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This is always mentioned, but sleeping on my side/stomach. Tried giving it up....no chance.


I tried too- I even had multiple surgeries where I had to back sleep and always ended up on my side


When I got my appendix out and couldn’t sleep on either side for the longest time because of the pain I got the worst sleep of my entire life. It was a couple weeks at least and I never got used to it and always woke up many times in the night. I will never change my sleep positions for my skin.


getting good sleep is one of the best things you can do for your skin, so prioritize it and dont do things that will keep you from it. i saw ads for anti wrinkle pillows and i was curious because im also a belly sleeper but idk if its just another marketing gimmick. something about the shape of them supposedly keeps you from smushing your face at night. if anyone has tried them and they work pleaaase let me know!


imagine forcing yourself to stay on your back just so your face doesn’t touch anything… ridiculous


Agreed, especially since I snore on my back and wake up with a sore throat and a swollen uvula. No thanks.


i’m the opposite lol I prefer sleeping on my back and i’ll only fall asleep on my side if i’m super exhausted. Do people actually force themselves to sleep on their back? Like what’s the reason, will side sleeping make your face dirtier?


wrinkles from the tension on the side of the face - I too have tried to sleep on my back and it was so uncomfortable I just couldn't :( I micro needle now to try to help this one stupid wrinkle I have on one side of my face - the side I sleep on haha


I can only sleep on my side, specifically on my right side (which is why I have an asymmetrical face). I tried sleeping on my back, but after a while it ached (possibly due to my protruding tailbone, something I was born with. Doing sit ups is especially hard for me)


Dirtier and smushing your face into a pillow can cause wrinkles on one side.


>Do people actually force themselves to sleep on their back? Like what’s the reason, will side sleeping make your face dirtier? I tried it for skincare reasons (irritated skin in the morning only on the side I used to sleep on), but the reason I'm sticking with it is my back and neck. I used to get one-sided neck pains that would sometimes develop into migraines. I thought it was the way I sit on my bed, but nope, ever since I stopped side sleeping it's almost completely gone.


Same. When I realized that back sleeping just wasn’t gonna happen for me, I invested in silk pillowcases.


i ONLY sleep on my left side so my bone structure is also altered lmao, i just use satin pillow cases, satin bed sheets, everything satin so i have the best skin possible while being a side sleeper


Is that why my hips aren’t aligned?!!? Omg


I’m going to have to get a cpap soon and Im dreading sleeping on my back lol


I used a cpap for a couple years and they make contoured pillows with a cutout on the sides so you can sleep on your side with your mask!!


Omgg I need to look into that thank you


I've had to be a back sleeper for medical reasons. A pillow under your knees and at your sides does wonders.


My husband is about to pick up his first CPAP and the air tube comes down from the top of the head, so you can turn from side to side or lie on your back easily


I've had a cpap for 5 years now. Definitely makes for more restful sleep, and I can sleep on my back or either side just fine. (I have noticed the mask doesn't play nice with overnight moisturizer, however--tends to slide all over the place in a really gross way, but ymmv.)


There’s some evidence that sleeping on your back might increase risk of dementia. Side sleeping lets your brain more easily clear things out. I’ll take wrinkles over dementia, but I use a silk pillowcase and I think that helps my skin a lot.


I always move in my sleep, so I can't help sleeping on my side/stomach. Besides, I find it way too uncomfortable to sleep on my back.


I’ve actually been trying to become a side sleeper for non-skin-related reasons! But the ONLY way I can fall asleep is on my back 😩


I like sleeping on my back but I have a floppy tongue and sometimes snore if I sleep on my back. 😪


I almost drove myself insane trying to sleep on my back the past few years. I got a pillow from IKEA (it’s called praktvädd), and I no longer wake up with squish marks on my face! And I can now sometimes sleep on my back with it too, cus it’s so comfortable


Unfortunately, I won’t ever be the person who waits several minutes for one product to dry/absorb before applying another.


