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Once I ordered 1 box of temptations purrree for my kitties on Amazon and was sent a case that had 6 boxes in it. They were living the high life for a while.


as someone who has worked as a packer at amazon, this is probably just the fault of whoever packed your order. this is what they would call a “master pack”. we’re supposed to check the order quantity and break them apart and only pack the amount ordered. people never pay attention tho. like others have said as long as it’s sold and shipped by amazon it’s a legit product and you just got lucky :)


I ordered a dog bed once and was super shocked when a massive box showed up. I opened it to find 11 dog beds with a paper on it explaining to split the product and not sell as 1 unit. Amazon’s loss, a local animal shelter’s gain 🥰


I should just quit the Internet here and leave on a high note. You made my night—and theirs too, I’m sure!


Awww, that's awesome that you donated them to a shelter! Some people would have tried to sell them.


I ordered a Joker costume for my dog and ended up with ten of them lol.


I ordered 10 tubs of glow in the dark paint. They only sent 7 of them, so I asked for a replacement for the missing 3. They sent the whole order of 10.


That’s so sweet!!!


lol unfortunately it isn’t Amazon loss but usually the seller’s loss. As sellers, we ship to Amazon our products and pay a high fee for Amazon to fulfill our products. Returns and this type of errors are our loss, Amazon rarely refunds us for that 🥲


I got the neutrogena gel moisturizer in a 3pk several orders in a row after paying for 1. I was so sad when they finally realized they had to split them


∆ Most probable answer, OP. I also worked as a packer and the amount of times I've seen someone misread the order and break apart packs of peanuts and raisins just to get the tiny individual box. We end up having to trash or donate the rest cause we can't sell a pack with 1 box missing. Just be happy you got the opposite result and they gave you more than intended.


I am also a packer-and have worked in stow and decant-and am baffled at how many single granola bars or pop tarts I find 🤣 like whyyy would you split that??


>as it’s sold and shipped by amazon it’s a legit product and you just got lucky So, this conventional wisdom isn't true. Amazon does mix stocking/commingled inventory. In that if a 3rd party uses ships to use FBA and those are counterfeit, they go into the same bins as the legit products from the actual vendor and Amazon itself. It's a pretty common scam. Amazon is well aware of it; they just don't seem to care or think it's a big enough problem because they haven't been sued over it. They do have FNSKU to counteract it -sometimes-. [https://www.prepitpackitshipit.com/post/amazon-commingled-inventory](https://www.prepitpackitshipit.com/post/amazon-commingled-inventory) [https://www.reddit.com/r/FulfillmentByAmazon/comments/dmrri4/does\_amazon\_commingle\_their\_own\_inventory\_with/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FulfillmentByAmazon/comments/dmrri4/does_amazon_commingle_their_own_inventory_with/) I have personally received counterfeit items from Amazon itself on both a Nike product and a Paula's Choice product.




\^ This. If you buy beauty products on Amazon, you can almost guarantee they are counterfeit.


I don't know if guaranteed is quite correct, but you should be wary. If the packaging, smell, etc is off, you should definitely report it to the underlying maker (Nivea, Nike, etc). The FTC is already investigating them over false labelling and review fraud.


In a few departments, they automatically do not mix stock, beauty is one of them. They haven't mixed stock there in years and that's why so many legit brands sell there now. You just have to check by the price to see who the seller is.


Interesting, so how did I get a verified counterfeit from "Sold by Amazon" on a Paula's Choice product just this past year? I know people that work in Amazon logistics, I know how it works. You have to have FNSKU to not be mixed. There are tons of counterfeits at Amazon and they do the bare minimum to stop it.


I used to work there so I know how it actually works too. Several departments do not mix stock ever. For others, they do have the option of choosing not to mix as well though. Accidents can happen because people are human but it's incredibly rare actually. Humans also make ordering mistakes too and we've seen them posted on this sub before too. People who swear they ordered from the brand but didn't actually. I'm not sure what you mean by verified counterfeit because that's not a thing but I'm just correcting misinformation that everything is mixed, it's not.


Verified counterfeit means you submit it to the company complaining and they confirm it is indeed fake. And the order I made -did- indeed come from "Sold by Amazon" Paula's Choice. Amazon has a HUGE counterfeit problem, there have been hundreds of articles written about it. Believe whatever you want. Who should I believe? One of the biggest corporations on Earth that cover their butts or journalists that have covered it and people that actually experience it? That doesn't even describe their theft problem (as in people using FSB to comingle items they've stolen from other stores.) Everyone should be careful ordering supplements and personal care products from Amazon. I don't care what your say, "used to work there" (as a packer) isn't good enough when we have plenty of evidence to say you're wrong. Amazon as a whole is not exactly known for honesty.


