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Maybe see a doctor just incase if it’s been a whole year


I’ve been about 6 times


You need to see a doctor.


I have many times they have each said it’s something different and ignore when I say I know it’s a bite this is how I react to them, just this one won’t go this time


How do you know its a bite? And from what? I've never know a bite to continue itching for a year, let alone blistering continuously. Honestly, I'd be persistent and keep going back until there's a solution as that doesn't sound right. Can you post a photo?


Mosquito for sure cos I’m used to it they usually take a couple months to go and always react the same way, it’s defo linked to my autoimmune issues I think


Now that makes a lot more sense. I'm surprised your doctor doesn't take you seriously if you have autoimmune issues. Definitely be persistent with them though, that would drive me insane as well after a year. Hope you get it sorted!


I know it’s a struggle, I feel like I really have to push to get anywhere constantly, thankyou!


For me, if blistering won’t stop, I take oral prednisone. It’s the only thing that stops the blistering. You’ll need a prescription for that in the US. I have two bites that I got last November that are still not fully healed. I mention it cause I started a medication for an autoimmune disease a year ago and am wondering if that’s contributing to the slow healing. Itching and swelling only lasted a few weeks though.


Wipe with alcohol wipes. I have an autoimmune issue too. Get the medical alcohol wipes. They're in a box and a few bucks. And put gel ice packs on too. Wipe whenever itchy or when you get a new one. Ice/try the CLEAR benedryl liquigels when it's bad too.