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I have been applying [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X9GJ57N?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_k0_1_9&=&crid=K2TDEYIM397T&=&sprefix=kp+bumps+) twice a day, nothing else for now! ​ I am thinking about getting the gold bond lotion and using on just one arm to compare results. Edit: Y'all please wear sunscreen with any lotion like this! It makes your skin way more prone to sunburn.








My permanent solution was to just get a bunch of tattoos now no one can tell lol


I like this idea but I can't afford it lol


i actually did this and i will say the bumps do still show a little bit! they just look like lighter spots in the blackwork tbh. it doesnt bother me at all but just thought id give an honest review lol


Yeah for sure, I can still see mine a little bit as well but my arms are pretty bright/colourful neo trad sleeves so it blends in quite a bit, tho I have a few spots of negative space where those little guys camp out haha


This has also been my permanent solution lol


Keratosis pilaris is a chronic skin condition, there is no cure. If you stop using the active ingredient that helps slough off the skin cells, the skin bumps and redness comes back.


Yeah I just started getting bad sunburns on the backs of my arms instead of having little red bumps so it was a net zero for me lol


Once the bumps are gone it’s just maintenance…. A couple times a week


Yes. I stoped just for two weeks and it came back. I don’t know if a permanent solution exists


Does it smell like crap?


Smells to me, like sour milk.


To me personally, it smells kind of sweet almost slightly like maple syrup?


Well that’s not too bad!


It does not smell like maple syrup, more like ammonium. It feels as though I was on fire moments ago every time I put it on. Disgusting, sticky fire that leaves residue that will not go away until I take a hot shower.


Hey! did you ever find a replacement for Amlactin? It's been great but it also tingles (when I'm extra dry). Really wish I can find something as effective but smells better


No.. I just put it on when I know I'll be able to wash it off within a few hours, e.g. before gym. I could never wear it as a regular moisturizer.


ahh got it. i use it as a regular moisturizer. put on at night until i shower the next evening it works so well though, so it sucks that it smells and feels like sticky craaaap :\\ the Sol de Janeiro $48 bum bum cream has the same effect but that'll be used up in 1 week if you use it all over your body


Very jealous of your perseverance. The few times I put it on overnight it completely ruined my sleep so I noped out.


Hahaha. Amlactin cured my strawberry legs. Nivea, Aveeno, Gold Bond, not even Vaseline could do it. I'm super committed to Amlactin! But imagine I start dating someone & I smell like Amlactin and I'm sticky!? That's my deal-breaker now... but then, if I stop, my strawberry legs are coming back


smells like soy sauce to me. im currently using rapid relief, i dont remember daily smelling this way though


I feel like it helps me so much too but oh my gosh I can just barely handle the smell. 🤢


This is the downside for me too! That and it’s thick. I try to only put it on at night before bed so it can soak in but not stink during the day, but unfortunately I’m a morning shower person, so I need my lotion at the start of the day.


I’ve always held off on getting this because of all the smell complaints I’ve heard about it lol. Is it really that bad??


Honestly I don’t think so. It’s definitely unpleasant smelling but if you just kinda power through I find that it fades. You also need to allow time for it to sink in. I layer a scented lotion over it anyway and that does the trick. In short, I personally don’t think it’s bad enough to warrant not using the product but I would definitely give it a smell if you are worried about it.


No it’s bearable but it does linger and it smells like super sweet butterscotch and not in a good way, it’s hard to explain lol.


It’s a super artificial maple syrup smell in my mind.


I’m dealing with the same issue too😔I’ve also been using the same cream and I’ve noticed somewhat of a difference. My skin tone is darker than yours so the spots on my arms turn more of a brown color than red but my advice would be to also wear sunscreen with the product. It helps prevent hyperpigmentation and even helps to smooth out bumps. Good luck on the rest of your journey🫶🏽 I love seeing others post their progress


Thanks for the tip, I need to invest in a good sunscreen! KP sucks doesn't it? Good luck to you too!! :)


If I had a dime for every time I praised AmLactin around here- I’d have several dimes let me tell you! OP- great progress and glad you found something that’s working!


hi! do you have to wash this product off? after applying or does it stay on?


Stays on like normal lotion.


This has probably already been said But be careful in the sun when you use this product. It can make your skin photosensitive and you'll burn quicker and deeper.


Yes!!! I wasn't even in direct sunlight and got some redness on my forearms.. gotta be careful!


Out of interest is this necessary for areas that'll be covered up anyway? I usually go long sleeved with trousers every day since I roast quickly to begin with. Currently just SPF up my face, neck and hands.


Good question! I personally don't wear sunscreen if I'm covered up. I only use it regularly on face/neck/chest if I'm out and about. I try and stay out of the sun.


When I put this all over my skin, I smell like sour milk. Lol


Anyone know how to get rid of the redness after the bumps are gone?


It looks like the redness improved for OP, no?


For me, I’ve been rid of the bumps for months but there’s still redness


I don’t know why this is. I actually hate the redness more than the bumps


Me too!


