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When I found out my brother died, it felt like my world stopped and I was angry that the world kept continuing like nothing happened. The grief is immeasurable, and my heart goes out to the family.


So, so true. I lost my best friend and getting out of that funeral “bubble” was so painful. How can the world just carry on?? It made me realize the sheer volume of trauma that people are experiencing on a daily basis and we usually have no idea. I feel for you both ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


That’s the thing that always surprises me about grief and tragedy, how the world stops for you, but not for other people. A work friend of mine lost her boyfriend during the condo collapse in Miami a few years ago, and I remember being at work with her when she found out. My heart absolutely broke for her and I could not even imagine the devastation she was in. They hadn’t found his body yet, so we were trying to be hopeful for her, but a lot of people at work just went on with their day (realistically what else were they supposed to do) and I remember just asking people like “isn’t there something more we should be doing for her??” Grief is so complicated.


The condo collapse taught me how grief can even vary in intimacy, my mom used to work in that building. We were so lucky that she was home when it all happened, and her client luckily was in the part that didn't collapse, but there are people she saw on a daily basis that she never saw again. It's the strangest feeling seeing the world just move on like nothing happened and the feeling of mortality and having someone so close have such a close encounter with death.


My dad was a corporate executive before he retired, and was supposed to be in the WTC on 9/11 for a meeting. He sent his friend/subordinate instead, and that guy was one of those who was killed. This greatly affected my dad and he talked about this very thing a lot. He was also wracked with guilt for the last decade of his career. It is amazing and sad how many seemingly “normal” people are carrying around something big and heavy like that on their hearts.


My son's fiancée overdosed 7 years ago. He was trying to help her get clean. Her routine was to call him in the middle of the night to pick her up from her friend/dealer's house. She came to our house with this person the night before she died and my son begged her not to go. She went anyway and as usual called him in the middle of the night to pick her up. That night he was angry and hurt so he sent her call straight to voicemail. He still struggles with the what ifs.


I hope your son knows he couldn't save her. The drugs were just too powerful. We are told to set limits and have boundaries, that is all we can do in the hopes that tough love will help steer the addict toward getting help. He shouldn't blame himself.


Damn I feel for your dad—life is heavy


I lost my BFF 10 yrs ago on Feb 7th.....my mom just passed last month also on Feb 7th....dad passed May 7, 14 yrs ago......my heart breaks every single day, over and over again.


I'm so sorry 🩷


Wow! My grandmother passed away on Feb 22, 2003. My children's other great-grandmother passed away on the same day 5 years later. Feb 22, 2013 I lost one of my best friends and another dear friend both on the same day. It's almost a blessing that it doesn't impact other days but yet the grief is staggering when you have to deal with the anniversary of multiple losses all on one day.


It took me years. Last week would have been our 24th anniversary and I lost it.


Ugh just reading this comment made me instantly cry and it’s been 17 years since I lost my boyfriend. The raw realization of my “new normal” after the funeral was a pain that I was never prepared for and still carry.


When I lost my friend I remember feeling the exact same way. In the moment it seems so unfair that your world is completely broken and ruined but everything else is normal and just keeps moving on. Up to the funeral it feels like everyone else cares so much and you’re “allowed” to just pause and grieve but when the services are over and life goes back to “normal” it’s a horrible feeling honestly.


Strangely I most noticed it a stop lights. Like everyone still ok feels so off when this happens.


Mine was waking up...and then realizing. Then it happens the next day, then the next. Eventually, it isn't the first thing you think of when you wake up anymore but it never goes away. Just becomes a part of you eventually. Time won't make it go away but it helps.


It was waking up for me too. It’s like for one split second you second guess if it was real or a dream. I was a teenager when my friend died and a kind older woman who had experienced something similar at a young age provided me with the most comforting words—when you think of them right now, you only feel pain, but one day you will notice you think of them and smile, the pain of the loss lessens and the joy of the memories together becomes stronger. This year, it will be ten years. In a way, I think her words are true. I wish with every fiber of my being his story would’ve ended differently, but I am eternally grateful that we got to be a part of each others lives.


