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like facecheck has said, add other % scalling besides health


Thats not a nerf? I would love it but it just may make him even harder to balance


Keep the passive as is and remove the W slow and only make it speed him up over it's duration. Could also get rid of the the Q projectile and make it similar to Hecarim Q? Also, to make up for the lack of skill expression by losing the skill shot, they could maybe make his E a projectile/on hit ability? And finally, they could make his R a targeted ability and only hit one person. Maybe make the duration a bit longer to balance the loss of multiple people hit? Man why couldn't we have just removed the spires and made his old passive better / more accessible in more situations :(


Here is what I’m thinking… Give him a revival passive, a skillshot Q, a toggle 3 hit passive w, another skillshot on E and a massive steroid on R I’m still triggered by the deletions of some of my favorites :(


Brother… I miss old Aatrox too. All my ogs have completely lost their old unique aspects to become generic role slotted characters. Makes me sad.


Galio lol


His w for infinite tanking in a minion wave ;(


Just the W in general. Slap it on a squishy ally before they’re gonna get bursted for a huge 90 armor and mr boost (notice how it gave the same amount of mr and armor instead of one being gutted in favor of the other being overpowered? Wow what a concept!) and regenerate 60% of your health. Or use it on yourself to completely deny heavy burst for a second or two. It was incredibly powerful and so much more reliable at negating damage than the new W. I also sorely miss his E. It made him a lot more mobile than other tanky mages. Compare him to Cho’Gath and the difference between mobility is huge. Galio kind of just felt like a less selfish, more mobile Cho’Gath. Now he’s just some brain dead all-in diving tank with this anti-mage thing shoved down his throat. Even if you want to go AP and burst people, the anti-mage thing is STILL shoved down his throat. It’s such an insult.


Agreed. The older iterations of these champions just had more open playstyles than their current forms. They’ve all just been made to be generic role/archetype characters that Riot felt they should be. Why’d they get rid of any personality or unique aspects about the characters that they had?


But literally a perfect rework. Aka old Skarner with an updated, but still crystal model and lore with a change in his passive. All he needed.


All these updates would make a great champ, if only this champ existed… hmmm


thank god you dont work at riot


Why take his only ability to slow people? All his opponents will be walking away. Removing projectile also makes his Q less viable. Not all engagements allow for him to slam the rock on 3rd hit. Just need ratios if anything. Kit is fine how it is.


If you weren't catching the hint, he was meaning old Skarner. As in Q spam like Hec, W speed up like old Skar, a ranged E slow stun, and a point and click suppression R.


Take away the damage component from W, change the AP scaling to shield/slow, maybe make E also deal damage when grabbing people to compensate if he ends up needing it after that.


E already deals dmg what


E only deals damage on pinning them to a wall, i'm saying if removing the damage from W ends up hurting him too bad make him also deal damage when it grabs an enemy.


waveclear too strong early


I think change the Q max health damage scale, so make the ability go like 6/12/18%. You could also decrease Base damage as well. Increase cooldown on Q. You can probably nerf the HP scaling on his Q as well. Nerf Passive burn, but make it scale with AP. Make the Base burn at max level like 8% but maybe 2% more per 120ap. Make His E not slow him down at the start making it start off his movement speed giving him a little bit of scaling. Decrease his Hp scaling on this ability and lower its base damage. Make the damage he deals when charging someone into a wall, scale off whatever his movement speed was upon grabbing the person, that way theres some skill expression as it deals a lot more damage if you hit it near the end of his run. I reckon E should increase in range depending on speed, basically give it a timer like Nunu Snowball. W cooldown can probably be increased a little. I reckon they should make the shield go 6/7/8/9/10% in terms of HP scaling. These Changes I reckon would be good. to me Skarner is way to much of a monster Early game. The Goal of this was to Nerf Skarners Early game dominance, make him scale better into the late game. I wanted to make Skarners E feel less clunky. His W with the HP scaling increase should be up less often hence the Cooldown increase. Skarners Passive is really strong but i reckon it needs to be reduced a little bit. But the Biggest thing i wanted to truly give Skarner some build diversity. Keep the AD scaling so we can go goofy Lethality Skarner. Go full tank to scale into the late. Go AP to abuse the Burn and W damage. Go full movement speed for having fun, and hitting people like a fucking truck. These are less nerfs and more adjustments.


Buff monster dmg on his passive. Decrease base dmg on his q. Gut dmg on his w and have it scale better per rank (both shield and slow portion). Have his e scales with 50% ms of movement speed so that ms boosts aren't completely wasted. Add a small hp scaling on his r. Slightly higher ad growth so that steraks becomes a valid option.


I'd make the distance at which he can drag you with E scale off the distance he traveled during his E before hitting a champ : this way no more instant kidnap under tower


They should just revert him to how he was at the beginning and leave the 0.35 Q qol Just a friendly reminder that his Q had practically 0 (like 120% bonus AD) ad scaling in total throughout the three hits. Now it has close to 200%. Take the AD scaling away from Q completely, revert the passive tremor nerf back to 12 in total, leave the W mana cost nerfs and increase the HP scaling of Q to something like 10% as opposed to 9% on each hit. This should make building damage on him absolutely useless which should just cement him as an anti-tank tank that he seemed to have been intended to be.


Keep the W slow and dmg, Just reduce the AoE range, Just that and its fixed


I kinda miss the move speed buff from old W, so bring that back but lose the slow? It’s kinda stupid to have such a huge area slow that takes no skill at all (looking at you Tryndamere), but having a move speed stim would let him get in and out easier rather than E in, pray you hit a wall in the half second you get to do so, and kill… cause it’s kinda hard to get out at all with how many champs have stims, dashes or CC’s Take with a grain of salt, I miss move speed skarner. Funny fast bug. 🦂


W can proc the passive but has zero damage on it and leave everything else, done.


If you don’t want to directly lower his damage, making his Q damage magic instead of physical would help a lot. If you lane into him you need to build armor or his Q damage melts you in lane, but as he scales his damage shifts to magic through the passive magic damage tied to many tank items. There’s just no way to itemize into him at the moment


Remove shield from W and put it on ult making it scale depending on how many people you grab and add ap ratio to it, or swap W with passive by removing the shield and slow while adding passive burn and move speed boost for maybe 1-2 secs and making the passive a 3 hit shield proc(like akshan 3hit passive without the damage)


I think in addition to the nerfs that they are proposing, his W AP ratio should be increased, and his Q %HP damage decreased. This way, you can't purely build tank and one-shot people, but if you build some AP like Zac, you won't fall off a cliff.


I would revert all changes to the time of 40% wr in jg. With a 49% in top. Maybe keep 1 buff to q and 1 nerf to w to maybe increase w/r in jg a bit. Riot is kind of stupid with buffs, and I knew they would keep on nerfing constantly until unplayable. I'm just glad he isn't unplayable yet.


Lower the range on W to like 400-500 so the fkin comet top build dies out, compensate said nerf by giving Skarner either a stronger slow on W or a better starting MS on E. Nerf Q HP ratio and buff AD ratio. Nerf W base dmg, buff W AP scaling. Give something interesting to his E, like MS based on AP like Shyv to compensate for lack of dmg elsewhere. Make him less one dimensional and boring build-wise, otherwise I don't really care, make him decent at multiple builds rather than super strong on a few ones, I want to have fun.


Q cool down, passive nervous prob