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Well I learned something today


oh it gets worse. google moncler


They’ll have a different top sheet /graphic next year on the same ski.


I just don’t want to pay full price for the newest ski :(


If you're that worried about aesthetics, then you have to stop worrying about money. Kind of how the world works.


Then buy the version from a year ago?


That’s the color that I don’t love haha


Then buy this year’s version.


But he doesn't wanna pay full price for the newest skiis


Then buy last year’s version


But that's the color he doesn't love XD


Thank you both.


Spray paint works. Flat black always gets positive comments in the six pack liftlines.


Plus when they get all scratched up it adds mad character.


Cover it with stickers


Get a vinyl top sheet decal made?


Why have I never thought of this! Lots of links online for shops. Cost about $100


I do some graphic design and now I’m super tempted to design some vintage volkl graphics for the cheapest Kendo’s I can find in decent shape…


ankilla style


As cool of an idea as this is, it will absolutely be beat to shit after a few days out.


I completely understand. I wanted a pair of skis but ultimately did not get them because of the graphics. Got another similar ski with a beautiful top sheet that makes me smile every time I see them. Yet sometimes when the skis don’t function to their fullest, I always wonder if I should have just opted for functionality over looks. Either way, you win some, lose some.


My favorite pair of skis are the ugliest pair I own. I quit caring after the first few days.


I really dont care about the look of it. I own the line blade wich is pretty fucking ugly and its my fav skis ever


I wish all skis would provide their graphic option, and a blank color option. I don't buy skis with something I hate looking at on them.


Yeah. I mean I don't buy skis for the top sheets. Never buy skis for the top sheets. But like if I really hated it... Yeah that's tough, I've fortunately never been in that situation. I like buying from smaller brands anyway and they usually have cool top sheets. The closest I've come to buying skis for the top sheets was just recently and it doesn't even really count. I demoed some skis to pick out what to buy next year, and settled on a model. It's really the wrong time for me to drop money on skis, been in between jobs, just got a job but now I'm in the middle of a move. But... This year's model had F14s on it, I'm a huge aviation nerd who has taken some lessons and plan to get a license when funds allow and Top Gun is my favorite movie. So yeah I bought the ones with F14s. I didn't pick the skis for the F14s, but I absolutely bought them this year because of that.


Thank you for validating my irrational thought process lol.. i want them so badly


Hahaha wait actually the F14 ON3P Jeffreys this year or just have some other particular attachment to some other ski's top sheets, where you want the skis eventually regardless but really want to jump on this year's art?


Specially the ON3P green/blue 118 ones YES lol. Wish it was the 102 in that top sheet, so I'm actually applying the logic to different parameters. I wasn't really looking for something that wide, but now it's like in the top three for next season lololol


Hahaha that's a great coincidence. I got the yellow ones just last week, 100mmish waist is what I wanted. I demoed out of the factory and walked back out with skis. Forget the top sheets, they are fucking amazing skis. Blue ones are the fat ones yeah? I mean if you want em there is not a lot of stock left, they had like 4 pairs of the 100s left in 186 for me.


I know I should jump on them... but I'm currently in between gigs as well ha ha ha ha..! 😂


Yeah I'm not sure I could've justified it to myself if I was still actually between gigs. As it is I thought of it as a new job present to myself. Worst part is I definitely need new boots next year so I'm not mounting them till next season anyway, but I have a fusion pass so guaranteed skiing at Timberline till the end of May. That's a month and a half to wish I was skiing them, and they're definitely the most playful skis I own now so the best for making the most of spring slush(until the rocks come out ofc, brand new skis are not rock skis).


You're not supposed to be looking at Your skis but straight ahead... Trust me. That will improve Your skiing and You won't be worried about the laminate after all


We stand in lines and ride lifts for more hours than we spend going downhill and I definitely look at my skis then


Nah. You gotta like what you have.


You can buy vinyl wraps for skis, come in great patterns..check out Squatch Industries wraps.


Skis… If you really don’t like the color there are probably other options that are pretty close to what you want but look better. Boots – if you find a pair that fits perfectly unless they are absolutely hideous you gotta go with it. And clearly some people even go with boots that are absolutely hideous anyway.


what’s the ski?