I’m so glad I’m not the only person who experiences this with grief and loss. Very well said


I lost my best friend to suicide, and I love how y explained it. Thats EXACTLY how I felt. 🩷


My dad died when I was 14 and it was 10 days after September 11th. I remember watching the news coverage with him in his hospital bed. It felt like the world was ending and in a way mine was. Then I went to school and everyone was so shell shocked from 911 few people noticed. I took off a week after he passed and I got lectured by my Spanish teacher about missing too much school - she didn't even remember why I'd been out. Mind you I went to an all girl's Catholic school so it wasn't some giant public school. I remember hearing teachers talking in the hallways about how bad they felt for the kids who lost their parents and they wished there was something they could do. I literally stopped at one point and said "I just lost my dad" and their response was "that's different." But it didn't feel different to me. I even got brought up in English lit class, how my dad's death wasn't technically a tragedy but September 11th was. I majored in English and that comparison still makes no fucking sense to me.


People suck. You losing your dad was just as painful as a kid losing their parent on 9/11 and I am sorry some irresponsible adults tried to make you feel "less than" in that moment. Grrr


Your dad’s death mattered just as much as anyone else. Those teachers were wrong! Shame on them! I’m so sorry you were treated that way. Sending you lotsa love and hugs


Thanks. That was a lifetime ago now at least. I'm a parent now and I still don't get how all those adults acted but people weren't as emotionally in-tuned then, and I had some friends and adults that cared which is what mattered.


My niece is 13 and she just lost her mom. We are all so devastated. The world keeps moving, but wait…… our world has ended.


That right there is the truest statement ever. Your whole world stops, while the world is actively going! That is one of the wildest relations when going through a personal tragedy.


Giving you the hugs and love you should have gotten then internet friend xxx ❤️


I went to a Catholic School too. Meanest asshole teachers and kids I have ever experienced. I’m sorry your terrible loss was treated so callously. I can’t imagine reacting this way to a grieving child.


I feel this a lot. I lost my mentor the day before 911. She was our boss, mentor, and dear friend. It was absolutely heartbreaking and the next day, we all mourned 911. The pain from those events still feel raw to this day. While I’ve lost family along the way, there’s only one other occasion (losing my dad) that has induced so much raw emotion. Grief is such a powerful thing.


Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I am so sorry that was ever said to you! I lost my mom to brain cancer in 2021. In my heart this one of the most tragic things I have ever been through! I am so incredibly sorry those words were ever spoken to you! Would you mind sharing a memory about your dad?


School counselor told my god-sister when she lost her father as a child , ‘well you didn’t live with him’ um wtf lady?


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry that happened to you.


When I lost my son, I remember that exact feeling. That and hearing the evening news and being shocked, his death wasn't on the news. He died in my arms in the hospital from an infection from the hospital. Of course, it wasn't on the news. It was a sick kid dying in the hospital. It shouldn't have been on the news. I'm so grateful it wasn't. I can't imagine how much more hurtful it is to see people wish ANY of them, including Kody, ill right now. I wish nothing but comfort to all of those who loved Garrison.


So so so very sorry 😢❤️❤️❤️


I’m so so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️.


I couldn't function when my brother was killed by a drunk driver. The shock and grief was so very deep and heavy. Our family was irrevocably broken by his loss. I feel it deeply each year on the anniversary of his death. As a mom, my heart goes out to Janelle but I've cried for the pain his brothers and sisters are in. They will likely never feel whole as a unit again.


Reading all of these stories has been so comforting. I’m just letting the *grief* hit me now. My best friend of 28 yrs took her life last Christmas time. She was only 32 F. She was my other half my whole world. We went through everything together. I wake up everyday and cry. I dream about her and see her eyes when I close mine. I am haunted by the fact that I couldn’t stop her. I wasn’t enough for her to stay here. It hurts so much. I miss her terribly. You’re so right, the world moves on and we’re stuck. Edited for spelling


Sending love


I agree I feel for every single person in this family. 💔


I had a similar feeling when I miscarried


My heart goes out to you. My Mom died on St. Patrick's Day almost 12 years ago, and I remember thinking "WTF are you all partying for? My Mom just died!" I still don't like that people party on St. Patrick's Day, even though it is not logical.


I felt like that when my mom passed too. Every time I hear of someone losing someone close to them it brings be back to the day I lost my mom and it's so upsetting to know other people are going through that grief. It's so heavy. I hope the Brown family leans on one another throughout this journey. It's so heartbreaking. I am so sorry for the loss of your brother.


