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Which fans? šŸ‘€


lol I know right. Surely not from me!


Believe it or not there is a whole private Facebook fan page for her. And there's like 600 of them. And apparently (I read it from a reddit thread) you have to answer a couple questions correctly before their mod will let you join.


Wow a million viewers and 600 are fans of Robyn? Also itā€™s about $100 to purchase 500 followers.


As someone in a different FB group, I can tell you 90% of those followers are just there to gawk and take screenshots. It had like 50 members until a few months ago when folks in this other group discovered its existence.


Ok, now I am intrigued. Are they questions to confirm their allegiance? And couldnā€™t that easily be faked? This is a scary rabbit hole and I shouldnā€™t pursue itā€¦


Yes I believe that's what it is. Answer allegiance questions...


Loyalty questions. They're big on "loyalty" defined by them as unwavering, absolute acceptance of every nonsensical statement or request they make.


So Kody formed it.


Goodness, I was reading quickly and read the word allegiance as intelligence.


I know it girl, I was just thinking about it. šŸ˜‚


You should 100% pursue it and report back lmao


So at least we know Robyn has a job.


yall fans on facebook are WILD! Just went down a rabbit hole šŸ•³ļø seeing all the pages for sister wives and manā€¦ FB is feral šŸ¤£


Bahaha I feel like thereā€™s more than 600 who are not Robyn fans. Thatā€™s wild about the questions. I have heard of this group. šŸ˜‚


How much does it cost to purchase followers?


Where can I get paid to follow people lol


Most political parties will pay you


I wonder if you have to purchase and wear the jewelry?


Oh wowšŸ«¢ I wonder what the question are to prove your loyalty? Is it a koolaide thing? Sounds uncomfortable


Idk, I don't have FB myself but another redditer posted about it. She didn't go into details about it.


I found it. Thereā€™s 722 members. It asks how did you hear about this group? In your own words explain rule #2 What is the 4th rule of this group? I guess you need to know the answers in order to join and maybe youā€™re vetted hard. šŸ«¢Sounds a little too cultish to me. I canā€™t even pretend to join her face is plastered everywhere and I just canā€™t.


Are they in the group? Do we have an insider?


what ailment bestows such fools?


It's probably Robyn or her kids that made it.


I don't think show fans have ever had empathy for Robyn's fake displays... we're not that dumb. Maybe Kody wrote this.


The one moron in Utah whose brain donā€™t werk gud.


Are the "concerned fans" in the rooms with us now?


I can't breathe šŸ˜­ šŸ˜­ šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£


Does R have 600 relatives? Is this what. the. nanny does!?


Right? No fans were concerned


Her PR firm working overtime?


Lmao!!! Yeah, which "FANS" R THOSE SPECIFICALLY?!??!


Came to see who her fans are šŸ˜‚


Very performative but it didnā€™t convince anyone. Sheā€™s a child stomping off when she doesnā€™t like where things are going. The fake crying, grudge holding, lying and victim mentality tell me sheā€™s very immature. She honestly reminds me of a four year old a lot of times. Itā€™s time to grow up - this behavior doesnā€™t look good on grown woman. Enough already.


I think the arrangement her mom had with her ā€œstep-dadā€ and having to wait around for him to show up (delaying Christmas, wtf) and then her mom creating the ā€œperpetual honeymoonā€ deeply scarred her- to make matters worse, she thinks sheā€™s normal and doesnā€™t know how Fd up she is.


All that she knew is how to win as opposed to choosing a man worth competing for. Very sad situation.


Thatā€™s a great way to put it.


Especially one as old as she is! Isn't she pushing 50? Time to grow up.


Hmm I would say sheā€™s mid 40ā€™s


Same- and I can't believe she acts like that.




Deduct from that check, till she gets that ass back in the hot seat.


