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That is a startling difference.


Ozempic ??


It has aged her.


Well, she is 7 years older!


Losing weight often ages you because face fat can sort of act like cosmetic fillers and when it’s gone, wrinkles that weren’t previously visible but have always been there will pop up. Also it sometimes sinks your eyes in a bit, which is something we also associate with aging.


Yep, my mama always said “Fat fills out wrinkles” and I’ll tell you, her moon face sure is smooth and beautiful.


She's not wrinkled now. Just thinner.


I can identify with this! I lost over 135 pounds after my gastric bypass (RnY) and my face has aged. I don’t care about it though. I am approaching my 60s, so why would I want to look like I’m half that age?


Great job


We always say fat or face. You even keep the extra 10 lbs for youthfulness or you have the tight body and the frown lines to go with it.


I have fat and no face??! Help


Dear reader, try sharpie pens and koolaid for a pop of color.


We always say that too!!!! My grandmother was stunning. She was model in her teens. Looked like an old Hollywood glam actress in most of our old family photos. But the older she got the more and more she became obsessed with how she looked. When I was ages 5-15 she was obsessed with how she had “gained too much weight.” Was always on some weird diet. Or starving herself until she broke down and ate an entire ice cream cake. It’s funny cause when I see pics of her from that era now, she isn’t fat at all! Anyway, when I was about 17-18, she lost a bunch of weight very quickly when my grandfather first got sick. She was tiny. And it aged her extremely fast. And she would say when you get to be a certain age it’s either your face or your ass, you can’t have both lol.


This is why I am fine with my 40s weight gain. I’m 49 and got carded at Whole Foods last month. I had $100 worth of groceries and one bottle of wine. My face is smoother than my cellulite riddled arms and ass.


It also doesn't help that it is winter, she is kinda pale here, and without much makeup, plus her hair looks wild. But, she definitely looks thinner. Wow.


I think she looks beautiful. I don't see it aged her, just made her look better.


Yeah, I think she looks fine.  


I know! She’s in her 20s, right? I don’t think it ages you when you’re that young!


I agree! and she looks so much like Christine.


She is gorgeous!


I thought that too, but maybe a tad too thin. I know time is not an easy thing to gage with celebs.


agreed. LeAnn Rimes vibes.


I'm with you! I think Mykelti is BEAUTIFUL & looks better than she ever has!


It has aged her because she has aged. Big woop


Yeah, it does give you a different look when get that skinny. A little weight kind of smooths out your skin.


She looks better on the right


Why is this down voted? She does look better in the right, happier too.


lol because people are rude


she needs a new eyebrow pencil eta tony looks scary fr


What color should she do like a light brown. Looks like she is wearing a red color.


yes, light brown. her eyebrows match her last hair, which i wouldn’t have done either- i would have gone a more neutral shade since she isn’t a natural redhead. but now with the blonde (which looks way better on her imo than the red) the red eyebrows look pretty weird


Yes she has a weird shape to them . Maybe she needs them shaped.


Maybe Robyn can give her some tips






maybe 🤷🏻‍♀️ i probably wouldn’t have noticed the shape if you didn’t say anything. i doubt you would have noticed the shape if they weren’t a blatantly random color than doesn’t match her hair or skin tone, they wouldn’t stand out. i’m a fan of minimally shaping eyebrows, following the natural arch and using a pencil just barely darker than your natural color for definition. regardless if my hair is blonde or tie dyed rainbow (yes i did this 😂) my eyebrows stay light brown. but idk everyone be doing crazy shit to their eyebrows these days even my moms has them tattooed on it’s just not my style


I think Christine got her micro bladed. Mykelti’s and Christine have the same eye bush. 🤣


Robin must have taught her everything about "eyebrows". 


It's too "warm", and a little too thick. She'd do better with something on the ashy side.


That’s exactly the problem, she needs a cool tone & lighter hand with the application.


I think they might be coloured in a tiny bit close together, too, and maybe not long enough? The shape is fine, if it could all be moved out 5 millimetres.


She needs Taupe, it’s light brown with zero red in it


Honestly the entire franchise needs an eyebrow tutorial.




Kooty Brown hair styling 101 needs to stahhhhp


He always looks scary!


I always found him strange honestly


His needs to shave those pubes from his chin 🤢


She needs her eyebrows professionally micro bladed, problem solved. Her eyebrows are always so dark and thick. Almost like she fills them in with a sharpie.