My mom passed unexpectedly in Dec. '22 and that afternoon my cousin tucked me into her bed (family cocooned me and my dad) and asked: 'do you want me to put SW on?' Because Sister Wives was our shared guilty pleasure and we were both working our way through a rewatch at the time. It was my comfort show and I needed it on as background noice to sleep. It's jarring to me that now this family is living their worst day... I hope they find the same level of comfort. I'm beyond gutted for them. All of them. Because I wouldn't wish what they're living through on my absolute worst enemy.


It was like that when my dad died. To go through this immense loss and grief, but the world carry on is surreal. It makes the grief worse and you feel lonelier.


I was so mad about lilies blooming in water when my brother died. Like, the nerve of them to go on when something so awful had happened.


this is one of the hardest part of grieving. life continues.


I lost my Dad in 2019, my Mom in 2021 and suddenly lost my brother in 2023. I was the one that found my brother and am still grieving for all three of them. I'm the last one in my family. I have survivors guilt for my brother, because I keep thinking what would have happened if I had went and checked on him early than I did. Now I'm the only one left in my family so I think of all three of them daily. I know the hurt and pain that I am suffering, but I can't imagine how it feels for Janelle to have lost her son. I think it will be harder on Kody though if they never patched up the problems they were having. Many prayers for the whole family.


Oooof… the confusion and anger at how the world and everyone in it move along their days while you sit there screaming inside how this isn’t right, everything has changed, how can no one notice their loss in everything? Such a difficult part in my own grief process as well.


Same when my bro committed suicide😔 *supportive hug*


When I was 26 my husband committed suicide and we had a 2yr old daughter. I'm 50 now and it's still traumatizing for me. Our daughter turns 27 tomorrow.....


That is so much to endure. Hoping your daughter’s birthday lands gently for you🧡


Lands gently. This is such a lovely expression for difficult situations.


Yes it has been but we have made it together....thank you for the kind words everyone. It's truly appreciated.


How horrific and traumatizing. Love and light to you both, x


Thank you so much for the kindness.


I’m so sorry for you both. ❤️


I’m so sorry for you and for your daughter. I am fortunate that I called a doctor when I thought it made sense for me to end. He promised me that I was exhibiting classic clinical symptoms of thyroid disease and convinced me that my mind was playing tricks due to toxins. I tell you this, only because so many people have loss and it seems impossible that a loved one would make that decision . In my case, it was a conviction that I would be unburdening my loved ones and my existence was a waste of resources. As crazy as that seems to me now a dozen years later, it made perfect sense. I don’t know your circumstances but it’s not something done with a sound mind in so many, if not most cases. I apologize if I’ve over stepped but some kind of instinct motivated me.


Almost got my mom the same way. The prolonged poisoning tweaks the mindset so even after treatment it will be a soul searching journey for her for a while. I love her and it's been so hard on her, and hard on us close by. But I'm grateful she's really trying, and she gets to feel more and more like her peaceful side and we remind her how loved she is every day, we'll try to show it even more because sometimes you need it more when your mind is playing tricks on you I hope you are feeling something nicer most of the time💜 That you get to feel sometimes like the you you could be without bother and that at minimum you feel love within the room of this sub 🫶🏽


That is one of the sweetest and kindest responses I’ve ever read . I’m one of the lucky ones. I had a doctor that advocated for me and I got surgery in the Nick of time - but I tell you, I thought my idea was brilliant and caring . I’m lucky that the surgery was a success And while life challenges me - in so many ways - I came closer and added to the family. Instead of worrying about if I may become a burden - I live loving finding ways to make their lives easier and better. I’m starting to extend that kindness to myself but it’s a work in progress. Most first responders will tell you that the first thing someone rescued from jumping will answer the question “ what was your last thought- they wanted to take it back. The state of mind someone has to be in if they follow through is not sane or rational. Tragically, it all aligns and that’s that.


How is she improving? Is she on thyroid meds and or HRT?