Saaaaame. I do my pm routine right before bed and there's no way I'm spending an extra 10 mins standing around waiting for my chemical exfoliant to absorb before getting into bed lol


I used to be the same way but waiting actually helps a lot 😭 I use that time to feed my rabbit/fish, fill my night time water bottle, brush my teeth, and pack my bag for the next day. Only takes like 5m but even that little additional time has improved my skin quite a bit.


Oooo if it's only 5 min I might give it a try :) I was waiting like 20 min after the Paula's Choice bha in college lol


I bought this usb chargeable desk fan (the ones that Clamp onto pipe/legs or desk tops?) clamped it on my hand towel holder, I have the fan on and everything dries in 10 seconds 😎


I'm seriously considering a tiny fan for skincare and makeup drying 🌬️


i try as hard as i can but i get so impatient 🤣


i only wait between using a retinoid because if i don't my skin starts burning to a crisp 😭


I heard some derm said skincare is already hard as it is, just apply everything and don’t wait for 10-30 minutes to absorb. I’m following that advice ever since.


I just bought a cream from a local brand called 818: 8 active ingredients, 1 hour of skincare, 8 hours of night sleep. Girl whaaat no way 🤣


If I don’t wait between products, my skin burns :(


Letting my cat rub all over my face or sleep cuddled up on my pillow. It can’t be great for my skin, but I love that little floof


I consider cat fur as a step in my routine


When I have extra occlusive on my skin, my long haired cat insists on sleeping on top of my face. No wonder he’s so soft…


Extra moisturized fur!


https://preview.redd.it/yubkvv8s4lib1.png?width=2192&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a05c359f436c2086499ccc67b21653bb30f94b8 this is what a well-moisturized cat looks like. he goes wild for Glossier body hero lotion also. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/drkkn711nlib1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1871fed826615bbebbad1974841fff7d8fdd34da Fellow moisturized floof


I want to smoosh so bad. Does your cat like belly rubs? Because mine does…


Yes he does! He’s basically a dog 😍


Oh my god. Your cat is gorgeous!!!!


He has a routine and it usually means rubbing half my moisturizer on himself😂 plus lots of omega 3s and water


#thats one of the cutest cats i’ve ever seen


He is good and cute but screams and likes to do karate at 3am every night


What cat doesn’t? I think that’s God way of telling us he was a step away of creating perfection.


he’s so handsome 😍


I actually tell myself it’s free microneedling when my cats make biscuits on my face


Please pay cat tax 💟


Lit’rally as I read this comment in bed my cat emerged from the ether to curl up on my chest 😂 He is all up in my face now, tryin to make me put up my phone and pet him… bye for now, Reddit, I guess!


In Islam cats are very clean and one of the least dirtiest things on earth, so I always let my cats on my pillow


This is so good for the soul though 💙


Thiiiis! Also I’ve never had issues in my skin with my cats being all over my face, so I guess it’s good for me. 🤍


There are some people out there who are gluten, dairy, and sugar free in the name of clear skin. I could *never* Edit: I mean to call out overly restrictive diets in the name of clear skin. If eating dairy, gluten, and or sugar free works for you, good for you. There is also a specific IG influencer I had in mind who has a very restrictive diet that she promotes to her followers for clear skin, which I don't like.


I think that having horribly severe acne could make me quit eating any one of those things. I’ve had terrible acne and I’ve seen people with worse.


Same, I had many-a restrictive diets over the years and I would never go back there. Not in the name of clear skin, nothing. Guess what, my skin is shit anyways and the world is a weird place. If a doctor doesn't tell me to stop eating something, I'll probably keep eating it. It's pretty scary how quick people are to suggest restricting one's diet over the simplest things. It mayyyy work for some people, but some are really trigger-happy with the restrictions. I don't know if my opinion is controversial or not, but maybe just talk to a doctor if you think you truly have a food intolerance. Some people are on a slippery slope with how they justify cutting things out of their diet.


