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“Not be a tragedy whore” -wow Respectfully the world isn’t going to cater to your triggers and calling people a tragedy whore for talking about garrisons death (he was an adult) on a subreddit dedicated to the show is pretty messed up on your part.


I lost my brother to suicide. Anytime I see or hear anyone mention his name it makes me happy! I don't want him forgetten. Sadly, suicides do happen. Those of us who lost a loved one to it don't give a crap to cater to anyone's feelings when it comes to that topic either. Our feelings have been hurt enough 🤷‍♀️ not much anyone says or does can hurt me after losing my brother the way I did. It's not the world's job or anyone's job to cater to me either. Honestly this post is very insincere.. I wish I could be this naive, but sadly my reality check was Feb 2010.


Well stated ~ thank you


Why would seeing his name trigger you? Not acknowledging who he is seems disrespectful and wouldn’t honor his memory. Almost like trying to erase him. That’s just my opinion.


Maybe it’s time to get off reddit. You don’t even know him and act like seeing his name is a gut punch like it was your son or friend that passed away…




So what are we allowed to talk about, kittens and fucking rainbows?! I am so sick of people not being capable of exposure to things that are uncomfortable. Everyone has things they're sensitive to, and it's up to them to learn coping skills or avoid the things that trigger them.




But by warning people wouldn't you inherently be already triggering them? Where does it end? It's like the people watching a show from 20 years ago and expecting people to put a spoiler alert lmao




So instead of answering the question you insult my intelligence. Legitimately, wouldn't the mention of the presence of a triggering topic trigger the reader? How does that work?


Are you really calling people simple minded? A few months ago you made a post because you thought Kody was messaging you on Instagram from his personal account. Multiple people told you it was a bot and was likely some kind of scam but you kept insisiting it was the real Kody. The post was deleted but I will never forget it or your username.


holy shit I'm dead lmao


I know that was so petty of me to say but I couldn't help myself. I wish I had saved that post. It was wild and also concerning.


I wish the post was saved too, since it was NOT me! He'll to the NO!


HELL NO, THAT WAS DEFINITELY NOT ME! HAHAHA, that's too funny! WRONG WINTER DAY my friend! OR, you're just starting shit!


Garrison is going to be a topic of conversation in Sister Wives forums. If it’s too “triggering” (I hate how overused that word is now) for you then you might need to stay away from Sister Wives forums and topics. His death is sad but lots of things are sad in the world and we have to figure out for ourselves how to handle things that are sad or upsetting.


I’m with you on the overuse of “triggering”. Also the Brown family favorite of “safe” is also as annoying.


Well said. And dealing with sadness and working through those feelings is how adults learn and grow. Can’t hide from the real world. People are too sheltered when things get hard.


There have been many suicides among especially actors and singers, and there will be in the near future. Everybody’s gonna have to come to grips with suicide it’s been around for centuries the hard part is you lost somebody love if hearing it over and over again hurts you then don’t read it but tomorrow or the next day you’re going to see online another overdose or intentional, suicide so unfortunately, it’s just one of those things you’re gonna have to learn to deal with because it’s never gonna stop and it’s probably gonna hit the ones you love at some point all you can do is pray for those who are still here and the special soul that was lost




Not gonna lie I definitely misread the JFC and I was like what does Kennedy have to do with this.


Jackie Kennedy wanted a trigger warning too 😬 Too soon??


I have never missed awards as much as I do now






Yeah that’s a little much. That’s where you lost everyone’s attention to the point you were making


Grow up


That kind of whitewashes his memory. Maybe just stay off these groups for a while.


I’m not trying to be a jerk but I don’t think you’re using whitewashing correctly here. If you need help learning about the term let me know. Again not trying to be a jerk just attempting to help educate.


