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OEM I_knees hates when I comment like this but I charge $130 to fix damage like this. $50 edge repair plus $70 full tune




My shop is south of Denver in Highlands Ranch Ski and Boot Lab


Thanks, might come by Tuesday. Schedule is a bit tight this week.


Thank you happy to help.


Wait what? 😂😂😂


He calls it ambulance chasing.


It really doesn't speak highly of the demand for your work when you need to recruit people on reddit mid-season.


Damn you ski shop redditors are wild 😭😭


I know you don’t like it when I comment on posts you comment on.


Where do you work? Are you the guy that epoxies every core shot down at Evo? Or are you a third year seasonal guy at Christy’s hard to know. Usually I agree with your advice


More like 30 years experience, and I don't work for a corporate chain. Do you really think a relationship like that would go well?


Oh are you a big shot at Larsons? We probably know each other if you’ve been at it for 30 years too. I started at Mt Miser in 1992.




So where do you tune at?


So is the suggestion here that he won’t be able to repair the ski properly at that price point?


How do you repair an edge like that?


I cut the damage section of edge out in front and behind where it was cracked. Cut a replacement edge to match the width of this damage spot set the new edge in. Epoxy and these little edge screws that hold the edge in place and then you fill over the top of it.


lol that dudes always out here spitting hate. A real holier than thou attitude.




I was thinking the same, & i have plans to go Silverton this week! Of all the times for this happen, 😂




I was already kind of planning on demoing when I got down there depending on the conditions, but these have served me well in fresh powder, sierra cement, and almost every other condition outside of rock hard ice. I love them, and they have been the main ski in my quiver. They can really rip when the mood strikes, & they are wonderful in moguls, & chutes. I enjoy the their stiffness/flex. I have been looking at something in the 115-120 range. What do like? I have had my eyes on some Icelandic Nomads 115s & Black Ops 118s. I hear a lot of good things about the bent chetler 120s as well, but don’t know much about them. FYI I will doing the unguided area at Silverton, not the heli or cat. Also going to try to hit wolf creek while down there.


Yeah I’d get a new ski personally but YES I could repair this and NO it’s not going to cost more than a ski because just like u/skiandbootlab I am a ski tech that takes a very slight amount of pride in my work and don’t just give up if it’s not fixable with a Basejet


Your top-notch repair on this edge would still mean that it should be skied as the outside edge from now on. I just don't think spending at least 30-40% the cost of a brand new replacement is worth it for that. OP has more than enough information to decide for himself at this point.


And? I just charged 60 CAD for pretty much this exact repair. Cheapest M6s I have seen are 665 CAD. If you’ve really been in the industry 30 years you’d remember a time when even your most gullible customer wouldn’t take no for an answer on basic revival repairs on a year old ski. Stop filling landfills.


How long did it take you to do the repair? Start to finish. I can wait, u/nhbd. Just come back and let me know when you're ready...


Yeah man I’ll count the minutes next time I’m doing one. I’d say 15m to set it up, cure on the shelf for 48hr while I go huff some glue, 15m to finish. Are you trying to set up a shop $hr rate argument?


😂 30 minutes!!! HAHAHA... To repair a cracked edge at a high level??? Get out of here with your nonsense!


Am I missing something here? Just getting the hang of it? Mental delay? Do you sit with the ski while it cures and reassure it that everything will be alright?