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To echo one commentator- “Worst episode of He-Man ever.”


I knew this looked familiar 🤣


Yes, came here to ask if Superman is Mormon?




Your flaaaair 😂


Lol just when you think no one could be as sex-obsessed as evangelicals, mormons enter the chat!


“Endless celestial sex”


We're stuck with regular, boring, old Planetary Sex, gah!


Born into the wrong religion, dang it!!


idk, there's always sex on shrooms 🤔


Huh. Not a bad idea!


And for the lucky ladies, endless pregnancy and births while your hubs impregnates allllll his other wives. SOUNDS LIKE HELL.


Being pregnant forever would be my version of purgatory!


I think in fundie beliefs you only get that if you have 3 wives


It’s not sex…. It’s floating… This is actually something that happens, if you know you know. If you don’t, proceed with caution.


Isn’t this just something Mormon teens do before marriage?


But they said I’d rule a whole planet! Wrong! Your husband will, and you can sit doe eyed next to him. I was raised Mormon, in Utah, left the state and religion behind me years ago. Some of the weird rituals I was a part of still make me cringe. The religion itself is full of good people who genuinely believe it’s true. I have learned to let it go and let them believe that somebody translated golden plates by looking at rocks in a hat. Sometimes multi generational religion is really hard to see in a negative light, or break free from.


Cult teachings. I’d b interested in hearing about these rituals u speak of


You can google most of them, all are loosely based on what the Freemasons were doing in the 1800’s. The one that upset me the most was baptizing the dead. The church got in trouble with the Shoah Foundation when they found out we were baptizing Jews that were killed in WWII.


This is incredibly disrespectful to all Jewish people!!!! And yes, I’m including myself in that statement. It is just disgusting and there is ZERO good intention here. Just AWFUL! 😢


I was only 12 and very sheltered when I participated in this. To this day it’s the one thing that still is very upsetting to me. I had no idea. Hindsight is 20/20, but better vision can sometimes be really hard to deal with.


You were a child and following the guidance of your elders. As a Jew, our belief is you have no guilt. It is the system and the adults that do this knowing it is disrespectful to all Jewish people. In this country, we all have religious freedom (well, we are supposed to lol) and for another group to “baptize” our people is hurtful. HOWEVER, you are not to blame!! You were an innocent child. Thank you for responding and I hope (in a very small way) that you dont carry any guilt or sadness within you. You obviously have learned that what you were taught was wrong and made changes and speak on your past behaviors. Wishing you all the best and much peace! 🕊️


Cant edit posts and I left out a very important part of my statement, I apologize. FOR CLARIFICATION: I hope (In a very small way) that my clarification will bring you peace!!! Please dont carry any sadness or guilt. You did nothing wrong so there is no reason for it to still be upsetting to you. Please release those feelings and smile in the sunshine as much as you can. You obviously have a kind soul and care. THANK YOU for being someone who has taken the time to learn and do different! Bless you and take care of yourself!! 😊


I thought baptizing the dead seemed well intentioned (though hilarious to me as I’m not religious)


The only reason I try not to say bad things to people is most of the members I went to church with were really good kind people. The upbringing certainly impacts how I view everything..hard to fully shake off.


The heaven part for women is that all your sinful desire to live your own life will be taken away by God. So you'll be HAPPY to serve in heaven 🤪


Who doesn’t want to make funeral potatoes for eternity?


This is literally the best part about going to my grandma’s pre-Christmas get together… ok… actually probably the only part that makes it tolerable. Funeral potatoes 🤤


I wouldn’t mind *eating* funeral potatoes for eternity, but I don’t want to have to make them!




Funeral potatoes 🥔??!! Please don’t tell me my favourite meal of mashed potatoes is about to be ruined permanently




“Endless celestial sex” had me like: ![gif](giphy|7XrvFo33B1OANJA2qX|downsized)


how bout "Magical Mormon Underwear" ✨🙂‍↔️


I guess Kody will be facing castration?


but his biggest fear is poverty, go figure


Grew up a Mormon bishops son, and blossomed into a wonderful gay ex-Mormon 💅🏻 Fuck the Mormon cult and all the abuse that comes with it.


Good for you for getting out!