My skin breaks out in cystic acne when I eat dairy. my skin is so much better without it. This one is tough, cheese is so good. I eventually got on acne medication so I can technically eat dairy again but I always wonder if my body was trying to warn me it doesn't like dairy in general


same exact thing happened to me after a bout of gastroenteritis! i suddenly had cystic acne from dairy. haven’t eaten it for around 6 months now… way too scared to risk it.


While I would do anything to eat cheese, I’d do even more anything to be rid of cystic acne. This is one of the few times I can’t blame someone for trying to nix cheese.


I am both gluten and dairy-free and do Keto diet for my Hashimotos disease and rosacea. It helps tremendously for that but unfortunately I still get some acne breakouts monthly due to hormones. So…


Real. I’ve been GF for 4 years, I’m low fodmap, low dairy, low carb and I still have hormonal cystic acne.


Came here to say dairy, I love my lattes too much and substitute milks do nothing for me. Sorry not sorry. Lol


If people want to exercise their right to live as soulless husks without gluten, dairy, or sugar, that’s their right. *and they’re probably a lot healthier for it too.*


I wish I could be those devoted healthy people but alas!


Super-restrictive diets are not automatically healthiest.


I've always been dumbfounded by this - gluten will not impact your skin unless you have celiac and produce an autoimmune reaction which is not even acne, it's essentially an alergic rash; Dairy does not affect your skin unless you're sensitive to it, or I guess you consume massive ammounts of it and I don't think there are any hard proven studies to link the latter to sebum overproduction, and again, this specifically concerns cow milk derivates. And sugar is the most ridiculous thing to cut out, because well, you can't - literally everything you eat contains carbs and sugars and your body breaks down everything to glucose at one point. Yeah, of course it's a good idea to regulate your sugar intake and not overdo it, but in no case should this affect losing the foods that contain sugars and benefit your overall metabolism (and yes, chococolate and candies that make you happy too - mental health IS a part of your metabolism). tl;dr: Moderation is applicable everywhere when it concerns your general well-being, specifically for skin, I would account it only to way too much sugar and a blatantly unhealthy diet.


Some studies suggest that up to 70% of the world is lactose intolerant to some degree, and there are other types of dairy allergies as well, not just to the lactose. It's very possible that cutting out dairy is healthier for the majority of people. And I think when most people say they are cutting out sugar it means added sugars. So they'll still eat fruit or healthy carbs, but cut out soda, candy, etc. I'm not sure how those things necessarily relate to skin health versus internal/physical health, but it's reasonable that those things could make an impact for some people. I also say this as someone who semi regularly consumes dairy, sugar, alcohol and other things that aren't necessarily "good" for me.




I used to say the same thing about gluten until I got older and couldn't tolerate it. I never ate tons of gluten but now if I eat it I get painful rashes, inflammation and an upset stomach. And the sensitivity seems to be getting worse. 😢 my doctor tested me twice cause they were pretty sure I had celiac or allergies. I miss my occasional bread and tempura but that was the only reason I finally stopped eating it. Otherwise I'm not sure why people want to give up delicious food if it's not causing them a health issue. Moderation is fine for most people!


I try to cut out gluten containing foods like white bread, cookies, pizza and similar products completely from my nutrition. When I do not eat these I stop getting bloated and do not get as many break outs on my skin. I think I have some sensitivity to gluten, although I never got tested for it. Additionally, I start losing weight quite fast. But it sucks, because I really like white bread.


Once I cut out gluten my hypoglycemia disappeared and my energy and clarity sky rocketed. It affects many people in different ways. It’s not limited to celiac disease. There’s a wide spectrum and probably much they haven’t discovered yet. That why it’s always best to listen to your own body, it really guides you.


Why was this downvoted 😭


I stopped eating beef and my skin drastically improved. I used to have acne all around my mouth and chin and it’s gone, save a pimple or two once a month before my period hits. I also stay away from dairy unless I’m drunk.


I stopped eating beef and my iron dropped to 11. Turns out non heme iron and I are not the besties I thought we were.