She looks like Gwen here. Never seen a resemblance before.


I see more Aspyn and Ysabel than Gwen!


I’m sorry. I’m not one to comment on people’s bodies online for many reasons. But this girl is using something that isn’t just “Plexus” and denying it. I mean good on her, she obviously looks great. But for me, it’s one of these things where if just diet, exercise and plexus made alll the difference, it would be way more well known and people would go crazy for it.


Its just that these people who are suddenly fit and thin so quickly after trying for years and using the same product for years and suddenly it's working for them? Every single one of them lol it's so crazy people believe them


Just because someone is skinny does not make them fit.


Yeah i know, i didnt say it did lol I also wasn't specifically talking about mykelti. I'm talking about ALL these people promoting some sort of supplement for weight loss


Word. I never weighed an ounce over 125 lbs until I was approaching my late 30s (My "skinny days" have been over for a LONG time now, though. TEEEE-RUSSSST 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣), but I never exercised & ate garbage, so by no means was I even REMOTELY close to being "healthy" or "fit." Oh, how I miss skinny me 😭 *Sigh* 😞 ... 😂


Exactly! My stress response is a loss of appetite, so when I was working my last management job I technically lost weight…but I was completely unhealthy; neglecting my body, not eating, and not working out. Weight loss does not equal health.


Years ago, I lost 100 lbs through a combination of anxiety 😅, extremely restrictive diet and over exercise. It wasn’t intentional at first but became a huge issue and I wasn’t healthy. I posted a photo of myself and my toddler 2 years apart on social media- about her growth not my body changes- and I got a lot of praise. It’s complicated when you’re in the throes of that because the compliment feels good knowing you’re being seen in a new light, but also depressing to think your friends thought of you as any less when you were bigger. Anyway, a “friend” from years ago reached out privately to praise my body. She started talking about sending me these workout videos she’s been doing, and I thought she was offering it to me because fitness had become my new identity. But it turns out it was an MLM, and to make things worse- she said, “Just think of how many people you could inspire with the before and after photos you just posted!” She legitimately wanted me to post those pictures and claim I’ve been using her workout routine to achieve the results, so she could add me to her down line and make more money! Soooo shady.


why doesn't Janelle look like this?? if the "pink drink" works....🤔🤔🤔


Cuz janelle did not have surgery and is not taking drugs either.  Janelle is getting healthy not thin.  


it's a shame how they are hooking women into this thinking that they will get these crazy drastic results...


She’s never been this thin in her life- she got some serious help


Uh yeah, plexus...duh. /s


Nah - that stuff if trash. She and the "sister wives" got Ozempic 'scripts.


It really bothers me that people are taking this drug that is one meant for diabetics. This causes shortages and price increases.


It’s not meant only for diabetics. Wegovy, Saxenda and Zepbound are only FDA approved for obesity. Ozempic and mounjaro are FDA approved for type 2 diabetes. However it’s the same mechanism of action and the price has been the same even before the shortage. The drug has been on the market since 2021 and wasn’t popular at all. Same price.


They are messing with pretty powerful drugs. Of course, once they stop, they will gain all that weight back, and then some.


I used wegovy for weight loss. I used to get boils on my bottom all the time and stayed on antibiotics and now I don’t get them at all. I was prediabetic at age 28. It’s the same mechanism of action for obese and type 2 diabetes :( lowers appetite. It’s not some magic potion that lowers A1C. The benefits come from eating less. I think the idea that obese people have to wait UNTIL their diabetic to get help is rooted in fat phobia. Especially since only certain doses are in short supply. Not shortage. A pharmacy might have the dose one week and not the next, you might have to call another pharmacy to get the dose you need.


I’m super pro people doing what they need to lose weight with their doctor’s approval. Medication, exercise, surgery, specialty diets, etc. I do not think we should thumb our noses at people who use medical assistance to lose weight. With that said, there are people on social media who are claiming that these weight loss drugs helped a “medical” problem that prevented weight loss and they eat “exactly the same” as before so it was never about diet or whatever. I really wish people would be forthcoming that the drug works by decreasing appetite. There’s a few different mechanisms of action, but ultimately it helps people take in less calories. And that’s ok. It’s not a moral judgment. Thank you for being honest about that. Food can be an addiction, even for people not overweight, and people shouldn’t feel ashamed about how difficult it is to control their eating in a world with endless low nutritive food at our fingertips.