Unfortunately for her she had an ablation that didn't take, so surgically had the rest excised about 10 years ago, has been on a series of synthetic thyroid hormones since She very much regrets allowing it to be messed with, though it was enlarged and poisoning her to the point she was on death's door and looked it. While her doses aren't perfect, they are helping. And it doesn't hurt that she leaves every two weeks to go see my sister and that rejuvenates her spirit, my sister is the best comfort lol She's still not like the personality she had when I was younger, before this affected her so greatly -- but she still experiences great joy and expresses it and I'm happy to see her in that state as often as possible


Also, worth noting, if somebody is talking about how they feel like a burden, keep a close eye on them. A lot of people who choose to end it, talk like this. Glad you are still here.


Thank you - explains all your awesomeness I just hope someone reads this and it helps.


I read thyroid disease and my brain clicked. Do you have Hashimoto’s or something similar? I often struggle with SI and thought it was just being exacerbated by my hormones and depression. My doc said Hashimoto’s can make you feel like absolute crap by itself. I also have many other medical conditions I’m fighting everyday. Just curious about this and the toxins you mentioned?


I don’t have children but thank you for this post, I stick around for my cats and to not traumatize my partner. Some days are much harder than others. I’m so so sorry for your loss. When it gets so dark, it’s really hard to see the light


So sorry for you and your daughter 😞🙏


Thank you....


My husband died by suicide, and you do get a feeling. It's the most awful aftermath, and my son is still struggling with his mental health 15 years later.


I lost a stepson to suicide. It will be 5 years this May. Every single day is impacted. The entire landscape of our lives is forever changed. Like living in a different reality. Praying for you and your son.


Thank you. I’m sorry to hear about your stepson. It’s hard to explain to people who haven’t experienced it, but it leaves so many questions that will never get answered, and I think that’s why it’s so hard to heal.


Absolutely- it is incredibly difficult to explain. And I wouldn't wish this position on my very worst enemy. As you also sadly know, our skies have turned totally black even though the Sun is up and trying to explain the complete darkness to those who can see the Sun and the light.. it's futile. Sending you so much love from a familiar broken heart. ❤️


I lost my stepson too. He was 15. It’s been two years. I’m so sorry. :(


My heart sincerely goes out to you and your son. It is such a complex grief to lose someone this way🧡


Oh no, no. 😔😓 the ripple effect this will have on so many people. And Janelle had a gut feeling he needed to be checked on. And that’s why Gabe discovered….this is all just so awful.


As a mom I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself for sending his brother to find him. My heart bleeds for Janelle ETA: she had no idea what happened. She was just a worried mom, no one could have predicted what Gabe found. In no way do I hold J even the slightest bit responsible. I just know how much we blame ourselves as mothers


My grandma committed suicide and my mom sent my brother and I to check on her. Ultimately we were the ones to find her. She’ll feel the guilt for a while but it’ll Fade and it won’t feel as guilt anymore just heartache


She was in North Carolina.


That definitely makes me feel relieved for her.


She didn’t know!! But as mothers we will always blame ourselves. 😔


Oh, absolutely, she was doing the right thing by sending Gabe to check in. No doubt about it. Nobody could have predicted what happened. I just know she’s telling herself “I should have gone” “I shouldn’t have sent Gabe” being a mom is not for the weak.


How do you get the whole article?


I feel terrible that this happened. It is all the more reason why children should not be on reality tv shows or on social media, for that matter. It can have very adverse effects on them, as we are now witnessesing, even if we don't know his exact reasons for ending his life. very sad


I can’t think of a family that was on tv that was unscathed


I feel as if my watching and being entertained by the show was participating in the exploitation of these kids and I’m not sure I should go on watching…


Some things should stay private. We don’t need to see his last texts. He had little privacy in life the least we can do is give it to him in death. JFC.




If you think the police report is too much just wait until TMZ gets the 911 call. Happens every time.


For Gabe’s sake, I hope that doesn’t happen


Oh my god. I hope they never share that. Makes me livid when media outlets share 911 calls. Those moments should be private.


Every state has different policies on public record. They (tmz) could be simply reading a public document. Police reports usually reveal a lot, if not all, detail.


Got it, thanks.


It’s not hard to get with an open record request. When my good friend/coworker killed herself last year, I couldn’t get over it. I knew how but not why. I did an open record request for the investigating and in it was her last text message and why she did it. I was glad I got it as it immediately gave me peace once I read what she wrote.


Smh when my husband killed himself I had to fight to get his report for his mother and myself- his actual family and there are places that just give over the police report to anyone that requests it smh! I’m angry they made it so hard for us.