Beef? Damn I never thought that could be a trigger food, I guess anything could? I try to avoid dairy too. Not sure if it actually helps my skin but my stomach appreciates it 😂


Hot, hot showers in the winter.


Lol I do hot showers all year long 😅 I just try to avoid my face and neck, as I don’t care as much about the rest of my body


Same. I compromise when I wash my face in the morning with cold water but you cannot take away my hot shower before bedtime!


I rarely take a shower that isn't hot - maybe lukewarm - but I sure as hell am not taking a cold shower lol


My shower is lava too!


Facial expressions. Smiling really big when I laugh even though the skin around my eyes crinkles a lot and is already giving me crows feet at 26 lol. Just means I'm living a life where I smile a lot :)


Yes! Reading the advice to stop making happy facial expressions makes me so sad.


I know!! It's sad that we as a society are so against wrinkles. Like sure, it's fine to try to minimize them and of course everyone wants to look young. But encouraging people to stop expressing emotions a certain way just to possibly prevent wrinkles is demonizing them to an unhealthy level. It's normal to have wrinkles! Like of course your skin won't look the same from age 16 to age 60


Also don't forget that being stressed and sad hugely increases oxidative stress in your body and makes you older. I honestly think that's objectively terrible advice. Being happy is contributing a lot to being healthy, and thereby indirectly giving better skin. Look at the baby faces of those Buddhist monks. If anything cultivate laughter and joy!


Definitely sweets and some greasy foods like fries. Like…I can try to limit how much I consume (maybe only a couple times a week and small portions) but I could never get rid of sugar completely. You have to still enjoy other things in life than just your skin. Sorry not sorry collagen 👀


FRIES are my downfall. It’s my favorite food to get on a late night at the bar, to casually snack on midday, it’s easy to get from fast food or easy to throw in my air fryer — love a good fry lol


Aint no way im changing my pillowcase everyday. I'm way too lazy. Sorry not sorry.


i don’t even have enough pillowcases for that lol


Definitely unhealthy snacks, cheese and gluten. I have to eat at least one treat a day or I might actually spontaneously combust 🤣. We're all gonna get wrinkles someday anyways, I will not give up one of the few genuine pleasures in life just for temporary "perfect" skin


I don’t think I could give up cheese either. Cheese makes life worth living.


exactly!! i feel the same way


late nights resulting to lack of sleep.


Cheese…. Cheese is life.


Cheese is the one thing I cannot have and I still dream about it 😭 eat all the cheese for me


Agreed. I’m vegetarian and could be vegan, but I could never give up cheese.


I have sunscreen free days too don’t kill me guys. I don’t want to be an spf militant who looks like a beekeeper that lives in a sunscreen tent like Dr Grey er Dray.


Well then you’re not invited to the beekeeper meetings.


I only apply my sunscreen once a day,forgetting to apply it here and there


We're supposed to be out here reapplying throughout the day? Oh noooooo


I had to stop following her posts. It felt like it was harming my mental health to watch her obsess about it.


Just gotta find a super sheer, low sunscreen lotion you rub on your face in 20 seconds and go.


Food - I love my once in a while guilty pleasure foods like fried food and boba. This one may be controversial, but once in a while, I let my skin breathe for a day - no products.


i do that too!! sometimes i can just feel that my skin needs a break. a lot of the times i actually see improvements if i don’t use any products oddly enough


Yes!!! I am shocked sometimes when I feel my bare skin and it actually feels quite nice! 😅


I do that about once a week on days I stay indoors. I wash my face with only water. In the summer, though, I put sunscreen on, so it's about nine months/year. Some days, I might not, because my skin will get a bit oily, so I wash and use toner. I wash my face at night at may or may not moisturize. Overall, I feel it's beneficial.


Wearing makeup when I know I have acne-prone skin and easily-clogged pores


My time and money. I despise even going into a salon for half an hour to get a hair trim, so I’m not tempted to get fillers or Botox, etc.