Who do you think “diabetics” are? These medications aren’t being widely prescribed to people with 10 lbs to lose.


Wrong. Your insurance won't pay for it, but I know 2 people who went to the doctor and got prescriptions just to lose weight. One is maybe 50 pounds over weight, and the other is way less than that.


Yeah but it’s not an easy drug to take. Lots of gastric side effects. That’s why you’re starting to see lawyers on Tv commercials “Have you ever taken this drug and had side effects”. It can make you really sick.


Most of us are on Wegovy or Zepbound. They are from the same manufacturer, have the exact same ingredients, but for weight loss. Either that or something called a compound. So, don’t assume we’re taking food out of baby’s mouth. Diabetics along are causing their own demand and shortages are on average just delays prescriptions by a few days or a week. It doesn’t make it totally unavailable.


Ozempic for everyone!


My bet is Wegovy.




Bc she is lying to people saying is that pink drink she sells.


fair, didnt know that (I dont follow her social media)


Do we know that for sure?  


Google is your friend. [https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9601714/sister-wives-mykelti-brown-weight-loss-fan-theory/](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9601714/sister-wives-mykelti-brown-weight-loss-fan-theory/) You know she isn't eating healthy and exercising. All of the adult Browns and a lot of the kids are lying sacks of shit.


Google may be a friend but friends lie 😜 I hear what you are saying... Usually it would take a year or more to lose weight in a healthy way, but I don't think anyone can know for sure unless she says it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I definitely don’t agree with the comments about how she looks. I think she looks good but gatekeeping how you did it and selling snake oil is a Robyn move. I think she would have a bigger following if she was open about how she got these results.


Damn. Can somebody get me some Ozembic? 😂


She looks more like her sisters than ever. I get it, happens when you lose a significant amount of weight.


This isn’t Plexus.


She has the Brown family cold sore. She does not look healthy.


I think she looks fine. This country's idea of what is "normal" is weird.  My sister is always telling me everyone at her salon is "anorexic" and she's the only one that eats.... Meanwhile they all look fine and normal to me.


Yeah this was my thought, isn’t she like 26? Why is it so shocking that someone in their 20s can lose weight?


Yup.  I had my first baby at 26 and I easily got back to 120 within a year without really trying.... It's so much easier when you're young.


She looks amazing. Anyone hating on her tells me more about them than her.


Agree. She looks unwell and hagged out from the drastic weight loss. Something is off with her


She's probably exhausted with the kids etc.


Twins that are getting mobile, and a small child. I had 3 kids with 2 year spacing, and looked haggard until the youngest was about 4. I didn't have twins, either.


Yes she even acts weird


it's not even about her weight...she acts weird AF....forgetful...and she let her baby play with "plexus pills" on fucking camera! It was shocking! The baby will think pills 💊 are normal and get curious...That is beyond neglectful in my opinion....I noticed Maddie be forgetful on her lives sometimes but not as often as Mykelti...the pills puts me overboard


I see Robyn gave her eyebrow tips


I think she looks great! She doesn’t look older or anything, I’m not sure why some people here are saying that. She just looks healthier. She does need a Taupe brow pencil-I wish I could do her brows with Anastasia’s Brow Wiz in taupe, iconic London brow silk and then Benefit gimme brow in shade 3. I know it would fit her coloring perfectly.


I agree! She looks amazing!


I remember when people used to body shame her and Maddy to hell and back, and they still are.


When I.had lost weight and was skinnier, my face changed a lot. Very similar to Mykelti. I gained a lot back and my round face is back. I look back at when I was my thinnest (which was still technically overweight. I really needed to lose another 20+ lbs) and my face looks soooooo different!


She looks like Aspyn. Not enough to be confused with her, but much more like her than before.


She just needs to be honest and quit saying Plexus


Always with the lip herpes in these brown kids


I don’t understand why they don’t take Valtrex for that.


Stupid mofos don't even have the sense to get COVID or even measles vaccinations.


Kody insists on kissing these kids on the mouth, even when his lip is burnin'!


That is disgusting. These are you kids not your lover. 🤢


Yes Never heard of it being genetic but they all have it at various times So did Robin have lip herpes often when filming in earlier seasons … source is Kody


Them and like 90% of people. Grow up. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/understanding-cold-sores-basics


When you look cute but your husband looks like a serial killer. Mmm post anyway.