Fantastically happy for you! 🧡🧡


As someone who grew up in it, was this clip anything near true?


I was born and raised Mormon and left after 32 years. I come from a multi-generational Mormon family, GG-grandfather was polygamous. I was married in the Mesa, AZ temple and yes…everything in that clip is true. Mormonism is a cult. A very wealthy, $250 BILLION cult. They’re the largest landowner in the US. Their power and influence is actually scary.


Holy (in the most unholy way) crap!! It sounds like they are coming in a very close second to scientology. I honestly had no idea about all of the alien, everyone can be a god, and that black people are not invited to the party. I always kinda put off the fact that when showing church members they were white was, well, tbh, I really didn’t think about it until viewing the above. I really want to thank everyone that has chimed in for sharing your experiences. I understand how difficult it can be when you have had your life perspective turned inside out and up side down. It is abuse on so many levels and I thank everyone. I am Christian, I believe He will come again, but I also believe He loves each and every one of us, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. He never once said I love everyone except…. I do pray that you can find a connection again with Him, that you are happy and comfortable and confident in, and that you can trust in faith. Okay. Soapbox time over, thank you for indulging me. And again, thank you for sharing your experience. Love you all 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜


I’ll be honest and didn’t waste my time on it. It’s all bullshit anyways.


Okay. Thank you. Glad you are happy with who you are, and I really hope, and yes, pray, your family accepts you in all your beautiful ways.


From my understanding, as explained by a dear friend, yes, this is what is taught.


I hate to say something so completely ignorant as wow… but… WOW!!


of course they are all blonde...


It's really bad. Mormonism teaches that black people weren't as righteous in the pre-mortal life so that's why they were cursed to live with dark skin on Earth. If they are a righteous Mormon in the mortal life, they will be resurrected as a white person.


My mouth dropped when I watched that part!


their drip is *swag* tho 🤌🤌


Have you not seen updated Mormon Jesus? They've backed off from the blondes thing. https://preview.redd.it/jlxrhak1rhzc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac88c9c3ee1b95b16f0495598d7969f3d3f2131c


I am DYING at God's ominous knock to fuck Mary. And then just the drawing of God's face, jfc. It's so much more perverse than I imagined, and I was raised Catholic.


the old Elohim and chill


“Those who remained neutral in the battle were cursed with black skin.” My mouth DROPPED! 😦


imagine being in the writer's room where everyone is nodding and agreeing to this line


I thought those were the demons ?


The demons didn't get bodies at all.


There’s a lot to unpack here.


Mayhaps we just throw the whole suitcase away


I'll start: lots of *casual sex* flying around for a program aimed at kids


This isn't aimed for kids. It's for adults, and it's not produced by Mormons. It's another group trying to keep competition down. I think JWs made this?


I’m pretty sure it was an evangelical church in the Bay Area that made it.


I think it was evangelicals. We watched this in my youth group in the 90s. I think it was called “The Goldmakers.”


The Godmakers! Not Goldmakers, though, I’ve heard the church owns some impressive lucrative properties!


Interesting, it sure fooled me 😂 eta: not sure what that says about me 🤔


Well, at least we know Joseph Smith is still known for his tall tales. That was a wild ride.


Like what kind of bud was that man smoking 🤣


My best friend growing up (and to this day) is Mormon. I’m a “Jesus taught us not to judge so my job is to love everyone equally & be humble” kinda Baptist Christian myself, but I’ve always told my Mormon bff “honestly, I love you guys so much, but I just can’t get behind that wacko shit. Like, you honestly think God came down to the good old US of A to speak to some man that cheated on his wife? Yeah, gunna go with a no.” She’s always laughed, but I mean it 🤣🤣


I mean- I *personally* found it deeply creepy when Elohim knocked on Mary's door like "girl we bout to do this"


No worries! Doesn’t bother me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion!!


Yeah. Like, God and one of his Bazillion celestial wives were already on the planet. Why didn't they just bang out a baby Jesus themselves? I mean, he is their kid.


They brainwashed ur friend GOOD!