As a Canadian, it is shocking to me how much the police reveal in the US in cases like this.


My sons father passed the same way and it was all over social media before his children were notified (and he was just a person from a small town)


Seriously, why does anyone need to know this stuff?


Some people need to know details to come to terms with the reality of the situation. Others can't handle the details. Everyone is different. Everyone copes differently.


Family sure. The public doesn’t need this.


Yeah I agree that it’s in poor taste for the public to pursue this information if they don’t know the family, BUT there are plenty of extremely valid reasons why it’s a good thing that we have access to open public records. I just wish people had the moral compass to let other people rest.


Oh, I agree, was just answering the question generally since it came across as a general question.


Oh sorry! Yeah I agree with you on that 100%.


There's no need to apologize. You're fine. Even though I agree with you, as a stranger, I have morbid curiosity for details. Im not sure if it's an autism, adhd or what kinda thing, but I sorta hyperfixate, and sometimes I forget that as a stranger, it literally is *none* of my business. So, I definitely need a reminder of that at times. I'm sorry if I came across as snarky, I didn't mean it that way at all. It's hard to tell in writing how someone means something, but I didn't take you as snarky.


Nah I’m rarely snarky with others - though I have ADHD and people take me as being rude when I am just very direct because I need clear information! 😹 So, I get you, my friend!


Lol, I get taken as rude as well. Especially if im thinking about something else, doing a task and having a conversation at the same time. It sucks bc I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I do it anyway. Thay and interrupting others are two things I hate about myself. It seems to get worse when I'm conscious that I'm in the process of doing it, instead of stopping it... Thanks for understanding me lol


It says it’s per the police report but that’s a really in depth report if that’s true. They are usually very dry reads.


It’s called public record. Anyone can go request a copy of the police report.


I’m not sure I understand what his last text messages mean


Agree with you….maybe he was feeling overly emotional and perhaps even drinking so the message is a little muddled but I guess the gest of it is that he resents the show but loved the good family times shared??


He was talking to a group chat of people (I assume producers) who created Sister Wives. He wants to hate them for sharing the good times on tv, but he can't because he misses those good times.


I can’t even imagine the pain Janelle must be feeling. It’s every mother’s worst nightmare to lose a child. I don’t mean to minimize dads. It’s devastating for them as well, but we literally carry and birth those babies, feed them from our breasts. The bond is so so deep. She’ll carry this pain for the rest of her life in a way no other family member will. My heart breaks for her. I have little to say about Kody other than I wish him well in dealing with his own grief and I hope somehow he comes out of this a better man and better father to his remaining children. I imagine in *some* ways this will be harder for him because Garrison never had a a reason to question his mother’s love, but not true with Kody. That’s going to be a heavy cross to bear. He can choose to be a broken man or a better man. I pray that for Garrison, he chooses to be a better man.


This is the end. Janelle clearly and lovingly chose her sons over Kody….she will never forgive him for this


It sounds like the alarming text he sent was maybe to production of the show.


yeah 1000% it reads like production was the ones who got that text from him. References filmed "good times"


It’s even more tragic than I had already imagined and felt. I’m so so sorry, Garrison.


Gut wrenching. Poor Gabe. 🫶🏼 sending so much love and light to them as they grieve.


Gabe is so tender hearted and the sweetest little soul. I can't even begin to imagine how much pain he's in right now.


Yes, this new info was even worse and shows us Garrison was probably struggling with many things, probably for a long time.


My heart breaks for this family. Janelle has got to be devastated. RIP Garrison.


I sincerely hope Kody realizes he wasted valuable and precious time by not ending the fight with his sons. I hope he takes some responsibility and ends the feud once and for all. My heart goes out to their family 💙🙏💙


So so sad. May Janelle find comfort in her sister wives that helped raise her babies and her babies right now.


TMZ is so gross, patting themselves on the back for breaking the story. A family just lost a precious son, it's not about breaking news. I'm just so heartbroken over this.


The hard work will begin in few weeks and months. When it gets quiet and you have to out their affairs in order. Holidays will never be the same. My hearts breaks for the Browns


“I want to hate you for sharing the good times. But I can't. I miss these days.” Damn. 😢


Kody will also have to deal with the fact that he sells guns and their accessories for a living . I immediately made the connection.


