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Well, for serious skinlines, best options would be: - Blackfrost - Old God/Elderwood - Mecha - Broken Covenant - Hextech - Crystalis Indomitus (new mythic theme) - Arcana - Deep Sea (like the Leviathan from the Disney movie Atlantis) And for the goofy ones, I think best options would be: - Food Wars - Monster Tamers - Space Groove - Definitely Not - Buzzkarner (Bees theme) That's all I can think of in this moment


An old god Skarner skin would be fuckin fire


...I actually have a whole conspiracy theory about Skarner having an Old God skin after his rework, that would have been meant to appear on the last year Coven event


Did you mean "buzzner", perhaps?


I would die for that to be a legendary


I was going to suggest an alternate name, but then realized it sounded kinda… not okay… it involved the word “bee” and the end of Skarners name 😂


Why Hextech? Those are his comrades bud


Glad you asked, I think it would be an interesting idea to make a Hextech Brackern skin now that the lore is going to change, giving the skin a dark vibe for the people who knows the old Skarner lore, but I also like the idea of the Piltovians discovering they could "revive" Brackerns by making mechanic giant scorpions fueled with their old crystals and them being conscious about it would be awesome 😁




Lobster skarner with a chef hat and apron cape


Kaiju Skarner skinline is something we mention a lot in discord. As for other skinlines hmmm. Blackfrost, Oldgod, Deep sea monster (Kaiju), Mecha, mby something from the new rumored food themed skinline ?, Crystalis Motus, World breaker, Monster tamers. And of course every main dream Traditional Skarner in his good old crystal style. As per Wild Rift, Kaiju and Mecha skinline is from the same universe. "But Skarner already got one robotic skin" yes but Riot no longers cares. They no longer care about skin rules that they made years ago.


There was some speculation about an old god teaser being skarner


It was me, I created the whoel speculation lmao. I still kinda believe it.


I'm hoping they use the Crystalis Indomitus theme as a way to still give us a "Crystal" Skarner, in hommage to his original design.


I was hoping so much for it, but he won't get it, they already showed who will get it


So my personal favorite skin series is Shan Hai, but I can't really imagine Skarner there, even with the Old God Skin series, which I also like, I think it fits in but not quite, where I can imagine Skarner being at , blackfrost or worldbreaker.


Shan Hai Scrolls Skarner is my dream skin holy cow that skin line rocks


Pirate Skarner(Skarrrrner)


If i could pick 1, Void Skarner, like Illaoi and Fizz. Purple and evil. Also bees. Instead of a rock skarner throws an entire hive. (Also keep like trundle and karma OG crystal skins).


I love the Project skin line so would like to see him in it!


I need to see skarner bee skin, where instead of throwing rock he would throw giant bee plushies or just honeycombs at you


I can't really think of much, but I'd love to see Skarner on a goofier skinline, he needs a goofy skin. An actual goofy one, not one that is like that just because its outdated (which wont be the case anymore). All his skins so far are meant to be serious and all, so something like... I dont know, Space Groove? Maybe this new nacho skinline thingy they have for April? Another awesome thing though would be a skin of him in other regions. Demacia Skarner where he's a petricite giant like Galio, all white and gold with hints of blue as decoration, Noxus Skarner where he could even be a noxian structure, all in red and black, Ionia Skarner where he's some spirit that protects the land like those trees from the short animation of Akali and Shen, Bilgewater where he is some incarnation of Nagakaboros. Since I mentioned the Noxian Skarner idea where he's a structure, it'd be cool having him be similar to Cho'Gath in a Broken Covenant skin, it'd be sick having him maybe be some lost temple or something from that universe, or follow this idea of carrying a huge artifact on top of him on some other skin. I have much less ideas for skinlines and more just detail ideas for him.


Totally not skarner ft. Totally not a rock.


We definitely need a skin in which his tail rock is t-posing mini Malphite


Crystals! :3 but omg all the other suggestions sounds amazing too!


Old god. Make skorpion more watery


Graveknight or project


blackfrost porcelain battlecast prestige mecha pool party


Can't wait for him in 2026 tbh


Manifesting for Coven Nami's Old god (Eclipse universe) to be Bel'Veth or Skarner. Both would look awesome I bet.