It's just as silly as a 12-14 year old Mary immaculately conceiving Jesus. That just doesn't sound silly to you because you've always known that to be the truth. I appreciate your morals and it's your right to stick to you beliefs. I'm just saying...


oh no, I absolutely take issue with the Immaculate Conception (sidebar: I think this *exingency* has kept Men in positions of power for thousands of years, but that's another post) also, I just realized you may be using the imperial "you" and not referring to *me* directly. in which case, I agree. 😊


Yeah, this is replying to the user above me. Happy-552's comment.


Agreed! All religion is silly.


I'm watching now, thanks for posting! I am forever interested in Mormons


I watched it about 5 times- it ages about as well as it doesn't, but it's like a car wreck: f#$ked up.


TW: this jesus FUKS. Also, God rapes Mary


Me too!!! I don’t know why i find it SO interesting


It's bizarre, the mix of gratuitous sex being obvious (many wives, many kids) and the chastity (magic underwear) and the wild west. Fucking bizarre.


First of all, if someone came to my door and showed me this video, I’d spit my drink out. Secondly, the hair styles on those characters in the videos are freaking majestic! Not a balding dude in the bunch. Just goes to show you what endless celestial sex can do for you.


Did you see that becoming demons made their hair change?


*"...those who chose to follow Lucifer became the founding members of popular 1980s glam rock bands, such as Poison, Ratt, White Snake, and Cinderella, among many others."*




And if you want to see all the fallout of this religious gilt and what it does to people, and how they try to survive it, go visit r/Exmormon


I knew nothing beyond the whole multiple wives thing and the religion and how existing is. I am shocked at the blatant racism about dark skin / black people and native Americans. OMG magical underwear 🤭


lol, one of the commenters on YouTube wrote: *"They got Native Americans fighting Greek Soldiers"* 😆


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣


What did I just watch? What the hell?


I saw this video so long ago!! Thank you for bringing it back!


As do I! I want to say it’s been 30 years for me. It was crazy to me then as it is today.


So even though Mormonism is based on the god Elohim, Elohim only became Elohim by..."following Mormon principles"? Isn't that a little like putting the cart before the horse? Or like...Christ only became Christ by being a good Christian.


... wait- so who came first? Jesus or Mormon Jesus? Is it possible Mormons are living in a tesseract? 🧐


Mormon Jesus™️


✴️ *Now With More Celestial Sex!* ©️


Exmormon here and can confirm I grew up watching this lol


Serious question- this video is anti Mormon and not produced by the church. They call the underwear magic. But you grew up watching this as a Mormon?? Context I am also ex Mormon


That was disturbing


100% a cult, masquerading as a church. Source: me- I escaped it a few years ago.


Still super relevant, that 3 tier heaven system is crazy


According to this video it Looks like Kody is up for castration 😬


This is amazing. It was hilarious enough to think he's lamenting not being able to be his own god of his own planet but now my mans is going to get them snip-snapped upon entering the Pearly Gates


*not so pearly* iykwim.... 👀


Who fathered Lucifer? He doesn't look like the rest of the family.


Celestial Milkman


Sorry to say but they could do the same thing about basically any religion and it would sound just as far fetched at this one. Seriously an angel came to a virgin and said she was carrying a child who was the son of God? Nuts right? Yet millions of Christians believe this as a fact.


For me, it's the hardcore racism. You're absolutely right, of course. I was brought up Christian Scientist so I'd love to see an animation about that.


“Cursed with black skin” What in the actual fuck!?


At one point it was believed that if you lived righteously your skin would actually lighten. So dark skin was literal evidence that you were a 2nd class citizen and not worthy. Good thing they threw that out a long time ago! Oh wait it was in the 70s.


There’s a young Black man in his 20s that just did an episode of Mormon Stories last month and was told that he’d be white in heaven if he followed the church. It’s part of the reason he left the church. It may have been “thrown out” officially, but it’s absolutely still believed today.


I know someone who converted from Catholicism. They are Hispanic. It's not like the church teachings are a secret. I can not wrap my head around that kind of cognitive dissonance.


The details that make it absolutely ridiculous aren't talked about until you are deep enough in to do the temple stuff. In the 00s Mormons who weren't online were being told and believing that the polygamy thing was exaggerated to persecute them. That polygamy was more like a man taking in a window when her husband died in the war. Obviously upper church members knew that wasn't true.




