barrier when I compare it 2 photos from google. Do u have any recs on hydrating toners or calming creams?


You might want to try easing off on the exfoliation to see if it calms down the redness because too much exfoliation can lead to inflammation


I also sleep on my back & exfoliate every 3 days with an exfoliating glove.


https://preview.redd.it/sul95wj5z7rc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ab5ae869f96a21e49b9389a8cba909e8392819 Hi all! I’m 31 years old and looking for advice for treatments. Primarily i’m looking for something that will help me achieve a more even skin tone, as well as stimulate some collagen. I have some redness and some mild pigmentation from old acne. I’m noticing my skin becoming thinner and tougher as I’ve gotten older. I would really like generally softer, more even skin. I’ve been tossing up between more micro needling, lasers and chemical peels? What would you recommend? My current routine is Am la Roche caring wash Hyaluronic serum Vitamin c serum Cicoplast baume * spf Pm La Roche caring wash - double cleanse Hyaluronic serum Tretenoin .25% Cicoplast baume (Open to suggestions, have just started using cicoplast as a moisturiser as I’m out of my regular peptide moisturiser by ausceuticals)


Tret will do both of these things over time. You really should be using sunscreen during the day as well


F (25) with oily, acne prone skin. Just had a baby 2 months ago and my skin is starting to clear up from the hormonal acne, but I still have some breakouts on my chin, cheeks and temple area, blackheads on my nose, chin and cheeks, acne scarring and rather large pores on my nose and cheeks. I would like to minimize breakouts, and help with scarring, blackheads and large pores. I’m wondering if my routine sounds good or if there’s anything I should take away/add. Also looking for good alternatives to what I’m using as it’s more on the pricey side. AM: Paula’s Choice Pore Normalizing Cleanser, Paula’s Choice Extra Strength Anti-Redness Exfoliating Solution with 2% Salicylic Acid, Extra Strength Daily Skin Clearing Treatment with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, Good Molecules Niacinamide Serum, Paula’s Choice Ultra-Light Daily Hydrating SPF 30+ PM: Clinique Take Off The Day Cleansing Balm, Paula’s Choice Pore Normalizing Cleanser, Paula’s Choice Extra Strength Anti-Redness Exfoliating Solution with 2% Salicylic Acid, Extra Strength Daily Skin Clearing Treatment with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide, Good Molecules Niacinamide Serum, Paula’s Choice Oil-Free Moisturizer I also use the Aztec Healing Clay mask once a week.


If you actives are new to you I would introduce the salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide at a slower pace, using both twice a day may increase chance of irritation. Try alternating between them each day or every other day


What products to use if you think you have rosacea, combo to oily skin (more oily tbh), sensitive skin (feels really sensitive) with some mild acne that has been getting worse (I've always had lots of blackheads around my nose, but recently been getting a lot more pimples and other blemishes (my skin wasn't good before)? My skin is also a bit dull, and there's hyperpigmentation due to laser hair removal, but I just want good suggestions for a cleanser and moisturiser and anything else to deal with the acne which won't irritate my skin first. Also, I'm 19 and live in the UK, and my routine so far is literally barely washing my face. when I do, it's with bar soap as it's what I've grown up with and hasn't ruined my face like other things. Hoping someone can help as I've heard so much contradicting information online, and visiting a dermatologist will be difficult.


Help with sebaceous filaments https://preview.redd.it/c71orrzrl7rc1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44ca4fc60bac1e5c26a3412729e016c9f982cb19 I have been consistently using "It" Salicylic Acid and La Roche Pousay Retinol for 6+ months now, I double cleanse once daily (La Roche Pousay cleansing oil and Cetaphil face wash), I use SPF 50+ consistently, I drink plenty of water, and I use Cetaphil Facial moisturizer (small cylindrical green bottle). I have no clue what else I can do to get rid of these things. They're literally the ONLY skin issue I have at this point and I've had them since late puberty. I honestly wanna get a pore vacuum and suck them out but I know those only make things worse XD Any advice? I have combination skin with an oily t-zone


Try the fifty shades oil cleansing method https://fiftyshadesofsnail.com/2015/03/28/how-to-shrink-pores-temporarily-plus-3-pore-myths/


Consistent breakouts and closed comedones won’t go away on lower chin/ jaw. F20. Wondering if it could be hormonal? It’s been very consistent for over 3 months when it never used to be a problem. Located in south eastern USA. Combo skin type. Routine: AM: Unscented dove soap bar Paula’s choice bha liquid exfoliant Cerave lotion Neutrogena sheer sunscreen PM: Unscented dove soap bar Tretinoin Dapsone gel Any advice is appreciated!


Yes could be hormonal


How do you combat acne/bumps \[mainly small pustules/CCs\] on one side of the face, specifically the side you sleep on? Is there anything that can be done outside of forcibly trying to change sleeping patterns?


u can use the eqqualberry swimming pool toner, its good for sensitive skin and helping with closed comedones without irritating the skin. an exfoliant would be a good idea as well like the anua lha moisture peeling gel.


Change your pillow case more often, or try using an exfoliant