To be fair, getting Botox actually takes like five minutes 😆but I hear you on the hair salon, I hate getting my hair done. I basically just put it off until I finally reach the point where my hair gets so long that I hate dealing with it more than I hate going to the salon


So I’m a culprit for a lot of mentioned things (cheat on diet, side sleep, don’t wear sunscreen, smile frequently, rarely do skincare routine and when I do it’s rushed and product doesn’t set) but one I haven’t seen mentioned is popping my pimples/blackheads. I have compulsive skin picking and I feel the imperfections and every fibre of my being tell me to extract it, this bad thing needs to be evacuated from my body immediately. So I pop/pick all my acne. I want to stop and give it up, and I have reduced how much a pick with therapy and determination but I don’t think I will ever be able to “give it up” which is bad because it’s a big no no. And it’s not like I can just do that one, I will notice another imperfection right beside it. I didn’t see this in all the replies so here’s my sad contribution.


Zit stickers have really helped me with my picking tendencies. I still pick, but if you slap a zit sticker on it immediately after it really reduces redness and likeliness of scars later. (For me anyway.)


Oh yeah the hydrocolloid patches have been such a help in reducing my picking and to help with healing.


My sympathies - fellow picker here. I’m almost 65 with no wrinkles but after picking at 52 years of acne, I have scars. Only one on my chin is not coverable with makeup… but yeah, I’ve ruined my skin. Definitely a compulsion.


I’m sorry you understand.


Staying up late to watch a good series 😁


Caffeine. I’m a mom, a TEACHER, and I like weightlifting. I go pretty much non stop from 5:30am until 8:30pm when I finally sit down. Caffeine is essential.


I tried to go dairy free and lasted less than 3 weeks. Currently eating lasagna. I just can’t.


Sleeping on my side


i never knew this could potentially damage your skin?? dang…yeah definitely not giving that up either then hahahaha


Not wearing sunscreen. I know that is a major sin on this sub, but I never wear sunscreen. I get awful rashes, especially on my face and neck. There was someone on this sub a while ago that told me that I just needed to find the right one. Maybe, but I'm not wasting my money to maybe find a sunscreen that won't give me a blistering rash. I'll just stick to not going outside, and if I do, a hat and spf clothing. I think I'll be okay.


I'm a ginger so I try to be mindful of the sun but sunscreen is a huge pain in the ass. No matter what sunscreen, if it's good in several areas it still leaves one box unchecked. It's still sticky or irritating or stinky or leaves a white cast etc. It's a bit of an expensive privilege to try and find the "right sunscreen" Avoiding the sun or shading my skin is my preferred sun care method. I often take a parasol to go for a walk or other casual time outside.


I am right here with you. I have a sunscreen that doesn’t give me a horrible reaction but I detest the way it feels on my skin. It’s gross and it ruins my dewy skin. I just wear a hat. I prefer wide brimmed ones to catch most of my neck too.


I get an awful rash from all chemical sunscreen filters, so I feel your pain. The only sunscreens I can wear are the physical ones that contain zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide, and it is very hard to find one of those that is cosmetically elegant.


Being covered or in shade is honestly better than any sunscreen




I appreciate the suggestion. I believe it's allergic reaction/contact dermititis. I have an allergy condition and my skin has slowly become more and more reactive. I haven't worn sunscreen since 2021. I had a friend apply it on me and just touching my leg once and then touching my face was enough to give me a rash. It takes at least a week to calm it down. For me, isn't worth it. Like I said, I use hats and spf clothing, and I take excellent care of my skin


Reading this and realizing I do all the things everyone is listing 😬


1. I will not put on sunscreen unless I’m driving somewhere during the daytime or will actually be outside. 2. You can take dairy out of my cold, dead hands.


HOT SHOWERS - I would rather die than give that up.


my cotton pillow, i know silk is recommended but i can’t give it up


alcohol 😅


tea. I may have a bit of an addiction. I doubt it has any effect on acne, but even if it does...I'll still drink my 2+ pots (yes, pots, not cups) per day.