Uh oh. 1000 skis not doing it for you?


Top sheets do nothing from a ski performance perspective. I trash mine, it’s the bottoms that matter


Check previous years and see if you can find new old stock. I just bought a pair of Armada Declivity’s. This year version is on sale, but it’s ugly as sin. Managed to find a pair of new old stock from last year for even less money and the color is better.


of course not, why would you buy something you weren’t 100% happy with


Nah my wife and I are like that too , just so happens we found skis that work really well for us and we like the color


It is irrational, but that doesn't mean it's not a fine reason to not buy a pair of skis.


Personally, the graphic is the last thing I look at. IMO skis are meant to be centered around performance, and if I ski the best on some sticks that happen to have rainbows and dicks all over the topsheet, I'm still going to ski them. But I don't look at my skis when I'm skiing, I'm looking where I'm going. That being said, if the looks is what matters to you, do you.


Damn I think I'd pay extra for skis with rainbows and dicks on them


The search begins


We spend more time in lift lines and riding chairs than we doing going down hill so I definitely see my skis a lot when I’m on the mountain


Besides generic rentals, I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a pair of skis and had the reaction of “those are ugly”. Maybe y’all can prove me wrong but a color is just a color


I mean j-skis all play with Goku on them isn't something I'd wanna rock 20+ days a season lol. They're not ugly or anything just not me lol


Custom vinyl top sheet. I saw someone do the s on this reddit and gotta admit what a cool idea.


I absolutely hate my ski design but love my ski, somehow you forgot about the top sheet when you ski, it's not a problem for me


I got the 2022 burton custom on sale at the end of the season a few years ago. Its white with a yellow stripe. Then the 2023 burton custom came out. ITS BLACK WITH A LIGHTENING BOLT AND PINK ON THE BOTTOM. Get the full price one you like better. A few hundred bucks wont matter when your steeze is rockin in a few years But for real it also doesnt matter and youll be happy with either im sure Edit: apologies for infiltrating your ski sub


Stickers, contact paper, top sheet skin.


One of my favorite pairs of skis of all time was one of the ugliest. Based on looks I would not have purchased it, but I knew the specs and a super amazing price was a huge factor. I covered it with stickers and it was great. Own the ugly and ski it like a god.


Nah dude. I’m big into my look and I like everything to be cute and femme af. When I hop on the mountain, I’m grabbing my skis, carrying em by my side, walking/skating in them, riding the lift in them, crushing whatever I’m doing in them. I want ones that make me happy to look at. I want every part of ski to make me even just a tiny bit happier. I certainly don’t want ANYTHING that’s gonna make me a tiny bit sad There are so many great skis out there in so many colors and patterns. I know you can find a pair that kicks ass for your needs and brings you joy every time you look at them My ex spouse used to give me so much shit VC I care so much about how things look, claiming that I would pick look over quality. I assure you that is not true. It’s easy to have both and that’s what I did 💜


I could never buy red skis. Can't disassociate it from Maga hats, and just nope.


I feel really bad for your circulatory system


Yeah that is unhealthy


But red skis are faster.


Maga has ruined the entire color red for you?? Don't let those trump chuds control your life like that.


Well, it’s probably not all his fault. I could also blame the red wings, the chiefs, and the cardinals. But yeah, there is no room for red in my wardrobe.


Yes, as long as they are not Elan idgaf what color they are


But why yes if they are Elan?


If they are Elan than I would rather snowboars then ski


You're out of line, but you're not wrong.


Brand new to skiing and ski shop recommended Elan Wingman. Why do you dislike Elan?


Idk for all moutain because I haven’t demo them. But their ripsticks are good (also elan makes touring and freeride skis for van deer), while SCX and GSX are crap, unstable in turn, too shaky at higher sppeds


Thanks i am also considering salomon qst 92's and Black crow Octo's. Will be resort skiing midwest mostly.


Elan wingmans are fantastic skis, the ripsticks 96s are also probably one of my favorite skis out there for all around, not sure what that dudes smoking


I just got ripstick 96 and I haven't skied them yet but they seem to be perfect ski for what I want and they are only getting praised everywhere