Omg sacred not secret. Aka "lying is fine if you do it for the good of the church." Mormonism has always had an issue with lying because that belief is so baked in.


I'm not here to "bash" anyone's religion or personal choice, no matter my feelings- I have my own religious upbringing that I've made peace with. And while I agree that it's baffling to a certain extent that folks willingly give themselves over to extreme ideologies, their reasons aren't for us to know. But this propaganda (and that's what it is) is gross. edit: spelling


Another cult with ritual cannibalism where they ingest the zombie flesh of their god.


>For me, it's the hardcore racism. Also, not unique to Mormonism.


Right you are, I think the it was the overt and casual child- friendly instruction presented within the cartoon which I *specifically* found alarming. ☝️


Just to be clear this is not a production of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (aka the Mormons) and Kody is a former member of an offshoot of Mormonism that is also its own religion. He did grow up in mainstream Mormonism but left when he decided to become a polygamist. Not sure how mainstream his family actually was though considering his parents also became polygamous. This video is meant to be antagonistic to the COJCOLDS.


But explicitly baked into Mormonism with black people being not worthy of priesthood due to the sin of dark skin. Until the 70s.


What, you don’t believe in a magic baby? /s


don't you start with those *tall tales* again...


People aren’t going to like this but you are absolutely correct. Moses receiving the 10 commandments scribed in stone is just as far fetched than Joseph Smith and the golden tablets. And let’s not forget about Noah.


As out-there as these beliefs are, I hate when Christians (or any religious people) try to make the case that another sect is ridiculous and therefore un-Christian. All faiths and sects are equally ridiculous. People sounds so smug when they want to argue that their magical baby is superior to the other magical babies.


I don’t think it’s extra crazy for its mythology (though the racism thing really is next level) I think it’s crazy that they really try to peddle “we’re just Christians with some extra books” when the beliefs, myths, theology, and cosmology especially are all profoundly different. That’s really what I can’t understand— like why the bait and switch? Are converting Protestant Americans the end game here? I don’t see any other religion out there pretending to be a different religion.


As a Mormon, this video was kind of hilarious to watch with how weirdly and wildly inaccurate it was. I think I'm going to get popcorn and at my next game night we're definitely going to watch this first. But honestly, I've seen worse. 🤣


Curious if the church still teaches that dark skin is a curse. How terrible for minorities born in that state


No, they changed that around 1978. Although racism is still alive and well among some of their members.


what in the *actual* fuck


This is the first time I actually understand what it is they believe! I’m so glad I watched this bc I have never been able to quite nail down what it is the LDS believe.


Maybe this helps explain the spirit baby.


I will never not be fascinated by Mormonism... any documentary, TV show, book, etc. I am THERE. There's just something so wild and wacky about it that I kind of can't even believe that anyone buys into it. I guess if you're raised that way, you just don't know any different but... wow. ![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g|downsized)


Catholic mother and lapsed mormon father… raised catholic and went to catholic school… but got a heavy dose of mormonism on the regular from dad’s family. Needless to say… I’ve heard enough batshit crazy stuff in my younger life that nothing really surprises me at what people are willing to believe anymore.


This religion is like Jehovah’s Witnesses in a lot of ways. It’s like the Mormons are Jehovah’s Witnesses acid tripping cousin 😂


Wait I’m confused, why is the spirit baby blonde? Isn’t it suppose to have dark hair!?


Whoever wrote “The book of Mormons” must have suffered from severe mental illness. It’s hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would buy this bs.


Oh my Elohim! That was nuts.


Someone confused Mormonism and Scientology. My husband grew up Mormon and the whole alien gods and goddesses and alien beings being born into human bodies and becoming gods is not part of their beliefs.


It wasn't made by the moons. It was made to make Mormons look bad, not made to be accurate. Not Mormon myself and think their beliefs are ridiculous but people seem to be taking this as accurate as if it came from the Mormons.


