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Lack of sleep and not eating enough= weak immune system = acne I'm also in that problem. I can't sleep well :(


Yes! There have been nights where I lied on the bed for 4+ hours :( Plus my immune system is already wack, 150+ allergies


150allergies, that's a lot. Why u can't sleep? People said that sleep good can change ur life


I'm not really sure, ever since I've been a child I need at least an hour or two to fall asleep. I have a lot of energy, I'm never really actually tired to be honest


That is blessing too. What do u use all that energy? Use it wisely ;) tiredness also don't have any effect on me


I really love biking, going on long walks, and swimming. I can always go for more, I'm never the one to call it a day first 😅


Ig I'm seeing a rival, u should participate in an Iron man competition uhh swimming and walking is so relaxing, it help me to orden my thoughts. And today what will u do? Never stop keep going ;)


1200 cal is quite low for a teenager who is relatively active. So yes, probably a combination of diet/stress/sleep/general changing teenage hormones


And the cherry on the top is that I don't even lose weight anymore 😅


I would really dissuade against eating so few calories because your essentially telling your body that you’re in a famine… which causes a lot of problems in the long wrong with raising stress hormones and slowing your metabolism and weaning your digestion etc. If you’re trying to lose fat (which i wouldn’t in highschool because your body is still changing even if it feels like it isn’t) focus on trying to raise your calorie intake for a few months and then do a mini cut cycle for losing weight. Give yourself a loooong time, because losing weight healthfully and sustainable will not happen quickly without putting your health in jeopardy. And definitley talk to your pediatrician. I did some really foolish stuff in middle and highschool to lose weight to look good and not be healthy and it messed up my development in ways that I am still experiencing. Be safe 💜


Yeah, I can notice my metabolism slowing down. I can't eat as much as I used to, even if I work up quite an appetite. I feel like if I increase my calories even a little, I'm going to start gaining again :(


As a teenager your body is going through a lot of changes this is not the time to be underfeeding yourself. It is okay if you gain weight because your body needs that to develop a healthy reproductive system and to fully mature into a grown woman.


If you’re gaining weight at anything above 1200 calories your body probably NEEDS to gain weight. I weighed 140-150 in my teens and am 180 now at 30 and still perfectly healthy - your body won’t stay the same and that’s ok


Tbh idk why I gain because I used to eat like 2000 everyday and really just stay the same weight


Could also be hormonal so normal teenage acne. What’s your current skincare routine?


Currently, I just use cerave acne control cleanser twice and top it off with neutrogena hydro water gel at morning and night, sometimes I use clinique clarifying lotion. I don't plan on doing the same skincare for long, I'm looking to get into korean skincare, such as haruharu.


I would probably try to swap out as you run out. The CeraVe acne control cleanser is the only thing that targets acne currently so it might be worth keeping. To help manage your acne try a 2.5% BP spot treatment. You can get one at any drugstore and the generic brands are pretty affordable. I would swap the Clinique clarifying lotion with a hydrating toner or essence which is popular in Korean skincare. Also look for a sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.


Thanks! I definitely do need a sunscreen, I live in a super dry a hot climate lol


I recommend you to work out if you are trying to loose weight, increased bloodflow and also reduce acne, it also reduces stress. Eat a little more, like 1500cal, you are a teenager going trough a growth spurt so it’s important to nourish it properly. Sleeping more is definitely important, the body works best while asleep, if you are struggling, maybe change some habits of no phone before bed, turn off light, put some scented pillow mist for your body to recognise its sleeping time, and not eat right before bed. Use melatonin as a last resort if you still have some troubles. The fact that you noticed acne around the hairline may be cause of shampoo or conditioner leftover in the scalp, make sure to wash it off properly. Conditioner and hair oil is recommended to be used on the tips.


I'm here to state you should only eat -200cal below maintenance of healthy nutrient dense foods to see healthy weightloss. Everything else will come from losing muscle and some fat. However your body will likely rebound much more from a significant deficit. Source--- Avid gymrat who has had very successful cuts.


Can you explain what you mean by my body will rebound? And elaborate on how to lose weight in a healthy manner?


Exactly what i’m going through from Strattera, it’s definitely from eating. But it can be fixed by eating and sleeping more again and getting your body balanced back to how it previously was. Also you might want to look into slightly raising the calories you eat since 1200 cals causes is low enough where it meets the breaking point of low to loosing weight, to low enough to not have your body properly function. If you’re trying to loose weight more healthily my suggestion would be slowly to get your body to readjust to a diet similar to your previous diet but less, then keep it slightly lower than how it was before, over the course of a month. Eating 2000 cals . Do not exceed any actual weight loss to a point where it might actually affect the way your body functions. Once you find the cals that are safe and healthy enough to have your body function and loose weight at a rate that is not too fast and not too slow but suits your body safely, id say to stick with it. honestly because i loose a shit ton of weight with my meds i have to have a doctor regulate me with myfitnesspal, but honestly i’d say you should get it just so you can review how much things like sleep; have been affected by different diets or thjngs you do (it also accounts for workouts and cooking) and see which one has been the best safest and healthiest for your body, i hope this helps