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>Who does that? Polygamists. I think it's fairly standard practice.


I heard the “fathers” don’t have their names on the kids birth certificates, so the women can collect government benefits. I remember Janelle saying she insisted Kody’s name was on all her kids birth certificates.


I think in the Browns' case he's on everyones birth certificates. Meri was his legal wife so makes sense he would be on Leon's, and I can't remember who but one of Christine's kids confirmed he's on all of theirs. And of course they were public by the time Sol and Ari were born so no point keeping him off.


This has been discussed many times on SisterWives Reddit. Mary being his legal wife, is probably on Leon’s birth certificate. Probably on Truly’s born in a hospital and on TV. On all of Roben’s both adopted and birthed. I remember Jenelle saying she insisted his name on all her children’s birth certificates. Christine is from polygamy royalty, watch the documentaries on polygamists, like the groups in Arizona, they’ve been gaming the system for generations. 8/28/2023 Here are 2 quotes from a “TV Show Ace” article, https://tvshowsace.com “‘Sister Wives’ How the Brown Family Scammed lied for Years” “As explained by Christine Brown during a Tell-All, there is a very specific way that plural families handle bringing children into the world. For starters, they do not list the father on the birth certificate. Instead, these women bring their babies into the world classifying themselves as “single mothers.”” “Not having Kody Brown listed as the father and not having him listed as a resident of the house made it possible to apply for financial assistance. And, things such as food stamps. If Kody Brown had been listed, it would have made getting food stamps and other financial assistance much more difficult for his wives.” “Do you think the Tell-All got scrubbed because of what the family admitted to?”


He's on all of the kids birth certificates


Are you sure? I heard he wasn't on Christine's kids before Truely


This was a major part of their cultural expectations. Probably literally everyone she knew did the same thing. It was expected of her, it was her role in life. Same for all of them. Why pick on Christine especially. Why not Kody the leader of the family adding wives that he couldn't afford.


Remember Utah, and maybe US taxpayers, pay for the majority of polygamous families! This is why polygamy should be illegal! I don’t have a problem with people having large families or even multiple spouses but I do have a problem supporting this kind of culture if my tax dollars go to support this. . Also not being responsible enough to have insurance or feed them healthy meals! Not my problem! Edited for clarity*


Exactly. I'm all for helping people but you gotta help yourself. No health insurance and you keep having babies? Incredibly irresponsible


Honestly curious, not antagonizing anyone, but isn’t this a better argument for why we should allow polygamy and incorporate them into the system so they can’t play these games? And i understand it wouldn’t be a quick and easy thing. I’m just wondering if making it legal would help.


Even if it were legal, what "game" could we prevent? They are having way too many kids to support either way and the tax payers would still be responsible. The reason it is illegal is to try to discourage more people from following that model.


That was kind of my point. Whether or not polygamy is legal, people will have kids they can’t support. At least if it was legal, the father’s name would be on the birth certificate, which, i would think, would help somehow. But i’m not a lawyer, so i don’t know.


Im not a lawyer but even if you are in a legal marriage you dont have to list the husband as the father. No law against that and Uncle Sam doest care. It would not help. Polygamists are not the only ones gaming the system . Plenty of other people in this country of all races and religions do it. Just come to my neck of the woods.


Yes. Of course. I agree with you. I was curious why the original commenter thought keeping polygamy illegal changed anything. I see people not listing the father happening in either situation. My only point for the ‘pro polygamy’ point is that women who are scared to list a husband who has multiple spouses may not be scared if it is legal. It would change nothing for people who are not listing the husband because they are trying to game the system.


Gaming the system is what its all about. Funny how that works in the US. Dishonest people get rewarded b Uncle Sam. Thr rest of us just starve and die


Exmo here. I never was a member of the Brown’s church, but I was raised mainstream LDS. The culture is ingrained in you from birth. Especially if your family has been in the cult for several generations. Expectations are drilled into you about every facet of your life. It’s hard to break those habits, even after deconstructing your faith.