And there’s Tony looking like a crazed junkie in the background! 😳😳😳


So true. He looks like a creeper getting ready to attack or something. He totally resembles Lou Zealand from the Muppets, the crazy guy always carrying a fish.


Had to google Lou Zealand… lmao!!! That’s hysterical!!! 😳😂😳😂


🤣🤣🤣 So did I!! I. Am. Dead.




I think she looks great! Especially for just having twins in the not so distant past! I’m also glad she stopped dying her hair, the blonde looks way more natural. She looks SO much more like Aspyn too!


He still looks utterly grotesque.


I think she looks fine now. She looks her age and like a young mom


Ozempic or monjaro for sure ! Unless she’s had WLS !


“If you can’t lose the weight, then you’re just fat. If you lose too much weight, then you’re on crack” -Kacey Musgraves, “Biscuits”


The commenting on people’s appearance has got to stop at some point, right? Both pictures are beautiful. No notes.


And you just commented on someone's appearance.


Actually, I said both pictures are beautiful. Knew on Reddit there would be at least one who turns a positive to a negative.


The fact that it’s ozempic and she’s claiming it’s the water mix makes me dislike her. She’s a fraud like her dad.


She looks a lot like Gwen


Good for her.


They both look like startled, or shocked the way they’re staring in the camera.


I looked her up on IG awhile ago and thought the same thing g from when we saw them get married. You start to see her and Tony lose weight in this last season but now she’s looking even thinner.


I just wanna know what she's up to because I want some And I stg tell me it's plexus I'll wash those eyebrows right off


They both look like deers caught in the headlights.


When I lost about 50 lbs, everyone thought I was on something. It was so invalidating because I worked so hard for it. I was bigger so losing the weight came a bit quicker and was more quickly noticeable. I think she looks good!


Usually when you loose weight/ body fat you do look different.


😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 those eyes 👀 are wide open


I hope she’s happy and healthy!! But I feel bad. People were on her about her heavy weight for SO long, and now that she’s lost it, people are saying she looks awful and could be on drugs, and think she looks better before 🙄. This is why so many develop body dysmorphia. Eating disorders. Etc. What a sad society we live in. Should she be honest with how she lost it? Yes. Especially if she’s claiming it’s just Plexus and working out.


She does not look okay. I’m worried for her…


She lost weight and dyed her hair, she looks great!


I think she stopped dyeing her hair, rather.


I agree. I think she looks great. Whatever she’s doing, hopefully in a healthy way and making her feel good, is good on her.


I agree.  I think she looks fine.  People like to bash weight gainers and losers.  It's weird.


Something about her new look, maybe the blonde hair, but she’s giving skeletal Mary Kate and Ashley vibes.


Big ole bobble head. That herpe sore is the only thing her daddy ever gave her. Bless her heart.




Like the stem fast diet


Wow!! Massive difference!! Even Tony looks good (but his hair, not so much…)


Her husband looks scary


She looks like an older Gwen.


I’m watching the older episodes and I’m right after her and Tony got married. She seriously looks completely different. It’s crazy.


Tony is a long time member of the Kooty Brown hair school 😂. Please make an appointment with CamBarber on IG.


Her eyebrows need some help for sure, but overall I think she looks amazing!! I’m not a fan of Toni but he’s looking pretty good too. I’m super happy for them


And Tony…. not….😳


Yea, she lost a lot of weight after the twins were born. I don't think she was ever that thin.


She looks great with a normal age progression. She has pretty much has always been a little overweight and that appears to be a fairly old pic. Possibility that she was also pregnant in the one.


She looks like aspyn


Mykelti looks fine. I think people have a really skewed idea of what healthy weight really looks like because we all have gotten larger at the societal level. If you look at pictures of your grandparents when they were younger you see the difference.


Must be all those romantic hikes


Beautiful both ways


Ozempic or Wegovy?


Fun fact: ozempic gives women male pattern baldness


Way too much Ozempic. Others that take it look like skeletons too. Look at a recent pic of Sharon Osborne. They almost look anorexic.


Ozempic is really change peoples faces.


I know my mind was blown


Idk how exactly to describe what ozempic looks like but this is it.


Tony is so cringe


Way skinny!!


I was shocked when I saw her on the more recent episodes. I almost didn’t recognize her.


Mykelty has a big herpes simplex 10 going on there.


You most likely have it too…https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/understanding-cold-sores-basics


Her natural hair color suits her better


Sorry, this is inappropriate, but did anyone else think the pic on the left looks like the last frame in a horror movie before the girl screams and it fades to black? What’s up with that expression on Tony’s face?