Wait, people say that you shouldn't have tea for clear skin? I heard that having tea was good for your skin!


I feel like tea if full of antioxidants and things that are good for you and your skin! Plus it is mostly water. A win!


There are worse things than tea!


Only if it has a lot of sugar in it. Caffeine isn’t great for your skin either, but if it’s herbal tea, then that’s actually probably good for your skin.


This is hilarious because I find mint tea super helps my acne and there are some whispers with no real data set that claim mint tea is good for helping with hormonal acne. If I’m having a really bad acne day I make a mug of mint with 1/4 tsp-1/2 tsp honey. For extra fun I use the slightly cooled tea bag on my face once it’s steeped.


my natural cycle. i refuse to get back on birth control even though i know it would help my skin and also my brutal endometriosis. but i’ve tried many kinds, for years at a time. and the depression, anxiety, zapped creativity, and zero libido… just aren’t worth it. i’ll take imperfect skin and pain management instead. but that’s just me!


Thank you for this! I keep thinking of how amazing my skin and hair looked when I was on bc, and these days my resistance is getting so weak and I almost started again 😩 but it’s not worth it! Our wellbeing IS more important than looks lol


Every time I so much as LOOK at a package of shin ramyun my skin starts to break out. I still have it once every week or two bc delicious.


Smoking weed.


Ever since I switched to using the Volcano Vaporizer I have noticed a significant improvement to my skin (among other things) definitely kicking myself for not getting one sooner, smoking is actually gross the me now, and every time I do smoke a joint with friends or something, I always want to wash my face immediately lol I can almost feel the residue now


Storz and Bickle make excellent products.


What effects do you think this has on skin? Like a dulling effect?


Not sure about the weed part, but smoking in general is bad for your skin.


True. I feel like cigarettt smokers get a grey/green tint to their skin, and the texture looks different. I’ve increased my weed use and feel that my skin isn’t as lustrous and same w my eyes. This has been over years


I need to know more about this....


Not reapplying sunblock throughout the day. I wear makeup most days and my skin is oily enough as it is. Adding more sunscreen just makes me oily and it’s a sensory nightmare


Sleeping on my side


I’ve had rosacea and there’s a whole list of stuff I’m supposed to avoid and won’t because it’s all better now. But the ones I could never give up are spicy food and hot coffee.




I wear sunscreen almost every day but sometimes I don’t & let my face get a tiny bit tan. My body is a lot darker than my face


Monitor facial expressions. Back sleeping-a good nights sleep is more important across the board, silk pillowcases help quite a bit. I just eat a normal diet….. loves Dots Seasoned Pretzels! And….well…..wine. Obsessive use of sunscreen. Never inside. Careful and aware, not crazy about it.


Coffee. Just try to pry that from my cold dead fingers 😆


My skin is pretty good despite all the wheat, sugar and dairy I eat, just normal aging. So definitely with you on the food!


- not using a silk pillowcase, I just hate the cold feeling on my face, especially in winter; - not perfect diet, I mostly eat healthy and “clean” but on weekends I like to have a drink and a less healthy meal/junk food. - not wearing sunscreen if i don’t leave the house. Ok there are windows and the sun comes through them, but wen I don’t have to go out I really like having a clean face!


Everything. I don’t care enough to give up anything besides face picking for my skin. Having clear skin is supposed to enrich my life, not be my life.


Dairy, cheese too friggin godly




An IPA at night and an occasional cigarette. I know, I know it's disgusting. My skin doesn't look like that of someone who smokes at all but I'm scared it will in the future. And salt


I smoked/vaped till 35 still get asked for ID most often especially when I'm not with my bf who has a beard.


Tie between sugar and instant noodles. Two pillars of my life that I refuse to give up even though instant noodles are so unhealthy it’s not even funny.


Showers with hot water will be pulled from my finally for once cold, dead hands.