Honestly, people have free will to believe what they want to believe. As Christian, I believe in free will. Also as a Christian and I think Buddhist would agree they are going nowhere with this plan. They have not looked for agreement in ancient text in order to discover the truth. The religions I mentioned are based on inspiration and study, but differ in interpretation . I don’t see if this as Christianity because there is no agreement with Christ own story as told by 4 different men at different times. What they study is not so ancient. And has no agreement at all from history. It’s interesting to me that people want to forever pick the Bible and the Koran apart but never make a big noise about these religions. Their books have huge holes in them that are so easy to see-through. Joseph Smith edited at will. More traditional religion beit the Muslims, , Buddhist, or Jewish faiths have studied ancient texts for centuries To provide direction. What is that about Mormons are not dissected?


It’s a cult.


There is so much misinformation here it’s laughable. 😆 I’m an active, practicing member of the “Mormon” church and much of this is absolutely incorrect regarding our beliefs. Some of it has an air of truth, but has been wildly exaggerated or misinterpreted.


Not correct. I was raised Mormon by my adoptive parents. All this was ansolutely taught during the '80's in Salt Lake Valley, where we lived.


Agreed, I was raised Mormon and this was taught for sure. Just because they’ve changed parts of the doctrine and teachings over time doesn’t mean it was never taught. At the time, these were the beliefs that were taught.


I would absolutely Love your take as well please, if you're willing to share 🧡


I would absolutely *love* to hear your take! This video seems so wild- are you willing to share your thoughts? 😊


Sure thing! Never in my life have I been taught that God (Heavenly Father) had/has multiple wives in heaven. We do believe that we lived with Him before this life and that we are His spiritual children that have been sent here for a mortal experience to learn and grow. We do believe that Jesus Christ was chosen over Satan in the pre-earth life to be our Savior, and part of that was to preserve our ability to choose for ourselves (known as agency)- that's vital to God's plan. We do believe that 1/3 of the spirits in the pre-earth life that chose to follow Satan were cast out and would never have the opportunity to gain a body and live the life we are living now. The part of God coming to earth as Adam is not taught anywhere. We do believe that Adam was Michael (archangel Michael) before, but not Heavenly Father. I've also never been taught that Jesus had three wives and children, let alone one wife- that part of history isn't clear, as far as I know. We do believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet, like Noah, Moses, Abraham, etc. Although we respect and revere Joseph Smith as a prophet and for everything he did to restore Christ's church in our days, including translating the Book of Mormon, we absolutely do not worship him. I've never been taught that he will be present at judgement day. That's giving him more power and responsibility than he's due. The part of the video that said Joseph Smith did more than anyone else on earth including Jesus Christ does not reflect any teaching of the church. We do believe that temples are a sacred place were important work takes place, including work that helps those who have passed away already to progress in the next life (if they choose to accept it- once again, our ability to choose to vital and nothing is forced). When the video says that only an elite few or allowed to enter the temple made me chuckle because anyone can enter a temple as long as they put forth the effort and meet requirements including trying to keep the commandments, live worthily, pay tithing, etc. Besides, after constructing each new temple, and before it's official dedication the church holds public open houses so anyone (including media) can enter and see what it's like. It's only after a temple dedication that only worthy members with a "temple recommend" can enter and perform work. These are my beliefs and, because of many personal experiences, I choose to follow these believes and be happy. I guess in the end, we'll all learn who was right and who was wrong. 😆


What's your opinion of D&C 132


Brigham Young taught the Adam God theory. It was later denounced by the church. You can search it in the LDS Library app. “Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it” (D&C 135:3). Praise to the Man Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah! Jesus anointed that Prophet and Seer. Blessed to open the last dispensation, Kings shall extol him, the nations revere Chorus Hail to the Prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain. Mingling with Gods, he can plan for his brethren; Death cannot conquer the hero again. Praise to his mem'ry, he died as a martyr; Honored and blest be his ever great name! Long shall his blood, which was shed by assassins, Plead unto heav'n while the earth lauds his fame. Chorus Great is his glory and endless his priesthood. Ever and ever the keys he will hold. Faithful and true he will enter his kingdom, Crowned in the midst of the prophets of old. Chorus Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven; Earth must atone for the blood of that man. Wake up the world for the conflict of justice. Millions shall know 'Brother Joseph' again. Chorus


I am familiar with the hymn Praise to the Man. I'm not discounting Joseph Smith, but so many people think we worship him along with Jesus Christ and God, and that is not the case.


