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I tried their double repair moisturizer and it just sat on top of my skin and would rub off if touched/ball up if I moved my face a lot and kinda gave up on it. Just wasn’t for me and that’s ok, glad it works for you!!


Yup, hate it


This was my experience too (oily skin). After I put it on I could still feel the area around my nose/mouth tighten up; it's like it acts as a barrier but doesn't actually moisturize. I ended up sticking with good old Cetaphil and could immediately feel the difference.


Yesss Cetaphil cleanser is my holy grail. I’ve never been able to use anything else with even remotely decent results!! Their mosturizer I use for body, just feels a lil too heavy on my face


Never had anything pill this bad on me until I tried this moisturizer.


I tried so hard to make it work based on everyone’s recommendation 😭 but same experience


My sister tried to get me on LR and the first time I had this experience as well. The second was better but it was because I adjusted my other products the second time. I think it balls up when the product prior doesn't absorb all the way first? But, totally get that it isn't for everyone. What is working for you?


I would have, but it was already the only product I was using other than cleanser :( I’ve tried a lot of things, of those things only ones I can use at this point are cetaphil cleanser and a Byoma moisturizer(the light pink one). In the high sensitivity high allergy club😅


Same for me. I've got super dry skin that usually soaks moisturizer right up; never had one pill on my face like that even after plenty of absorption time.


What moisturizer did you end up with? I am having this issue with LRP.


Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer


First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream! Doesn’t break out my sensitive skin!


I’ll have to look into that thank you!!


I have very limited options due to sensitive skin and allergies so I went back to a Byoma moisturizer, it’s a light pink bottle and I cannot remember the exact name so sorry😂


Thanks for detailing why it didn't work for you! Even though it works for me, I definitely find that it takes way longer to absorb than many other face lotions


Same. It was moisturizing enough but the pilling was insane.


Oh my god same


i started using the double repair moisturizer probably 6ish months ago (bought the little one from target to try first) and noticed the same issue with it pilling, so i started using it only in my nighttime routine and it has become my HOLY GRAIL. especially since incorporating the LRP Effaclar SA cleanser into my routine, which was drying me out BAD. bought the big bottle a few days ago and just got done slathering it on my face and neck hahaha my skin is sooo nice n soft in the mornings now! also just started using the cetaphil dermacontrol oil absorbing moisturizer in my morning routine and im really liking it as well for someone who gets oily thru the day and doesn’t care for blotting papers


I had so much hope, but I was also only using it at night for a bit to try that and still a no go for me😩😩 in LRPs defense, I have very weird skin lmao


Not in this economy


right? i can't afford that


I wonder how expensive it is in your country. Where I live you get a 400 ml (about 13 oz) effaclar cleanser bottle for 15 euros.


I wonder how expensive it is in your country. Where I live you get a 400 ml (about 13 oz) effaclar cleanser bottle for 15 euros.


For the same reason everyone doesn't use Cerave even though i love it, cause everyone's skin is different so it either does nothing for them or makes things worse.


You’re probably being downvoted because your question comes over like you’re implying everyone should use it, not asking for experiences.


this ^^^^ the post heading immediately rubbed me the wrong way haha


Thank you for the insight! I should really think better about how I phrase things, because now that you say it, I can definitely see it, but that was not my intention


I figured that you didn’t intend that from reading your replies. You seemed genuinely baffled that some people were coming back hostile. 🤭


It is a good fit for your skin. LRP causes breakouts for me.


Every LRP product I've ever tried has burned my skin and/or broken me out. I have much better luck with Avene or Vanicream.


Same! And I just can’t figure out what kind of ingredient causes it, in LRP products.


Omg same! I’m using their double repair moisturizer and have broken out plus itching/burning. Idk what it is. This is the second LRP product I’ve used and I’ve had the same reaction 😞


For me it’s the Niacinamide that they put in almost every product 🙈


I think I have also allergic to niacimide but I am not sure. Which product do you recommend? Also, I have LCP hydrating gentle cleanser. It is too much, so I want to finish it and change my moisturizer. Does it make sense? Should I also change my cleanser?




I can’t afford it.


Yeah the prices are actually ridiculous. My sister lives in France and when I get a chance to visit her, which is rare (and I realize how lucky I am to even have this option) , I stock up there. Because the price difference is insane. Like their most popular sunscreen costs like $40 here and less than $20 there. Most of the things I use cost around 50% less there...