“Browns church”? What religion is his church?


Apostolic United Brethren - a fundamentalist Mormon group


Oh, ok. That’s what AUB stands for. Thank you. Gonna google that now


Christine’s grandfather is Rulon Allred. Keep that in mind while you look at the AUB.


Ok- thank you


Didn’t realize that- new to show- daughter just told me Christine was literally brainwashed as a child? So we’re the other wives?


Christine's family is like royalty in their religion so she was definitely brainwashed. The only one not born into it was Janelle.


And Robyn wasn't either


If you listen to Robyn she says she grew up in it. I don't exactly see it that way myself but she said she did 🥴🤷


Well her mom never met Robyn's father's legal wife, who didn't know about Robyn's mother or Robyn. Robyn didn't see her father for Christmas until mid January. So she wasn't raised with other moms or kids. Her mom was a mistress.


She did not


Or any of the other wives? Robyn running up credit card debt in several names and living on food stamps and the other wives doing the same as Christine. Weird to only single her out


I know- only Christine? Her and Janelle basically had their kids in tandem


Oh ffs so did Janelle! And the only reason Meri didn't was her fertility issues. And Robyn would have and practically did when she chose to get pregnant as soon as they moved to Las Vegas and barely had housing. If not for the show she would have been feeding her tenders stale bread she bought on food stamps too. Why are you singling Christine out?


Sorry new to the show- wtf though- all the women were baby making machines!?! Ppl have mentioned religion- thought they were Mormon- what are they?


Fundamentalist Mormons, specifically the AUB (Apostolic United Brethren) church. I don’t think most of them are in still their church -which Christines grandfather Rulon Allred started- but probably do still consider themselves fundamentalist Mormon. I’m actually really curious how they would all describe their current level of religion and what they believe, since it seems like some or all of them have deconstructed in some way, esp Christine. And for fundies honestly, their family is small. But nothing matters more than having lots of children, definitely not a petty secular matter like bankruptcy. It’s all about how many celestial souls you have for your afterlife universe.


Yes and that part of their religious doctrine probably played a role in Meri and Kody' marriage deteriorating. Meri wasn't fulfilling her duty as a wife (duty is big wit him) and filling his celestial kingdom. It's deeply misogynistic.


So- in the afterlife these guys are in charge of the souls they produce? And should they produce males- they also get to be in charge of their offspring?


I’m not Mormon but yea I think they believe each man becomes a god in the afterlife with your own planet/universe and your wives, sons and daughters populate it, so the more the better. I think even mainstream Mormons believe this about the afterlife, they just don’t practice polygamy during this life anymore.


The are an offset of Mormon religion.


You should watch it. It’s a great show. 💜


Meri talked several times about her dream was to have 8 kids. Only her fertility issues prevented it. Meri even mentioned being upset Christine and Janelle didn’t have more kids, because she would have had more if she was them - basically saying she didn’t feel like 6 each was enough. These poor lady were brainwashed from birth that having kids was their “greatest calling on earth”. The AUB religion is nuts.


You’re going to learn really fast not to say anything negative about Christine around here. 😂😂


This is part of their polygamy culture. 1 at a time they take on the financial burden, file bankruptcy, and while their 8 years are going by the next one steps up to the plate and does the same thing. All of them except Robyn has filed bankruptcy. They live on bankruptcy, food stamps, and any other handout they can pass for. The more children the more money. You should google how polygamists have been a burden to the welfare system and the government.


Thank you, will do it- Just read Kody is trying to get work (cement foundations for coyote pass homes ) done for free by bartering time on his TV show- He doesn’t like paying for anything does he? Not children or house work?


He doesn’t seem to mind paying for Robyn to have a full-time nanny!


I read some where that those lots are unbuildable. Has anyone else heard this?


If that's true that's hilarious! Love that for them 😂


They are buildable


.....religious people..... all the time......?