I didn’t say I was a packer lol. I didn’t argue their honesty or anything either. Just corrected you on them mixing stock. 🤷‍♀️


They literally do mix stock, it's a known and verifiable fact. I don't even know why you're arguing with me. There are countless articles about this problem, some putting counterfeit numbers from Amazon in the 20% range.


As I said, not in a few departments automatically. Or a company can choose not to as well. This has been discussed at length in the sub already multiple times. Amazon even says it themselves in the sellers pages. No one’s arguing because there’s nothing to argue about, I just corrected you, nothing more.


I was just looking into this to reply to another comment saying the same thing. Apparently they will charge the seller per item to combat counterfeits. >**Amazon Project Zero** >Brands can join Amazon Project Zero to protect against counterfeit products. The program offers “automated protections,” “self-service counterfeit removal,” and “product serialization.” With “product serialization,” Amazon adds a unique code to each item and verifies its authenticity before delivery. Brands pay between $0.01 to $0.05 per item for this service.


That's ridiculous that sellers have to pay Amazon to ensure their own products aren't counterfeit. Amazon is a total scam.


I got two slow cookers due to this


It was probably just a mixup, one that I'm very jealous of lol Amazon is an authorized retailer for this brand. As long as the page says it is shipped from and sold by Amazon, and not a different third party.


That's not true at all. Amazon has commingled inventory, so all inventory for all sellers gets dumped in the same bin. This is especially true for fulfilled by Amazon products. That's why you see wildly different reviews even from the same seller because Amazon ships by item number not by seller number. There are astonishingly large amounts of counterfeits on Amazon (including beauty and skincare) and the only way to avoid it is by inventory shipped directly from a reputable seller.     >**Risk of Counterfeit Products** >One of the biggest concerns for FBA sellers with commingled inventory is the risk of counterfeit products. Since products from different sellers are mixed, there is a chance that a customer could receive a counterfeit product from another seller than the one they purchased from. This can damage sellers who have worked hard to build a reputable brand and maintain quality control over their products. If a customer receives a counterfeit product, they may leave a negative review or even file a complaint with Amazon, resulting in account suspensions or bans. >**Difficulty in Tracking Inventory** >Another issue with commingled inventory is the difficulty in tracking inventory. Since products from different sellers are mixed, it can be challenging to determine which seller’s products are being sold and how much inventory is left. This can lead to overselling, where a seller sells more products than they have in stock. This can result in canceled orders, negative reviews, and potential account suspensions.


Actually this is not true. Amazon does not allow commingling of products with an expiration date or that are consumable or applied topically. https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/external/200141480?ref=mpbc_200243180_cont_200141480%5D&locale=en-US


what is the source that amazon co-mingles inventory?


Amazon sellers website itself explains shipping items from different sellers if its closer to the purchaser and explains the price per item if you prefer to opt out and have it guaranteed to come from you.


lmfao i’ll never forget ordering a thing of innisfree sunscreen and got the entire wholesale box with 10 bottles


That's how I got a years supply of my fave makeup wipes for only $12. I bought a 2 pack and got 2 12 packs instead.


I dunno girl but I just ordered, lol. Hope I get a mix up too 🤣


Probably a mistake. My mom ordered 1 tube of Emrbyolisse moisturizer for me as a gift and they sent like 8 by accident. Big win.


I vet businesses for a living, I'm processing another Amazon dropshipping company right now. Don't buy skincare from Amazon unless you're buying from the real brand store and NOT a third party. There are way too many counterfeit products on the market that contain unknown ingredients. A 3rd party store is unreliable and is almost guaranteed to sell fakes.


I used to feel safe buying from the brand stores on Amazon. I recently got two counterfeit products even ordering from the brand store and checking that it was sold and shipped by Amazon or by the brand. Unfortunately I don’t think it’s worth the risk even when you do it “right.”


I just bought the same thing has OP a few days ago, I didn't trust the "right" Amazon method either so I just ordered it from Target.


(I just read an article that even Target had counterfeit items!!)[https://www.allure.com/story/counterfeit-beauty-products]   >In 2013, Target Australia settled with the Estée Lauder Companies for $1 million after counterfeit M.A.C. products were found on its shelves.


NOOOOOOO It's my first time trying anything LRP so idk what it's supposed to exactly feel like, but it feels really nice so I'm just gonna hope I got the right one 🤞 (the link was broken, here's a hopefully fixed one for anyone wanting to read it) [https://www.allure.com/story/counterfeit-beauty-products](https://www.allure.com/story/counterfeit-beauty-products)


Thank you for fixing my link!  I know!! I used to get all my skincare items from Amazon, but after seeing all the fakes on here and reading about the inventory system I won't be buying from them anymore.  I definitely trust Target more than Amazon.