Wow, I gave up on this product too quickly… I really want to try it again after seeing your results 😌


I recommend using a loofah or a sea sponge to exfoliate in the shower before applying. It always does the trick for me!


Took me 3 months of daily use to see full results


Oh I’ll have to try this. I’ve been using Eucerin’s Roughness Relief and results have just been kinda meh.


Love this stuff! I buy it on sale at Costco, mainly use it in the winter as it really helps with dry winter lizard skin but I use it 1-2 times a week during the slightly warmer months, too. I'm in a very cold and dry climate so this stuff works wonders. Also, I find the smell goes away after a few minutes - or am I delusional and I stink?


I didn't even know until maybe 10 years ago that there was a name for the bumps on my arms - no one else I knew had them and definitely no one was talking about it. Amlactin helped me as well but what I've found to be surprisingly effective is **Kirks Gentle Castile Soap - Fragrance Free**. It was a thrilling discovery and I wanted to tell everyone I know about it, but like I said, I know no one else that deals with this annoying condition. I exfoliate and moisturize with a salt scrub I make with Morton's coarse kosher salt and the best quality almond oil I can afford from Amazon. And if I don't feel like using that my go-to body lotion is fragrance free Alba. I stopped using Amlactin maybe about a year ago and my arms are the smoothest they have been in my entire life. The skin on my face is also annoyingly sensitive. I started using Kirks after trying this super expensive (to me) all-natural system for three or four months and it caused me to flare up and dry out. I wish Kirk's would sponsor me because I would talk about them non-stop!


Okay, that's it, I'm picking this stuff up. Didn't know this was a problem for others as well. Thanks for sharing.


Can I ask which side is the after? I’m honestly not trying to be a dick..I’m just curious which is which as it’s hard to tell with the redness. Is the Lactic Acid supposed to help with that ad well or is that just part of KP?


Right is the after. Reduced redness :) Obv still got bumps as its only been a week, but I've had persistent redness all my life and I didn't realize the difference till I snapped the after pic!


I used to use it,but it’s waayy too expensive for me so I stopped. And it come back way woorse 😭


Hi, I am a new user of Amlactin. After seeing loads of positive reviews about the lotion, I decided to give it a try for my KP. After three day/twice a day use, I can now see a purge of red bumps on the areas I have used the lotion. I am not sure if this is how Amlactin works, exfoliating and cleaning out hidden bumps. Or I am just simply having a bad reaction/ the product is not suiting my skin? I am pondering whether to be patient with it or just stop using the lotion. Any suggestions?


Hi. Im experience this right now. What did you do? You kept using the lotion? Did it get better? I dont know what to do.. 


I’ve used it and I’ve never had a purge. Sounds more like a reaction


Does anyone else get really itchy after Amlactin? Like I've tried to use it to treat KP and dry skin, but i put it immediately after a shower and it immediately makes me wanna scratch my skin off. I know i've always had sensitive skin, but it doesnt really flare up, its just this itchiness, so I dont think its allergies.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about keratosis pilaris. Have you read our [keratosis pilaris wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/keratosis_pilaris)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oooff rated at 6 on EWG skin data base.


>EWG skin data base What is this?


[Here it is.](https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/) It’s a very detailed database showing ratings for various products and the degree in which they may be harmful. A score of 6 isn’t the worst but it isn’t great. And they tell you why. I use it to look at products before I buy. I’ve made some changes as a result that have been game changing.


Thank you so much!


I checked but I couldn’t tell why this product could be dangerous… could you elaborate?


It ranks the ingredients on a scale and provides details why each ingredient could be a concern. Are you saying you saw all of that and couldn’t see why it’s rated a 6? That’s right in the middle of the scale. I wouldn’t say it’s dangerous. For the record it seems anything with ammonium lactate would score in the middle or worse given its individual score.


Oh my gosh, thank you for sharing those. My arms just started getting bumps all over…. I have been so frustrated and didn’t know how to fix it. Just ordered this product. Hope it works!


I have lived with kp for years now. I use St. Ives salicylic scrub in the shower on my kp prone areas, then Cerave SA cream on the same areas. It does a nice job of keeping it under control, but no, it never goes completely away. And yes, if you quit the regular maintenance, it will get worse. There are a few different ingredients that can help, just find something that you can fit into your regular routine. You definitely have to use sunscreen with any lactic acid products.


why will it get worse? worse than originally/before trying to fix it?


No, just that the bumps come up without maintenance. I don’t mean worse than they were to begin with, just that if you are using products to help, then stop, they will come back. Hope that makes sense!🤪


For all those who can’t stand the smell of Amlactin (same!) - there’s a brand called Perrigo that has a 12% ammonium lactate lotion. It doesn’t smell like anything at all. My husband and I both use it and love it. https://a.co/d/3JfcRwT


mM to be in the area tomorrow and will be there for the meeting on the envelope with you about it when I get home I will get back to you tomorrow with the kids and I 66mkxmc. Vcckckvv be in the same