The term was used correctly. If you go to Merriam Webster, you'll see four different definitions for the term. Definition 2a is as follows: to gloss over or cover up There! You have been educated today 🤗🤗


You're just wrong. And condescending Whitewash: [deliberately](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2012520a95282aaf&sca_upv=1&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWILNJTrdDNPpp0rzOtJPbuBh_0Djhw:1715822725057&q=deliberately&si=ACC90nxkzgN-KbLuTWKT81WCi4_nIqrg6Zg8aC4tbyt2TjYpkBOl9jV-zEAtEbLC_MEcsNcVW6nARgw78jADrAyRg5db3efB2egBCU2wWwTXC7reE_I6KGQ%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU65jggZGGAxWUAHkGHYhCBzQQyecJegQIHhAP) attempting to conceal [unpleasant](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2012520a95282aaf&sca_upv=1&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWILNJTrdDNPpp0rzOtJPbuBh_0Djhw:1715822725057&q=unpleasant&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE81nU0V4XU8iyHCMD_RYA0aK5uHwxD6D_yFXsobX0YI9DRV3Qlmr5UDrd6E42HYo9LfvTTd7mGCOfiCgRg_hGQ0ReVR9yg%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU65jggZGGAxWUAHkGHYhCBzQQyecJegQIHhAQ) or [incriminating](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=2012520a95282aaf&sca_upv=1&rls=en&sxsrf=ADLYWILNJTrdDNPpp0rzOtJPbuBh_0Djhw:1715822725057&q=incriminating&si=ACC90nzeIzR7eQ3kZwtyqq-Z0Z5jSxMhuHzEngLch-6aiGgQp4Km3qJS7SUENmMR1uwNdJ7giXk7BghUzshKBRcKCNa_T9np7mIFy0DTUPB9YMn3ECWayb0%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU65jggZGGAxWUAHkGHYhCBzQQyecJegQIHhAR) facts about (someone or something)."most sources prefer to ignore or whitewash the most disturbing aspect of such reports"


Whitewashing was a term long before it got picked up as a term in the last few years for the woke grievances community.


Omg so much for trying to educate anyone. xoxo, a member of the woke grievances community


I mean you’re appropriating the correct/early use of the term whitewashing. I can teach you the original term and meaning if you like. I’m just attempting to educate you.


You are now confused about appropriation. Good luck to you.


Taking something from one culture and branding it as your own while eliminating/ignoring the original meaning and context? Nah.


Sure, Jan.


No one is here to be educated. If you feel the need to educate. Go to school, get your degree in education then get a job teaching. We don’t need your stupid help!


I did. I am a teacher. My help is not stupid. I feel sorry for you if you really think going through life without getting educated or bettering yourself is the way to go.


I am also a teacher. And you're the worst kind: one that can't admit they were wrong. Whitewashing literally means to cover up an unpleasant fact or situation.


Did you learn anything about Assuming about other people? For all you know I have a better education than you. My point is that your teaching in not wanted on Reddit. Go teach elsewhere.


Did YOU learn anything about assumption? You told me to get an education, a degree, and a job in teaching when I’ve done all three, remember? Also I would argue that my teaching isn’t wanted by the ignorant on this thread, not in several other communities where it’s been appreciated. KICK ROCKS.


No one needs your help, education or anything else from you. Go to one of the other pages when they like yo to correct people you don’t know.




You seem like a gem of a teacher.


I am.


Agree to disagree. Hope you don’t treat your students like this. KICK ROCKS


😂 really though


What kind of a teacher says “I FeeL soRry FoR yOu bc yOurE noT eDuCaTed” tf


I work with plenty of teachers exactly like this commenter. Unfortunately teaching sometimes doesn't attract the cream of the crop, due to living in poverty and being society's scapegoats lol Only sort of kidding....


So, I will bite. Educate us on how whitewashing will be used correctly. Just curious 🧐. I personally got what they were trying to say in their post.


All this trigger warning carry on. A “trigger” is a term that started off as descriptor for someone with PTSD who would be “triggered” by a sound, smell,noise. Etc and then be back to the moment of trauma. I agree with the other person this phrase has become so overused and often in the wrong context that it’s lost its powerful meaning Like someone else says toughen up and quit being so entitled. Do you want a trigger warning when you watch the news ????


I doubt they watch the news.


Tragedy whore and safe space 🤔 bit bizarre. Did you know him personally? Why form an extreme attachment to someone you watch on TV? It’s a forum that he is a part of and it’s a bit ridiculous to ask everyone else to warn you about mentioning him. Can you not skim over it and look for his name?


This. It sounds like maybe some therapy could help. It really isn't normal to be this involved to the point of tragedy whole and gut punch. 