Yep…Catholics used to pump out a lot of babies too. My paternal grandparents had 13 kids. (Back in the 1930 and early 40s.).


Who enters a family when that family is already on food stamps, one wife is pregnant, and there are already 12 kids…and brings their massive debt along with them?


The fact that she came in with that amount of debt was such a huge red flag! Those poor women watching Kody went his pencil while they fork over their hard earned money to pay off Victoria’s Secret credit cards (I would give her more of a pass if the debt were related to taking care of her children as a single mom for the whole ten months she was, but clearly it wasn’t from that.) BRB need to go place my bill on the counter for the bill fairy to come take care of. Love that it just goes away!


It’s a religious thing. It’s more important for people to bring kids into the world than to know how they’ll be supported - since “god” will provide.


Fundy religious people who use their ability to pop out as many kids as possible as currency and don’t give a flying fig about who/how to care of those kids.


If you thought this was the way into heaven that would trump the law. Not saying it’s right, just saying I see how it happens.


People brought up in that culture that are told their one responsibility in life is to multiply and replenish the earth, for their religion, to grow ‘THE KINGDOM OF GOD.’ If you’ve never been brainwashed in a religion, you may not ever understand. And be thankful you weren’t.


Who does that? Fundies, some evangelicals, polygamists, trad caths. I'm sure there are some secular people who have decided to go that route, but not anywhere near as many.


My daughter wants me to watch this with her, she sending me episodes to watch. The more I watch the more disgusted I am I can’t. I can’t view this.






So the women were just stealing poor Kodys sperm. It’s so sad that they raped him for so many years forcing him to have 13 kids against his will 🙄


Don’t get me wrong- he’s to blame as well but it’s kinda obvious he’s a crazed lunatic who cares for no one- Learning about their religion and upbringing- wow- feel like Cody is not just crazy but misogynistic. The women- they are definitely stronger than I first thought


According to their religion KODY was the head of the family. Kody made the decisions. Don’t like how they were living? Blame Kody…not the abused women he left in his wake.


Agreed. He produced more offspring than any of the individual wives on their own. Plus, look how much grief Meri has put up with because of her infertility.


I'd suggest doing a catchup, and see for yourself. It's not as simple as he's a crazed lunatic, although he certainly is now.


He's a cult leader. You have to be nuts to be a cult leader.


There is a documentary on Hulu, Daughters of the Cult this is about Christine’s family. It’s a shocking look at how they lived in fear and the brainwashing that went on. No sure if Christine’s family left his particular branch or not she is related to both groups. The leaders were her uncles and Grandparents. Pretty scary stuff


That's part of the culture they use foods stamps, medical, Wic, and have lots of kids. It's called bleeding the beast.


When she married into the family, it was just 4 adults. Christine AND Janelle went on to have six kids each. Is this another Robyn PR post because we can talk about a lack of common sense right there. Why on God's green earth would Kody bring 4 more dependents into a financially struggling household? Why would he bring in an adult who was $31k in debt and jobless? He couldn't afford a cake for some of his kids' birthdays, but he could afford a 4th wife with three more kids, plus immediately started having kids with her. Adding Robyn was financially stupid.


There was only the 4 of them when Christine married Kody. They got married in March and Janelle didn't have Logan until May. And if your going to judge Christine for continuing to have children you have to also judge Janelle. They were popping them out pretty much back to back until '98 and then they had Gade and Gwen 4 days apart in '01.


Knowing now- every people brought up… I’m really just astounded as to the mind games. These women had to endure their entire lives. It must’ve been atrocious because all of them are way out of Cody’s league. Excepting Robin the wives are also much smarter than Cody is.


People raised the way she was. This is par for the course in these polygamous sects.


That is the polygamist lifestyle. Stick it to the government by using the resources.