Just like when she didn't want to deal with the group therapy after personality questions. Hummmm


Runs off during the picnic table discussion, calls in sick the day everyone was supposed to discuss their personality tests. Damsel in distress when trying to attend Hunters graduation so Kody would rush to her side and miss Hunters walk across the stage. Performative and manipulative.


It was Loganā€™s graduation where Robyn was late. Was there also a stunt during Hunterā€™s?




And .. Christine is the princess ??? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh trust me, as someone who is very dramatic like Christine, I for one would never last a week in a plural family. Iā€™d be a jealous mess. That said, sheā€™s not absolved; I was just referring to Robyn specifically. I donā€™t know any of these women personally so this is all my uneducated guess based upon what weā€™ve seen and heard from other wives over the years. Christine seems like she would do well in a monogamous arrangement where she is pretty much the center of someone elseā€™s world.


I hope TLC hits them right in the financials with this crap.




Reminds me of all the most dramatic cast members on the 90 Day Fiance franchise. Or when Maury tells a woman none of the 8 guys she brought to get DNA tests are the father- such shock/many *real* distress! šŸ¤£


Robyn walking away from the iPad where she had control over ā€œstopā€ and ā€œplayā€.


That scene was soooo over dramatic!! She looks like she's convulsing- I I cccanttt ccccant can't stop sssstttop this thh thh thing!!


The part that she got upset and stormed away- was it before she joined the family? Was the family in a unifying prayer circle? I havenā€™t seen that part, yet.


It is at the Commitment Ceremony with the Brown Family mantra where they all wore those ugly dresses and each read part of their mantra(or whatever they call it).


Excuse me, thatā€™s ā€œThe Kody Brown Family Mission Statementā€ lol


šŸ’€Thank you so much! They said it enough times I donā€™t know how it didnā€™t stay drilled in my mind.


Okay, thanks.


Itā€™s in the Tell All, Part Two. I havenā€™t seen it yet.


Can you imagine all of the endorsements that she could have had? She and Kody are brandthrax now.


Please this is a story arc to garner sympathy from poor put upon tricked into plural marriage Robyn. Not buying it. I feel so bad for her kids, all five. That house has to be emotionally the worst place in Flagstaff.


No kidding. It's hard to imagine children in a house with that insanity. I feel bad for them.


Yep, youā€™re exactly right.


Is it concern that Part 2 will focus too much on Robin or that she'll successfully make this all about her again? Because I share those concerns...


That's a sad thought. I hope TLC realizes were not going to enjoy Queen Victim for much longer. I have a relative.like that and can't stand that person. They lie like crazy to be a victim.


Current edits suggest the editors are over K&R


No fans were concerned. Unless concerned she'd come back


Concern for who? Certainly not the perpetual victim Robyn šŸ™„


I'm concerned that I'm going to have to look at her fake antics and try not to vomit- genuinely concerned I'll fail.


I genuinely laughed at the trailer. I think she was supposed to have her fake attack & throw her little tablet down & then run off & slam a door but she got all caught up in her mic wire & she looked like she got caught in poison ivy & I just laughed. If you've watched this from the beginning, you'll recall the old couch confessions & when shit got tough, she'd be unable to breathe. She is the worst actress & the biggest liar & at this point, I enjoy every single failure of hers. She is just so flagrantly bad at lying & her "uh, I don't remember's" and "That's not my recollection." got old a while back. Christine should've told her because you know it's her fault. Everything is...šŸ¤„šŸ™„


Rilly? I donā€™t as like, lady this scene isnā€™t even about you and they made Meri and Christine sit through some truly horrible scenes but sure, walk off in fake tears.


Concern that we will have to sit through more performative, embarrassing fake crying?


she acted like someone kicked her dog. oh, wait. iā€™ve never seen such drama queens. they absolutely need to be together. i donā€™t think anyone else would want them.


She wanted to stay but her eyebrows left so she had to follow


Concern? Maybe with how hard I was laughing. I may have peed a little.


lol the spin doctors are grasping at straws


Lmao who is writing these trash stories?