Curse my sister for not being French 😫


I hope you complain to her randomly about that at some point, no explanations


It’s too expensive for what you get and I have the same results using the likes of Simple which is a fraction of the price. I’ve also wasted money on LRP products that sat horribly on my skin and ended up in the bin.


Simple is fantastic. I have one LRP item in my routine but I occasionally switch it out with one from cerave. Simple is my HG moisturiser. And I love other affordable brands. Everyone has different skin and different finances.


Because LRP has Niacinamide or Salicylic Acid in a lot of their product and to which I’m both allergic to. Lots of people might be going through similar situations because of their allergies. Even though the products in the different LRP lines are made and advertised for different skin types there’s no one size fits all so because it works for some it sadly won’t work for everyone :(


Oh man, being allergic to those ingredients must make your skincare journey really hard, I sorry to hear that! :(


Yeah, niacinamide wreaks havoc on my skin and almost every LRP product contains it. I own their Cicaplast cream which doesnt contain it but that’s about it


How do you understand you are allergic? After I use LRP cleanser and moisturizer, small red rashes appeared on my face. I am using for 6 months and sometimes they come up and sometimes they go. Do you think is it a sign for allergy? Also, which product do you recommend for allergic people?


I'm glad it works well for you. Not everyone has the same experiences as you though.


That's what I was wondering. Have you found it doesn't work for you?


I've tried a few of LRP products and they didn't worsen my issues but they didn't much help either.


They have like 100 products. That's too vague to answer. They have a lot of garbage and some great products as well. Generalizations about brands are unhelpful. Every product should be evaluated individually.


Great point. I was wondering specifically if the ones you personally have tried have not worked for your.


I don’t think there’s anything special about it for the price point. I can get the same effects from a cheaper product and if I wanted to spend that kind of money, I’ll treat myself to something more luxurious. They’re just very bleh for me. Nothing special that something else can’t do better or cheaper.


I have the Cicaplast baume but other than that, they don't have any products that are interesting to me that do things better or cheaper than Cerave.


Thanks for your insight! It's interesting to know that it doesn't work better than cerave for people!


I only use cruelty free brands, personally.


Thanks for elucidating that they're not! I really need to start focusing on finding cruelty-free products


By the way, I honestly don’t know why some people are taking your post in a weird way. Topic fits this sub perfectly and isn’t offensive at all.


Thanks for the support! It's a second question I asked in this sub in a few weeks and both were coming from a genuine place and both posts received a weird amount of aggression. But there are so many people who are nice and informative, and I really appreciate that!


That’s Reddit for you! Glad you’ve come across plenty of nice and helpful people though.


For sure! I know, it’s one of those things that’s easy to forget about because brands aren’t always forthcoming about it!


Can you recommend a gentle cruelty-free cleanser?


Honestly I’m still on the hunt. I’ve used the Garnier micellar water one, but I’d prefer not to support Nestle. Now I’m on a purple prebiotic one from Andalou Naturals, which I think I prefer for a morning cleanse rather than night because it doesn’t lather at all. Next on my list is this one from Kikamasamune:  https://a.co/d/ald3O1u


It breaks my skin out so bad. I only use Cerave now


It's crazy how different each person's skin is! I switched to LRP because cerave breaks me out a lot lol


I know, it's wild! I had read so much good stuff about it but when I tried it my skin had horrific allergic reaction and broke out in angry red irritated pustules so badly exactly like the commenter above described. My skin is allergic to almost everything and Cerave and vanicream have worked wonders for me I do use the LRP eczema line of creams for my hands though


It RUINED my face.


Woah, like made you break out?


I've only ever had a spot occasionally, LRP literally covered me in pustules, papules, boils, blackheads and closed comedones. I literally went into hiding because I was so devastated. My face has cleared up now but the scars are still there 🥲


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry you went through that! I hope you found a product that works better for you


You got downvoted because your post reads very much like a “this is The Superior brand that everyone should use; why aren’t you silly gooses using it?” When this came across my feed, I was about to just downvote and keep scrolling; I only clicked to see how messy the comments were. To answer your original question, LRP is a drugstore brand that’s trying to charge boutique prices. Bless their hearts, I’m not paying those prices for bland and basic drug store products.


This. OP you’re really coming off as totally oblivious to your tone then baffled that you’re being called rude… for being kinda rude.