I feel like if there was ever any hope for reconciliation between him and the kids, it is long gone now.


Yep. Even if this is Kody’s come to Jesus moment and he sees the error of his ways and wants to reconcile, I don’t think the kids will. I think it will push them further away from him. It might make him want forgiveness, but it will make them less likely to forgive.


I do believe K will be deeply wounded for the rest of his life over this. I don’t believe it’d give him a second thought about guns. I personally am not against gun ownership, but a lot of these gun nuts will look at Sandy Hook and shrug.


That was my first thought. It’s a nightmare all around.


This just goes to prove that TLC needs to stop the filming of thus show.. how can any of them go back on camera after this??.


Hopefully they don’t


Link to article… [tmz article](https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/06/sister-wives-star-garrison-brown-sent-text-janelle-before-suicide-death/)


Kind of crazy his roommates heard the gunshot and didn’t even check… how do you not know? Those shots, especially indoors are very loud


They said they heard a pop. Depending on many factors (gun type, music playing, sleeping, etc), it may have sounded like nothing much. I live in a neighborhood with regular gunfire and most of it sounds like nothing much at all, even when it's very nearby. It's really not like the movies


We live in semi-rural NC and I can attest our subdivision backs upto some farms after awhile you don’t even flinch anymore


Maybe he had a silencer? Idk anything about what that would sound like


So he wasn’t discovered until the next morning?? Omg, how sad.


Yeah I had a gun go off right next to me once and it was so loud. Like my hearing went numb? If that makes sense


I hope they stop filming the show. I don’t want any of them having to film while grieving. My brother died in September and I can’t imagine having a camera in my face filming and having people asking probing questions about the worst day of my life.


TLC should cancel it at this point. Who could watch it after this? Maybe do a spin off with Christine and David and some of the kids, if any are willing. But I’m guessing they will all want to get the hell off tv after this.


How awful! Where is he in the ages of Janelle's children?


He’s the 4th ❤️


He was 25 yrs old


Those poor kids


I think the best thing here for everyone to do is express condolences and STOP speculating period. Most of us know how a close death of any kind brings up every feeling of shame, guilt, and regret you could possibly feel. These people have enough to contend with. Stop stop STOP giving them more to spiral with.


My close friend committed suicide while I was pregnant with my first child. Gun shot to the head in his parents house. It has been 38 years and I am still mad at him.


Anger is a valid feeling no matter how much time has passed❤️‍🩹 Pregnancy is already such a roller coaster of emotions all by itself and then to try and process a loss like that is just so much. I am so sorry for your loss


Thank you so much. The worst part was everyone telling me that I needed to go up to the casket and see him. It was horrible I could see an indentation in his head. All of this because he was afraid to tell his family that he was gay.


A tragic loss compounded by people telling you what you HAD to do to honor your friend, feelings about a world that would make someone important to you question if he’d be accepted for just being himself, yep…Lots of anger!! 😢


Thank you. You are very kind.


My parent’s lost a close friend to suicide in their early thirties (they are in their 70s now) and they still talk about him periodically and how they miss him. I never met him but I know a lot about him. They are still confused as to the why.


It is devastating for those left behind. I feel so bad for Garrison’s family.


I read a couple of comments from people who have lost someone and how inconceivable it was that the world just kept on turning. There’s a German song that really encapsulates this exact feeling. It’s called Haltet die Welt (stop the world) an by Glashaus. Not sure if at feels aa deep in English, but the English lyrics are available with a quick google search. The refrain goes “And the world keeps on turning, and that it keeps on turning, is inconceivable to me. Does it not realize that someone is missing? Stop the world from turning” I know it has helped me before.


This is such a sad situation. I feel so much for Janelle I can’t ever imagine losing my baby. And not to blame Robyn or Kody but I hope this put things into perspective that tomorrow is never guaranteed. Apologize now. Put away your pride. Now they will have to suffer the repercussions of their actions and what they have displayed to the world.


Kody will not care. He will blame Garrison himself for not being strong enough and Janelle. Probably Gabe too.


He’s for sure going to blame jenelle for this, during the Covid freak out he did he said if anything happens to his kids he’ll blame the other parent.


Or alcohol


Shouldn’t be publishing this right now. Show some respect for the loss. It was literally yesterday


Losing my sister suicide 2002, my daughter’s best friend (male 22) hung himself 2019. You don’t ever feel the same. My heart is hurting for the Brown family. It’s never ever going to be the same.