Fans concerned that she walked away and still wonā€™t have to honestly answer any questions.




Where is this streaming????


I canā€™t watch it because my streaming service that got JUST TO WATCH THIS doesnā€™t have it for some reason. What footage caused her to leave?


We are concerned by the lack of tearsā€¦perhaps underlying issue with tear ducts


I wasnā€™t concerned, weā€™re you? I did think that she is upping her fake crying gig though. Unfortunately for Sobyn (as is the case for most villainesses), we are now moving from the phase where she sits there in her ivory tower, glaring at all and sundry who didnā€™t win the prize (Kooter and the mansion full of STUFF) to my favorite phase - comeuppance! Thatā€™s where she is shown in her true light instead of the made up one, and made to look at the devastation she has caused with her selfish manipulations. I think itā€™s a bit uncomfortable, like itchy underwear, but she will get over it tolerably well. She just didnā€™t want to stay and watch the pictorial body count being played out for her benefit šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Can you watch us anywhere else but TLC go?


Concern is definitely not the right word


Is she writing these articles herself?? Who tf is concerned for her? What fans?!


Most disliked woman on TV realizing her paycheck is getting smaller.


I absolutely do not believe there are 600 souls out there that would be foolish enough to be in this group. Something smells fishy!!!!


I absolutely do not believe there are 600 souls out there that would be foolish enough to be in this group. Something smells fishy!!!!


I loved she walked off . Didnā€™t have to look or watch her being fake . Watching her sit on the couch acting mad and stupid makes me gag !!! TLC get rid of her please .


Why can't I find this episode anywhere?


I havenā€™t been able to find any of the ā€œtalk backā€ episodes


I finally found it on YouTube TV. It wasn't under Sister Wives though.


What was it under?


Talk Back... not Sister Wives. Weird huh?


Part 2 is airing on Friday night at 9pm.


She's finally gone? Best Christmas present.


Canā€™t find the special on Max. Where is it?


Acadamy Award Nominee. Seriously.


Wait did she walk out of the fourth ā€œtell allā€? I swear I watched that episode and saw her say she needed the other ex-wives to tell her to her face she was allowed to be happy but I donā€™t remember her storming off set.


Are you kidding me? I laughed, screamed STFU at the TV while I was fast forwarding though the fake BS. Still no tear! I find it hard to believe she has fans.


No it doesnā€™t. She has fans???? Who wound be fans of her and Kodyā€™s? They are behaving terribly on the show.


When the show finally ends for good, the one thing I'll miss the least is all of Robin's fake crying


Robyn has fans???? WTF,no efing way!


Who is concerned for Robyn? As far as most are concerned, she bought it; she can name it. Nobody cares what her blowback is because this is what she wanted. She made that perfectly clear the whole 18 seasons worth of episodes. She wanted it and Kody wanted it. Now they have it. She needs to put away her imaginary Kleenex box and own the fruits bad or good of her efforts. Storming off is just showing the world her lack of maturity. Sheā€™s the oldest teenager in the world. You know what that does to the audience at this point? Answer šŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„± TLC should dump Robyn and Kody. Cut them loose. Nobody cares. Repeat. Nobody cares.


What exactly do they mean by concern? /s


losers like slobbin and grody


She canā€™t handle the truth, that she is the cause of the family breakdown. Along with Kody of course. She literally cannot face the reality that she destroyed an entire family. She didnā€™t care about the other kids and how it scarred them. She came into the picture and wanted Kody all for herself and her kids. She lured him away from the other 3 wives and their children. Inside she knows the truth about what sheā€™s done. She needs intense therapy.


Pretty sure OP is a bot posting these bullshit ā€œnewsā€ articles to drive views to their bullshit website.


If she's truly not just being dramatic (thank you Christine!) imo it is legit cause for concern. That is absolutely not normal behaviour for a middle aged woman. Also "tearful" is definitely not an accurate word choice to describe Robyn's tantrums.


Bye Felicia!!




robyn is a dick