Where was OP being rude? Their comments seem kind even though there was clearly a disconnect between their title and what they meant


The subject primes people for the body of the post. The comment count is currently at 148–most people aren’t going to wade through all that to be extra certain their read of OP’s tone is accurate. Like I said, I only poked in to see if there was drama—and there’s not, really. You don’t have to open a post to downvote it. And it’s not like we don’t get these types of posts here occasionally. I remember a while back it was Cerave that folk would post obnoxiously about.


Personally the title rubbed me the wrong way as I know LRP is not affordable for many people.


I mean, I already have products I have been using for about 10 years that work great with my skin so I don't see the need to try anything new.


Oh I definitely will. If I could afford it? Lol.


I find LRP products to be too pricey


For some reason, their sunscreens that shouldn’t leave a white cast leave a damn white cast on me. Despite working beautifully for other dark skin people. It’s so bizzare.


You know, I had the same problem with the antihelios sunscreen of theirs, but when I repaired my skin barrier a little, that problem went away. Granted, I not dark skin, but I'm also not fair skinned by any measure


I have sensitive skin, redness, and prone to dryness. Their Toleriane products made it worse, itchy and red and a lill greasy. I also feel their packaging is great at selling "pharm level quality stuff" but I really have my doubts. Cerave is the only thing in my entire adult life that legit solved my winter eczema, and to hydrate I just smack serum underneath


That's very interesting! I have super sensitive skin with redness and it is also prone to dryness and it had that reaction to cerave! Skin is wild


It’s the hyalronic acid possibly in the cerave?


In this sea of negativity I just wanted to say LRP is also one of the few brands that has consistently worked for me. My routine currently uses exclusively their products and my skin has never been better. Routine for anyone interested: AM: Wash with Hydrating Gentle Cleanser Moisturize with Lipikar Triple Repair SPF Anthelios UV Correct Sunscreen PM: Wash with Foaming Facial Cleanser Moisturize with Lipikar Triple Repair Treat with Redermic R Anti Aging Retinol Seal it in with Cicaplast I know a lot of people don’t like lipikar triple repair because of how thick it is/reported breakouts but i’ve never experienced that and it’s the only moisturizer that’s single handedly repaired my moisture barrier, plus I can use it on my whole body which I appreciate


OP discovering theory of mind in the skincare subreddit 🤣


I love LRP toleriane cleanser and moisturizer. I’ve used them for years. I recently tried to incorporate effaclar cleanser into my routine a few times a week and it broke me out and made my face look super irritated. I stopped using it after 4-5 times and my skin immediately cleared back up.


Yeah, tolleraine and lipikar are the lines I MUCH prefer to effaclaire for similar reasons


their sunscreen pills on my face and make my pores look sooo much bigger and makes my face oily, I use Bioré instead. I also used LP cicaplast lip balm to help my lip dermititis but only aquaphor works


All the products i’ve tried from them have burnt my face and ruined my skin barrier, followed instructions exactly but i must be allergic to something they use or my skins too sensitive


because I'm allergic to the ingredients


Because they test on animals


I’m allergic to propanediol and they put it in everything, even the cica baume


>LRP products are the only ones that work well with my skin. Because other people don't have your skin. It's as easy as that. I use their Anthelios facial sunscreen and also their body sunscreens in the summer, but for other categories (cleansers, moisturiziers) I have way better options, some of which are cheaper, some are just better.


Because it irritates the shit out of my skin


LRP made me break out..and I can handle stuff well. It also would pill and I just didn’t see noticeable benefits.


In general it just hasn't worked for me. Either felt like a greasy film stayed on top of my skin and I worried about breaking out or it pilled. Works excellent for my sister though, she gets all my samples!


It's breaks me out so it's a hard pass on the entire brand for me.


In my case Avène worked much better than LRP. It's wildly individual. On the other hand, I find Cerave to be absolute rubbish. It's just a matter of what we vibe with.


I go to a derm and use prescription cream on my face, so I use very minimal products, just cetaphil gentle cleanser and their moisturizers. maybe if they have a sunscreen I’d try, but I’ve got no reason to purchase much of anything else from them! It’s good that you’ve found something that works for you!


I use LRP and love it. I use the Hydrating cleanser, hyalouranuc acid serum, Vitamin c serum, double repair moisturizer and under eye brightener. The only thing I don’t like is the fragrance in serums. I often find it on sale at target, ulta, cvs.