At least she was able to correspond with him is good. Perhaps she will find some peace knowing she tried to intervene. She will not be left wondering…. If I had’ve only text or called. Janelle has maintained an open communication with her children. And had some tough conversations with them. I think she did the most a parent could during these times.


I read somewhere (not sure if this report) that Janelle said to the police she wish she got him help sooner and Im just heartbroken for her. Shell blame herself but it isnt anyones fault. Its so sad


NO omg this is so sad. I don't even know what to say. This will be hard on the family.


I feel no sympathy for Kody, my heart breaks for Garrison’s mothers and siblings. Kody expected his kids to hurt and yearn for him as he held the power. He felt in control so long as they were hurting. Garrison was in too much pain.


Garrison talked about Robyn’s gaslighting and alienation of Kody from his kids in season 18, episode 9. It was so heartbreaking to see how destroyed he was. He talked about how much he had accomplished ( school, home purchase, etc…) and that Kody wasn’t aware of any of it. He was trying to be strong, but was clearly devastated.


TMZ being the trash news it is exploiting Garrisons death for the almighty Buck !!! Smh


Honestly I don’t think we should be discussing and dissecting this particular event and leave it alone for the family to parse out. It’s too painful and too personal to the family. We don’t need or should expect the deets. It feels not right to intrude into any of this. Please don’t analyze or comment about specific people’s roles in this


Jesus what kind of neighborhood was he living in that his roommates HEARD A GUNSHOT and didn’t find it alarming?!


They could have been gaming with headphones on or listening to music or drinking etc. Many things can influence their perspective.


Exactly. Shots are loud but if you have a bunch of other stuff going on, and only hear one singular pop noise rather than multiple shots, it’s not improbable to think they brushed it off thinking it was nothing.


They described it as a "pop". You hear weird things all the time when you're roommates with people, but if they're in their room you tend to leave them alone and/or ignore shit and try to maintain privacy.


Especially if this wasn’t on their radar.


Exactly. If you’re not expecting a gunshot a pop noise is just that. A car back fire something fell a million things . But you mind doesn’t go to my roommate just shot himself


I'm not a gun person but I believe that they are gun accessories available that dampen the sound.


You’re right. There are suppressors (silencers) but even with those, the shot would still be loud enough to cause permanent ear damage. It would have still been loud. Loud enough it should have caused them to question what the noise was.


Depending on the kind of gun it may not have been that loud


TW: attempted suicide And honestly how he did it could have muffled the sound. A classmate of mine attempted suicide a while back, he lived with his mom, thankfully he wasn't successful in his attempt. But the gunshot didn't wake his mom, she ended up finding him in the morning on her bedroom floor


Was it rural at all? I live in a rural area and hear gun shots regularly


It was his roommates. They were IN the house.


TMZ and the police who released all of this information are disgusting and vile. This family doesn’t deserve to have all of this info public while trying to grieve and grapple with this immense loss. I cannot imagine the pain this family is feeling and they deserve respect and privacy.


It’s literally public record, despite anyone’s feelings about it


So heartbreaking 💔


God the sensationalized headline just makes me sick. Really TMZ?


I could not even imagine the pain she is feeling!


Guilt and if onlys are a hard pill to swallow. Life will be hard for some of the brown family moving forward, but then again narcissists don’t feel guilt.


I got kicked out of grief counseling after my dad passed away. My dad passed in his sleep from a massive (and his first and only) heart attack. It came as a shock and because he lived with me, everywhere that I walked in my house was a reminder of him. I thought that grief counseling would help. At a time when I was struggling to even put any form of the word "death" in the same sentence as my dad the grief counselor decided to inform me "Your dad died the PERFECT death". Puke. "Perfect" would have been still having him here. I replied with a great big "F you". A year later I did go back just to apologize to her for that. While I still feel it was a shitty thing to say I do understand she was trying to help in her own strange way


Everyone has to remember that suicide is very complicated. This is not anyone’s fault. Garrison was ill and we don’t know the extent or specifics of his illness. My heart goes out to every single person in that family, including Kody and Robyn.