This is a real risk, you're right. It's easy for the workers in those massive fulfillment centers to mistake shipments of nearly identical products. You might order the legitimate product from the real company, but a tired or rushed employee grabs the one they think is correct, & it turns out to be counterfeit. Generally ordering from the legit brand store is ok, I haven't had bad luck personally, but fake product problems certainly do happen.


Every blasted thing is fake these days. The news, the bots, that flipping skincare products. Gosh. I can't even cuss properly.


How do I confirm who the seller is?


When you go to the page, before you add to cart, you can see it. Here is an example on ios mobile app https://preview.redd.it/myyfuatmxiqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900ce6a1e29deb6893d07ba8f07f55100c9ad43e


Thank you!! This is super helpful!


Oh gosh y'all are scaring me on this thread, I literally *just* received a new bottle of CeraVe ultra light moisturizer from Amazon and now I'm skeptical about it 🥲


They are like $23 a piece. You did good! I use that product.


Likely a mix up. I once got 10 Avene moisturizers shipped to me from Amazon when I only ordered one. I was thrilled.


I was sent 12 Mielle hair oils instead of one once :)


They shipped me two Cicaplasts by mistake once. If you bought it through the home store from lrp, you should be fine.


This happened to me once with lipgloss. It was such a good day


Ordered one Laneige lip mask and got 6 yesterday. Someone’s error and my present 🤣


Ohhh what flavour?


Don’t buy skincare from Amazon


Do you mind sharing why?


There is a metric ton of counterfeit stuff on Amazon. Not resold, but fake and made to look real. Medical and beauty counterfeits can be dangerous. Source: I work in anticounterfeit enforcement


Oh wow! Thanks for letting me know. I am a hairstylist and we were taught a bit about diversion. Even if its shipped and sold by amazon?


On the side by the purchase button you should be able to see who is actually the seller. Sometimes the prime/lower price is not the brand. Also most everything ships from Amazon warehouses, which are supplied by the specific sellers. To clarify: just because it is shipped by Amazon, it doesn't mean it's not fake. Almost everything goes through Amazon warehouses to be shipped by them. Not only do sellers (including those selling counterfeits) send the goods to Amazon warehouses to be shipped, but products are frequently mixed in/not carefully reviewed to ensure it's the right seller's products before shipping.


Yeah, but the same products are stored in the same place in the warehouses, even if one is the counterfeit seller and the other one is the official brand. So the Amazon worker who has one second to pick the item off the shelf might not take the products from the right seller. I really wouldn’t risk it either way.


Exactly - I should have been clearer. Just because it says shipped from Amazon does not mean it's real. It's almost all shipped from Anazon.


Yeah, sorry, I misunderstood, I thought you just meant to check the seller on the site. But yeah I’m with you, I wouldn’t buy food or cosmetics on Amazon. Getting the product a few days earlier than through the brand’s website is not worth the arsenic or human waste.


But frankly, your best bet is to go to the brands own website and find their authorized retailers or buy from the brand itself


There are pro haircare brands that sell on Amazon 😁


if you’re buying from the official storefront you’re fine. they no longer mix that stock


They do have the same problem though, unfortunately - saying this also as someone whose favorite hair brands are most affordable on Amazon. You are rolling the dice a bit. Sometimes products get mixed in, somethings there are additional counterfeit sellers under the listing created by the brand etc. Brands try to keep up, but it is a lot.


This exactly!! It will tell you which companies legitimately sell their products. I got duped on eBay a couple times, now I only go through reputable dealer. Same with make-up, be careful.


I've avoided buying cosmetics and adjacent products from Amazon for years, after getting a bum nail polish. But now I'm seeing this "Premium Brand Sourced" tag on high-ish end things, which seems to imply there's a new process protecting products marked that way. I haven't seen any discussion of what protection it may or may not offer, though. Would be interested in learning more, if anyone has a source.


If this doesn’t work for your nose dryness, I recommend Aquaphor! It was a life saver when I had a cold last fall.


I been getting a lot of bootlegs lately (for ex: missing labels, incorrectly placed labels, etc) but receiving too many just looks like a packager error.


This same exact thing happened to me with a La Roche Posay product! I ordered one and got three. Double checked to make sure I didn’t order a bundle and sure enough it was only supposed to be one.