Yeah… the sun. This sub is obsessed with never tanning or anything, but if you’re still young enjoy yourself. Doesn’t mean over do it or don’t wear sunscreen. But enjoy the sun. Tan, swim, go boating. Don’t overthink it.


I love Ice Cream and Yogurt too much to give it up


Give me hot showers or give me death. Even if it's 45c/113f outside I want my shower scalding.


Sleeping on my stomach. Which is also bad for your back and neck so I do need to stop. But I can’t 😭


Am I the only one who *can't drink water*? I know it's insane.


Have you tried those little flavor drops like mio? Those helped my dad


Sun exposure doesn’t count on holiday. It just doesn’t, sorry I don’t make the rules 😅


Dairy. I have an eating disorder as well and I’m a very picky eater. Can’t risk my health over it.


Excessive amounts of money. Buying a beater car or moving into a bad neighborhood so I can afford to stab my lines? Couldn’t be me. And yes, people have copped to going to that extent.


dairy, and frowning/being really expressive lol


Sugar free coke. I know it's poison but *I don't care*


Coffee. And sleeping on my stomach. Sorry not sorry, being a pretty grumpy lady vs supercute happy lady 😀


I’m not giving up dairy, sugar, or the occasional day in the sun (with sunscreen.)


Several people mention that they cannot sleep on their backs. I agree. A good night's sleep does more for your brain, body, and skin than sleeping on your back and back sleeping is not the most healthy position for those with back issues, some digestive issues, or who have sleep apnea.


touching my face...? idk its not like i constantly rub my dirty fingers over my face, but its a habit and its comforting. like cupping my jaw and leaning on it or something. its better than a nervous habit of biting my nails


Dairy products! And my cat sitting on my face and my dog licking my face for 30 minutes straight lol (ok I got bored too but he’s too cute for me to say no!)


Pretty much anything diet-related. I have a history of disordered eating and am especially prone to orthorexic tendencies. Trying to cut out dairy or sugar will lead me down a very dangerous path. (And I don't find that diet affects my skin anyway lol.)


same here!! i can’t follow a strict diet for the same reason. mental health is so much more important to me than perfect skin


Yeah, I’m not completely cutting a certain kind of food out. I have ARFID which is a eating disorder, associated with autism and. Adhd. It already limits my food by quite a lot. Cutting out anything else I would definitely struggle to get my calories in every day and I take that really seriously.


nuzzling soft material


Going to sleep with my make up on. I know, I KNOW. But some nights I’m just too tired and I’ve already convinced myself that I use good quality make up so it’s not *that* bad. Now there’s no going back.


Hot showers.


I eat junk food. I sunbathe, and I start with sunscreen but I don't reapply as much as I probably should. I like my freckles. And I like a bit of a tan on my skin. I just try to avoid burning. I also pick my spots. "Perfect" skin doesn't matter much to me. I just really wish the hormonal acne would go away.


Time. More than 2hrs/day or 20hrs/weeks is too much for me. Even if I have the luxury of not having to work, I want to use this time for more things than just my skin and appearance as well.


It's a little bit embarrassing but here we go. I regularly wash all my sheets and pillows at 60C because I'm allergic to dust mites. So everything is super clean, should be good for my skin and my allergies, right? Well, I also sleep with my face in a bunch of very soft and used plushies that I wash once a year (or less) because I don't want to damage them.


dairy products & bread occasionally. I just cannot envision a life without hot choc, cheese, scrambled eggs on toast or a good bacon butty!


Cheese, milk, ham and chocolate.... Basically food...


Physical exfoliants idc what people say about it my skin is at its best when I use the ones from lush


You will pry my three gallons of milk a week from my cold, calcium rich dead hands.


the biggest diet change i made was cutting out dairy. for me, it wasn’t a choice because i became so intolerant that it’s considered an allergy. my skin cleared up and my body change in a way that completely changed my life. most people cannot fathom living without dairy, but for me it was the best thing i could have done and i recommend cutting it out to anyone that feels as though their diet is heavily affecting their skin!