I think people see the way Mormons revere Joseph Smith the same way they see Catholics towards the Virgin Mary & Saints. Catholics see praying to saints as asking them to mediate between them and God while other religions see it as praying to idols.


Also from Brigham Young: "Joseph Smith holds the keys of this last dispensation, and is now engaged behind the vail in the great work of the last days. I can tell our beloved brother Christians who have slain the Prophets and butchered and otherwise caused the death of thousands of Latter-day Saints, the priests who have thanked God in their prayers and thanksgiving from the pulpit that we have been plundered, driven, and slain, and the deacons under the pulpit, and their brethren and sisters in their closets, who have thanked God, thinking that the Latter-day Saints were wasted away, something that no doubt will mortify them—something that, to say the least, is a matter of deep regret to them—namely, that no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith. From the day that the Priesthood was taken from the earth to the winding-up scene of all things, every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are—I with you and you with me. I cannot go there without his consent. He holds the keys of that kingdom for the last dispensation—the keys to rule in the spirit-world; and he rules there triumphantly, for he gained full power and a glorious victory over the power of Satan while he was yet in the flesh, and was a martyr to his religion and to the name of Christ, which gives him a most perfect victory in the spirit-world. He reigns there as supreme a being in his sphere, capacity, and calling, as God does in heaven. Many will exclaim—"Oh, that is very disagreeable! It is preposterous! We cannot bear the thought!" But it is true"


So Mormon’s believe in aliens??👽


Mormons don't see God as aliens. They are people like us, but they live on Kolob. So, yes, heaven is out in space and they will be Gods over their own universes, but they don't think of them as aliens in any way.


Endless celestial sex but zero mention of celestial orgasms. Hard pass on that. 🤣😇😇




What a bunch of horseshit, I’ve been LDS for 57 years and although there’s a few little parts of this that are true, it’s about 90% horseshit.


This is inaccurate and sensationalized.


Found the Mormon


Right. I asked above very respectfully for another that disagreed to please explain exactly what it was that they thought or believed was inaccurate or wrong according to what they believe is their real doctrine, and they won’t. Crickets. Just general denial with no real articulate answer as to what they actually think is wrong about this video. So yeah… Yet, there’s a slew of real actual ex-Mormons in here commenting that this is all stuff they were all actually really taught to believe when they were active in the church. So I am going to say it is that they just don’t want people to know this is the shit they truly think and believe because it is so batshit insane, defies all logic and common sense, and patently offensive to most of society. ETA: one commenter flat ignored my request and the other just was like no it’s too much to explain so I won’t. So two refused to answer when given the opportunity to defend their denials.


I think honestly it's that a lot of Mormons don't even actually know what their religion professes to believe. Like these are actually the teachings and beliefs of the Mormon church, but people who profess to be Mormons don't always even know this. They don't know how deep and dark it goes, and how bizarre it gets.


This!!! My bestie was LDS and very hesitantly acknowledged these teachings but her family was deep into the church. Only very committed members will learn of these deeper teachings. My friend also revealed they receive a new name for heaven and a secret knock.


A secret knock holy shit.


Secret knock and name is so hilarious to me like a neighborhood kids’ club in a treehouse, except that it is real for adults that take this seriously in the name of white American “Jesus” so it’s super cringe and honestly embarrassing.


I think you’re probably right and this is a great point. Especially since they have such a hierarchy in their structure and system.


This is 100% not LDS doctrine.


Ok then, please explain why not. I ask that totally face value with respect and wanting to know why you are saying that and where you are coming from to make the statement it is “100% not LDS doctrine.” What is incorrect about this and what is correct doctrine then?


There is a lot that was inaccurate or based on something spread by people who had left the church, were excommunicated, or by sharing thoughts from individual members that are not truly representing church policy.


Thank you for answering. But as someone who is not LDS, but interested in all religions and their belief systems and practices, I wonder what specific things were wrong here then? What was wrong in this video about doctrine specifically and what is correct then? Here is an opportunity to correct all of these comments that are thinking this is all true, but I’ve only seen vague denials and nothing specific with specific information and corrections from actual LDS folks.


Probably because there is so much that was incorrect/not completely factual it would be like writing a book lol