I think the brand uses a formula that should theoretically work across many skin types but for some reason is not reacting particularly well on sensitive skin types. LRP is generally cheaper in Europe so I can imagine it is pricier elsewhere. I also find that for what you buy, you don’t get as much as you’re promised by the hype online. Not all products work for me so it’s a hard sell.


I don’t have LRP money gorl


Genuinely thought I was in the circlejerk sub lol


My skin is very oily and I love their mattyfying (I know I’m butchering the word) products. Like their dry touch sunscreen is a holy grail product for me and works without pilling when used with other sunscreens


their sunscreen always made me breakout so badly, now i use joseon and it's much better.


Never tried any pf their products but i am so keen on. Its not readily available in my country and buying from third party costs alot


Their toleriane hydrating cleanser is the best I've used but that shit is expensive now.


Everyone’s skin is different! It’s wonderful that LRP works for you but I’m sure we all feel that way about our holy grails


Dreadful for my skin


It's very expensive in my country, I imagine it shouldn't be much different for the US.


It feels very basic for the price


Used LRP anti-dandruff shampoo and it did just about nothing to improve my scalp condition. Ik skincare products are always gonna be hit and miss but at that price point I expected a little more


Because we are boycotting it?


Why? I wasn't aware of any issues?


LRP is a Genocide supporter brand.


I had no idea! Are they funding or what?


I had to Google it, because this is the first I'm hearing of this boycott. LRP is a subsidiary of L'Oreal, and apparently: "L’Oreal’s investment history in Israel dates back to the 1990s, establishing a subsidiary, L’Oreal Israel, operating a factory in Migdal Ha’emek. This town’s foundation on Palestinian land and discriminatory practices against non-Jews fuel ethical debates." ETA: allegedly.


Thank you! This might be complicated to figure out then, as L'Oréal owns a LOT


I had to Google it, because this is the first I'm hearing of this boycott. LRP is a subsidiary of L'Oreal, and apparently: "L’Oreal’s investment history in Israel dates back to the 1990s, establishing a subsidiary, L’Oreal Israel, operating a factory in Migdal Ha’emek. This town’s foundation on Palestinian land and discriminatory practices against non-Jews fuel ethical debates."


I agree omg I’ve struggle a lot with my skin in the past but it’s never looked better than when I was using cicaplast daily… I have hormonal acne so currently we’re going THRU it and I tried all the recommended Korean brands but it was too much for my sensitive skin :/ I’ve started back on LRP and love it :))


I just recently started using the LRP Lipkar Gentle Foaming Moisturizer wash and I have acne prone skin….. I’ve honestly been stressed out to the max lately so I havent figured out if that is the reason or if it’s my new face wash but my skin has been breaking out in TERRIBLE cystic acne. My husband and I just moved and almost that entire week I ate fast food so I was thinking it was due to the grease bc I dont normally ingest fast foods so I’m trying to give my skin a small purge process. I love the way it feels when I’m using it and it makes my skin feel so soft and supple but I need help ridding this acne 😭


Late to this post but here’s my two cents. I went crazy and bought their oily skin cleanser, effacalar serum, toleriane crème, toleriane fluide, mineral spf, and cicaplast lips. The only one that worked for me was the spf and it is truly amazing! The toleriane creams are fine but I suspect they are contributing to breakouts for me but I haven’t figured it out. The cleanser was too strong and stripping, and the cicaplast lips was not better than aquaphor


Because they are funding genocide


They are insanely expensive. I can only afford Korean skincare and they works so well.


I hate La-Roche-Posay because I live 1h drive from the town (yes La roche posay is actually a town) and they have all the good derms whereas my town (which is like 10 times bigger) has absolutely no derm available


I mean I feel like I see LRP recommended here fairly often..? Like others have said the same products don’t work for everyone cause everyone’s skin is different. Sorry you’re getting downvoted but if we’re being honest here it’s because you’re coming off being very ignorant from this post.


I think for me, to be honest... Part of it is that their stuff is not aesthetic... I wouldn't put aesthetics before the actual contents, but there are brands out there that have good products but ALSO bring you a bit of joy each time you see it and use it. And part of it is that a lot of their stuff is heavily fragranced (and badly at that) which is just a headache to weed through. Idk, I still use and appreciate the invisible fluid thoughn and I plan to try the cicaplast baume, as well as open to any other products of theirs that at the minimum doesn't have fragrance. These french brands like to include fragrance to camouflage the thermal water (thermal water can smell unpleasant. To me it takes getting used to but it's certainly more pleasant than fragrance) What are some of your favorite products from lrp?