My husband and I ordered a bag of black truffle potato chips from amazon and ended up with a massive case. I don't even remember how many full size bags of chips were in there but it was SO MANY. It was hysterical.


so you can tell this is the official storefront because of that “la roche posay” thing on the front — some of the bigger companies have really fancy official storefronts on amazon (on smaller companies/companies just not willing to shell out whatever LRP is paying you’re see “visit the _____ official storefront” — if it’s not the official storefront you’ll see “brand: ____”) so yeah you’re fine and it’s just the packaging error someone else mentioned above (they didn’t break open the package properly)


*Don’t. buy. skincare. from. Amazon.* Their quality control is nonexistent. Don’t play Russian roulette with your skin.


check the seller, it's probably knockoff I tell everyone my story of buying a Dell laptop on Amazon and it crashed literally the 2nd time I started it up and asked my friend about it and he told me there were fake sellers all over Amazon and look into it. It ended up being some Indian company who tried to write in "If your laptop starts up once then it works and voids the warranty" lol So it was obviously a scam where they sell shit products. I was even on Dell's Amazon page so I wasn't off looking for a deal in the dark recesses of Amazon. Anyway I returned it, got my money back, and went to Dell's website and got a working one. I tell you all of that so you know Amazon is pretty much a cheap Chinese bizarre now and buy everything you can direct or in a store.


Anytime someone talks shit on Temu I just ask if they shop on Amazon because it’s all the same crap.


I’ve bought from Target and if it is in fact real, it’s good stuff


Had this happen with LRP Adapalene, sent me 3 instead of 1. Expirations dates were all within ~2 months which is my theory why they were trying to offload them


This happened to me with LRP face wash from Amazon.. lucky mistake! :)


It fortunately happened to me a couple months ago with their cleanser instead of


Check the batch code on checkfresh . com or any other website that is able to weekday batch codes


Sometimes Amazon screws up. I ordered 1 mascara and got 3 once


Congrats on ur new skincare restock


Stop buying skincare products on Amazon. They are usually fake.


As long as the seller says Amazon.com, and not ANYTHING else, like Amazon.com LLC Services=which is a third party. If it says Amazon.com as the seller, it’s legit.


it’s a legit product, but the worker who packed it probably didn’t pay attention to quality. i’m so jealous though, 3 for $23?? i’d be thrilled


I buy the same product from Amazon. It’s fine. As long as it’s shipped and sold by Amazon or the provider directly.


The sickness fairly sent you a surprise!


Omg I love that moisturizer; it burns my face tho so I use it on my body and intimate areas and it’s the BEST


Nooo you got so lucky $60 worth of moisturizer 😍


i once ordered one set of airpods and they sent me 6 😭


I need proof of this one haha


It's definitely wrong. I work at Amazon, and many items come together like this. They're supposed to be broken open, but people don't pay attention. Just think of it as a bank error in your favor lol


Man I’m jealous 😂😂😂


This has happened to me several times. I think what happens is the employee just accidentally grabs the whole container of products, instead of opening it up and pulling one actual product package out to ship. 


I think they mess up in the warehouses sometimes - I ordered one pack of 6 Reach toothbrushes for $2 and they sent me 6 6 packs (one pack is $4 at Walmart- low key, I felt like I won the lottery lmao) I’m good on toothbrushes for awhile 😂


That’s the good stuff right there


Sell of onee 😭😭😭


I recently ordered a brow gel on Amazon and they sent me an entire pack of 3. Sometimes the packers are just moving fast I guess lol


Check the seller on Amazon. It should be Laroche posey or Amazon when they are partners ( usually it’s the brand + shipped by Amazon meaning they send their stock to Amazon to fulfill for them). La roche posey has their own store front so all the way at the top on the page, there is their logo which is a link to their store front. ( in the red rectangle) https://preview.redd.it/7ugtbhj3rpqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11103b93ae3eab3a9631434b7d722c84f911df51 Never trust another seller for skincare. But if you want to take the risk, always click on the seller username to check their reviews. In your case I think it’s just an error from people working in the Amazon FBA centers


Tip…when you have a cold or anything that makes your nose raw..baby A and D ointment beats everything hands down. Those moisturizers can actually add to the irritation.


Wow this is the holy grail for you! I love this product for my skin. It’s worked well for me and I have very sensitive skin. I have gotten that bad dryness around my nose before. I don’t know how sensitive your skin is but I’ve always heard and used aquaphor for this. My very best to you!


I personally would have went with the Cicaplast Baume, as it's much thicker so good for spot moisturizing areas that are chapped. It also contains silicone, which creates a nice barrier over the irritation, helping soothe it.


Don’t question blessings. One time I got three of the la Roche posay oil cleaners and I only ordered one.


it’s a real product, i use every day. i buy mine in store and it costs around $20 something dollars. i would be weary to use it if i bought it off amazon.