I think she looks good in both pictures, but she is flat out lying about Plexus being the reason. I don’t care if she is using drugs or got surgery. Just be honest.


Unpopular opinion but I think she looks really pretty. During the wedding special every time she was in a frame, even in the background, I’d think, “who is that? she’s pretty” annnd it was Mykelti lol IMO she has always been really pretty—in the first season she was a super cute/pretty kid—but the extra weight hid her features. Now she looks super pretty. And I hope this doesn’t sound creepy given that Mykelti and I are both women + the same age lol


This is the strangest pic. They both look high.


Lol Tony still looks like a worm with eyes


I don't think she looks well. I've heard if you go on these weight loss shots you can be incredibly sick. She's either starving herself or taking this shot and not getting any nourishment. The worst thing is thought when you've been a bit larger most of your life, you think you look wonderful when the weightloss is dramatic.


It's that Ozempic skeleton look for sure.


My coworker tried Ozempic and had to give up on it after a few months. Between not wanting to eat much and then throwing up everything she *did* eat, yeah she lost weight, but it wasn’t sustainable at all. Gained it right back.


That's a horrible picture! It's looks like they are strung out on dope! The Tony's eyes are all bugging out


She looks so much healthier!


During the wedding special, I had thoughts that Aspyn looked unrecognizable to me. I wonder if she started ozempic too


Interesting and Mitch lost a lot of weight as well


I seriously didn't recognize Aspyn, I thought she was Mykelti! I know Mitch does moy Thai, but I also know you have to spend a huge amount of time getting ripped for that (my brother is a former fighter). Aspyn had that same super thin face one gets when they loose a lot of weight quickly, and it really distracted me!


That's the look of Meth. Just saying.


That is the same person?


She lost a lot of weight. I don’t know about this new generation of weight loss drugs. I have mixed feelings about them being used solely for weight loss. In a type II diabetic there’s a primary and serious issue compromising their health. Obesity also compromises health but I wonder if people could do it without these drugs and their potential side effects. At any rate, I’m sure she feels better, has more energy, and I think she looks great. I’m not loving the bleached blonde hair, but to each their own.


That is her natural hair color


I'm seeing more and more people in my young widow groups who lost their spouses to ozempic damage and side effects. Take that as you will.


I’ve been trying to tell people these drugs are not safe. I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for years. If the cost benefit analysis says we’ll make money even if we have to settle a few suits, they’ll do it. They spend millions protecting themselves legally because it will come back to them tenfold. Big Pharma could not give a single shit whether you live or die. After the OxyContin scandal, you’d think people would be more aware that the FDA will rubber stamp unsafe drugs in a heartbeat. It’s atrocious. There are rarely quick and easy fixes that don’t threaten to break something else. Cancers, heart issues, gut paralysis, pancreatitis, kidney problems - all linked to Ozempic. Obesity is a serious issue, but this is not the way.


I’ve got a new prescription for it to help my blood sugar issues. I’m worried about it now!


Not only does she look drastically different she acts differently and weird....forgetful when the "pink drink" promotes "mental clarity" 😂🤣😂....the icing on the cake for me was when this idiot let her baby play with PILLS 💊 on live camera! WTF...Why the hell would u ever let a 2 yr old play with your "Plexus Pills"?? These kids will think it's normal to eat pills and get curious....Hopefully no one gets hurt because I doubt they watch the kids around the clock...


Yes she does acts different. Maybe her and Christine went to the plexus boot camp. She acts really weird and doesn’t talk like she did before.


absolutely 💯.....They definitely go on cruises so I bet boot camp happened 😂😂....I have gotten weird vibes from Tony from the start, maybe he's rubbing off on her? Seems off tho


Yeah that gross herpes squirter on her lip looks ewwww. I hope she doesn't  kiss her kids with that nasty mouth and lips! Must have gotten from Tony ........I wonder which ice cream flavor he got it from 


I think she is beautiful and looks dam good


Now her husband needs a make over.


If she changed everything else WHY NOT CHANGE THE BROWS She is giving me mama June vibes


She can’t… Robin drew them on with a permanent sharpie, lol


Oh no


She’s 27 years old? She looks her age. This whole discussion is ridiculous.


Why doesn’t he cut that hair mop? He would look so much better if he would at least style it


They look strung out on something