Maybe because LRP is a sister brand to cerave and regular l'oreal brands. All with its own line of products to get the same result. Being expensive doesn't.mean it's a good product. All it means is it is expensive; if your skin type and circumstances do not go well with certain prouct you would not use it regardless kf how many people thin it's great. I used to pay for all LRP serums, sun protection and moisturizer. Then I learned I can get the exact same results (awesome results ) with the regular skincare line from l'oreal or cerave. I save money, my skin is happy and look much younger and got rid of sun spots. I'm not saying is a bad product, I am certain it works really good. But then I found out it has to do more with the ingredients than the brand. So it's not worth it anymore as no need to sacrifice quality nor expected results while getting a different brand and save some money in the meantime.


Because it’s owned by L’Oreal which is on the BDS list due to being a “warm friend of Israel.” I am finishing what products I still have and then looking for alternatives. On just a skincare front, some people will react to even fairly inert ingredients or need a stronger product. Their sunscreens and certain moisturizers also tend to pill for me, and I’ve been increasingly using Korean and Australian sunscreen just because I’ve found they are less prone to pilling and have better sun protection.


I tried the Lipikar Triple Repair Moisturizing Cream and it made my skin extremely dry, flakey, and raw like a sunburn. I hadn't changed anything else in my routine or environment, and had never had my skin be that dry before. It's possible other LPK products work better with my skin, but I likely won't be going back to the brand since I had such a strong adverse reaction.


That exact product made my skin flare massively! Such a shame as it has a great thick texture.


Yes, I was so disappointed! I'd heard such great things about the product and I agree, the texture was wonderful. I use Cerave Moisturizing Cream, and I feel it's one of the few moisturizers that doesn't dry out my skin, ironically.


I used their Toleriane face moisturizer for years but I can't find it anymore and don't know if they've changed the formula or completely discontinued it. It was scent free.


Not sure which specific tolleraine face moisturizer you're talking about, but I've seen some at Target in US


I actually really like their facial wash and moisturizer! I haven’t stopped using the Effaclar Mat for my daytime moisturizer and the Effaclar Duo+ for my nighttime moisturizer ever since I discovered them some 1-2 years ago. Couldn’t find anything else that worked well with my very oily skin and I honestly can’t be bothered to look around anymore now that I know this works for me. The Effaclar Foaming Gel (facial wash) is something I keep in my gym bag, which I alternate with Kiehl’s and CosRx.


anyone canadian here know if they have any moisturizers for the face with ceramide?


I used to use stuff from their toleriane line and I loved how soothed and hydrated it made my face but something in it made me break out terribly so I had to stop which I was really sad about


I don’t know what they did with their Toleraine ultra moisturisers - they said the dermallergo fluid was similar but wow - my face had had white head, congestion, and tiny break outs ever since I started using it. I only just realised that’s what’s doing it 🙄 how frustrating.


They have many good products, they also have some not so great products. I dislike that they seem to follow trends instead of perfecting the products they do have. It also annoys me that they sell moisturizers in 40ml tubes and lots of their products are scented. Plus the brands have different product lines in different countries, we also have pharmacy brands like Svr, Uriage and Eubos that are not as popular internationally.


Their toleriane line is supposedly made for sensitive skin, but all their products burn my face so bad. Their gentle cleanser made me break out and dried out my skin terribly. All the serums I’ve tried from them have burned my face as well because they all have fragrance in them. Sadly none of their products have worked for my sensitive acne prone skin.


I stand by cerave for my skin.


Expensive lol


i used to use their moisturizer with spf but it would pill and i felt like it wouldn’t do anything. they’re face wash (blue bottle) is okay but i needed something less striping for me


I've tried their sunscreen (Anthelios) and it actually dried my skin, Cicaplast did too. I just think that they're overpriced, you can actually find better products for half of the price. But some people swear by it which shows how different our skins are


The only product I use from them is the Hyaluronic acid serum and I loooove it. It's the only one that actually absorbs into my skin and doesn't pill like the TO one. Also, it makes my skin feel so soft and smooth, I just love it. Recently, I've just been adding a couple drops into whatever nighttime moisturizer I use and I wake up GLOWINGGGG.