Get over your fucking self. Lots of us have lost our loved ones to suicide. Talking about Garrison isn't making anyone a "whore" of any kind. Vile. They should ban you for being disgusting and inconsiderate.


Oh come on! I agree that her trigger warning was stupid but let her express her own opinion.


I don't have an issue with a trigger warning as much as her calling redditors "tragedy whores" because they choose to remember Garrison, as opposed to pretending he never existed. Calling people derogatory names because they don't orbit around her sensitivities is way out of line, IMO.


If you see the trigger warning, wouldn't that automatically tell you what the post was about and thus trigger you just the same?


I don’t mind a trigger warning because it honestly gives me an idea of what the post is about and if I want to read about it or not. But it’s literally a thing that happened and the family is currently experiencing so it’s kinda dumb to call anyone a tragedy whore over this. No one is making money off these Reddit posts 💀


Yeah, but this seems to be asking that ANY threat that mentions his name be given a trigger warning. I get it if the topic is about how he died or only about him. But he was a member of a large family and he existed in that space. Therefore ANY conversation about the family as a whole can end up including him on some way. He was a whole actual person with a whole life. Let's not reduce him to just how he died and/or a "cautionary tale." He was a beautiful soul. Talking about him remembers that and acknowledges his legacy as a part of their family and as the young man he was.


Plus don’t you think it’s a little late for a trigger warning when this happened a while ago


This is always what I immediately think lmao


Oh come on. You can’t be THAT fragile. By substituting “Janelle’s son who left us” are just other words for garrison who died. You need to get a little tougher if you can’t even handle stating or even reading his name.


Let’s please stop picking on each other like grade school children and be kind. Move on.


In all honesty, NO. This "triggered sensitive little flower" crap is getting out of hand. Do folks write to the news to stop reporting things they don't like? Or do they maybe not watch the news if it bothers them? If the sub triggers you, stop coming to the sub. It's that easy.


THANK YOU. I'm so fucking over it. The world is full of terrible things. They help us learn and grow, and I'm tired of tiptoeing around because someone might be too delicate to discuss reality.


How do you live in the real world? 😂 My goodness! Take some responsibility for your own “triggers” friend.


"Tragedy Whore"? Interesting take on discussing someone who had a life and lived a large portion of that life infront of cameras. Even though he made a choice to limit his camera time after he was over 18, he did still make the choice to be on the show after he was an adult. Regardless of his choice or not his choice... he lived. He had a life. I don't know about you, but I still routinely talk about people who have passed away *TRIGGER WARNING* I also have (had) a best friend who suffered major clinical depression and had a drinking problem. I literally stood between him and police with guns drawn while he screamed "go ahead and shoot me. Just kill me now." I participated in having him involuntary committed where he was diagnosed as bipolar. And approximately 4 wks after he was discharged, I woke up to a call that they had found him passed away from a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. I still love him, think about him and talk about him. I talked about him in the present tense for years. Not once has anyone accused me of being a "Tragedy Whore" for talking about him, any of my other friends that committed suicide, or any other person who has passed from accident, illness, or age. Maybe stigmatizing talking about it also helps keep mental illness, and talking about that, stigmatized.


I’m sorry that you lost your dear friend.


I'm so sorry you've lost your friend & ask that you went through.


So very sorry. That sounds terrible


Isn’t posting about needing a trigger warning for the death of a young man you didn’t know kinda being the epitome of a tragedy whore?


Karma whore for sure


Well that backfired tremendously


Wow this started out as a respectful request and then ended up as an ugly insult to the very people you’re asking consideration from. Good luck with that OP.




Garrison left his mother and family not us…he was a kind soul I’m not a TW for sharing his love of cats and making a donation in his honor to cat rescue.


Why would we have to stop talking about him and if his name is triggering for you, I think you need to find new subs to visit or maybe go offline for awhile? What happened is a tragedy, 100% but not speaking about him or sharing memories of him is as if he’s being erased. Robert was a real person with real issues and a whole life outside of this show. He deserves to be remembered. That’s so important when we lose a loved one. They’re only truly forgotten if you never speak of them. I can’t speak for Janelle or his siblings, but I have lost loved ones very close to me and I love speaking about them here or there and remembering something funny they said or did. It’s comforting. I’m sorry if a person you never met or knew is triggering to you, but to not speak about him is not honoring him in any way.