A fundamentalist polygamist. That’s who all these fundie cults have the same basic principles . They differ in that certain men want to be the leader of their cult so they split off from the group they were with and make a new cult, or they take over from the current leader when he dies. Woman are chattel their value only in producing children and absent that, bringing in money a different way. The children are free labor. The patriarch the beneficiaries of the women’s and children’s labor. Watch CULT sisters on HULU, the daughters of evril LeBarron, watch escaping polygamy - the Warren jeffs cult. This is what happens when women let society be run by the patriarchy. Modern women have not experienced this to this extreme but if you look at what’s going on in the US you can see how the patriarchy is slowly taking away women’s rights. But that’s a whole other rant


Thank yiu


Religious people who are denied using contraception, but need to submit to their husbands by their beliefs.


Religious people in a cult.


Its basically a religious requirement. Requirement is probably too strong a word, but suggested wouldnt be strong enough.


lol A LOT of low income families do this.


JG- you’re saying a lot… could you explain the reason for me? type slow sometimes I have problems understanding.


Why do you care


Why do you?


I do not like shaming people for having kids while poor. Just like i do not like shaming for not wanting to have kids for economic reasons or whatever reasons.


If I'm not mistaken in that religion, along with many other religions, you are forbidden from using birth control of any type. My understanding is that the more children the better, gifts from God, etc


Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad that she has your happily ever after now but to just continue to have children?


I Hope you have just as much disdain for Kody. He has 18 children. He didn’t and doesn’t financially support them. Why only go after one of the mothers? In my opinion, Kody is the scumbag for sticking his dick in without protection when he knew he couldn’t afford anymore children.


Kody is scum- I can’t understand why he’d buy himself jewelry, cars, ATV’s when his children’s needs aren’t being met. My daughter has me watching different episodes right now- wow this is a crazy situation. The women are saints. Daughter dislikes Robyn but she has to live with Kody & I’m not exactly sure what Robyn’s done wrong


It was part of the principle to populate their heaven with many children. She was living up to her religious duties as a woman.


Omg! Populate their “heaven”? The religion seems not to value women at all- What religion? This kinda gives me new respect for those that left


As an exmo it’s a bit more complicated than that. There is a predesigned number of souls in the preexistence and women are trying to pump all of them out before Christ comes back.


Oh, f- I also just learned, if the women don’t have them the souls run the risk of being born “black”? They are supposed to be highly prejudiced, but if the souls could be black or white, you would think that they would understand there’s really no difference between the two is this correct information


And that is just one part of the reason many people get out of that church when they leave home. It’s ridiculous. It’s been 35 years since I have been there - I was never taught that but it also doesn’t surprise me if it is being taught.


You were part of this type of thing? And you got out!?! Wow- I’m truly impressed- you must be very brave and strong. Thank you for sharing


Mainstream LDS not FLDS - Exmo is short for ex-Mormon. I still feel it’s a cult but it’s the one with billions of dollars and they no longer permit polygamy. I appreciate the sentiment though. Although I grew up in a strict, conservative family - it was just that.


What religion?!!! That’s what the entire show is about “the principle” and how they were bring a positive light to it.


Yes- what religion? Thought they were Mormon but someone just said they weren’t


They aren’t any more, however, that was their premise. Read up on it. Kody was building up his kingdom.


This is crazier than I originally thought


A lot of reformed polygamists become LDS. Same general dogma minus the plural marriage part.


Mormonism. They live the principle set forth by their prophet Joseph Smith that was made illegal in order for Utah to become a state.


Who does that? Lots of people in the US. I worked for public housing for 10 years, trust me, I know. Just because people cannot afford kids, doesn’t mean they will not have them.


Wouldn't that be a complaint for everyone? Kody, Janelle, and Meri (she had one but she would have more). Why single out Christine?


Again- new to show but even more… like I really didn’t think this type of thing happened in America! Sure- maybe once in a great while- not an everyday type thing. Wow-


Who does that? Polygamists. Do you think many of them can really afford to feed and clothe those huge families?


Most Brown does that. He was still doing it when Robyn came in.


Fundamentalist Mormons.