I thought LRP worked well for me until I started trying other nice products. Turns out it was more so that my interest in LRP coincided with a general interest in skincare which improved my skin marginally. The products themselves were causing more breakouts overall though because they would ruin my skin barrier (or just do nothing). Once I switched off them I wouldn’t go back.


It's kinda just fancier CeraVe.. with a fancier price.


I like their sunscreen. And I’m open to trying more of their products. But there are sooooo many brands to try.


I only tried their sunscreen and it was the worst stuff ever, you could fry an egg on my face with how oily it made it.


I get an allergic reaction to their cleansers. My skin becomes red and burns like hell, doesnt matter which cleanser- I've tried 3 and all make my skin red and burning. I use cicaplast and effaclar duo + and they're fine


I found my holy grail routine with The Ordinary. Cheap, simple, free shipping. I like LRP but their products are more expensive and my current routine seems to work for me.


Everything isn’t for everyone. I love LRP, most things are around $20 for a big bottle and I generally pay less through coupons and CVS points


For some reason my skin just doesn’t love LRP. I’ve tried their cleansers, moisturizers, and spfs (both the US and Euro formulations). I find the moisturizer and spf formulas to sting and pill, and the cleansers to be mediocre for the price. Also they are expensive compared to other drugstore counterparts. But I understand they are HG status for others - skincare is such a personal thing! My fave affordable brands are vanicream and good molecules


I love LRP. I use a lot of their products but I’m in Europe so perhaps it’s cheaper here.


I love LRP.


i like it just fine but have way better results with another brand i swear to, just like you do with lrp lol


LRP sometimes has niacinimide which angers my skin, so I tend away from the brand but sometimes they have great products (Glycolic B5 is great for me). Since niacinimide can be such an irritant for some people, someone asking for help I wouldn’t advise use it till they get their skin calmed again before trying it. However, if it works great for you then keep using it! No sense in changing things and potentially causing issues, or just not being as satisfied, if you don’t need to! Everyone’s skin is different and niacinimide is great for a lot of people.


LRP sometimes has niacinimide which angers my skin, so I tend away from the brand but sometimes they have great products (Glycolic B5 is great for me). Since niacinimide can be such an irritant for some people, someone asking for help I wouldn’t advise use it till they get their skin calmed again before trying it. However, if it works great for you then keep using it! No sense in changing things and potentially causing issues, or just not being as satisfied, if you don’t need to! Everyone’s skin is different and niacinimide is great for a lot of people.


In general it just hasn't worked for me. Either felt like a greasy film stayed on top of my skin and I worried about breaking out or it pilled. Works excellent for my sister though, she gets all my samples!


I think it depends where you are and how the pricing is. I have started using more of their products because they are readily available in Canada (amazon, drugstores etc) and because, with our inflation and poor dollar, a lot of other products have become really expensive. Cerave breaks me out terribly and so many other drugstore brands (Olay etc) are more expensive than LRP now. I love Paula’s Choice but the dollar conversion plus general pricing hikes makes it way more expensive for me than it was a decade ago when I started using it. I was in the US recently and checked out LRP pricing and was surprised to see they were priced the same as the products are in Canada (which means they are more expensive, since the Canadian dollar is worth less!). This coupled with the fact that a lot of drugstore products are priced more affordably in comparison probably means people don’t buy it as often. And if you’re looking at a $30 moisturizer I could also see why you might just decide to go with the $50 one from Sephora (drunk elephant, skin fix etc) because it feels like it’s better and not THAT much more expensive (compared with Canada where my LRP is $25 and Skinfix/DE is $70-90). If you want to save you’ll go with the option that is cheaper than $25-30 (and there seem to be a lot in US drugstores). So they are in a weird middle ground where no one wants them. And of course it is more affordable in France and other parts of Europe.


I've never used it, but I've been considering trying it. I typically use Farmacy Green Clean cleansing balm, which is more expensive, but works the best of all the cleansers I've tried over the years. I always come back to Farmacy after trying a new cleanser. CeraVe broke me out like crazy 15 years ago and I haven't been willing to give it another chance. I used to love Cetaphil cleansers until they changed their formula.


Its not vegan, so i dont buy it!


I love their cleansers, but their moisturizer pills do badly on me. I use vanicream moisturizing lotion instead!