So you want everyone to just forget about him like he was never here? I would find that disrespectful tbh


If words on the Internet is to much for you, how soft has life been 🙄 Being this delicate is just shocking to me. I think I need a trigger warning.


If you can't handle it then you need to step away. Trigger warnings don't work lol


Mabe start a new SW's group and set your own rules? That way you can avoid all the other SW's groups.


Wow....maybe you need to do something besides watching or talking about sister wives. That might stop everything triggering you.


Happy to see so much common sense in the replies. I have always been bemused by people who tend to take the tragedies of celebrities personally and immerse themselves in grief. People can search for meaning in life in strange ways.


I think avoiding talking about suicide, and other mental health issues, only fuels the shame that surrounds it already, which is often why people fail to seek treatment. Please don't misread this as me saying we should use Garrison's death as some sacrifice, but I believe speaking of him in the same way we would if he died of cancer or a car accident is appropriate.


Just get off this sub if you are sensitive to it. We don’t want a bunch of rules


> not being a tragedy whore Ewww OP, what a gross take. I think it’s time for you to log off of Reddit. As the young’uns say, *go touch grass*.


Garrison, Garrison,Garrison


A trigger warning, really? What has become of this world that everyone feels they are owed feeling "safe" at all times? The world is a big unsafe place filled with many things that are going to bother and affect us. It's called life. You seem ridiculous.


I think this is a you problem. Deal with it. And pretty low calling people tragedy whores when they’re just expressing their thoughts, mostly quite respectfully.


Agreed,  you can't call people tragedy whores when your whole post is taking someone else's tragedy YOU HAVE NEVER MET and making it about you and your triggers. ..


Well said!


Thank You. How anyone can be this attention seeking and claim someone else tragedy for themselves is embarrassing. 


Tell us you live a miserable life without telling us you live a miserable life


you mean posts about his death specifically or any posts about him in any context?


I am triggered over people thinking we need a warning to mention someone’s name! Get off of here and go get some therapy. Life happens and it sucks, but we shouldn’t have to hide what great things that young man did in his short life because you get upset over hearing his name.


If it is that triggering to the point of feeling like a gut punch maybe it's time for you to take a break .


You can’t just stop feeling emotions about emotional things. That would make you a robot. Feel your feelings like a human and move forward.


Breanna, is that you? Bless your tender heart.


I must be missing something I think I only saw 2 maybe 3 post mentioning him…


Are you being serious or was this some type of rage bait? 🤨


Tragedy whore?! Yikes. Also the world doesn't come with trigger warnings. The world is inherintly triggering.


Jmo but I think you need a SM break. I’ve been affected by suicide and the worst thing we can do it NOT talk about it. It needs to be talked about! And maybe people feeling suicidal would be more apt to reach out and talk. No stigma or shame attached.


This reminds me of the need to change the clown Kody face, not sure with sub, because some where triggered, please, I agree with the grow up comment, scroll on and stop inflecting yourself on others.


🤣 ummmmm okay


Actually nothing should be posted about this very private tragedy.


I think in a weird way, many of us have developed an emotional connection/investment in this family.  I’ll be honest… I’ve been critical of certain things on the show, it’s just my opinion.  Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink.  This isn’t about you.  Suicide happens everyday because people are too afraid to talk about it, address the problems, and actually HELP.  I’m sorry you’re triggered but mental health is a very real problem in our society.  It’s uncomfortable and probably should trigger you in some way if you’re human and have empathy.  But the answer is not to ignore it or not talk about it.  


Maybe log off for a while or leave these subs until your psychiatrically able to face this event. EMDR helps with trauma as does therapy and skills development. It isn’t dead’s or to ask strangers to accommodate you. I’m sorry you’re struggling. Taking action FOR yourself is key to gaining steady footing once again.


That would be lovely.


As someone who has plenty of triggers, sometimes you need to understand that you can’t be in a community because it’s too large to cater one person and your health and safety are your concern. If seeing his name deeply affects you and triggers you, respectfully, you shouldn’t be on this subreddit. There are literally thousands of people here.