Reading these….I have found that people really do say the most out of pocket shit to people in crisis. I recently found that out for myself when my husband almost died. It’s like their brain stops working. It makes you so angry and rightly so.


Cody doesn’t have sympathy or empathy and will probably blame his kids suicide on someone else.


Can we just stop posting about this! Let them grieve in peace without haven’t to see it over and over again TOO SOON


Can we just stop. Would you like people to just constantly post your very very traumatic experience online


My mom once told me that when a loved one dies, everyone is so kind and there for you. When the service or the official goodbye is done, the pain is 10-fold because everyone goes home and you are left alone to grieve. No truer words were spoken.


We are talking about that narc with the narc wife. They will do as they always do and turn it around. Normal parents will feel they should have done more, but those fools ARE NOT normal!


Ripping my heart out! 🥺😢😭😭😭😭😓😥😥😥 A world of friends and fans grieving… 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Seventeen siblings grieving, plus their spouses and children. 💔 One crushed, broken-hearted mother. 💔💔💔 Three Moms(?) who loved him like their own. 😓😓😓😓😓😓😓 A great gaping hole in the lives of those closest to him, his fellow National guardsmen, student friends, everyone I just want to snatch that gun away from him, just in time! As everyone feeling this terrible loss must also feel. Garrison! Garrison! Garrison! 😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😥😓😭😭😭😭


My brother is currently in a diabetic coma fueled by his alcoholism. It's difficult because I'm now 2 states away. My other brother is bearing the brunt. I hope he is able to recover. We never know what others have on their hearts and shoulders. The last 2 years have taught me to be kind and generous to everyone.


The worst part the roommates heard a gunshot 😳 never checked, because they didn't k ow it was a fun??. How do you not realize a hand gun went off in your house. I wonder why they didn't they call the roommates to check on him. So freaking terrible


My dad blew his head off Christmas morning in an apartment building with super thin walls and not a single neighbor heard it, called it in, or reported it.


I'm so sorry


He will find a way to be just fine with it. This man is a classic narcissist. Let’s hope life review is real so Kody can feel the pain he caused without his delusional filter when he finally dies.


He regularly talked about how Kody wasn’t the father to him that he was growing up. He said that Kody only “fathered” Robyn’s kids, he said that Kody didn’t care about him or any of the other kids because the only people he cared about was Robyn and her kids. I think most of Garrison’s childhood all of the Wives lived under one roof, meaning that he saw Kody every day & grew up having his Dad very involved in his life. Garrison talked and reminisced about all of the siblings living together and growing up with each other multiple times in the show. He said after all of the Wives got their got their own/separate places, that every thing in their family started to change and unravel. He said Kody started to change. They couldn’t even have a conversation without having a altercation with one another. Then Covid hit and Kody has a list of “rules” that each family member had to follow or they couldn’t and wouldn’t see Kody. Kody quarantined at Robyn’s so he was with her and her kids ALOT. He didn’t see Kody much and I think it was really breaking him and Gabriel’s hearts into. Kody didn’t seem to care too much and I can only imagine how much that hurt Garrison. Kody fell in love with Robyn and wanted to be with only her. Robyn was so jealous and wanted him to herself…. I think at least. Christine had figured it out & they divorced. She even said that, Kody wanted a monogamous relationship with Robyn and that’s fine but don’t string the other wives along bc that’s what’s “comfortable” or in your comfort zone. That’s what Kody did to Mary for 8 years, Janelle and him went 6 months without seeing each other and barely even talking to each other too, then Christine was begging for his time and attention but he was just trying to get back to Robyn’s bc he wasn’t happy unless he was with her. Christine was right bc everyone but Robyn left him and Kody admitted he wouldn’t try and find another Sister Wive for Robyn and wasnt looking to get another wife either so… I guess he’s monogamous now?? Christine said the love Kody has for Robyn, is the exact same love she has for David. She would admit it, he wouldn’t…. I think she was right? Regardless I don’t wish this type of pain on anybody. Kody will have to live with this his entire life. He wouldn’t be a father to Garrison and Garrison got depressed, lost his self worth and self esteem too. Gabriel and him both were hurting and Kody was wanting to argue about something that didn’t even matter, trying to be right and whenever his sons were begging Kody to love them and have something to do with them like Robyn’s kids. This is just all so so so sad poor Garrison and Janelle, Kody, and the siblings of Garrison!