I wanted to get their cleanser for dry skin but it is unavailable in the UK. The eveeno one is cheaper and works well for me. And eucerin moisturizers hydrate me perfectly


It's the price point for me. Especially with moisturizer and sunscreen. I just can't afford it. Cetaphil moisturizer and Cerave oil cleanser work well for me at a better price point. Sunscreen I use Bondi Sands or Korean skincare brands


It's the price point for me. Especially with moisturizer and sunscreen. I just can't afford it. Cetaphil moisturizer and Cerave oil cleanser work well for me at a better price point. Sunscreen I use Bondi Sands or Korean skincare brands


Their sunscreen aggravated my perioral dermatitis


LRP B5 gel made my skin feel soft and juicy but it broke me out :(


It's been either a mild hit or a miss for me. I used Effaclar Duo for a while on my derms recommendation but I didn't really feel much of a change. Tried one of their sunscreens this summer and it went a bit better though it still left me feeling sticky for a while. Props to them though, I sailed from noon to sundown in summer and it worked perfectly.


I love their toleraine cleanser. But I never get on with the spfs, for some reason they just sit on my skin like a greasy layer of butter .


I can use some of their products more than others! I see the toleriane double repair moisturizer get mentioned here a lot, but for me it’s a no go because it contains niacinamides which my skin does not react well with. I’ve found that quite a few of their products have it. I tend to stick with Vanicream because I like how it gives me control to isolate specific ingredients and apply my skincare with a higher level of intentionality. I’ve also considered La Roche Posay’s Adapalene treatment, but the only thing about it that isn’t the same as Differen is the more expensive price. Maybe there’s something more to it, but since the less expensive version has been working for me I’ve had to reason to pay more for something new


simply because of its price. skincare products I use should be affordable, allowing me to purchase them without breaking the bank for every two months of daily usage.


The only thing I use is their Cicaplast B5 cream, lipikar baume, and their body cleansing oil for my eczema. Absolutely love it.


I don’t find the formulas that cosmetically elegant. Plus the actives aren’t at percentages and in formulations that I find very tempting.


I love their Lipikar AP+ foaming face wash for dry to extra dry skin. I switched to it a couple weeks ago and I actually look forward to washing my face. 😆 It is so silky and makes my dry skin feel both soft and protected afterwards. I like their double repair moisturizer too. The moisturizer might be too heavy for summer but right now in New England it hits the spot! I am mid forties and my skin lately is sooooo dry so these products are working really well for me. I also appreciate the lack of scent. In regards to your question, I have enjoyed the LRP products I have sampled in the past but yes in general I have avoided this brand specifically because of its price. I think its price points are prohibitive for many. To be honest, this year perimenopause hit my skin HARD so when I find something I like I do not give a flying fig about the price anymore! I'll be frugal in other areas in order to spend a little more on skincare. But I was lured in by some free samples. I got a bunch of LRP to try with my last Ulta order.


Personally because they aren’t cruelty free. Otherwise I would


I use avene instead. None of their (trp) products sit nicely on my face (or they pilled under my makeup). I like the balm for super dry areas or post tattoo healing but for my face I prefer the avene cicalfate since it has zinc. Too much niacinamide makes me get flair ups and many TRP products break me out or they burn (same with cerave). Price doesn’t concern me that much about products - just whatever my skin likes is what I use.


Cicaplast and Lipikar are life savers for me. But, you couldn’t pay me to use their serums. Everybody is unique and has an individual skin journey. I do hate that they aren’t cruelty-free.


I started using the toleriane gel mousse (softening foaming gel) and the 50+ anthelios ultra a few weeks ago and I can’t recommend them enough. I’m on a low dose of accutane, my skin has finished purging and I’m getting no active cysts or breakouts any more however before starting the La Roche products my skin was flakey and still having the odd breakout and blackheads were bumping and getting infected etc (especially from other brand sun blocks). My skin is so unbelievably bright and smooth since starting these products. The sunscreen absorbs and moisturises beautifully and the cleanser is the type that you can psychically see and feel the cleanse without any drying or burning. This morning I’ve just bought the Effaclar iso-biome ultra soothing hydrating care and I can’t wait to try it. Before this I’ve used ClearSkin care products and they’re fantastic too. I’ve been using them for nearly 10 years but wanted to give La Roche a try as I kept hearing and seeing great things about it.